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Under post about "Piracy in 21st century" someone asked for digital piracy map. Here it is


[That would be my comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/s/QH661E2J7v)


I fucking love this sub sometimes.


I upvoted you at the time because the first thing I thought when I read the title of the other post was digital piracy.




This is just raw numbers though. It would be **far** more interesting to see a per capita map.


Completely agree, unfortunately there are seems no maps or data(which can be used for map) that shows that.


But you could just divide the raw numbers by population?




Looks like the original data only lists the first 20 countries. So it's too incomplete to do per capita.


I didn't find raw data for each country, or at least for most of them. And amount of population doesn't correlate with piracy rate so extrapolation too not an option.


Was gonna say: isn't this just a map of the 20 richest or most populated countries on earth?


Yup. And the colour key is literally just showing... which country it is, as opposed to a heatmap between two ends of a spectrum that's implied.


If buying isn't owning then piracy isn't theft




Lol argue what you want about morality but unless you are in Russia there is no system where it is legally right. Legality is not subjective. Do you use a VPN when you pirate? Why would anyone if it was legally right?




There are anti-piracy laws and copyright laws, it’s just nobody cares, especially now, also it’s hard to detect it or block it. Most known torrent trackers are banned, however there are free proxies that are just one search query away from users.


Objectively wrong. https://www.reddit.com/r/Piracy/s/WPWrGZGKrz List of countries that do not enforce piracy laws, and those that do not even have piracy laws in the first place. Including Canada lmao.


If piracy would be in the interests of corporations it would not only be legal but mandatory.


I'm pretty dubious about the quality of the data here. I wish we could see some raw data to know what's actually being measured and/or know how they're measuring.  Also they forgot to colour in Indonesia, lol.


I'm guessing the top 20 countries but internet media consumption would be about the same.


I agree. An adjustment by population (size/number of pirated content per capita) would probably show a very different picture.


Exactly my thought


I think I can see my house.


This post is sponsored by Nord VPN.


Now that i think about it, some of these countries might rank so high because they host popular vpn server


Or also; map showing where people live


Poor Japanese. They are one of the most productive content creators but rarely do the piracy. How do they keep their morality while also being the biggest victim of piracy?


I've heard that their copyright laws are very strict, that even artists who make fanarts and doujinshi have a nuclear button to eliminate all their works if one day the police come knocking their door


If they really did something illegal, all of that "evidence" will be safely secured in police database long before they come knocking their door.


Yeah but big corpos like Nintendo usually stop bothering you after you delete your stuff. There is almost never any police involved. Just a lot of cease and decist letters


I live in Japan and work with software. I think there are several reasons for why piracy is not really a thing here. 1) People pride themselves on legitimacy. It’s like owning a stolen sports car vs buying one new 2) People aren’t too tech savvy. Piracy requires a bit of technical knowledge and so would just rather pay for something than go down a rabbit hole 3) The most widely pirated contents are English and Japan tends to have their own niche market 4) The IP laws are pretty strong here. And while not enforced stringently due to technical limitations, when it is, it’s hard to wiggle your way out legally as they will spend a long time building a case against you before moving


Sorta r/PeopleLiveInCities but not quite


New Zealand was really high a decade ago because barely anything was available when it was actually released. We would have to wait weeks or months, sometimes even a year, before it was on TV here (not even streaming) The last couple of seasons of GoT was advertised as 'watch new episodes the day they are released' as if that was supposed to be amazing. Streaming is reasonably good now, although we are still missing a couple of the streaming services available elsewhere.


Well, about Russia, this is the honest truth))) I have 1 hard drive with 1TB of memory only for game installers, and my other personal one has 4 TB of memory and it’s for Steam. And 2 hard drives 1 TB of memory each and there are all the films and books)))


Im am frok Brasil and I confirm, it's a normal thing here


Piracy literally established companies like Sony here, crazy to think that if you make a product affordable enough people will buy them...


I have never bought anything other than Windows and games. I pirate all work software and will always pirate it.


Interesting that you don't pirate windows, especially since it's as easy as running an activation script on powershell


I can't post it here or I'll get banned, but I wrote a bash script that activates Windows from win 8-11. Very similar ways exist via a simple Google of "Windows activation script"


>bash script >Windows How do you run the script? You need to install bash first? Isn't it easier to write PowerShell or CMD script?


I wrote it in a .bat file. I guess I've never looked into it more, it just works when run


So, it's not a bash script. It's a cmd script.


Guess so


Why? I’m genuinely asking, why the distinction?


High prices for software subscriptions. $215 a month is a lot.


Because fuck corporations and capitalism. Isn't it enough?


Yeah but then why buy games and Windows, that’s my question


Oh, sorry. I misunderstood you.


Then maybe don't use their product


And who is going to stop me? Batman?


You've inspired me to pirate even more than I currently do


Based AF


Always thought India was above America when it comes to piracy.


Yes it is, it just not visible most people here pirate from telegram including me


"Piracy is almost always a service problem and not a pricing problem" -Gabe newell #


Russia may be number 2 in downloads, but they are definitely number 1 in uploads. lol


Based China, Russia and US.


I think it's partially their high populations. The top 5 on this list are all in the top 10 most populous countries


Not just population but also the level of electronic proliferation and accessibility. Look at India, their population is the largest in the world nowadays but large parts of said population still don’t have access to higher end electronics.


Yeah we will get to #1 soon. Let's go India!!


Yess, I would very much like to give a more fruitful contribution towards our annual "stealing from big corps but it's not really stealing if buying doesn't mean owning it"


cant say about china and us, but russia and other east slavic countries have very accessable internet, low average income(which made buying some digital things borderline impossible) and laws not strict about that. About russia specifically, piracy was decreasing over latest decade, but because of war and sanctions it became unescapable.


One Korea!


My ancestors were pirates who raided coasts to capture slaves and wealth , and me as a digital pirate download apps and software for free nefariously. I guess nothing ever changes.


Fuck, guess i gotta pull my weight and pirate more. Can't be outdone by the french.




To be honest US surprised me, i thought they dont have to piracy since they have access to most of the digital software/media.


Nah. Just like everywhere else US may not receive content that's available elsewhere. There are LOTS of Japanese only games that were never released in the US. So unless you want to pay a huge sum of money for a rare game which also requires you to be fluent in Japanese, your only chance of playing this game is via piracy and fan translations.


It's not only games, it's music, movies, dramas, anime, books, manga, etc. Lots of things that could be accessible digitally, unfortunately, are unavailable outside of Japan.


Yeah but I am a retro gamer so I used my hobby as an example as to why some people resort to piracy. Persona 1 psp game is very cheap in Japan but US English version is very expensive. I don't have one but I bought physical Japanese one as a souvenir because I am a fan of the series alongside physical PS vita releases of Persona 3/5 dancing games with OST CD discs which only came out in Japan atleast PS vita version's physical release was exclusive. PS4 versions are available world wide.


For a lot of people it’s not an access issue, they’re pirating because they want to get stuff for free instead of paying for it


...yes. And to be honest sometimes thats correct. See how piracy dropped with on demand streaming, and then rose back up again when streaming market was segmented with exclusive shows, and more than dozen streaming services asking the same price one subscription used to. Frankly its an example of regulatory capture allowing the provider to charge often arbitrary prices. ... And lets not even start on cases when DRM ensures that product is not viable. Be it assassin's creed legal copies not being playable for days due to DRM server failing. Or more mundane cases, when companie stops providing servers, which also bricks the offline part of the game.


You can have access to dozens of streaming channels, but certain things are completely unavailable like movies from certain periods. Streaming services are making themselves less attractive through enshitifcation 


We Australians are still criminals


I am from Russia and I am proud of these indicators. If Western companies refuse to legally supply their products to Russia, then we are not obliged to pay them for it. I'd rather pay a donation to the authors of unofficial translations for localization.


this has been going on since much longer than the sanctions exist, even when it was available russia was pretty much known for piracy


Until the beginning of 2000, Western products almost never officially entered the Russian market. Our market was considered too small to pay for the translation and production of copies. Piracy in video games was defeated only by Steam, and then only after the widespread transition to a relatively cheap and fast ADSL Internet.


Yeah, this happens to warmonger authoritarian countries who completely ignore any international laws.


No wonder the US has a high level of piracy.


Почему не на фронте? Почему в Канаде от ТЦК прячешься? Неужели для тебя жизнь важнее свободной Украины?


Why are you getting downvoated? What did you say wrong?


I think pro-Russian redditors will always downvote comments like that (perhaps they’re even looking for such ones) while all the others don’t really care. I’m actually seeing that this is happening with all my comments around politics topic.


And totally not because you felt an incredible need to reply to a random guy with what you replied with.


As a russian and a libertarian, I agree with you 100%! Russia is already under sanctions and can't trade freely with other countries, so we shouldn't respect foreign interests and foreign laws. We have a dying cinema industry, a lack of western medicine. The least our government can do to help russian economy is to allow to put a х\*й on western patents, "intellectual ownership" on movies, technology, medicine. For example, the only reason why USSR made very cheap medicine is because USSR didn't respect american patents and made clones of american medicine. And most medicine is very cheap to produce (but expensive to research). USSR and China also had an after-war period, when they showed confiscated german movies in cinemas. A precedent of a pirate-state exists. Русские вперед! 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️


"as a Russian and a libertarian" Oh man this is gonna be hilarious




Где я не прав?




Switzerland and Sweden and others run the VPN services that make this easier.


As a peruvian I'm surprised with the 20th place, software piracy is very common in Peru


We can do better, Brazil


Its a shame my country India is at 4th place behind China. It should be no. 1.


I'd be more interested in seeing rates. Of course the most populous countries are gonna be here. Canada has like 3 people Also, the fact that Nigeria isn't on this list makes me suspicious.


Does this reflect absolute usage or usage per capita?


I thought Germany heavily fines the piracy so how come it is in the list that feels weird


Good to see I am sailing under the radar in Canada.


it's all piracy in Iran. literally each and everything here is cracked and illegal except for some free games and rar. and there are 2 strong enough reasons for this. the exchange rate for currencies is so unbalanced that it is impossible to get a licensed windows or IDM. familles making 300 dollars a month are well above the average. the second one beside the messed up currency is the existence of all the sanctions. you're all well aware of the sanctions imposed on Iran. well with those sanctions, even if some people could and wanted to actually pay the creators, they just simply can't. no visa, mastercard, PayPal etc. almost all websites don't support this region. no services for these IPs


As an Indian, I expected us to be higher and.. wtf is USA doing there. I definitely didn't expect them


I was a pirate when I didn't have money to buy the product I wanted. I remained a pirate when I learned that I do not buy some of the products I use, but pay for the right to use them; I continue to be a pirate because I continue to watch TV shows on pirated services. Something like this 😋




>Misuse Who wrote that?


Too little. We need the whole world to be red. Fuck IP.


It’s actually interesting to see some developed countries in this, considering how much cheaper in labour hours content is in those countries are.


There are poor people in richer countries too tho




I wonder if it excludes VPNs and proxies, if those are counted this data may be untrue since lots of piracies are done via these


I can't believe so few comments are mentioning that these will be skewed by VPN use and location-spoofing.




Indonesia is there, OP just forgot to color it


Like how waters near richer countries used to be more pirate infested.


Gotta love that both countries of which I am a citizen of are on this list USA in 3rd and Peru in 20th


Probably because they charge more in these countries than others.


This is just a population map with missing data for most countries.


Ai, Brazil needs to work harder for that top 3 spot.


Is this per capita ?


Italy is only 9th????? That's outrageous!!!!!


now do based on population


No arab countries? Weird


Oh gross, a categorical gradient map


Mexico is not higher just because many people do not know that they can pirate things on the internet


Brazilians are very proud of piracy


this just seems like a population map pretty much


Well, boys, those vpn's surely do help us!


Noticed you’re missing many countries. [here’s a link to 2018 paper with stats of 13 European countries.](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3224323). Bunch of them are not represented in this image.


№1 AMA


BRIC going hard


I don't understand how someone could use the Internet and not pirate......


Seems almost exactly in-line with just the overall amount of software development and IT skills of each country, tbh.


I'm so proud of Brazil


The King o’ Dom


Go Brazil


Go Ukraine go! Lmao


If piracy would be in the interests of corporations it would not only be legal but mandatory.


As they should 👏


Digital piracy is the way and with how the things are nowadays with high end softwares going for more than a price of 100-150 USD, I'm not even surprised. I usually buy Windows and anti virus software from a genuine dealer but pirate movies, games, MS products and pretty much every other software if there's a way to pirate it otherwise I guess you gotta buy it.


This is just population numbers, access to the internet and poverty


I’m surprise that Germany is on the list but Poland isn’t. In my experience, Germans mostly pirate stuff if it is unavailable or if they have to pay for 5 different streaming services but Poles pirate everything.


It says “software license” … so probably not tv and movie piracy.


Fuck DRM, fuck Denuvo in particular, fuck AAA companies trying to squeeze every last penny out of the consumer, fuck Disney, fuck Ubisoft, fuck Adobe, fuck Electronic Arts, fuck Disney again.


And the parts of the map in grey would probably be ultra dark red if any real data were to be recorded.


Ok but is this relative or absolute? Cuz I'm just seeing a list of the countries with the biggest populations


Ok but is this relative or absolute? Cuz I'm just seeing a list of the countries with the biggest populations


No Poland 😭😭😭


I pirate so much I forgot the websites that I use to watch movies, anime and manga are pirated.


As an American, third place is nice, but I really feel like we could push ourselves higher if we tried.


England, get in the game!


this cannot possibly be per capita


So Peru appears most copyright friendly country?


Of the top 20 worst. I can assure you that piracy is alive and well here.


I am really not sure it worst. I don’t believe the gray areas are pirate free. The whole Africa for example.


The map isn’t suggesting the gray areas are completely free of digital piracy, just not in the top 20.


Most likely map has no data for gray areas ..


Do you not read English well or something? It says right at the top of the map that it is only showing data for the top twenty countries.


Top of which list? My point is: than list is not full just from initial. For example I can’t believe African countries and Kazakhstan respecting copyright better than Germany.


Top of the map, where it very clearly says **"Top 20 Software License Misuse and Piracy Hotspots"**, it is only showing the top 20. Only 37% of people living in Africa have internet access and Kazakhstan has around 13m people with internet access. Germany has around 78m internet users, not sure why you expect more piracy in Kazakhstan or individual African countries. Based off the number of internet users alone, it's pretty much impossible for most those countries to be worse than Germany in absolute numbers.


I doubt absolute numbers good in piracy measurement. (If hey used absolute numbers)Also you do not need internet for piracy, computer of any kind is enough. My point is: this map creates an impression there is no piracy in say Africa and say Kazakhstan and so likely most of the software is legal there. However it it is wrong. I even think the percent of legal software is much higher in Germany. Same say for China where just huge amount of people living. No point to count pirates there because their amount will be more than population of average European country. I still believe gray areas not calculated properly…


holy shit, you are a fucking moron.

