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Washington theoretically allows speed limits up to 75 MPH in law, but as far as I know, the highest actual posted speed limit is 70.


I was trying to think if I had seen anything above 70, but I don’t think so. 


Yeah, I've been through most of the state and I don't remember ever seeing more than 70. *Maybe* in the southeast corner or in like Okanogan County?


This is similar to Michigan. Anything north of the middle lower peninsula (Lansing) is 75, anything below it is 70. So it’s a split. However there are some 2 lane 2 way roads that are 55 or 65 with occasional passing lanes that open up. Doesn’t matter what the speed limit is though, everyone drives 85 lol.


Washington is the reason I'm asking actually, I'm fucking sick of Seattle's slow driving *on the freeway not the inner city or suburb streets*


That's called traffic. You have to get out in the boondocks to see those max speeds.


Have you driven in Seattle? Even when traffic is light Seattle drivers notoriously drive slow. I’ve lived and driven all over the US and Seattle drivers stand apart for driving slow as fuck


Possibly because of all the left exits. There’s *maybe* one lane of the freeway that actually goes all the way through the city, and I’m not even sure of that.


Yes i5 through Seattle is a mess but again Seattle drivers are still slow even absent that.


Not in the tunnel. Speed limits don’t exist in the tunnel. I also personally think people drive way too fast on some streets, there’s a reason 3rd Ave NW is called I-3.


I'm from Seattle.


Apparently not slow enough “The statistics are even more stark. Data collected by the unit shows that in 2022, there were 151 traffic fatalities in King County, marking a 94% increase since 2013. Serious injury crashes also saw a dramatic rise, with 709 incidents in 2022 — a 561% jump from 2014” https://www.fox13seattle.com/news/felony-traffic-crimes-spike-king-county


I mean they also suck at driving but that’s not an average speed issue


Speed is what kills. My point is if they were going slower then anywhere else on average it’s likely fatality’s would be lower then this.


At highway speeds, this loses distinction. If the speed limit is 70 (as stated above) and you are going 60, you are both driving slow yet plenty fast enough for a crash to be fatal.


Dangerously cautious drivers mixed with drivers that have poor decision making skills, along with plenty of distracted phone wielding drivers. Mix in the ever so often speedster or drunk and you've got a recipe for disaster. I was driving north from Federal Way to Kent this morning and I saw a semi truck that was pulled over on the outer shoulder to fix his engine, had his warning cones up. All the cones were smashed by a sedan that was crunched into the back of the stopped semi. Sure the guy may have been speeding but what the hell was he doing at 10am that he ended up on the shoulder crashing into a stopped vehicle with warning signs? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kiro7.com/news/local/one-dead-federal-way-crash-involving-semi-car/YRWDJHBJZ5B55P4JRR532J7AAY/%3foutputType=amp


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Not sure why you're being downvoted. I visited Seattle recently from Denver. My travel partner and I both noticed that people drove slower on freeways in and around Seattle, traffic or not, regardless of posted speed limit. We thought it was refreshing. We noticed that generally people were also worse (i.e., less decisive) drivers there, but also more courteous and more forgiving of mistakes. We went in with no preconceived biases. It's definitely a thing.


Why would you expect over 75 in Seattle?


There might be some 75 Ellensburg to Spokane


I checked a couple on ramps on street view and they're 70 tho. Hmm


There are definitely 75 MPH highways that I have been on in WA, but I can’t remember where. People were going 80-100 in the left lane.


If they’re anywhere, it would be on I-90 through eastern Washington.


It’s accurate (as far as I can tell) in that it gives the highest posted speed limit anywhere in each state. That doesn’t mean that speed limit is common, though; for instance, there’s only a couple freeways in Texas that are 85; the rest are 70 or 75, and they drop as low as 50 in the cities. It also doesn’t reflect what speed people actually drive, or what cops there will bother pulling you over for. It’s common in many states for the flow of traffic to be 5-10 over the limit, whereas cops in other states may ticket you for that same thing.


OK turnpikes are 80.


Yep, at least a portion of them. So Oklahoma should be green. The 3 lane parts of the Turner Turnpike (that aren’t currently under construction) are 80, while the 2 lane parts are 75. But most of the Indian Nation Turnpike (which is only 2 lanes) is 80. Parts of the Will Rogers is 80, and I think it’s only 2 lanes also. Those are the only ones I’ve been on lately.


In the specific region I live if I drive 5 over I get not only passed but rocketed by blue haired old ladies. I had a truck (18 wheeler) pull up hard on me when I was already doing 10+ over the other day. I was like dude, you drive for a living, you don't need that ticket. Anyway, for the most part, if you ain't doing 20 over, you are a danger (as I'm finding out) to yourself and others. Problem is I have been pulled over in the past in the "flow" of traffic for speedint. So if I'm not in any particular rush and I rarely am, I am not doing 20 over in a congested area or probably any area for that matter. Just a bad idea.


Agree. Florida’s highest limit is 70. I defy you to drive 70 in the right lane of I-95 anywhere from Daytona to Miami. You will get run over. Always joke with my wife on road trips asking “at what speed will the cops actually pull you over for here”? So far, we know that 85 won’t do it.


What state is that? In The northeast you can get away with 5 all day and 10 if your on the highway but more than that you 100% getting pulled over eventually


Sounds like Texas or Florida


Yeah Jersey is usually 65-70 in the slow lane and 80 in the fast lane, lots of people zoom even faster than that on 295/the turnpike though. It's a fun state to drive in if the highways isn't too crowded.


This is not true for NJ at all. 15+ mph over is fine all day and night. I used to work at a bar and would drive home at 3am on empty highway and drive right by multiple cops in the center median while doing 80 in a 65. I have never gotten a speeding ticket here in 20+ years and last time I got pulled over was years ago doing 91 in a 55 and got a verbal warning.


Damn! I've only been to Jersey a couple times. Speaking for CT and upstate NY


I mostly agree with what you’re saying about NY/CT. Except on the Merritt. There doesn’t seem to be any rules on there.


Growing up between Massachusetts and RI, this has not been my experience. I always went 10 over on normal roads and 15 on highways. Never got pulled over, but people would get absolutely pissed at me like I was going grandma speeds. zooming around me in no passing zones and revving their engines and all that. Mass state troopers can be assholes when you're getting near Boston, but even then there's always some asshole going near 100 weaving between lanes with no apparent consequence.


The NJ Turnpike rule is keep it under 80 (15 over).


I can't speak for the original commenter, but the description could apply to Colorado as well as wherever they are talking about. People will regularly do 75 in 50s, and our cops have begun quiet quitting as far as any minor infractions like going through red lights and speeding.


In Alabama, 20 over is considered reckless driving and typically gets you a 5 day jail sentence.


It's 30 here before you lose your license and go to jail. People drive like idiots. It was storming a few weeks ago. Like an inch an hour type rain and a handful of people were still doing the same type of driving. Really pissed me off.


Very true about driving over the limit. In upstate NY highways are typically 65 and I set my cruise to 72 and many people around here would consider that a moderate speed despite it being technically against the law. I know I'll never get pulled over at that speed though. I'd wager the avg driver goes around 74-75 on 65mph roads.


Pretty sure everywhere in the US is like this.


On the thruway people go wild. It's posted 65. But it seems like 80 standard   Plenty of people going way over 80 too. 


Anything under 80 and you're good


85 mph freeways in the middle of nowhere Texas 😩😩😩


Oklahoma has a few 85mph stretches but is listed lower here, not extremely accurate


In a similar vein, freeways in Michigan are 70 in the Lower Peninsula until you get north of Grand Rapids and Lansing (roughly), then it goes up to 75.


85 seems crazy. I've owned cars that couldn't do 75 when the AC was on.


And the flow of traffic is usually 10+ above that. It’s mostly on I-10/I-20 west of the Pecos River, which are so flat and straight\* and boring that there’s a surprisingly high accident rate due to drivers falling asleep at the wheel, and the speed limit was raised in part to help keep drivers awake. \* This area is why newer highways are required to have a slight curve every mile or so.


Idaho, Montana and Utah are definitely all right. Lots of 80 mph freeways out here.


I mean wyoming and South Dakota too


I googled California and it said 65. I swear there's a stretch of road where if you do anything less than 80 you're basically a hazard. You will have big rigs passing you going 80mph. I could have sworn the posted speed was like 80 but I guess I'm buggin


I always see 70mph limits north of Sacramento and Redding.


I-5 is 70 mph in some parts. But I’d say the majority of freeways are 65 mph.


Same where I live. Just posted above about it. People, and I mean soccer moms with the team in the car, truck drivers and blue haired old ladies all do 20+ over as normal driving.


There's a section of hwy 101 between King City and Paso Robles iirc that's 70


101 heading south from SF at night this is so real. Like guess they can’t ticket us all (I think it’s 65mph limit)


Try driving from Vegas to LA going 65 and tell me how it goes


Oklahoma reaches 80 in some places


I remember when it was 55 federally, Does anyone else? People would often go 65-70 anyway, but you always risked the dreaded speeding ticket.


It was so common for so long that many cars would highlight the 55 on the speedometer.


Edit: nevermind found nothing online to support what I stated lol but speed limits are set by the state and local government nowadays. I got educated on what u were stating lmao


what I learned in school (and am too lazy to double check right now) is that the federal government didn't have the authority to officially set a nationwide speed limit, however they wouldn't give federal funding for highways to states that didn't comply. as far as I know all (or at least the vast majority of) states went with it.


Seems like at some point that was dropped and in 1984 the highway funding became tied to raising the state drinking age to 21 (done to lower drunk driving rates)


Well yes I do. But…I Can’t Drive 55!




Double Nickels on the Dime might be the best ever response to that song


It’s accurate in that certain stretches of road in Texas are 85 but not most of them.


Yeah this appears to be a max highway map and not an average one


Yep, CA has stretches of rural freeway at 70 but most are 65.


That’s true of every state.


Yes but on this map it seems like the max speed limit (70/75) is what you’d actually see on a regular basis on an interstate. There are very few instances of 85 in Texas.


Oregons is 65.


People with Oregon plates are obligated to drive at least 5 below any speed limit.


Out east, there are a few highways that are 70


I-84 East of The Dalles, all of I-82, and most of US-95 is every 70 MPH road in Oregon, I believe.


Oregon has so many roads that are \~55 that in any other state would be 65-70. It's a bit infuriating and really hard to not put lead on the pedal when you aren't used to driving so slow.


Moved out to Oregon last year. It’s culture shock from pretty much everywhere else I’ve ever driven. Most people drive at or below the speed limit; I didn’t think such a place existed. But I’ve come to realize on city streets in Portland there’s a reason for that, streets are tight and pedestrians have the right of way and they cross like they know it


Yeah Oregon drivers are definitely more relaxed. The pedestrians basically rule the roads here. One time I watched a Californian almost hit a homeless man walking in the crosswalk. He kicked the cars bumper and shouted “welcome to Oregon mother fucker”. Honestly made me laugh. This was in southern Oregon not Portland. So the sentiment is pretty much the same everywhere in the state.


I-84 from the Idaho border in to Oregon is 70 mph. Don't think it changes before it reaches the Portland area


I live in rural Idaho on the ID/OR border. It's 70MPH on I-84 in Eastern OR. Sadly for me, most of my local I-84 driving is in one of the few 65MPH zones, whenever I have to drive to the city for something. Stupid Boise metro.


It took me a lot longer in my life to admit that I didn’t get that Oreida meant Oregon Idaho All I know is I like those delicious tots


Ha ha - I live here and it took me a while too. 😄


I only figured it out one day when passing that plant that’s right of i84 just over the line from Oregon in fruitIand think it is


That might be the highest speed limit but in TX, 75 is more normal. I only know one stretch of 85 and that’s on the toll road between Austin and San Antonio.


Yeah, TX should have an asterisk explaining that there's really only 1 highway with a speed limit of 85 (unless there are others apart from the Austin toll road?). This map is misleading because it leads you to think otherwise.


Yep. A toll road that goes way out of the way so they want you to choose them over I-35 by allowing you to go extra fast.


I didn't even know there was a speed limit in Michigan.


80 is the de facto speed in CA. Multiple CHP officers have told me they won't pull over drivers going 80 in 65 zones because 80 is the usual flow of traffic


holy shit Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket on a map


Not very overall.


I find it highly confusing that a higher speed limit is indicated in green like it's a good thing.


The colors used usually say a lot about the creator of the map


In Southern California the speed limit is 65,but no one follows it. Everyone drives 80 if they can


North Carolina is 65. Annoying as hell


There are sections of 70 mph roads in NC. Quite a few, in fact. Fun fact, when we moved here in the early 80s, it took 2 hours and 15 minutes or so to drive from Greenville to Raleigh. You can do it in just over an hour now, thanks to I-587.


Texas has to be 85 or people would die before they got across the state


Oklahoma is 80 on all the Turnpikes, and Texas is 85 on several long stretches (100-200 miles long)


Oklahoma is the counter example i was going to provide, although to be pedantic, it isn’t *all* turnpikes. Even Turner Turnpike (the portion of I-44 between Tulsa and Oklahoma City) is only 80mph for a stretch just outside of Tulsa. Will Rogers Turnpike (I-44 from Tulsa to the Missouri border) is still 75mph. But all or parts of other turnpikes (at least Kickapoo, Cimarron, Muskogee, and Cherokee) are 80mph, while others (Kilpatrick and Creek at least) still top out at 75mph.


To bad we can't include "how fast people drive" between I-35 in OKC and the BA/169 in Tulsa we would easily be 90.


Not only on the turnpikes, there are parts of 37 and 81 west of Norman that are 80 also.


There is only one freeway in Texas you can go 85. And it's a tollway. Otherwise, it's 75 out in the sticks.


Those are maximum speed limits in each state, not average speed limits. Furthermore, not all freeways follow that speed. In many places in the US the speed for freeways can drop to as low as 55mph in cities. Where I live, the speed limits on the interstate vary between 55mph and 70mph for example. So this map isn't wrong per se, but it's not representing the average either.


Nowhere on it does it say it is an average speed limit. It clearly says it is a maximum speed limit in the state.


> Those are maximum speed limits in each state, not average speed limits. Right, we’re capable of reading the legend.


Based on the comments here, many people either are not capable of reading or don’t understand the words. The person you responded to is, in fact, not capable of reading.


I could have sworn Sconsin only got to 65. And it's a HARD 65, and the mile markers are just state troopers.


It’s 70.


We upped it 10+ years ago


That's about when I last drove through ol Sconnie. Any chance those troopers eased up a bit too?


Nope. Grew up in Wisconsin and i got so many speeding tickets there, all the way up until I moved to another state in 2021. I have not been pulled over since.


Oklahoma has some 80


I swear I have been on some interstates in West Virginia that were 75, am I imagining that?


CO is accurate


Accurate from a legal standpoint. However, I’d argue the average free flow-speed of any highway is generally 80mph give or take 5mph. 55mph limit? Everyone is going 80. 65mph? Nah everyone is going about 80. 70mph? Nope most people are going 80 and drivers in the left lane will still pass you by at 90mph


This, when it comes to interstates. All these comments are throwing out anecdotes “well the speed limit is 65 on my local interstates but everyone drives at 80 regardless here”. Yeah, that’s everywhere in the US.


I don't know of any Washington state highways with 75MPH speed limits. When I vacationed in Colorado 10 years ago I specifically remember driving to Denver and the highway speed was 80MPH. Things could've changed since then though.


Nope, the speed limit was never 80 in Colorado especially not 10 years ago. No state has lowered their max speed limit since the 55mph cap was enacted in the 70s as far as I’m aware. They only have increased as cars become more safe for higher speeds.


A bit outdated. OKLAHOMA for example has 80 mph Zones along their turnpikes


Is the speeed limit set federally ?


> *Cannon Ball has left the chat…*


Once again Texas comes out on top.


I wonder whether this map can be correlated to the road accidents (casualties) map, and see whether Hawaii roads are much safer.


Fastest I’ve seen in Idaho is 70, but to be fair I’m up north


I can certainly confirm Texas’ is accurate




Houston should have it's own spot in the scale The freeway speed there is whatever maximum the fastest car on the freeway can reach without crashing


I think DC should be 55


https://www.iihs.org/topics/speed/speed-limit-laws This has the most recent speed limits of each state.


Im 80% certain i've seen 75 mph limits in PA


CT is 65, yes, but damned if I've ever seen anything greater than 55.


Kansas is 80 on I70 between KC and Topeka


All of New England is wrong.


Oregon is 65 in most areas and 70 on some rural highways


Oklahoma is now 80mph


Florida minimum is like 125mph


Everything's faster in Texas! ;-)


I have driven in every state many times and couldn't believe how fast the Texas speed limit was.


Some 75mphs In Florida


In Texas, only private toll roads are 85.


That's not true, there are sections of i20 in west Texas that are 85mph and i10 near Sequin.


In New York State, the speed limit is 55 unless otherwise posted.


Alaska is only 65 because we already have a problem with idiots trying to go the speed limit in the winter when the roads are covered in a foot of snow with ice underneath. In the summer time 65 is just disappointingly slow because we have lots of long, strait and flat roads with plenty of visibility on account of the 20+ hours of daylight.


There’s a couple 80 mph in Oklahoma


Rural Oklahoma is 80.


I feel like this is misleading. States don’t have a single speed limit for the entire state.


Alabama/GA look correct


New Mexico is not a accurate. I've driven on 80 or 85 mph roads there


Nevada gets an F for having 95 be 55 or 65 mph for 9 hours through an empty desert


Why so slow?


Georgia is wrong, 75 is the highest


Most of the ones around me are 65 with 75 being a few.


Inaccurate, both PA and Indian have 75mph speed limit highways.


the conversions to km are incorrect - they're all rounded up by 1 for some reason


I-95 in Maine is 70 until you hit north of Bangor (Central Maine) then it turns to 75.


I’m from Ohio and most speed limits are 70 but I do remember seeing it say 80 somewhere I just can’t remember if I was in Ohio or PA when I seen it tho


Most of Maryland is 65. Some rural stretches are 70. Actual speeds are 50 in the left lane up to 75 in the right. There is no lane discipline here.


A little tidbit, they're called freeways if they don't have tolls and highways if they do.


NH is posted 65 not 70


Nope. I93 is posted 70 north of Concord until Franconia Notch and then again until the Vermont border.


Hawaii being the slowest really makes me see Magnum PI different and question what's the point of a Ferrari if you can't even do 70.


I love how many people don’t understand that just because the roads they drive have a certain speed limit does not mean that other roads in the same state can’t have a higher speed limit.


Maine has an 80 stretch north of Bangor.


It's always interesting to see this map whenever it comes up as a European. Most countries here have a limit of 130kmph(80mph), Poland and Bulgaria have 140(87mph), and of course there's Germany with no limit on many sections. You'd think that America would have higher speed limits for how car centric it is, but nope. Truck speed limits however go the other way around, with virtually all countries in Europe being an 80kmph(50mph), and the US being mostly in the 105-128kmph(65-80mph) range.


California has 70 as its max but everyone drives up to 90 because they can




Yeah I thought so too.  But everything I've checked says 70


I moved out of Wisconsin 3 years ago but it most definitely did not have 75. In fact the max was 65 up until around 2015. I’d be shocked if it was raised again that soon.


I drove in six southwestern states this year and California has the dumbest speed limits. I-5, I-10, I-15 and I-40 should all be 80 MPH at least in unpopulated areas. People driving 70 are a hazard on the road and the truck limit of 55 is a damn joke. C’mon. It’s time to be more liberal on the highways, California.


Utah has 85 mph zones on I-15


No, we do not. The maximum posted limit is 80


I’m pretty sure I saw a 75 in Nh but I might be wrong


Nah 70 is the highest I've seen on 93 or 89... I doubt 95 is higher


Probably did see 70 or 65


Yeah it's only 70 on the northern part of I93


The only place in NE that I've seen 75 is the final stretch of 95 North of Bangor ME. But everybody goes 85 on that highway anyways. Cops won't pull you over unless you're pushing 95. You gotta be real nuts to have state troopers pull you over on 95 from my experience.


Seems accurate for every state I know, except Maine, the only time I was that the speed limit on I95: was really low, like 65.


Once you get into northern Maine, the speed limit increases.


It's been more than a decade since I was there, but I did drive from the Canadian border down. I was pretty shocked in Michigan a couple of years ago that I75 had a 75 mph limit in the northern part of the state. Just checked, it was raised in 2011, which would have been after I was there. I just remember the limits being low, and troopers pulling people for going barely over the limit.


I-95 in Maine is mostly 70 from the NH border to Bangor with some lower speeds in denser traffic areas North of Bangor it is 75 until you reach Canada.


Around Portland it drops to 65 and 55 for stretches, but otherwise, yeah, I think you have it right. Edit: you said 95. I was thinking of 295. Whoops. I think 95 still drops to 65 though.


There is a section of toll road in Texas about 100 miles long that has the limit of 85 but outside of that it is typically 65 or 70 on highways.


Huge stretches of i-10 in west Texas are 80


Legend: “Maximum Speed Limit”


Texas has a cool thing. It's a toll lane for fast drivers. Love the concept. Basically you prepay your speeding ticket. Not a bad idea. I had a friend that actually was in favor of just going down to DMV and getting a sticker with like a $500 fee that allowed him to drive 30 over without harassment. I'm sure a lot of people would pay it, but I'm also sure those people would end up doing 40 or 50 over and still losing their licenses


Native Texan. It's not quite 85 on average here. That's just West Texas, which doesn't account for much of the roadways. The DFW Metroplex and San Antonio / Austin areas have more highway / freeway than anywhere else. The average speed limit is about 75. That's also dependent on who maintains them. If it's the municipalities, they have liberty to change the speed limits within the city. If it's TXDOT, then the State sets the speed.


Texas ♥️ I wish I can travel over there one day


No you don't


Oh, it sucks?