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He’s already said as much. He got caught doing illegal shit and was found guilty by a jury. Yet his supporters now suddenly don’t like the law


The best/worst part is his supporters being outraged by normal justice system protocol. “They offered Cohen less jail time if he said bad things about Trump! And they gave Pecker immunity if he said bad things about Trump! The prosecutor was biased and actively worked to convict Trump! Can you believe it? “


Yea , that was Dr Phil’s idiotic comment, moron must have never heard of what happens in an organized crime trial . What a putz !


I despised Dr. Phil before that interview - I actually hate him now. He's disgusting.


I mean. He already did. He tried to have Hillary prosecuted. Jeff Sessions declined. Muller report page 107. Trump had Rudy funnel information on Hunter to Barr, who set up a special office to pursue it. This information was confirmed by Republican oversight.


If Barr passed on Hillary the case must have been extremely weak or nonexistent, Barr was his lap dog and did his bidding at least until it got to possible treason ( ok - maybe sedition is the correct crime ) at the end of Drumpt term .


There never was a case on Hillary. They admitted that it was a witch hunt purely meant to hurt her chances. They admitted it on video.


Whatever happened to Benghazi after the election...? Republicans are so easily manipulated


There was a congressional committee I believe led by Devon Nunes that IMMEDIATELY ended after the 2016 election, so politically a nothing burger.


It was just weak. She used personal email for her official job. She then cooperated. Since then, dozens of top level Trump cabinet members have been caught using unofficial email, so it is kinda silly. Even if there was some shady stuff going on, she did a much better job at covering it up. Trump could accept that Hillary may be a crook and she is just better than him at it.


Bill Barr is the guy every democratic pundit said was gonna get trump.


Wasn't Barr Bush II's lapdog a long time ago?


I’m not quite sure Barr was his lap dog. Barrs dad employed Jeffrey Epstein at a prestigious high school


Trump and Epstein were besties all through the 90s, not seeing a contradiction here


That’s the crazy part. He tried multiple times, with various of his appointees and they either said no or just pretended to agree to it until he forgot about it like a child. And they decided not to tell anyone about it unless compelled to do so or for a book deal.


Agreed, "Mark my words, Trump will do what he tried multiple times to do last time and what every republican is outright screaming they want to do." [https://www.villages-news.com/2024/06/02/loomer-calls-for-death-penalty-for-democrats-who-committed-treason/](https://www.villages-news.com/2024/06/02/loomer-calls-for-death-penalty-for-democrats-who-committed-treason/) This right wing influencer very close to the Trump campaign was calling for the death penalty for "treason" which should mean the January 6th attempt to violently overthrow democracy but she likely means "Trying to hold a rich white man accountable for his numerous crimes." If republicans are allowed to seize and hold power, they absolutely will start talking more about executing political rivals. That is always where this shit ends up. It can happen here.


Night of the Long Knives 2.0


Except way more civilians from all political leanings are armed and armored. A lot more people today claim they are willing to personally stand up to the actions of those they consider political extremists.


Well, that could end being worse too. Not saying it will, just that its a possibility. Worst case scenario is you have a violent event such as a political purge that sparks a civil war... which, if the USA continues on its current path, seems to be an inevtiable eventuality. Personally I think there are enough people trying to prevent such a scenario that its probably not as likely as it might seem, but crazier things have happened. Its a volatile situation, and no one can be sure of what is going to happen ultimately. There are a lot of wild cards in play.


Don't forget that Barr tossed Michael Cohen back in jail as retribution for daring to testify against Trump.


The investigation into the Clinton Foundation began in 2017 and didn’t until January 2021. The FBI, IRS and DOJ all reported there wasn’t any evidence at all let alone to build a case, but Trump refused to close the investigation.


The DOJ gave everyone involved immunity. The IT guy who created a backdoor in the government network so she could receive email on her Blackberry. He got immunity to just speak with investigators.


It is what Project 2025 calls for.


Some of my friends who I consider moderately well informed had not heard of Project 2025. Clearly they are not paying attention and I don't understand it.


Can you really "mark your words" if you're just saying exactly what the felon melon said he's gonna do?


That’s literally a campaign promise.


This is not a prediction. This is what he's campaigning on doing.


Well, duh, that's what he's saying. If he could manage to do it, he most definitely would.


You're not really making a big statement here. He's been quoted as saying as much.


I mean didn't dude already say he planned to do exactly that? I could be wrong but I swear Cheesus said he would do that.


It's difficult to have these discussions with the average "red hat MAGA member", because they aren't even intelligent enough to listen to the truth when tRump tell them "I don't care about you, I just want your vote." He said it, they applauded, and kept drinking the Kool-aid.


He already plans to re-instate segregation, label all gay people as pedophiles and then murder all of them, declare a dictatorship, and probably ban the Democratic Party, what’s one more thing to him? I believe he is the puppet. We all know he’s too much of a dumbass to write 900 pages himself. The guy at the top is either a very rich american, or Vladimir Putin, or Xi Jinping.


It’s not China. They’re too reliant on the US economy. They want us under control not lashing out wildly


Yep, and the irony, of course is this is exactly what the cult cries about as bringing our country down lol. MAGA are idiots!


Its not your words, Trump himself has said this. His cronies are chomping at the bit to weaponize the courts. Maga will say that biden is doing the same thing, yet Biden isnt pardoning his own son. Biden has nothign to do with Trumps criminal trials, they are state prosecutors in most cases


He will succeed in destroying America with a corrupt Supreme Court at his back to rule in favor of anything that he does.


Yep - will be a revenge tour of epic proportions. We will see quickly whether the “institutions” hold because he will fill them with loyalists / opportunists. The danger is less Trump, he is petty and will money grab, the real danger is the people around him who see the oppy to slip into positions of power.


Mark your words? More like mark the convicted felon’s words. He’s said it out loud.


People don't realize how crazy Trump is, he will literally resurrect the 3rd Reich, make us all goose step into gas chambers. The right is totally unhinged and evil and they make me cry for what the US has become. Like, come on guys!!! Why can't you see that trumpets are crazy!!


This is one of those painfully obvious posts.


Considering he already made multiple comments about becoming a dictator. He has said that he plans to suspend the constitution. I have a feeling that weaponizing the DOJ will be among the least of the things we should fear.


This is a combination of what he did 2016-2020 and what he is promising to do.


Don't forget that many investigations currently moving forward will be shut down. The biggest one will be the current ongoing rent collusion investigation, whereby corporate landlords have been sharing information with a common "pricing advisor" website called RealPage. The result is collusion which leads to higher rents, higher vacancy rates, and less competition. That investigation will be taken to the bathtub and drowned.


That’s not your words; that’s his words.


He has literally said that he's going to do this. There are many things he says he's going to do that I don't believe. But this is absolutely on brand for him so when he says it I'm inclined to believe based on past behavior.


Domestic J. Terrorist will prosecute the opposition and possibly anyone that points out he's a sensitive fragile snowflake.


NPR did a whole segment on this Saturday, interviewing former staff members who spoke out against the administration and their fears of retribution.


Oh, you mean he's gonna do the exact same shit he did the first time around only worse now since he's been publicly humiliated & looking for retribution? I'm downright shocked...


Of course he will. First he'll go after the high priority figures for the PR, and to instill fear. Once he's cleaned up his top political enemies, he'll eventually decide to purge the poison from the citizens. He'll have all those detainment centers that the for-profit prison companies built and managed for the illegal immigrants, so they can start putting the "enemies of the people" in there, too.


Yup Bragg gave Trump every validation for running with the prosecution of political opponents. It sucks but why some people think the republicans won’t use any method proven to be acceptable to the left? Reminds me of the filibuster. It’s only good when one side uses it.


So many bots, I can’t even track the convo. If someone’s dropping some divisive bullshit, see if they have 1 post and -3000 karma. Those are bots or troll farmers.


how does this belong on this sub? when he quite literally has stated exactly that multiple times? its not a prediction if he is literally telling us itll happen.


If he wins he said he'd dismantle the constitution, zig hail the orange man.


Well he has said it already so you should be marking his words.


He keeps telling us over and over again he’ll do this. Not rocket surgery!


He already said he was going to


You can't be a convicted felon and get a job at Target, but the President of the United States............ sure, why not.


Well no shit. He already did it once with Bill Barr. Nice job DOJ for even putting us in this position.


If Trump wins, our country is doomed. Doomed doomed. We should all be considering exit plans.


Lmao are you blind? The DOJ has already been weaponized... That's why they are going after a presidential candidate in an election year over a crime committed years ago regarding an affair and hush money, something that is commonplace among politicians and wealthy people.   It's easier to fool people than convince them they have been fooled. - Mark Twain Now that the DOJ has been weaponized, you can bet your ass that using the DOJ as a political weapon will become commonplace in the future.  This is what Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard lawyer and Democrat, has been saying for years - that we as a country do not want to go down this road, and yet we have... 


Alan Dershowitz lost his mind after 9-11 , so call civil liberties lawyer that endorsed court sanctioned torture, said it would be acceptable as long as a judge signed off , sounds like something like right out of Nazi Germany .


Is it really a MMW if it's something he both 1. already did last time he was in office and 2. has openly promised to do over and over again?


Does anyone doubt this?


They literally talk about it in project 2025


If you have a problem with the DoJ being weaponized against politicians, you might need to reevaluate some things...


The plan is already out there. Search PROJECT 2025 to see what the plans are. Why do you think they needed control of the Supreme Court???


Just like Biden weaponized government agencies to attack his opponent with frivolous lawsuits in attempts to cheat in an election once again ? Last week Jill Biden stole over $3M in taxpayer money to take AF2 back from France to the US so she didn't miss a dinner and then flew right back to France. Thieves. All of them.


Lol, oh you mean do what Bidens DOJ has done? Well yeah, anyone with half a brain saw this whole charade was bullshit. But idiots on the left will be the useful idiots they always are, clamor for more government overreach. Not understanding down the road it's gonna bite them in the ass. 🤡


Like Biden did?


...and how is that different from now?


I hope you’re right. Drain it all.


Too late. The unconvicted felon already did that.


So exactly what the dems did to him? Seems fair


If the USA security agencies were worth a fuck, Trump would be a minor issue....like snot on a tissue.


MMW: OP and others like him are true MAGAts. How else could somebody ostensibly against Trump make a Biden supporter look like any more of a deranged nutjob?


Always projecting onto others exactly what they are doing to you . Amazing to witness in real time. Who goes around worried of being tossed in jail if they did nothing wrong? Either they did something wrong or have first hand knowledge on how the justice system has been used to attack political opponents


Wait!! This is news to me. I thought it already WAS weaponized?


So he will do to them what they are doing to him? Don’t act like all of these politicians aren’t criminals. Where else can you earn a salary in 6 figures and become worth hundreds of millions of dollars.




No one is above the law


Wow, really going out on a limb there OP.




Be funny if he won but they made it a term of his probation that he can’t do that lol.


I mean that's what he said he would do in clear English.


No one is above the law


And Well, with his dementia, it won’t even be him pulling the strings


This sub is fucking insane


That’s more marking Trumps words.


Why are we afraid of this maniac when we have the bed weapon to defeat him , our vote , there’s no other way around , let’s vote blue , it might not be 100% the best but there is no alternative at this moment


If orange child ends up back in office I expect him to enact martial law with the first two years of his term. "Registered as a Democrat? Off to jail you go!"


I mean, that's what he says he'll do.


The system has proven to work. If the system works he cannot prosecute anyone unless he has ample evidence And if whoever his AG is (IF he wins) has ample evidence then they SHOULD be prosecuted because no one is above the law.


He already stated he would. So it’s not marking your words. It’s be marking his words.


Is this your fair and unbiased DOJ Democrats created?


He already admitted he was going to do this, I don't think we need to mark your words.


Yea he's going to screw things up like last time right. Hey they say he went in last time how did it effect your day to day life an when he left how did your life get


Biden's DOJ opened up a whole can of worms. Funny thing is Trump was above the fray by letting Hillary and her government emails being on a private server and Bill Clinton Foundation extortion scam.


He has literally and repeatedly said exactly that. These are not your words to mark.


Yeah he will. Thanks to bidens time in office it is now acceptable to do so. Why shouldn't he? The dems.have been doing it for years


Trump and his cohorts committed actual crimes supported by evidence.


Nobody is above the law


I think we're marking Trump's words at this point. He's basically said that's what hes going to do.


Well, yes. He’s said he would do this. He has already done this. This is not a hot take.


I would


That and Russian money are the only reasons he’s running. He does not care about his base and they are too stupid to realize it since all they care about is putting the black and brown people in their place and the 1% will get all their wishes of having worker protections stripped which some states have started. They will somehow think it’s the Lefts fault for their plight when they live in a red state. SMFH 😔


Considering he's standing on stage screaming this exact scenario, I've already marked his words.


Just like how he was going to start a new war right? Yeah ok Biden is doing everything you all said trump would do


Oh, weaponization for thee but not for me, huh?


So....exactly like every other fascist dictator two bit banana republic in history? Vote like your fucking life depends on it.


He already said he was going to. It's hilarious how Hannity keeps trying to get him to walk back the inflammatory statements with leading softball questions. And TFG simply refuses, and often doubles down.


The irony is apparently lost on you


The DOJ is already weaponized.


I’ve heard a lot of rallies from Trump but I never heard him mention how he intends to make my Doritos less expensive.


That’s what he should’ve done. That’s what he wanted to do. So justice is only applicable in the form of revenge and besides that bygones should be bygones ? That’s disgusting and an oblivious miscarriage of justice. Serves him right for not putting the American people and his campaign slogan first. DRAIN THE SWAMP. the idiot really got drained himself.


He’s already said he would do this. Way to go out on a limb!


DOJ has already been weaponized by the leftists.


So you agree the DOJ was weaponized against him. If not it wouldn't be revenge.


This isn't a mark my words statement seeing as he told us this himself. Once he becomes a dictator on day one he will prosecute people like its 1939 in Berlin


I mean he has already done this and explicitly says he will continue to do it so I mean yeah lol.


Yes, yes, because he clearly tried to do everything the Democrats do when he was in office the first time. Oh that's right, he didn't take away freedom of speech, didn't round up the LGBTQ crowd and put them in concentration camps, and didn't do God only knows what other looney stuff people predicted the first time around. Get over it and come join the rest of us in reality - where Trump is far from perfect, but least he's not bound and determined to destroy western civilization.


Good! Time to go after the real criminals like Biden and Hillary. Too bad they will probably rig it again like 2020


Weaponization happened long ago. Remember when Obama used the IRS to go after political opponenents and journalists and whistle blowers.


The doj is already weaponized.


He is quite literally telling us that's what he'll do. You don't get points for predicting this lol.




I love how the tune changes from if you don’t break the law you have nothing to fear to all of a sudden when lawfare is turned on to the democrats that it’s a witch hunt all of a sudden. This has been a major escalation by Democrats as to where the line is on prosecuting your political adversaries to win an election. I hope for the sake of the country Trump wins and moves forward without escalating it any further.


Let’s just hope he’s not as successful as John Durham!




Republicans tell the world what they are going to do and yet we STILL don't believe them, then they do it, and we STILL somehow think they aren't going to do MORE of the same later. The most baffling part is the mindless cult that follows his every hateful word or terrible idea like its the new Gospel.


If they haven’t broken any laws then they shouldn’t have any problems.


This isn’t a MMW. They literally have a plan called Project 2025 that lays out how they plan to create a ‘loyal’ executive branch, invoke the insurrection act, and then go after Trumps enemies. It’s on the dang Wikipedia page.


Previous White House staffers who were critical after they left the administration are 100% sure they will be investigated and prosecuted in some fashion. This past This American Life has a great story on it this weekend.




These aren't your words, Trump has already said he's going to go after political opponents


Doubt he will. But I wouldn't blame him.


By repeating over and over that Biden has weaponized DOJ against him he is setting up that it has already happened and he can then act in the "same' way.


I mean, yeah, he's been pretty upfront about how that is exactly his plan.


We don’t have to mark your words Project 2025 alludes to prosecuting political rivals. Hes telling us that that is his plan. If he really believes democrats subverted democracy and stole the election (he doesn’t believe that lol) then he would have no choice but to try and prosecute them. Or more accurately, now that his followers believe that democrats subverted democracy and stole the election, they will expect and support him prosecuting those involved. Almost like lies are loans that accrue interest.


Donald Trump is looking more and more like a real-life (elderly) equivalent of Eric Cartman...


Grand Juries never decline to indict, you can research it yourself.


Why would he do that? Lol.


And you guys thought the Capitol Hill riots were a blast?! Wait til this goes down!! 😱


Lmao like it hasn’t been weaponized. Russia collusion, steel dossier , wire tapping , yeah he should go after every one of them.


Those aren’t your words, those are his words.


Sorry dude, kind of a weak mmw. He’s literally said revenge is part of his platform.


He should do Justice to your corrupt compatriots who serve the oligarchy and are pedophiles.


Duh. He said that


Optimistic. Of course he’d try to weaponize DOJ, but all his missteps and failures might show him how. Sycophants all the way down. Please vote. Polls could be russian propaganda to make non-trumpkins feel safe. Don’t be fooled.


Weaponize the DOJ, you say!?! What would *that* look like? Oh wait, I already know...


Oh man, I can only hope. I am voting for him \*because\* I hope he will go on a rampage against the FBI.


Lots of members of the FBI are gearing up to flee the US because of the revenge. They tried to destroy him and now he's angry. Fafo.


I wouldn't doubt that trump will try to go after people on Reddit, because they said mean things about him.


Yeah, it's almost like shit rolls downhill. Remove the the statute of limitations solely for one man, do e by prosecutors elected when running on getting him, pissing all over the rule of law. Yeah, I fucking hope so and will enjoy every moment of it.


I support infighting among the elites.




You're predicting the future by stating current events. The question everyone should be asking is, Why are SOOO many career politicians so afraid of the outsider? These are the people who have become extremely wealthy for creating problems then figuring out how to tax us for said problems.


In other words, no justice.


Interesting take. Meanwhile, the DOJ has been weaponized under this administration and arresting/jailing their political opponents. Orange man never did any of that during his administration. You guys like to project while committing those same actions.


he already said he would do this


As he should.


He should open an investigation into every living politician for campaign finance violations.


Well, it's currently already being used in that way. You're a fool to not use a weapon your enemy is


Yeah… he did that less than two years into office…. We have proof he’ll do it again if given the chance


That’s no secret. He says it every chance he gets. It’s practically his campaign platform.


You mean like what you guys have been doing for 4 years ?


Not going out a limb there lol


he had cohen put in a cell for writing a book, don't pretend that that was a one off, once he starts you can see the shit spinning out of control, gulags for anyone that doesn't kiss his ass


When capitalists target other capitalists I have a hard time caring.


well biden's ghostwriter has already come forward about the classified information that biden kept, and there are voice message recordings proving after his vice presidency biden kept classified info. and he's not being charged. meanwhile, trump is. for the exact same thing lmao. gee, you think maybe the DOJ could have a prejudice or bias? i'm not even a republican, even \*I\* am tired of your team-based bullshit. not to mention if the jury had come back and acquitted him or something, yall would 100% be saying it was an unfair trial. and you KNOW it. and how would he have ever gotten an actual fair trial? where did they find 12 jury members that are actually unbiased and impartial to Donald J Trump. Not to mention the historicity of jury members being doxxed by democrats, threatened and harassed, like the jury of Kyle Rittenhouse. that's how all this works.. the system is fine when it does what YOU want, but then it's broken when it doesn't agree with you. funny how that works, isn't it? yall don't care about actual democracy or what's best for the country. you care about tribalism and your "team" winning. that's it. i'm done with the double standards and hypocrisy. I hope he wins tbh. this country might need a civil war to be salvaged.




So it would suddenly be *bad* to weaponize the DOJ?


That it's still plausible for a convict to win an election is ridiculous


Why do your words need to be marked? We already marked the felons very public promises to do just that. No need to say it twice.


Oh gee, ya think?


He will change it to his personal police force. He already vow to destroy our government


The DOJ has already been weaponized. What the hell are you talking about?


Not true


Is stating the absolute obvious thing enough to get mass upvotes here?


Well, duh.


And only Democrats are allowed to do that?


Funny you don’t think the DOJ, and multiple other federal agencies haven’t been weaponized/corrupt for decades. But ig the world started spinning for those on Reddit the minute Trump stepped into office


Lol deep projection, JB's team is currently abusing their power to persecute DT


Funny, that’s already happening and folks whistling past the graveyard.


Oh yeah tooooootally


He will weaponize the already weaponized DOJ against political opponents and even normal citizens!? 😱


You can smell the FEAR…. Call it RETRIBUTION🇺🇸


Oh, he will do just that, what he's wrongly accused Biden of doing. He has clearly stated (which doesn't happen all that often for him) what his "1st days of presidency" will be. God forbid that he actually does things that could benefit the average person... Hopefully, he won't get the chance, especially since he already showed he wouldn't do that during his 1st term!


The DOJ is an independent agency Remember?


We don't need to mar your words. He has said he would specifically do just that multiple times.


Well duh... He already tried that last time. Of course he will!


Of course he will.


He's running first, to stay out of jail, priority number one. Second, to continue the grifting scheme that many many people are talking about. They are saying it's the best grift. No one has ever seen the likes of it. Send 50.00 -- But retaliation is third on the list of priorities. He has already compiled a list of journalists to lock away. So it will be just an extension of the last wasted, deadly, 4 years he assaulted the white house.