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Trump is widely unpopular in the US and I’m tired of pretending he’s not. Edit: I absolutely love LOVE the MAGA tears in the replies. It’s not often they see things outside their bubble.


News media always wants a horse race. ... which is irresponsible considering how corrupt Trump is.


The media wants Trump to win. On a surface level, news viewership is up when we have a moron in the white house. On a deeper level, media is owned by people who want to not pay taxes. There is nothing better for the evening news than a moron in the white house, again.


> moron in the white house Not just that, but one that does moronic things daily and publicly


and has decades of experience being on TV


Yes, and considers his public image first and foremost beyond any other factor in his life


Which is insane because his public image is "Orange Turd".


I say Trump’s look is “death taking a shit”.


Yep, the dude thought that having high “ratings” of people watching his press conferences was indicative of how the American people liked him.


His brain is fucking warped. When he talks about everything through the lens of ratings. Warped.


For real, i mean i watched the Covid press conferences, doesn’t mean I like him


Drink some bleach!


I do not wanna resurrect any of that.


Ugh I forgot it was a diarrhea of scandals and corruption coming out of that place when he was in there. The list was so exhaustingly long - Fake business divestments in that President elect press conference. - Went golfing the first weekend. - Staying/forcing everyone to stay on his properties so he pocketed money. - Goya. Fast food for the championship team because he shut down the government. - Sharpie hurricane - Fucking shit posting 24/7 - Saying dumb shit 24/7. Always had to be the smartest in the room. Always had to give his shit opinion on everything unrelated to the presidency. - All the crimes, especially at the end there. - Fucked up Covid so bad.


> Went golfing the first weekend. Trump is a president i want golfing because then he isn't actively running the country.


I have never understood why no one seems to blame Trump for the pandemic. When shit hit the fan, he blew it off and said that it “would be over by Easter” (remember that?) He was completely unqualified to lead our country during the pandemic and millions of people paid for it with their lives. When I see MAGA people online blaming Biden for the current economic situation because blaming Trump for his ineptitude would not fit their narrative, it’s apparent how brainwashed they are.


Don’t forget shooting bleach into your body and swallowing Lysol.


I had forgotten and then yesterday I saw a maga had replied to my comment about crohns with a random link to information about ivermectin and tumors. Thanks guy. That's...completely unrelated to anything I said, but I'm sure you have no capability to grasp that due to eating so much dewormer in 2020


And don't forget all the negative press covfefe.


Don't forget all the insufferable destroy-it-from-within assholes who got cabinet positions.


It's been so nice. Not waking up everyday and wondering what our dumbass president said or did. With that being said, most of us will probably feel the negative effects of his presidency for the rest of our lives


If Trump wins, the media will never be allowed to report the truth or anything negative about him. It is how authoritarians take control.


CNN would likely cease to exist without Trump. He’s practically all they talk about. It’s fucking exhausting, and it’s part of the reason CNN has become so insufferable. And since this is Reddit, I should note that I probably hate Trump more than anyone who might be reading this comment. I’m not a faux news fascist.


It is a horse race, polls tell us that again and again and again, even if we don't want Trump to win. It's not a good thing to close our eyes to reality and blame the media and pretend he's not popular, there are millions of people following him, like a cult leader, it is what it is. We need to work hard.


I believe election results more than polls. Elections show trump is hated.


Polls can have an effect on elections. It can either influence people to vote for whoever they think is winning, or make apathetic about voting at all because they think their candidate is going to lose either way.


You just explained why people shouldn’t trust polls. They affect elections, therefore they are manipulated.


I think of Joe as Grandpa Democracy. Trump is Chaos. The ideological choices are democracy vs chaos.


* Grandpa Chaos. Trump is also old as fuck.


Trump and Biden were literally in high school at the same time and people act like there's some sort of massive age gap between the two or something. It's infuriating and frustrating. They're both old as fuck but at least Biden is not a civilly liable rapist and convicted felon like Trump.


He will still suck up all the media attention after he wins because he's the sorest loser in the world and won't shut up about it until he dies. He will probably have "twice cheated president" inscribed on his tombstone. News abhors a vacuum and Biden is too boring.


Boring.. is good.


I am not sure they want him to win as they see him as an opportunity to increase viewership. The reality is that fear, conspiracy, and corruption sells. People are no longer interested in feel good stories.


He’s widely unpopular in the world. We saw other world leaders making fun of him on tape.


We can stop pretending he's not after 5th November. Until then, take the threat seriously. Register. Vote.


If he loses on the 5th on the 6th he will announce his candidacy for the 2028 election and start the whole thing over again.


Maybe. Personally I can't see the GOP giving him another shot, though.


I want Trump to lose as badly as anyone, but you’re delusional if you think this is gonna be a Dem blowout. I hope to God Biden’s re-election team doesn’t think this - they need to be approaching this like they are behind, and with a sense of extreme urgency


Biden isn’t exactly that popular either….but I do know that after his 4 years, he’ll leave. The Melon Felon won’t, because we have already seen it.


True but by certain world leaders. But with the rise of extreme right/authoritarian governments around the world, you will probably see more support for him from these oppressive regimes. It is a problem worldwide and one that is difficult to remove. Regardless of how we feel about our current circumstances, we cannot allow Trump and his followers to take control. It would be an economic, social, and constitutional disaster. But the majority of billionaires in the US are pushing it. Driven by arrogance, taxes, and imposing their will on the people. It is exactly what the founding fathers feared. In this respect I blame the Dems for failing to see past the present. The Republicans played the long game and now we are trapped.


The right wing talk show hosts are saying his conviction has made his second term a done deal, because even people who hate him don’t like this banana republic stuff. Ummm… no they hate him lol.


They’re trying to create reality from their narrative. They’re casting wishes into the wind.


Alternative facts. Sane Americans do not want a felon in the WH. Fox is fiction entertainment, nothing more.


But, how is this bad for Biden. /s


I believe that but I also believe that we the people are morons


MAGA is far, far louder than their actual numbers and no, Qaren, his felony convictions do not make him a stronger candidate stfu and go decode a chemtrail.


90-95% of trump supporters online is Russian bot farms. Even in IRL they have to put out Craigslist ads and bus in people for 100 miles to get enough to half fill a rally.


Yep. And even with that, he's pulling fewer attendees.


As a right leaning person, I’m not voting for Trump. FWIW, I didn’t vote for him in 2020 either. While right leaning, I’ve never been a straight ticket voter


I'm registered Republican. Outside of the primary, I will be voting straight ticket D this election. Republicans politicians have abandoned any and all principles. The party needs a wake up call.


Yeah, I used to be a "if in doubt vote R" guy myself. McCain picking Palin was the beginning of the end of that for me. Now Palin would seem too principled for many of the MAGAs.


"Now Palin would seem too principled for many of the MAGAs." It certainly was a simpler time when Palin was the benchmark for unhinged. 


It was a simpler time when Romney ‘scared’ liberals


I would give anything to go back to a Romney-villain time. Heck, at this point I’d vote for him. At least he has principles and a respect for law.


I'm left as can be and I would 100% support a Romney ticket if only for a return to normalcy. Romney's speech to Congress on Jan. 6 was a true class act.


I’m hardcore leftist, and I would 100% take a deal to live under Romney or McCain level republicans for the rest of my life rather than deal with the shit storm we’ve been dealing with.


Romney’s legacy will age quite well.


Romney was maybe the least scary republican in my lifetime. I actually didn't vote in 2012 because as much as I liked Obama, I didn't think it would be a big deal if Romney was president. I just kind of thought Romney was fake and had dumb economic policies, but I didn't think things would change for me very much. And btw, can we establish that if people "fear" someone in elections, it's never any kind of sign of respect? Some peopke seem to think it's jealousy, or like the kind of fear one has if their sports team is playing a good team. No, I fear Trump because he's incompetent, excruciating to listen to and hear about, and then there's the whole project 2025 thing. None of that is respect. I always think the guy is a complete clown who should have been laughed out of politics the second he got in, but all his power (and danger) cones from the idiots who worship him. He is not inherently powerful or dangerous.


Member Michelle Bachman? Now they’re all Michelle Bachman


I used to vote split ticket, but that was the beginning of me voting more and more D too. I haven't voted for a single R since 2016, when Trump ran. Any tiny amount of honest investigation revealed his history. The fact that he was the R party's best presidential candidate completely turned me away from him


I was 100% a McCain guy right up until the moment I stepped in the voting booth and saw "McCain/Palin." I couldn't risk it.


This was also my dad. Palin was the last straw


A-freaking-men. I’m right leaning on a lot of things, but the MAGA cult has convinced me to vote democrat for the first time in decades. Religious nationalism and cults of personality are un-American.


Upvotes for all of you.


I’m a lifelong republican and I cannot fathom how everyone around me completely abandoned any morals and standards for a loser con man. All of the republicans I knew were good, honest people who never swore or said anything bad about anyone. Now all democrats are demons and they all have fuck Joe Biden stickers. The moral downfall of the Republican Party has been beyond jarring. Hopefully when trump is gone we can go back to people like Mitt Romney, real good honest men/women.


Why Conservatives who are infected by Russian propaganda can never discern the truth: Yuri Bezmenov 1939 - 1993 was a KGB informant and disinformation expert who defected to Canada. He is best remembered for his anti-communist lectures and books in the 1980s. "Exposure to true information does not matter anymore." "A person who is demoralized is unable to assess true information." "The facts tell him nothing, even if I shower him/her with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures... he/she will refuse to believe it..." "That's the tragedy of the simulation of demoralization." Once peoples' morals have been debased: - Education becomes indoctrination. - EntertaInment becomes hypnotism - Criminals become leaders - Lies become truth https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/04/ukraine-russia-congress-johnson-republicans-marjorie-greene-putin-propaganda.html https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/key-republican-reps-russian-propaganda-infected-much-gop-rcna146812 https://www.newsweek.com/republican-infected-russian-propaganda-michael-mccaul-ukraine-aid-package-1886742 https://www.axios.com/2024/04/07/russian-propaganda-republican-party-mike-turner


I’m not sure if Mitt Romney was a good honest man, but I get your point


What do you mean? He has binders full of women, we know he's not sexist.


He seems like a good honest man these days. The bar came tumbling down quick.


People from the tri-state area (New York, New Jersey and Connecticut) have known that trump is a con man for decades. He has a very storied past. I can almost understand why people from other parts of the country would be fascinated by him, he’s a novelty to those who are unfamiliar with him. That aside, he is very upfront about the danger to democracy that he poses. People really need to open their eyes to what he is and start to think about what he says and does. To those in the tri-state area voting and enabling him and his accomplices, shame on you. You know what this guy is about.


I’m from CT. My whole family is from CT and they love him. It is indeed shameful.


It’s not really the Republican party anymore. Republicans are proud of and support our institutions and the Rule of Law. The magas are actively and viciously tearing those things down.


Trump and the new GOP turned me blue. I've never been a bigot, I think fuck off and let people live whatever lifestyle that want, up to and including addicts and petty criminals. New GOP has turned fascists when it comes to anyone not white, conservative, straight and male.


The NeoCons turned me Independent. MAGA turned me blue. At this point I’m hoping for the entire party to fall. This country would be better off with a center left and far left parties debating and governing. (Or better yet ranked choice voting with many more parties.)


I switched party affiliations this year. Had been registered as a Republican the last 32 years. Hadn't voted along party lines for a number of years, but I wanted to send a message to the party that they have lost my support entirely for aligning with MAGA. It was like working to get excommunicated from a church so they can't count you in their membership despite having never gone to services.


The new GOP or magas have made it abundantly clear that they do not care what the voters want or what they think. Just another reason to fuck them off honestly


In terms of the policies that aren't just "do whatever trump wants", it's all culture war bullshit. Never about affecting material conditions for most americans, just hurting minority groups. The one policy that does actually affect people they did was banning abortion in all the red states. And that's wildly unpopular


My die-hard MAGA cousin put it most succinctly, "F*ck the Libs." That's literally all they care about... whatever the "Libs" want; they oppose it. Doesn't matter if they're shooting their own feet as long as they "f*ck the Libs". They will burn the entire country to the ground rather than concede anything to Progressives.


That’s awesome. Get in touch with Republican Voters Against Trump - they’d love to have you. https://rvat.org/


You can obtain policy outcomes that ‘conservatives’ like, with Dem politicians, but you can’t get ‘liberal’ outcomes with GOP politicians. If the GOP as a political organization evaporated tomorrow, we would all be better off.


>I'm registered Republican. Yeah you are!


Thanks for voting your conscience. Much respect.


Thanks for standing on principles.


Thank you for this. I am on the left but understand the importance of negotiating in government. We need a competent right to do their job of offering competing ideas and input to bring reasonable gains for the American people. Integrity is not a part of MAGA and has no place in governing.


If Republicans are electorally crushed into irrelevance the Democratic party will split into centrist and progressive wings and the Overton window will shift. We don't need the current Republican party to have a two-party government.


As a former Democratic candidate (lost my primary), I would've LOVED the opportunity to debate an actual Republican, but MAGA has poisoned the water so much, that you almost have to agree upon a reality before beginning the debate. Discussing reality with a Trump supporter is like trying to figure out time travel, there are so many paradoxes to work through that you never get to the actual meat of it.


One step better is voting blue. Simply not voting is a zero sum for Trump. voting opposite of Trump is effectively - 1 for Trump.


Yeah, to me, as a former conservative (pre-2016), it is a binary choice. And any vote not for Biden is a vote for Trump.


With you, life long registered Republican. I've watched my party lose their GD minds for many years now. I can't exactly put my finger on the moment that they completely lost the script, but when a man, respected by both sides of the aisle (the late John McCain) chose a complete wackadoo (Sarah Palin) as a running mate feels like a fine guess. We need functional, decent politicians representing a broad spectrum of views to have a functional democracy. I see a wide variety of people, and viewpoints on the left, while my party has been co-opted by autocratic loonies. Now I'm rooting for the GOP to die completely, in hopes something takes its place that is more functional, and not completely based on the politics of hate, and grievance, for all of our sakes .


You just put your finger on it. He picked Palin and lost. To a NEGRO. Their ultimate nightmare that signaled the end to their white hegemony. That sent them over the fucking edge and the tea party formed. This MAGA cult is just the bastard child of those tools.


Gingrich. It got weird when he came along in the 90s. Trying to take down Clinton as hard as he did.


I still can’t wrap my head around Palin as the running mate to John McCain who most certainly would have won that election if it weren’t for her. Who TF decided to ruin his chances by partnering with her?


They didn't vet her. It was the most impressive feat of failing upwards in American political history. They needed a woman, and there were so few Republican women in office at the time, Palin stuck out like a sore thumb. In other words, Sarah Palin was absolutely chosen because of her gender, not her qualifications. Which is such an ironic MAGA talking point these days. What is absolutely wild to me is that Aaron Sorkin 100% predicted the GOP trajectory on The Newsroom the night Obama was elected. Watch this and tell me it's not dead on accurate https://youtu.be/TbErkUE3Az0?si=Xn3b4r_H9_yIK3VY


Keep it up. And tell your friends to not vote for Trump either!


Tell your friends about the lunatics that will make up a second Trump administration. It will make the Raffensperger call become a footnote in the history of election interference, let alone what it will do to civil liberties to anyone who isn't a white christian male


We act like white Christian males won't lose all their civil liberties too. It's not like they are only going to subjugate minorities. Under fascism we'll all be subjugated. I mean just cause they appeal to white Christian male hatred it doesn't mean their rights don't get stripped too. I'm a white male although atheist but was raised in a rural Christian conservative home. I'm poor though and fascism has no benefits for me or anyone I know personally. We'll be sent off to war while they cut all government welfare for people like me who need Medicaid to survive.


So you're an actual Conservative, nice!


Did you vote for the felon in 2016!? I did. He was a businessman who said he would work with the Best of the Best to accomplish great things. Quickly, it was clear that NOBODY wanted to work with this buffoon! They knew he was a grifter, I had to learn. So, I did NOT vote for him in 2020. I take full credit for him not being reelected. Well, me and all of us who realized our mistake and voted for JBiden! I will Never vote MAGA Q!


Let's be realistic here. If you didn't know before voting that he was a clown idk what parts of his history you were looking at and I'd love to know, because he's literally been this selfish asshole, failing-upwards "millions from daddy" schlub his entire life lmao it wasn't a secret or anything


Me, my fiance, my dad, a bunch of her friends, my gm at work. Basically I could keep going. All did the same thing. Don't worry Trump does not seem to understand how he won the first time or why he lost the second. Like at all. And not in his usual 'I'm choosing delusion' I genuinely think he doesn't understand how he won lol He seems to think he won by being unhinged which is just not the case He won because he convinced many that he really was an outsider and he would do something. He won because people were actually fed up with career politicians. He won because of Hilary distrust. He ruined literally all of that by 2020 lol In my personal life I don't know a single person who actually voted for him twice. We all made that mistake once and went 'no thanks' He does not know how to win again. Because he doesn't know how he won the first time.


As someone who leans left, there's not a damn thing wrong with someone who leans right. It only becomes a problem when people go so far to the left/right that they become untethered from reality. Thank you for not voting for the wannabe dictator


Yep. If the left had someone up there utterly unfit to lead, I would stand up and also say hey, they're not getting my vote. Example lefties are Blagojevich or Anthony Weiner, people who have absolutely zero business being in public office, convicted of crimes, should go find another line of work.


Same here. voted for Biden in 2020 and doing the same in 2024. I’m registered republican but would honestly register independent if my state had open primaries.




my Mgr… who i admire… is a republican… he hates Trump i am not sure about Biden either… but i dislike both because they are far too old i just see Biden as the adult in the room


Thank you for seeing the big picture or democracy and freedom over the current right wing agenda.


Thank you, respected opposition.


Remember 2022? Biden numbers in the toilet, China balloons everywhere, general malaise and everyone knew - Everyone. Knew. - the midterms would be a bloodbath for the Dems Noted prognosticator Erick Erickson, 5.4.2022: *If you think it's bad now wait till November when the left realizes January 6th obsessing and the Roe reversal won't mitigate their losses at the ballot box.* Of course as it turned out, J6 and Dobbs mitigated the fuck out of losses at the ballot box. In the best environment for the out of power party in decades, the GOP took a slim majority in the House - which is now down to 1 vote. There was no excuse for blowing an election in a year like that - but voters looked at MAGA and went, nah. MAGA was so toxic that AZ elected Dems for Gov, Senator, and SOS - and a lot of Qrazy election denying MAGAt SOS candidates lost too. From 2018 to now, MAGA hasn't had a strong election return and Democrats keep winning special elections. Kansas and Ohio voted to constitutionally protect abortion rights Abortion is on the ballot in AZ. Abortion and pot are on the ballot in FL.


I'm afraid these posts discourage apathetic voters from participating. This is what happened in 2016


The Democrats seem hell bent on repeating 2016.


how so?


By ignoring the fact that Trump has a good chance of winning.


the Biden administration certainly isnt ignoring the real chance of Trump winning.


Yeah but as someone said, posts like this relax voters into thinking it's a done deal. Exactly what happened in 2016.


People are going to post whatever they post. Freaking out over random redditors posting nonsense in this subreddit isn't going to help democrats win either.


If a post like this discourages you from voting you werent going to vote anyways. The whole idea of Democrats will win in a landslide is only true if people come out and vote so I encourage everyone to vote and volunteer to sign people up to vote as well.


The level of confidence from *everyone*, including the GOP, that Clinton would win is nothing compared to today. Paul Ryan couldn't believe it the next morning. We don't need to be complacent but Biden 2024 is a fraction of the confidence of Clinton 2016.


I absolutely wouldn’t be surprised if this is from a Trump supporter deceptively posting this.


This is why republicans are currently in a mad scramble to sue all courts they can in order to suppress the votes and push highly gerrymandered maps into effect. Seriously if you haven’t been seeing that quieter side of their attack look it up, it’s wild the stuff they are suing over all across America right now.


Currently? This has been their MO for decades


MMW: Narrow Biden victory is the best we can hope for.


This is correct. If Biden wins it will be razor tight. Dems have out performed polls by a couple of percent points in the last three national elections ('18, '20, '22) and signs point to the same. Landslide? Not going to happen. Eek out a win? Possible.


Biden could win by 10 million votes and the election will still come down to a couple of 10k votes in the swing states.


It only takes 23% of the vote to win the presidency.


It's crazy when you realize how small of a percentage of the population that is because voter turnout was roughly 160mil in 2020. 23% of that is 33 million people or 10% of the population of the USA.




Ummm, Biden most certainly did not outperform his polls in 2020. His final RCP average was +7.2%; he ended up winning by 4.5%


>  Narrow Biden *electoral college* victory FTFY. Now you and OP are both correct


I don't think Trump stands a chance of winning...but as long as the Electoral College exists, there is always the chance that the loser wins.


In total votes yes but thanks to the Electoral College, an artifact of Antebellum Southern scale-tipping, it will be an anxiety-producing squeaker.


The Electoral College has to go. This nation has progressed way beyond the need for it. edit: I wonder if starting a petition for it would carry any weight.


We will never have a 2/3 vote for it in both the house and the senate.


We might not need one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact?wprov=sfla1


Yeah, and nobody really thought he was going to win in 2016. Until he did. MMW: Don’t take the chance. Vote anyway.


The election will be decided by 6% of voters in a handful of swing states. Those voters are suburban, centrist, voted for Trump in 2016 and voted for Biden in 2020.


If believing dems will win in a landslide gets you to vote, then by all means. If you think trump will win in a landslide will get you to vote, then by all means. If thinking it will close gets you to vote, then by all means. Just vote


They will claim election fraud even if they win because they didn't win by enough votes. In their mind they are 75% of the population.


I just started a job that requires me to rural houses out in the middle of nowhere. The amount of Trump dick-sucking out in the sticks is noteable


Just drove through a part of rural Wisconsin i hadnt been through since 2021. There is a noticeable diminishment of signs and flags fromwhat I remember. Even the hiuses near me seem to have given up on him.


It's wild because as a life long democrat, if the GOP had put forth a young, engaging, canditate with bold policies I would have seriously considered it. Instead nope, just the same steaming orange pile of shit


Biden’s age is the only thing keeping this remotely close. And stupid idiots who still buy the Trump idiocy.


Biden is perfectly competent but he will be like mid 80s by the end of his 2024-2028 electoral turn so it's not an unreasonable worry for the future In reality (IMO) the biggest thing threatening his election chances is his continued support of Isreal. There is a WHOLE lot of left leaning people, especially young people, who outright refuse to vote for him because of it


trump is basically the same age, and is visibly declining every time he’s in front of a camera. That’s why they keep pushing the Biden is senile BS. Every accusation from fascists is an admission.


MAGA was already going to claim fraud. They're already claiming fraud. If they win, they'd probably claim fraud.


Above all Americans love stability. Trump only offers chaos.


You know who else prizes stability? Wall Street. One thing that gives me hope. What do fascists do? Take over profitable industry and put their cronies in charge.




Trump is much more unpopular than most folks understand. The age group of people that ACTUALLY VOTE are set on Biden or new some or anyone besides trump …


I live in one of the most blue areas in the US and still know plenty of Trump supporters, even in Gen Z. Especially among the rich whyte community. They’ve indoctrinated their kids who are now adults to be just as xenophobic, privileged, and self-centered as they are, even in our diverse area


The women of the U.S. will save the nation.


55% of white women voted for Trump in 2020. Don't count your chickens til they hatch.


Only if people vote him out. Don't be like those runners who celebrate before the finish line and then lose. You have to do your part and VOTE if you want this to be a reality.


Correct 💯%. tRump is the most consistent Loser of all time. Blue tsunami !


I hope trump has a heart attack as soon as he sees his loss.


This sadly is the best outcome for America. Not that Trump dies and becomes a martyr, but he has a medical issue that leaves him enfeebled. Then the empty husk of the GOP can eat itself alive trying to take his base for their own. Then hopefully the Republican Party can return to being run by grown-ups


Biden’s approval rating has been really low for awhile though? I wouldn’t be too confident, unfortunately.


The thing is, Trump won by an electoral fluke the first time. He lost the popular vote both times by quite a large margin too. Also it's glaringly obvious to anyone who isn't getting their news from Truth social that he's a blatant liar. He unapologetically harassed the judge's family in his hush money trial, and then encouraged his voters to do it after he got hit with a gag order.


I hope your prediction is right.


Register to vote!


Vote. Get your ass out and vote like your life depends on it, because it does.


For those of you who see today's GOP as not what they used to be and a true threat, thank you for putting country before party. You are truly patriots....


Good to see so many Rs seeing the light. Face it though, R's in Congress are flat out ridiculous, lyng jerks and Putin Patsies. I have never voted for them because I believe strongly in the separation of church and state. Plus, the GOP is useless for humanity. As far back as Reagan, who shut down mental health institutions, and it became worse from there. So many needing help, were stored away in prisons or tossed to the streets. Absolutely shameful


Yall ain't been paying attention to how Republicans are rigging certain states to essentially pick the winner for their state. Unfortunately, Trumps gunna be the next president. We need to be ready for that outcome


I have my doubts considering how poorly his backed candidates have performed and how people in primaries are still voting cod candidates who aren't even in the race anymore. The Roe V Wade decision is still haunting Republicans and will continue to hurt them in the coming election. Trump had the benefit of being an outside of sorts in 2016, and Hillary wasn't particularly well liked. Trump is now a known quantity and has scared off a lot of independent voters. I don't see Biden winning in a landslide, but with all the things I've stated plus his criminal convictions, I don't see Trump winning a 2nd term.


Regarding Trump, those aren't charges anymore..... they're convictions


Sure, Dems will win by a landslide popular vote and the trash that has gotten itself put into positions where they can overturn the vote of the people will refuse to verify Biden. The Rs are determined that there will be violence, they want it and they intend to commit it.


I hope you're right, but right now there's no hard data to support that claim.


only when we VOTE




That’s how we know they cheated


The only platform Republicans have is defending their king. To them it's Trump at all cost.


I Think so too. The main reason for this is that Trump refused to accept the results of the last election.


It's gonna be a copy paste of 4 years ago. They'll both win and lose the same states. I don't think anybody who voted last election has changed their position from one way to the other.


For the sake of us all, I hope you're right.


RemindMe! 5 months


Trump had the biggest voter turnout in history in the last election, only superseded by biden in the same election Whatever you think of either candidate they both have a massive support from voters and whatever happens the other side will feel like they were somehow robbed (not saying anyone will claim the election was stolen, however likely that might be )


Trump has lost a lot of his base through killing them with Covid and losing them because he acts like a dick. I’ve spoke to many Republicans who are most likely not gonna vote for him.


I will agree with your assessment President Biden will win hopefully in a landslide


No. There will not be a landslide regardless of who wins. It will be close. Maybe not as close as last time, but still close. I do agree with your second point though, if they lose they’ll claim fraud no matter how big the margin is.


If he makes it to Nov 5, I'm guessing he will lose by between 15 million and 30 million votes. I have this nagging feeling that something, whether a health or legal issue, will prevent him from being on the ballot.


Fair assessment. That big red wave of winning never developed in the previous general and mid term elections.


Bull crap. Dems MIGHT win, but there will be no landslide. The whiney little MAGA bitches will definitely be up in arms about it, some literally, but the worst they will do is attempt to enter legislative and government executive buildings, probably democratic politicians’ homes, possibly kill some people on the way, but otherwise generally just be a nuisance to law enforcement.


I've been saying this for quite a while. But we still have to think like we will lose if we don't keep working hard. I'm having a phone banking party today to make sure people vote this Tuesday ! #voteblue


I really hope you're right, but the polls are very worrisome, repeatedly. Don't take it for granted!


You are right if we make it so. Please, redditors, vote, tell your friends to vote, volunteer, donate.


I can see this happening, it's already beginning too. Every year since 2018, and it's showing in special elections too.


If Dems *vote*, they'll win in a landslide. If all they do is whine on TikTok, we're going to get 4 more years of MAGA.


Polls are not capturing the depth of passionate hatred that people have for Trump. It’s going to be a blow out against that felonious pants shitter.


We need to be mindful and prepared for when Biden wins though, the Trumpists are going to try to go full Forever Purge this time, making Jan 6 look like a dress rehearsal. Purple states and especially razor-thin margin states should experience the worst of it. Do not under any circumstances allow this fear, though, to stop you from exercising your civic right to the democratic rights.


I want to believe this, and to some degree I do. If you agree, PLEASE still vote! Don't get complacent in the belief that the numbers are already in your favor so you don't have to justify the time. Vote early and in every election you're able!


The thing is they have a plan for losing because it’s all they’ve really done. They have a plan for declaring war or something and installing Trump or mass negating real votes to install Trump. This can’t succeed.


I agree. Orange Jezuz supporters are all talk. They claim he’s the messiah but when messiah is on trail all they do is tweet. Listen I’m no Christian but if the actual Jesus was on trail I’d be on the next plane. Their jezuz is gonna be sentenced but you will see no more than a hundred crazies will brave the NYC police. They make the original disciples look like superheroes.


I truly think we forget how dumb and selfish people are in this country.


Vote Blue, and they will. Vote Blue straight down the ticket so they can get some of these R assholes out of Congress so the obstructionist bullshit stops.


Remind Me! 5 months


Has anyone considered the states that do not allow felons on the ballot... if there are any? I have not researched it, and I'm both mostly occupied with my daughter and partially lazy.


Ill never vote for Trump


35m raised in 24 hrs, I don’t think it will be a landslide at all. I just wish there were better candidates


Not if you don't vote!!


Trump backed candidates have lost at a staggering rate since 2016. Even Republicans that maintain their distance from Trump have been losing pretty badly too. Not only have the polls been wrong since Roe was overturned, they've been wildly wrong in some cases. The republican party is in for a reckoning this November.