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battle station's purple coins but i feel like I've done it so many times i can beat it pretty quickly now


Any level from world 8 from the og


The Snow Kingdom in Odyssey. I love the game and I think a lot of it is really cool with some concepts I’ve never expected before (looking at you, Ruined Dragon) But then I get to Snow Kingdom and it feels tedious getting a lot of its moons.


Those 3D World levels that you can complete in 10 seconds


In Mario Bros 3, in World 6, there's a level where you must fly with a shell to break blocks in order to free a passage to a warp pipe...


Rainbow Ride, I really want to like it don't get me wrong. I love sky themed levels, but this one is just a mess in terms of randomly thrown together level assets that float in the sky.


Probably the leaf ride from Sunshine? Only pass it gets is it IS optional. If we’re talking mandatory… probably the sunshine level in the casino, with the annoying tile puzzle. Just… WHY?


Tick Tock Clock pissed me the hell off! Getting 100 coins in it was a damn nightmare.


My least favourite Mario level is the level from Super Mario Galaxy the level was called Star Bunnies in the Snow it was such a pain in the butt catching all of those bunnies and you only have 150 seconds to catch all of the bunnies Star Bunnies in the Snow was my least favourite level from Super Mario Galaxy and Snow Cap Galaxy is my least favourite Galaxy from Super Mario Galaxy


Cool Cool Mountain


Tiny huge island


Dire dire docks


Rainbow Ride really sucks


Loopdeeswoop Galaxy. Doing that level with motion controls is a nightmare


Bowser in the sky


That one that takes fucking forever to get to because you have to keep a yoshi alive without touching the water in isle delfino, then you have to ride the lily pads to collect the 8 reds. Bullshit payoff for a bullshit journey.


the rings in dire dire docks 😭😭


The stupid leaf ride from Mario Sunshine. Not only is it an insufferable level, but even getting to it in the first place is obnoxious.


The original sequel of Mario bros. No not just the levels, the whole game. It took me no joke, a month to beat it. AND YOU STILL HAVE TO BEAT IT LIKE 8 TIMES TO GET TO FINISH THE WHOLE GAME. When I heard of that i was like f*** this im outta here. Nintendo went hard with this one ong, download a rom and try it out yourself to see how devious it is.


Wet Wet Dry World, while I like the surreal aesthetic of it, I’m just not the biggest fan of the amount of water, though the mechanic of altering the water levels is pretty cool, the downsides for me personally would be some platforming just being really annoying at times, it’s not like most levels where you can just easily pick up where you left off, platforming-wise, as if you fall you’ll have to most of the time or at the very least most likely have to drudge through the tedious water, in order to reach most of the higher-up platforming areas, not to mention sometimes when Mario turns in general, and especially in tight spots, for some reason he’ll just do this annoying u-turn that would be thankfully rectified in future games, (I can see why) the weird turning of Mario in 64 personally made this level much harder then it honestly needed to be.


Rainbow ride, easily the worst 3d Mario stage of all time. At least with some of the other ones there's something going for it like wet dry worlds flooded city and general vibe. But this is just an unfinished mess, I'm fully convinced that Rainbow ride used to be a test level that they decided to turn into a full on stage because they were running out of time to get the game finished.


In mario 64 I've always loved the sand level. I forgot what it was called. The one that's hidden in a wall in the same room as the lava level (also a great level)


Shifty Sand Land? Or something like this


YESS that's the one. Love that one even if the quicksand is unforgiving lol. The boss in that level is cool too.