• By -


No children were born in Alabama or Mississippi in 2022


Not any baby boys, anyway


One child policy but boys were aborted instead


They didn’t survive the foreskin trim.


Their god demanded foreskins and they didn't know what to do with the rest of the baby.


Technically, they didn’t say they were circumcising just boys. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Or in Delaware and Alaska


No data, they don't know how to fill out surveys


More than likely what usually happens is they are asked to participate in scientific research and say absolutely not.


We ain't got time for none of your science nonsense over here, that's the work of the devil.


Sounds like communist bullshit and satanic number magic not here buddy.


Aside from black lung and opioid addictions per capita, West Virginia hasn't been first in anything in a looooong time. Bravissimo ( if you're from West Virginia, that means well done)


If they could read that they be so mad


Alaska can come too.


Wow West Virginia really hates foreskins


Tipping culture.




I had to fight with a hospital in West Virginia to avoid circumcision for my son. It was a simple consent form, a simple yes or no, but when I said no they were very upset and very pushy. Multiple nurses came in to tell me that it was abnormal and girls wouldn't like my kid when he grew up... And then I caught them wheeling him down the hall to get it done. They were actually going to do it without the consent form! I still don't know whether that was a mistake caused by habit, or if the nurses thought they were just going to get away with it.


Wow wtf they really do hate foreskins, or mutilating babies’ genitals. Either way that’s so fucked up that they didn’t just respect your wishes


OMG this is my nightmare. I'm so glad you fought but so sorry you had to!


Almost heaven West Virginia Chopping pee-pees Throw 'em in the river Life is old here Older than the trees Don't have to be Jewish For your kid to get the Bris


The funniest part of this for me is the implication that you would pronounce “bris” like “breeze.” As if it were French.


In French "Bris" would be pronounced like "Bree" for Americans ( except for the R).   And "Brise" would be pronounced like "Breeze".  Source: I'm French


In America, all foreign languages are actually French.


Weird, it's all Greek to me.


Now there’s a song I didn’t expect to be getting in my head today.


Country chodes Take me home Bare of peen Baldy schlong


“If circumcision was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me.”


"I was born in the heart of the foreskin belt, just like my pappy."


Can't imagine a foreskin belt would be very useful, too stretchy to hold your trousers up and the smell urgh.


Well you have to tan and cure it first, Pilgrim.


For what it’s worth, when I worked in a birthing center, the NP that performed the circs there told me that when she floated the idea of circumcision to the Mexican parents, they looked at her like she was crazy.


As they should.


When I tell an American (IRL) how fucking weird they are for this they look at me like I'm an alien. When I ask why they do it the replies I've gotten are: "It stops AIDS", "It's cleaner" and "It should look like dads".


it should look like dads.... lmao what the actual fuck


This was something I was told when I was pregnant and I'm like well what if the vagina doesn't match mine? Like what are we talking about here?


Eh, give it up for adoption, try again.


I don't remember that bit of father's day lunch


Lmao it’s true—people often say this and it’s so dumb


This was actually the only argument I heard when I had my son. People were so worried that one day we’d have to explain to him why his dick looks different than his dad’s.  Imagine being afraid of talking to your kids!


I’d say “my parents chose to alter my body without my consent, and we did not want to rob you of the same choice”.


I don't think I've ever had to see my dad's dick lol. I'm uncircumcised and actually managed to go my whole without even realizing that was abnormal until I was about 16


The "it's cleaner" argument can be true *if you never ever ever wash your penis*.


“It protects against AIDS.” Lol if you’re exposed to AIDS like ten thousand times you’d be slightly less likely to get AIDS with an uncircumcised penis. Better cut part of your cock off!




As an Italian, I believe I would react similarly if someone told me this. In our country, non-essential medical procedures are generally considered bad. However, our laws allow circumcision to be performed in private hospitals. There was a past debate about this issue because while it’s not a concern for Jewish or American families (who are usually well-off), it places a burden on Muslim families who must return to their home countries for the procedure. From my perspective, public funds, doctors, and facilities should not be used for non-medical requiring operations. Additionally, circumcising children under 18 without a medical necessity should be illegal. Personally, even the idea of piercing a baby’s ears seems excessive to me.


Muslims have no religious obligation to circumcise, unlike Jews. They just come from cultures where it is prevalent. It's a bit like assuming that Southern Baptists have to circumcise simply because loads of people in the deep south do it.


It is taking way too long for America to come to this realization. It's genital mutilation. Full stop. People claim that the tradition came from hygiene or some shit, But it was a way to stop boys from masturbating. Thousands of nerve endings are lost when you remove a foreskin, making sex and masturbation much less satisfying. It makes me sick to my stomach knowing this is still somehow legal, much less openly accepted. It's one of the most blatant, explicit and straightforward double standards in our legal system.


I had my son in 1990. It was my first child. I did not want to have him circumcised. I was young and didn't understand what the hell it was for. His father wasn't circumcised either so he agreed. But my father wasn't and he still wanted me to circumcise him. He really believed that it was more sanitary. Many people thought I was being naive and dramatic. I did my research and even though it was very normal at the time to have it done, new research was showing how unnecessary it was and can even be dangerous. I put my foot down and didn't have it done. Now more and more people are realizing that it is mutilation. I'm glad I stuck to my guns.


Thank you for using common sense.


I mean, I would be just as shocked if a nurse recommended genital mutilation to my baby. For non-medical reasons, this should be wildly illegal, as it's a major human rights violation.


because it IS crazy to do that to your kid


Now a mid level doing it is fucking scary.


What exactly is the source for these data?


Then went door to door asking people if they could see their penis.


Nobody expects the penis inspector.


I don’t mind when it’s a man. I hate it when they send super angry female highway patrol.


No not me I don’t want small talk with the male penis inspector.


What about average sized talk?


Fine. Angry female highway patrol it is.


I do, every day! They never come :(


Ah I remember penis inspection day in school


Can confirm, had to whip mine out last Monday


That's why I open the door naked, saves them the embarrassment




Even if it happens to be hospital data, that would miss Jews who circumcise in a separate ritual outside the hospital. That would seriously skew the data in places like New York and New Jersey.


Sorry, no source! (1,000s of upvotes anyways) I feel like this sub goes for low quality maps lol


Even the legend is questionable. Like 1 in 10 were circumcised, only 10 were, 10 in 1000. I don't know.


I assume percentage but agreed should be labeled. Also no data for 4 whole states??


https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/ti73v9/oc_2022_circumcision_rates_by_us_state/ looks similar and has sources Can't seem to find the original of today's post via reverse search, other than 20h ago on Twitter with no source.


The post you linked is different. They corrected the title in a comment and said the data is from 2012, not 2022. This is the source of the post you linked: https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state The page cites an article from 2012, and a website that no longer exists.


This is further proof that Delaware is a myth.


As a Marylander, we refer to that area on the Eastern Shore as Greater Maryland. We're in an active war with r/Virginia over the Delmarva peninsula.


As a nova resident, I just think of Delaware as greater Dewey/Rehoboth - aka beach towns where I got drunk in my early 20s


Is the scale a percentage of babies born that were circumcised? Seems like it, just clarifying


Well, male babies I don't think it's possible for 91% of ALL babies to be circumcised somewhere


Somalia: hold my beer




Its already 50% in the diaspora. Hopefully it'll reach 50% in the homeland as well when the current old aunties die out.


Meanwhile far more African boys will be circumcised thanks to the WHO and the UN promoting it. Removing the prepuce from baby girls is mutilation but men cut as babies can go fuck themselves I guess.


With less satisfaction, apparently


Why is it so high in Hawaii?


Polynesians practiced male circumcision before colonization.


Aren’t polynesians only 15% of the population there? That doesn’t explain it


Perhaps not but that number maybe doubles when you include multiracial Hawaiians. Then add in Filipinos, Koreans and the white military presence and you’re getting closer.


>Koreans Didn't know they did it.


Great map. When I was born, the rate was >80 percent nationwide. It wasn't until I was a teenager that I saw an uncut dick. Literally all the other boys looked just like me.


> It wasn't until I was a teenager that I saw an uncut dick. Wait, what age are we supposed to start looking at dicks?


You never had to get changed at a swim club or in the locker room?


Man, when my son was born I agonized over the decision. I chose no circumcision in the end. My reasoning was that I figured if he wanted to do it when he was older then he could. If we did it for him then there was no going back. 🤷🏾‍♂️


No circumcision without representation!


Quick, make a new Gadsden flag


I remember when they threw all the foreskins in the harbor!


Yeah same here. I didn't pierce my daughter's ears either. I remember when she was born a nurse was saying to another how nice it was that there were only girls born that day. No circumcision care! 😬


Wow that’s crazy.


It's a brutal procedure. They lie that it's not but it's not pleasant for the baby. Cold, loud, bright, naked and painful


You did the right thing. It's his body not yours


I do find this bordering on child abuse. Imagine it being done to girls... oh wait it's called FGM and it's banned in most countries 🙃


Not "bordering on". Cutting part of a child's genitals without medical necessity *is* child abuse.


It's not nice to cut your kiddos penis before he even sees a sunset ffs


But after his first sunset? Hack away! (/s)


Yeah that's the right choice. I want mine back


An article on why would be nice. Is it A cultural thing? Product of the environment (schooling, parents, friends ect..) you grew up in/with. I know in the 80’s there was a push to get boys circumcised. Then it changed at some point in the 90’s. Cheers


In the '70s I was told by my parents that they had me circumcised 1. for "religious reasons", and 2. so that it wouldn't look "abnormal" when people (maybe they said "my wife") saw it when I was older. Admittedly, I was very young and they may have just been comfortable telling me the real reason, whatever it was. They were not Jewish. Dad was Catholic at the time. The circumcision rate in my state at that time was probably 95%. I guess they were just going with the flow. I traveled to Japan in 2004 and saw a mainstream magazine ad there which advertised circumcision for adults as something you might do to keep women from laughing at the sight of your uncut penis. It had cute little cartoon characters. So yeah, I gotta wonder if for a lot of people, aesthetics may have been the main reason. My parents had no problem with mutilating me *that way* in the name of fashion, but heaven forbid if I ever wanted a tattoo or piercing!


Whenever I see a Reddit circumcision come up , I try to get all worked up about it, but fail, because I can’t feel a thing


This cuts deep.


It really gets to my head and rubs me the wrong way.


I'm desensitized to it now.


It's just the tip of the iceberg


I have trouble believing it varies that much between states.


I mean, a lot of states with a high Hispanic population don’t practice infant circumcision


I imagine no immigrant population does apart from Muslims. And Jews who immigrate to US surely aren’t very high in number at the moment.


My parents are from India and I was cut, probably because they got a good deal on it from the insurance company


At least it wasn't a rip-off


They cared about discounts more than your wang oof


Along with a blind loyalty to authority figures such as doctors who probably recommended it.


True. Circumcision is very uncommon among Indian Hindus, Christians and Sikhs.


It could also have to do largely with changing policy among hospitals by state


We need to compare this to a map of percentage of Hispanic people


Definitely would explain New York vs. the rest of the Northeast.


West coast represent! Circumcised white guy here from a family line of circumcised men. My son was not circumcised. That shit stops with me. We are born with foreskins for a reason.


My son will have a giant foreskin. 


Champion of the realm 🛡


Thank you for breaking the chain!


Good dad 💪🏻


Circumcision may be logical in a desert where baths are not common. But cutting in babies shouldn’t be a custom in modern age.


There may have been some merit for Middle Eastern tent dwellers 2,000 years ago, but you’re right, certainly not today.


Why people want to chop off? Any rational explanation?


A couple of weird dudes 150 years ago thought it would prevent masturbation. One of them used to wire shut the prepuces of both girls and boys and put carbolic acid on the clitorises of young girls caught masturbating and performed horrific experiments on his slaves too. Oh, and they also invented corn flakes and graham crackers.


That's why I cum into every bowl of cornflakes I have, just out of spite.


It was also sort of a status symbol of someone who could afford to be born in a hospital. They also believed it contributed to the spread of stds which is false. Not to mention they had an odd obsession with cleanliness at the time with foreskin being seen as "dirty".


Rational? No. It's 100% pseudoscience and religious bullshit.


Arizona resident here, reason why AZ is low is because due to the large number of Hispanics and how Circumcisions aren't covered by AZ medical insurance




Oh yeah, I have seen some *unfortunate* circumcisions in my life. I'm so sorry that happened to you. That's like moldy bread to go with your shit sandwich.


WV out here chopping weenies all over the place.


Yeah, I didn't cut on any of my kids bc that's fking mental. They are lit born that way and never had to have a weird, painful surgery that is literally unnecessary, regardless what you've been lied to about


Based Nevada and Washington. Wow.


Most Washington Medicaid State Plans stopped covering elective circumcision, so the hospitals stopped doing it routinely, and most people take the path of least resistance. In order to get their babies circumcised, they have to request it, make an appointment for it, and pay for it. Funny how all that reduces rates.


Am I reading this right that Nevada is 1/10 are circumcised?


Excuse me, that shit was payed by public health insurance?


Was. Is in many places. Isn't in Washington.


> shit was *paid* by public FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot




I fought this so hard in Residency.Would ask the Moms why they wanted their child circ’ed.They never had an answer other than someone told them to do it.


My husband was from a pro circumcision family. We were pregnant with a son and had to agree on what to do. He instantly said do it. I tried to educate him and let him think about it. He still wanted it. I said, fine. If you can watch a video of it being done and still say you want to do that we will. Not only did the video change his mind but he became a passionate supporter of not mutilating baby boys.




>Many people are defending the practice in this thread, Where are you seeing this? Every comment in this thread that has any upvotes is very vocally anti-circumcision. If there's people defending the practice in this thread, I'm not seeing it.


Me and my wife recently had a baby boy here in the UK and chopping off his foreskin didn’t even come up. The fact this happens pretty much as standard in places is mental to me. Is it mainly a religion thing in the US? Does it appease a god or something?


American mom here. When my son was born in 2021 we chose no circumcision (in NY, where a slim majority choose the same according to this graph) and I still had to repeatedly remind nursing staff that we didn't want it done. As for why it's a standard here, it started as a weird purity movement thing (it was meant to curb maturation), and it turned into a generational "tradition." Guys wanting their sons to "look like them" is a common reason I've heard. Not wanting them to be made fun of in the locker room is another. Either way, I went from just being against it personally to low key hating it after my son was born and I wish it was less prevalent here than it is.


Parents wanting their infant boy's genitals to match up with daddy's is the most batshit banana-sandwich crazy reason to have that bullshit done. It's fucking weird and I will tell people to their face that it's fucking weird.


"It'll ruin the annual family photo!"


We also declined (baby boy born last year in Indiana) and had to keep telling nurses and doctors we declined him getting cut. Started feeling like I was missing some kind of information based on how many times they'd ask me. There is no medical reason it needs done, right?


No, anything anyone ever has managed to find to justify this practice is either religious or that it supposedly reduces some the transmission of STDs, which (even if it were true) is absolutely insanity. Every sane person shouldn't be relying on some random statistical chance thicker skin might provide but use proper protection. Just check the statistics of the most common STDs to see the difference between the US and Europe and you'll have your answer about that. You would have been mutilating the most sensitive part of the skin.


In that infamous African study, they reduced STI transmission by banning sex for the group that got cut. So the group that wasn't allowed to have sex for weeks had lower STI rates. Go figure.


Part is religious, but a big thing is that about 100 years ago the guy who founded Kellog's cereal was a big nutcase who was against male masterbation. He thought if you cut off foreskins, boys with less sensitive dicks wouldn't masturbate as much. He sold it as being clean and healthy. It caught on, and now we have generations that do it because their Dad was cut.


a lot of American women think intact men are 'gross' but it's partly an exposure issue (i.e. it's unfamiliar) that they frame as a hygiene issue. so they want their newborn sons snipped.


So many American mums in my baby group are getting their sons cut so they “can match daddy” “look like daddy” fucking weirds me out. Might as well glue a little merkin there too.


White circumcised dude here. Dr asked if we were going to circumcise our baby 11 years ago. I said “why would we start chopping on a perfect little baby?” He said “my man” and shook my hand. Haha. Too bad we live in a country where circumcision is the default choice.




Crazy. I’m in British Columbia (and I’m not sure what the overall rate is here), but when my son was born circumcision was not mentioned or raised a single time by any doctor.


It’s not covered by the healthcare system here in Canada. The minority of unfit parents here that want to sexually mutilate their children have to schedule it with a private surgeon and pay money.


Does he get paid on commission or something?


Same man. I’m cut, my brother is cut, my dad is cut. Every man in my family is cut. I always thought I’d 100% circumcise my son. Then my perfect newborn boy is sitting there in front of me and I was like hell no I’m not chopping his dick skin off, why the fuck do we do this to our kids??


My Man! I'm cut, but my boy is a foreskinner that's an apparent %14 minority in my state. People don't realize our forefathers are called that because they all had skin in the game!


The docs asked my dad too (gave him the option because I wasn't an anteater) and he declined.  They just told him to teach me to wash under the foreskin (which kinda just comes right up to the rim of the head). 


not american... why is that a default choice? I saw someone commenting that is christian but... I also live in a christian country and that's not a thing.


My OB gave my husband a high five when we declined. “He’ll thank you later.”


Nasty, brutal violent thing to do to a baby


What are current parents’ perspectives of circumcision? We are having a baby now and don’t have intentions of circumcising.


We have a 1 month old and we did not circumcise. It didn't make any sense to us to have a surgical procedure performed on our son without a compelling medical reason, and there simply is no medically compelling reason. It's purely elective and cosmetic, and the potential health benefits and risks are minimal and basically cancel each other out. Add in the issue of consent and bodily autonomy and it was a no brainer for us. Eta my husband and I arrived at this same conclusion independently. But ultimately the decision was left to my husband because he actually has a penis and therefore is a lot more qualified to make that call than I am.


Cut guy here, born in 98. Dont do it to your kid.


Both doctors in Mississippi didn’t understand the question.


Why is it above zero, ever


Thank God this is changing. I really wish i was not circumcised at birth


Genital mutilation without medical reason.


i like that you used green for less circumcisions and red for more. based.


British person here....It is astonishing to me this thread. I had never even considered this topic before. I had understand a few people do this for "religious" reasons in the UK but it very definitely is not a thing that happens here


Male genital mutilation. FTFY


More like “Infant genital mutilation rates by state”. Disgusting Godless and barbaric practice.


[Latino population by state](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Hispanic_and_Latino_Americans_by_state.svg/1200px-Hispanic_and_Latino_Americans_by_state.svg.png) They know to leave nature alone


Male Genital Mutilation Circumcision is a euphemism to mask the fact you're abusing an infant (unless medically necessary)


I hope this horrible “tradition” dies soon. It’s barbaric, to say the least


What's the scale here? Number of babies? Percentage? How can this map be considered "porn" when it basically provides no information?


Thats a good reason to consider it porn


It makes me very happy to see this on the wane. God made 'em perfect, folks!


Circumcision bad.


Why is this child mutilation permitted? There are no medical reasons for a baby boy to have the end skin of his penus removed. It is fashion, custom, and 100% bad.


Genital mutilation should be outlawed.


Newborn mutilation rates*


Infant genital mutilation rate*


Mutilation rate you mean.


Newborn curcumcision is child abuse.


I dont understand why genital mutilation is a thing. When they are old enough to choose and they want to cut parts of their body off, let them have at it.


This is a really weird thing about America. I hope y'all stop doing this en masse


This should be illegal unless it is required for medical reasons. Removing a baby boys foreskin is child mutilation in my view. If a child is either circumcised, or in the case of young girls, having their clitoris( horrific) removed, then that should be classed as a criminal offence. No religion should expect their sheep to mutilate their children.


'genital mutilation'


An absolutely antiquated, unnecessary process in this day and age.


Newborn mutilation rates*