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Same reason I don't move to Alaska. I don't want to do that.


Alaska based tho


Did you know Alaska is the largest US state and more than twice the size of Texas


Everything is large in alaska?


legions, gollux, sacred gate, familiars, commerci, lotus preq, haven weeklies(boss mule)


You just gave me lotus Pre quest flash backs


the 5k+ nodestones invested in current main ... not gonna do that crap again


5k??? brother did you max your decents and rope lift for the all stat or what


Back when it first dropped I liked doing the Black Heaven quest line. It’s still the only one I actually half paid attention to. Edit: but yes it’s way too long lol


Even as a new player who started 2.5 months ago, I don't think I want to redo my 4k legion all over again on the new server. Kronos being highly populated has its upsides because I can easily find boss, MPE, etc parties. Finally, I love my guild and all my guildies are extremely supportive and helpful towards new players.


If you don't mind me asking, could you DM me your guild? I started playing during ignition and I was looking for a friendly guild to join.


Yo after he dm's you, dm me aswell im in the same boat


Keep that chain going with me


And me


And me


And my Axe!


Ay dm me once they dm you


Ayo spread the word to me as well


pass it to me as well


I came back to maple about the same time, made it to 2k legion. Within 4 days my main on Hyperion is way stronger than my Kronos main. Idk man, might be worth considering.


Me tooooo


Me too.


can you dm me your guild name i been trying to find a guild at are helpful


The question for me is why would I want to go Hyperion in the first place ? No reason to start over


true. legacy items are still going to be a thing. people who start after the legion block event are going to be weaker than those who started last week.


Man who cares about legacy in a pve game


right now the true legacy gap is reg server and not having a totem. this particular legacy gap is literally game breaking unlike the other legacy items out there. literally feels like you're just wasting your time farming when someone is getting up to 3x's as much because of a legacy item. its why a good chunk of reg server have moved to reboot or just up and quit till feb till they remove instanced maps (copium). the gap got even bigger with shangri-la maps because those maps have like an extra spawn cycle from normal making rates go up to 70-80k mobs/hr with totem (before patch any other map is usually 40-50k mobs/hr) making the gap now up to 4x's as big


Can you elaborate on Shangri-la spawn rates? I've seen multiple people say it now but I can hardly find any info explaining how it works and exactly how it's different


you wont find it probably because only ppl who can best explain are the ones that have a totem (<1% of the population) which would equate to just anecdotes/theories on discord. But I've seen the rates these ppl go (60-70k) which is was just not possible pre-patch on any map nor any class. I feel like the spawn time is just a bit shorter in these maps when im doing dailies tbh and I 1 shot them.


But you said the base spawn is shorter, which means all players experience it no? I can't check because I'm not 275 :( but I'm really curious


iono what other ppl have reported. but the only way these rates are even possible is either that or these maps have a higher hard cap on #mobs compared to previous areas. Some may even attribute it to map layout but that is very very unlikely as no layout can just suddenly get you +50% rates alone (not to mention the layout of spring 1 is very identical to alley 1 in odium).


Ppl who gear chase. If no one cares why is there so much animosity towards rereleasing legacy or power creeping it in favor of better items from end game content


Right? It makes no fucking sense to me, what a stupid sense of competition to get hung up on.


It doesn't have to be a competition thing. I don't have access to my old account anymore so it's annoying knowing I don't have access to the Ghost Ship badge anymore.


People care about legacy in pvp because there is competition. Same thing in maple when there is punch king, #1 dojo rankings, etc. Just look at people who have 20 stacks of epic Jr. Boogie familiars in their storage and 90% boss + 60% ied on their fams


Yeah but lets be real even if you had legacy the amount of limit testing and optimization to do in order to be at the top of both PK and Dojo is insane. I guarantee you most people who complain aren’t even there


Remove the legacy and the competition is just won by whoever has better rng.


This sub is so strangely obsessed with legacy items sometimes. It's weird.


People who cope about "I go hyperion coz no legacy" down the line will become the players who hold legacy items given enough time.


Is the legion block event hyperion only or will all servers get?




What is this legion block event? Am I missing something? I thought the current event was the identisk and the 11-101 growth event.


wondering the same…


I am not from NA. Once you get used to good ping, there ain't no going back.


This is one of the reasons I don’t want to move to eu reboot or Reg server 😂😂 I’m so used to my bad ping


Re doing all of these things seems daunting and stressful, rather than fun: 6k Legion Prequests(fuck lotus/damien prequests lol) Symbol time gates Lotus and damien “coin” farming Gollux coin farming Have a few legacy items on main(GSE badge and flamed trransposed SW gear) Setting up boss mules Cubing meso/drop gear Doing 100 Cpaps for accessory I know the hype and progression at first would be fun, but then that dreaded mid game progression wall will come and I’ll realize it’s the same shit as reboot kronos lol


My legion on Kronos and lotus preq(this one is the strongest down in my opinion)


9k legion, im in too deep


Around the time 3rd job was announced, i started playing on Maplestory Europe, which at the time only had 1 server, Kradia. Years later the 2nd server Demethos was opened, and for some reason i thought it would be awesome to start over there and get all the cool rewards that came along with it. Fast forward just a year or so and Channel 1 Free market had at best 1 or 2 stores, the server had gone beyond desolate, and i found myself stuck there all alone and lonely. This kept me from starting over on reboot EU when i was already established on NA, despite my higher ping. It is also what stops me from even considering Hyperion today.


I dont know the names but it sounds like you're comparing regular serves to reboot which just doesn't make sense to do. Reboot is more popular for a reason and the servers are never dead. Regular servers on the other hand, always dead, so really no comparison with reboot, this is a regular server only problem.


I still haven’t gotten full 22 on my main, why switch when i can’t even finish on the first server


Lags In from EU


Exitlag makes it barely noticable Im from EU


Perhaps, but EU reboot is free


Isn't exitLag paid? I tried the trial and I was still getting 150ms which is very noticeable as the round-trip time is almost half a second - but much better than the 250ms I get without it. For comparison, in EU reboot I get 30ms. I would prefer to play NA to have a lot more people and a fresh start because I just came back from a break but the lag is unbearable to me. I'm in Ireland if anyone wants to compare.


The main thing is that ExitLag has endpoint mirroring, so 150 ping feels closer to 50 ping


What is endpoint mirroring?


That's copium and you know it.


In what sense am i coping?


Do you know what Exitlag does? There is no optimal route that would lead to acceptable ping from EU to NA.


I understand what you're saying, but have you tried it? Have you spoken with anyone who has? I boss with people from the US and more often than not load in before they do. I can "yoink" twilight marks and daybreak pendants from FFA ctene runs. Emprirically it feels no different when i play on NA or Luna, where before i used Exitlag i could count a full second at times before moving through a portal or NPC chatting. I have also had an NA player stay over while they were visiting Europe, and they mentioned that this was "pretty much the same" with Exitlag, in terms of ping and playability, while it was unplayable before installing it. The endpoint mirroring and 4-way route optimization really do make enough of a difference, to the point where i believe the ACTUAL copium is not playing on the server you really want to, and instead settling for low population alternatives, because paying for things you want is only okay when it's pizza and anime figurines, but not 5$ a month?


my friend has tried it and he said it was still shit to play on


Sorry to hear that your friend had a bad experience, the program out of the box needs tuning to work properly, so maybe they didnt bother to mess around with the settings.


Maybe he forgot to actually turn it on. I use exitlag (I pay for it) and I have around 190-230 ping without it, when I have it turned on it's around 95\~110. Which to me is a night and day difference.


None of my friends were switching


Too much invested in cash shop/fashionstory


I ain't doing all that again


The main thing that stopped me was the fact that the event is global. Meaning if I do dailies and weeklies on my main on reboot Kronos. I can do any of the event stuff on Hyperion which imo is a big L and I question why that’s even a thing. Entirely different world that has no connection to Kronos.


Make new account for hyperion


Is it hard to alternated between accounts with steam? I heard it’s a hassle


Few reasons (reg server) First reason is because I pretty much have reached my personal goals as of yesterday (Solo up through CGloom) and anything after that is just bonus for me. Pretty much daily story now because I’ve done most of what I wanted to do, and because I just have much less time to play than past years, which ties into my second point. Sure, you’re supposed to enjoy the journey and not rush…but if I was to restart in reboot, I’d be constantly worried about getting to the point strength wise that I was in Reg. Getting to that point would take kinda long, as I play 45 mins per day on average now. I’d prolly just enjoy slowly continuing my progress on reg more.


i personally don't think this game deserves a second playthrough


People complain about legacy items but to me reboot was never a race or a competition. I like seeing number go up and other people having legacy items doesn’t affect me


This is the proper mindset to have


Too much fucking work


I’m making the switch. Im Brazilian, playing in Brazil, 7k legion on Eu Reboot, but playing with 250-300 ping suck ass Fresh start sucks, but the 130-200 ping from NA feels too good to not consider it


Wow, I thought that EU had better ping that NA. I almost change to the reboot EU server. Thank you for pointing that!


Living in Europe is a pretty big deal breaker.


Wdym "stopped from"? What stopped you from buying a steamboat yesterday? What stopped you from becoming a marine biologist in the arctic? What stopped you from buying a ticket to Brazil to learn capoeira? Is the default that we all wanted to move over ASAP but something changed our mind?


High ping


The chapter VI box.


For many diferent reasons I've restarted maple about 8 times since I started playing in 2007. I would do it again except I play very little now and since the Last time I restarted I have a family and Kids which makes progressing from scrap seem very tough.


Eu reboot is perfect for me (als don’t want do deal with the ping in general).


I play on Bera, found a really good guild that people are nice, also on Reboot servers you have to make your equips and I get very frustrated with the RNG of this game


I also play on Bera. Would you mind PMing me the name of the guild?


this comment aged like milk because the guild died because the owner apparently sold his account lol rip


Lotus pre quest 100% I would readily abandon my legion cuz I can just build it up slowly with the new events.


Don't want to grind 8k+ legion again. Only one of my friends moved to Hyperion, but they enjoy grinding too much.


Why would I want to toss all my hard work down the drain and start over? Took me 7 months to get where I am now, fuck reboot 2


1.- Won't grind 8k legion again 2.- Won't be assed to do black heaven again 3.- Already 3 months into liberation quest 4.- Sacred gate 5.- Setting up my 6 boss mules again 6.- New EXP curve feels like a kick in the balls 7.- My long time friends and i are already building up a new guild in Kronos I could keep going but i feel i share the same reason with most people in this post.


I got my first ever character to 200 recently on reboot and I want to enjoy the xp boost from it being mercedes on my new character for this burning event.


I’m 50 legion levels from 9k, all my friends are here, i hate starting over, i hate Blackheaven. I hate 240+ prequests. I hate blaster legion, i hate leveling 42 legion characters to 200, i hate leveling mules to 210links . All those immediately killed my hype for it


Because I have all the legacy items


I already have good legion, links and main in Bera and I don't want start over in another server if I'm still having fun this way. Also, I really like the Auction House and trading is a major part of a MMO for me.


I thought about doing it but I hate doing prequests and on my main I have everything to 260 done already I can’t do all those prequests over again even tho the thought of a new adventure is appealing I don’t got the time for all that 😂


Ping ..need eu.


Friends stayed so I stayed


The hyper burn being shared between both servers. The event being shared between both servers. Anything to chain you down.


Reddit sample size is so biased. Most people who comment here are established enough so they won’t start over.


I just came to reboot from 7.5k legion and just got to 6.5k. Not starting over again. The exp nerf is another reason. I forgot how bad reg server exp was.


My wife and kids


Yeah mostly just the time gated stuff, can’t make up 2-3 years of casual play and be in the same place I’m at


Hyperion is going to be all sweats


Legion and my NX inventory.


Imagine having to redo pre quests, black heaven, arcane river, grandis.. think I’m good on that


I love being against the odds. Makes me try harder.


the pre quests and skipping through dialogue after dialogue and cut scene.... the 9k legion GSE badge not worth the time time unless hyperion has something different than kronos (which it doesnt). Also idea of doing dailies on not just 1 world but 2 is crazy.


My acc being at lvl 284 5set pitched and 9.2k legion


I just think Reg server is better Both servers are pay2win now, but reg server allows you to trade Maplepoints, actually giving you access to the entire Cash Shop, essentially making it less pay2win than reboot lol Progression is definitely slower - unless you have the trade grindset - but isn't that what we play the game for? I never got the appeal of playing reboot just to get to the point where I can... stop playing I guess? Like, what do reboot people do once they're "done"? In Reg server I at least have cosmetics and collectibles. But I never cared much about progression in maplestory in the first place




What's the pay2win part of reboot


Vac Pets and paid events like Clover/ passes They speed up the progress, just like paying in Reg server


Your attempt of conflating p2w in reg and reboot in order to have people swap over to reg is terrible


man really said the slot machine server is as p2w as vac pets and then tops it off with never caring about progression average reg server gamer moment


The only difference is the rate of progression, it's not like reg server locks content away from you if you don't pay And yes, if you pay $15 per month in reg server you are roughly on the same field of progression as paying for vac pet in reboot, that's all it takes. You just have the option to pay even more. The difference comes from whether the player cares about an "even playing field", which as I said I do not I've never spent a dime on this game, but I also only just hit level 255 and like 20k stat I think? Idk. But all my symbols are only level 5 because I don't do dailies I have 3 Lotus chars only because I wanted the cool Tactical Relay Chair and spend the rest of my weekly mesos on cosmetics lol


Nice try, Wonki


Legion and Trading




Legion and link skills, I don't want to redo all of that again


Don't want to do the prequests all over again. Even living in EU and trying EU Reboot for better ping, as soon as I thought about arcane river/boss prequests I was like yeah let's not. (If you want to know why I'm in NA reboot it's because I was originally from NA)


Nothing. I moved for a fresh start as a returning player.


Im from europe and i dont want to restart all over. I enjoy being end game.


I don't want to lose access to all my NX


Three words. 8k legion.


Ain't about to restart my Legion.


Already play on Reboot (Kronos). Have almost 9000 Legion (8981 right now) Main 272, 4 more jobs 250+, everyjob at 200+ Im too deep :(


I'd have to do black heaven again


just cause its new doesnt mean i gotta switch n play it


I'm super casual and lose motivation remarkably easily, and I don't think I have it in me to restart on another reboot server


I figured that it wouldn't make sense to restart the legion grind especially with the 2x exp removal. I've been playing on and off since the black mage event and rather just keep the amount of hours I've invested in for a head start on a new character An upside is less popular burning maps from 100-200 don't seem to be as effected as I thought they would be so it would likely to be easier to finish any of my remaining under 200 characters.


Hayato just got nice buffs and redoing legion again seems tiresome


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Voxtrik: *Hayato just got nice* *Buffs and redoing legion* *Again seems tiresome* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Tbh for me it’s the boss mules. I have 10 now. All do up to NLomien in 30 minutes. Some do Easy Lucid/slime. Legion would suck but that would just come with time. It wouldn’t even bother me if I lost my main, re doing the progress for my main would be quite enjoyable. But making those boss mules. Waiting for events, being so meso gated would suck.


2000hours of legion, grinding, mules and the friends we made along the way. Mostly legion and mules, fuck that.


The exp nerf


Starting over Legion would suck ass


maple isn't a fun game to start fresh in, unlike games that rely on season fresh starts like path of exile or diablo, or roguelites where the beginning to endgame is in an hour session. i have no desire to spend hours grinding legion and getting link skills just to only play one character. then like everyone else said, the time gating, gollux, arcane force, lotus prequest. starting over isn't as exciting imo when ur just talking about reexperiencing doing dailies for months.


Nothing. Got 275 and 8.5k in Kronos, I left and havent looked back. The game feels new again. Not stressing legion at all tbh.


My Sword Art Online Cosmetics


I just got to 260 on my main and 8k legion this past month. I don't want to go through all that again.


then don't grind 8k legion? you can play with 0 legion you know


Exactly, you can still play the game without legion


Lotus/Damien pre quest. Is there anything that needs to be said


9k legion legacy items (ghost badges, legion block, stuff like BTS hat that tells how many days old your character is) prequests for zones and bosses 50 characters worth of nice names and nx vac pet, about 8 perm pets ​ Its not worth it to trade all that away just for a fresh new server smell and race to the top


7.5K legion. Hyperion only good for people who brand new If you randomly moved to Hyperion to restart progression for no reason I question ur sanity


Even if you are brand new if you have friends from Kronos it makes little sense to play alone in Hyperion. This is also factoring the additional gear you get from the Hyperion event not really being substantial enough to justify just moving ship. The only ones that really make sense to go Hyperion: racers and rankers, entire friend groups that go together, you are a loner so any server would have sufficed.


I'm happy with my account and my progression and I gain nothing from moving


If you can make an additional burning in Hyperion I would consider. Also how filled the servers are is proof that making a new server rather than using the infrastructure to just increase more channels is often not the best way to go about anything outside the competitive people.


I just like that everytime i log onto kronos the channels are almost all full but hyperion looks less full and i enjoy the social aspect of maplestory even though i play alone


I invested too much to start over. It’s just me coping with everything really. “I spent too much in FGO to drop it now.” “I invested so much of my life in playing Mabinogi to stop now.” :(


Moving to hyperion to me means having a chance to be the best. The idea gets me hyped a bit, but i cant dedicate that amount of time now that i graduated and have a job. Also i think hyperion will always have less ppl, and id rather play a packed server.


The game hasn't been in a good state for years. New server isn't gonna fix that.


I just hit 9k legion, not doing that again specifically i barely have time to do dailies and 1 bossing mule each day


They think people will just causally grind that all over again.


My 280 and 275 mains 9k legion and 9 boss mules I was super lucky in Kronos (2 full 22 characters with 670b sf cost) Pitch drops


My 280 and 275 mains 9k legion and 9 boss mules I was super lucky in Kronos (2 full 22 characters with 670b sf cost) Familliars are much harder to get, less drop rate and bd


My guild and my friends are here.


Worked hard to get my account in reboot to where it's at. Why throw that all away and start over in reboot2?


I haven't logged in yet since last week's update


I ain't doing all this shit over again lmao


Duky is there


Why the fuck would I want to restart 5k legion pre quests suck too


Well, I’m at 9k in scania, with every unique dude at 200+, so nothing lol. I used the 0-hero event along with the Hyperion event to get the most out of entering a new world


Late response but as someone who stopped spending on games, my perm pet in Kronos. Don't want to pay for temporary pets + pet skills anymore.


Vac pet


Burning world characters cant be transfered, im still slowly progressing but even slower then my main and thats fine




Hyperion should come to me 😤


I was thinking about it, but then I realized I worked really hard for all those sixth journey rewards, which made me reconsider. I started a fresh account last summer, and I really wish I had this opportunity back then.


If it was maplestory revamped classic I be going on to play but if it was just a fresh start nah man don’t have time for that.


Over 9k legion in Kronos - hell no I'll start all over anywhere - and with the lawsuit restriction seen gamble I deal with way more not worth it lol