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My bet for Musk has always been Autoerotic Asphyxiation.




Why not both?




I love that for him. A fitting ending to be hoisted by his own petard.


Fitting? Why? Why should he be imprisoned like Jack Ma in China and Navalny in Russia?


Why are you impersonating a child?


Are you seriously comparing Navalny with Elno, when everyone knows he's way more like Jesus /s


I don't think he's more like Jesus, though if you separate the mysticism, etc. and look just from a historical perspective, all of these people were politically persecuted for running afoul of the establishment and challenging their preferred narrative. Given the Democrats' increasingly authoritarian behavior and weaponization of the legal system, it's not beyond the realm of possibility that Musk will be targeted as well. Even the comments from leftists in this thread illustrate the willingness of Democrats to target and imprison Musk, not for any specific crime, but just because they don't like that he challenges their preferred narratives.


Oh... You're serious, weren't you? Democrats being authoritarian and weaponizing the DOJ. Democrats. Hmmm k.


Name another president that has sicced armed FBI agents after journalists and jailed a woman for revenge over his daughter's diary. I'll wait.


You're not really trying to go down this path of questioning corrupt presidents, are you o.O


Get his dick out of your mouth it’s so pathetic.




Autocratic Asphyxiation is not only an awesome band name, but it's probably what the 2000-2020 chapter in the history books should be called.


Crazy how Reddit sometimes randomly produces these sort of profound phrases


Seriously, they seem _untouchable_ until they are not.


If Elon is doing it’s autoerotic assphyxiation


Autopilot asphyxiation


Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose


Masturbation is for the plebs. Elon will never not be rich enough to buy whatever sex he needs. And if he wants to be choked, it'll be by a partner that unfortunately will have the ability to stop it from going too far.


I'll put my money on human spaceflight accident


Good. Take the heat of Carradine


With his drug use and never ending weight gain my bet is he's going out like Elvis.


Tesla crashing from faulty autopilot.


He’s actively draining the value of his companies with his right wing idiocy, if he doesn’t end up in jail he’ll end up being poor.


The only way he'll end up in jail is if he starts costing other rich people a whole lot of money. He's already costing them some, and a lot of humiliation for those actively associating with him, but not enough to warrant being thrown to the dogs just yet. The 1% all have their political stances, and likely a lot of conspiracy theories, to boot. But they keep their opinions to themselves, only voicing those opinions through whichever politicians they have bought. Elon Musk may have been the richest man in the world, but he will never be one of the Elite. He's too gauche, like Trump, and doesn't have the good sense to stfu. If his antics start to threaten the 1%, Musk is done. But he isn't there yet.


He won’t be poor. Much as I’d like that to happen. The amount of wealth he has is unfathomable.


I did the math.  If a person earned $10k/hr, 24 hours a day, 365 days per year dating back to the birth of Christ, Elon would still have about 18% more wealth.  I’m quite serious. 


I thoughts and prayers my ill will towards this loser every chance I get.


It’s literally impossible for him to be poor at this point. I don’t think many people understand the scale of a billion dollars, let alone multiple billion. His companies may not make as much money as they would with a more competent leader, but they aren’t going bankrupt. And even if they did he would still have more money than he or several generations of his family could ever spend.


Behind Wendy’s dumpster where he belongs lol


The man pioneered PayPal he will never be poor lol


This is objectively not true though? "draining the value of his companies with his right wing idiocy" SpaceX is doing fine. Tesla had unsusatainable growth and other car manufacturers increased EV production spending. X has grown monthly users.


He’s the richest man in the world… he will be fine lol. Don’t forget his company is actively saving us from global warming!


With all of the pushback on EVs I don't think people really care about saving us from global warming. If anything that is probably costing him sales and giving other brands business. "Climate change is a lie, I'll never buy an EV. I'll buy a truck with a big engine out of spite" He spent $44 billion then wiped out 70% of the value of the company, that's a net loss. I don't think he's poor, just that he's bleeding money.


He’s the richest person in the US as of today… his company will be just fine lmao. I’m glad he bought it honestly! Hilarious week on Reddit/news media after the sale


While his SpaceX in Texas is causing huge contamination to the soil, explosions releasing harmful gases into the atmosphere, and destroying organic farming land around it. If he really cared about the environment and not money he wouldn’t be pushing for the guy that just promised to eliminate the EPA and all environmental regulations. That was Trump’s promise to the oil/gas companies if the give him 1 Billion for his campaign.


There is one capital, unforgiveable sin in America: Stealing from rich people. You can steal from poor people all day. In fact, there's an entire industry built on it called payday lending. But if you steal from the wealthy then they have the resources to bring down the full wrath of the US justice system on you. Unfortunately, Musk is in a class of wealth that only a handful of people can rival. The man spent more money than 99% of the world can accumulate in their individual lifetimes and still has an obscene amount of wealth. He would need to be incredibly stupid about it like Donald Trump denying wrongdoing & somehow also bragging about getting away with it in the same single run-on sentence level stupid. Does Musk have that level of hubris? Maybe. For all his faults, the man appears fairly adept at manipulating the system though.


>For all his faults, the man appears fairly adept at manipulating the system though. I hear you man, but the dude is fucking *gone.* [He's been unraveling for a minute](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_M_uvDChJQ) *-* and still going. Like, his acquisition of Twitter alone was an absolute shit show. He bought it, then erratically tried to get out of buying it; then when forced to go through with buying it, promptly ran it into the ground with a series of egregiously shitty decisions. When it comes to the rich and powerful, I don't think any of us can really get our heads around how badly they fucked up until they actually get served. I mean a lot of people couldn't get their heads around just how badly Madoff had screwed up until that 3 digit sentence came down.


So reading this makes me want to genocide the 1%. I know that’s not at all what you meant, but I have a hard time understanding why more people don’t have this similar, VERY STRONG emotion.


Calling for cilemce like you are doing is against the rules. Stop talking about killing white people. My friends hated by his sore so much because we talk about killing the.  


Bitcoin is a prime example of that. Regular peoples back accounts were getting fucked with despite lack of any proof what so ever of nefarious activity. Early adopters of Bitcoin were considered guilty of being drug dealers and money launderers until proving themselves innocent by having their freedom accosted. They tried to slow it, but BTC will use traditional finance and wipe its ass with it over the years and leave the remains on the marble floors. Bitcoin scares the elite because they can't steal from plebs through taxation, Inflation and debasement.


You're out of your mind if you think cryptocurrency ultimately won't be regulated in a way that keeps the elite in power. They aren't scared of it. They just don't want to deal with it.


You can try all you want. See Nigeria as an example. They created their own "N coin", tried to make it the national currency and banned Bitcoin, now they just threw their hands up in the air and Bitcoin is the prime cryptocurrency and use over there. The problem with most opinions on here is that they are viewed through the lens of a western perspective. Roads are being paved outside the Western world and our narcissism keeps us from seeing solutions outside of our bubble.


I can see that. Martha Stewart went to jail for a lot less. He is constantly skirting the law and trying to pump the stock.


Facts. He's been thumbing his nose at the SEC for years. If that had been me or you, we'd have been on American Greed by now. There are actionable violations that we know of (and a ton of others that we don't, I'm sure). All it takes is someone getting the green light to pursue them.


I wish I could double rec you for the "American Greed" reference.


Let's hope so 😀, Musk is another privileged punk that needs a cell time out.😀


That's a fair prediction. I look forward to armies of internet weirdos insisting that he's being persecuted by the Deep State and Big Pedo or whatever horseshit those people are on now.


Musk will leave the country before getting arrested. Musk ends up in Russia


In an apartment with Snowden "Can two men who divorced their country share an apartment without driving each other crazy?”


LOL, I would pay to watch that!


I can't help but think this is why he's been amplifying and retweeting right-wing stuff--Donald Trump winning the election is his only hope of avoiding prison for wire fraud/investment fraud (or at least getting a pardon or commuted sentence).


I don't care the reason, this would make me happy. #JettisonMusk


When Trump loses Elon Musk Is fucked


He and Trump can share a cell.


MMW: Elmo is going to end up in jail


Trump wannabe jenius!


At the rate he’s going, Elon Musk will end up with a much worse fate for someone like him: irrelevant.


Elon Musk looks like he should be stroking a white cat and lecturing James Bond.


Drugs in an airport if I have to guess


He flies in his own planes. Security for private charters is super lax. Even internationally. Tons of rich people are constantly bringing in illegal shit on them. It's rare for them to get busted. It's theorized that rich people on charter plans might be the greatest pandemic risk.


Well could he hurry up already? I’m sick of hearing him doing or saying a new dumb thing every day.


Too rich, too much influence.


He’s businesses are intricately weaved into the US government. He’s untouchable. Also, wealthy people don’t get held accountable.


That sounds plausible. Making Rich influential people lose money does get rich people sent to prison. Like that woman who fleeced Rupert Murdoch and everybody else with her blood testing company that they had faked the capability of.


Wrong billionaire turned into pink mist in the North Atlantic.


I highly doubt the richest man on the planet is going anywhere near a prison


He's really pushing the boundaries of what people will tolerate. That's for sure.


Not as long as he controls Starlink.


The US military could just destroy it. Hey! MMW The US military will destroy Starlink after Musk uses it to help Putin.


Why destroy it when you could just take it.


Right...because the guy who singlehandedly provide internet access for Ukraine because of money is going to help a broke putin....right, got it.


He already did just that. He made Starlink go "dark" or whatever in a certain area, which fucked Ukrainian forces to defend against Russia.


He did that because he was being given shit for...for something he was providing for free. If I'm giving you hundreds of millions of dollars for free and then you bitch at me about my opinions or what I'm doing when I'm helping you? I'mma tell you to stuff it and stop helping you. I also believe the US government started paying for it too and it was turned back on.


Can’t wait . . .


He'll keep scamming other rich turds. That's what got Madoff in trouble.


Doesn’t one of his companies provide an incomparable service to the US government at a price that’s impossible to compete with?


Yes. But the US military could also just seize it.


Richest guy in the world is going to end up in jail? You must be new to this planet.


I addressed this


I think he is precisely where they want him, whether he knows it or not


He will get deported first.


He's more likely to follow in Trump's footsteps and run for president where he can use it to his advantage. Doubt he'll ever see jail time. Face it, there's a different justice system for people like them.


He can’t run for president he’s not a natural born citizen


Well, that's a relief.


I'm sure the SEC has been building a case against him for a while. This clown thinks he can do whatever he wants with no consequences. All that money protects him but institutional investors don't like anyone openly manipulating stock prices.


Gets my vote…


The rich and powerful rarely suffer consequences so I doubt it.


You seem to forget that he's rich. Trump has already been convicted, but he'll never see a day in jail


I didn't forget >because his dumb ass antics have cost other rich assholes lots of money


Not if Trump gets elected. Probably why Elmo wants those billions from Tesla right now. That’s enough money to buy an election


Make my day!


This isn't how the justice system works. Trump went down for crimes, if Musk goes down so will he. If they have a folder it's likely not full of anything fake. Your narrative that the crimes come after punishment is decided is a conspiracy theory.


Rich people don't go to jail


Musk is a fraud, fake degrees, false accomplishments, an alt right seed, planted many years ago and well funded. Spend a little time to see who planted him and funded him. He’s a mirage.


One can fucking hope.


SpaceX is keeping him out of jail currently imho


That makes zero sense. When someone is a convicted felon, the government can seize literally anything they own. If anything, Starlink is making him more tempting to prosecute.


my opinion, perhaps doesn't make sense , but my logic is because the Department of Defense uses SpaceX and this strategic importance 'could' influence how any conviction or felony is handled. Especially now Russia is threatening retaliation from western missiles hitting it's internal early nuclear warning facilities recently. For Tesla, X, deformations of character and SEC misconduct it's just been fines so far not any felonies?


If billionaires can just make a call, then so can Elon.


Wow, this is a stupid post


The epitome of chaotic good.


I hope so. 


I was just referring to the part of him blackmailing him with money to go fys. Granted dudes a billionaire, but I like some one choosing their personal beliefs over being bought Essentially I think the question was about one of his comments, or him unbanning users, and people like Bob eiger not buying advertising to force him to censor things they don't like. And that Twitter failing because of no advertising?


I hope you're right.


He won't go to prison. Not a chance. But he will succumb to obscurity. He'll be like the Kanye West of capitalism. Just slowly dissolving into rancid obscurity.


Hilarious. Rich people don’t go to jail. He will commit crimes but no jail.


Make the call. It’s time.


I can’t wait for the case study on the mass hysteria and egregious hatred for musk. From hero to the most evil figure besides Trump all because he said he might not vote democrat next election. 😆


So you would say he is not guilty of anything egregious. That the open hatred is due to hysteria or group think?


100% a group think type hysteria. Remember Bill Maher even called out liberals under Covid height for mass hysteria. Over 50% claimed they believed getting Covid meant you had a 100% chance of going to the hospital or death lol. So, their group think/mass hysteria has been documented even recently in history where comedians were making fun of it….. So, in that context the liberals (not far-left extremists, I understand they always hated him for being successful in his PayPal sell off lol) seemed to literally jerk off to Mr. Electric car save the earth, hey space is cool again guy…and he said he isn’t going to support the democrats in 2022 and buy Twitter, and suddenly he turned into Donald Trump levels of hatred overnight lol


I see where you’re coming from. We are done here. I don’t engage in debate with fanbois.


You don’t engage in debate period. Fanboi? No, I think teslas are overpriced and space x though cool Hasnt turned a profit yet…and he ruined Twitter. No definitely not a fanboi. Just rational and don’t hate him lol


You can't not hate Musk and be rational


That’s cry baby shit 😆


Says the cuckflake with musk's dick in their mouth


Homophobia on Reddit, oh little boy you are on for a treat 😆


I'm not sure he'll live that long.,


I don't think you understand how the world works. Money = power. Musk has already broken a ton of laws, like market manipulation, for instance, with naught but a slap on the wrist. Barring some kind of national revolution, he will be just fine unless he gambles his billions away.


He’s a fraudster plain and simple. His political involvement is an attempt at self defence from the consequences, but the consequences will come.


MMW, Elon Musk is too rich to go to prison. The criminal justice system doesn't apply to the super wealthy and powerful.


Wont happen. He would go somewhere that doesn’t extradite


Isn't his attempted cash grab at Tesla because he owes a bunch of money to Saudi Investors who loaned him money to buy Twitter? He might not be looking at jail time, he might straight up get bonesawed.


Has the richest person ever ended up in jail? Who was the richest person who ended up in jail? let’s leave government despots out of it for the purposes of anti-capitalism


No he won't, he's a billionaire and we live in a society where money is more important than human lives.


Op hates Musk but probably drinks copious amounts of Soros Semen… mmmm tasty….


I think you forget that our country doesn’t put billionaires in jail, if we did, most of them would be locked up. He’s already committed several felonies, publicity. Just recently he used insider trading to make billions and it was barely reported. Billions of dollars of fraud would put me or you in jail.


He'd just fly out of the country before he could face any charges 


Maybe this sub should be renamed MarkMyWish.


He's got like every world govt by the balls. Between being the worlds taxi service to space and star link, they would be screwed without him.


Sorry about that.


Never jail but he better have a great security detail


You fascists can't stop cheering for your political enemies to be jailed. You are what you hate


Bludgeoned to brain death by an assembly line robot 🤞


Is this for your high school book report?


I want you to be right.


I think in the next 5 years he will become the next Alex Jones type with X being his InfoWars platform to spread the wildest stories and theories you couldn’t make up.


Musk works with NASA, the Military and has a $1.8 Billion contract with the NRO. He more than likely has a kill switch on current spy satellites


I predict he dies a self-inflicted death before he ever sees a jail cell.


Wild that you think the side supporting the Mass murder of Palestinians and Ukrainians for the sake of corporations and financiers are “the good guys”.


I guess this sub is a radical leftwing nutjob echo chamber


Oh boy, pretty naive to think that. Rich people are never held to account


The Jordan belfort of tech incels should surely be in jail




His antics have made a lot of rich assholes a lot of money, and have saved the government a lot of money. Why would they go after him? Well, unless you’re talking about the likes of Boeing/ULA being really mad he’s getting contracts at a decent price instead of them getting all the overpriced cost-plus contracts that they can milk for profit for years. He did cost them money, especially when Boeing screwed up Starliner so bad that SpaceX got paid for a bunch of missions they were supposed to get.


Lotta fairytale finger wagging going on in this sub. Hilarious.


This sub is just left wing fanfiction


Spot on lol


Sure, Trumpets. Great take.


It’s literally a fantasy writing sub for lefties.


Found one


What's he done that's illegal? I'm not against the idea of the guy being convicted and punished for something, but it needs to be illegal first.


Insider trading and stock price manipulation is what people are talking about


That wasn't clear at all. And I don't know anything about Musk being charged with either of those. And I don't know why I'm being d/v for asking a question.


Not charged. Shareholders want him investigated and are bringing a civil action currently


Crazy are we gonna take the congressmen and politicians to civil action and investigate them for insider trading or nah?


No idea, not a lawmaker.


Far enough


Nope. The people that would have to do that are other lawmakers who are breaking the same law.




Cost other rich people money


If statue of limitations runs out on anything California could fabricate then he is good. As long as he stays out of fruity states he will be fine


Ever since Musk came out as a conservative I guarantee there are liberal DA's out there looking to find something to charge him with. It's pretty scary how the courts have been weaponized for political purposes now.


So you’re just going to ignore the actual crimes?


Which one's? Do you have some misdemeanors we can turn into felonies?


Oh look, someone who doesn’t want to understand the charges. Willful ignorance isn’t a counter argument nice try. I need a good laugh why don’t you try and explain the case “as you know it” you know really prove my point that you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Look at any man that owns multiple companies and millions of shares of stock and you'll find something that could be technically illegal on paper. The disturbing part is when the government starts looking for laws that may have been broken because it's a particular person they "want to get".


So excuses. You’re just making excuses. That’s it. You’re ok with there being 2 tiered justices system where the rich get no consequences and the not rich go to prison. Because that’s exactly what you’re advocating just because you support Trump. Y’all tried to crucify trump’s opponents with no evidence just accusations. Then surprise, surprise when evidence of trump crimes are proven y’all just dismiss it and make excuses.


LOL. That's exactly the complete opposite. Normally the government doesn't go looking for a crime simply because it wants to prosecute someone purely for political reasons. This doesn't happen to Joe Shmo. It's the "special treatment" aka two tiered justice system that I'm against.


You are making excuses. Your entire argument is deflecting and refusing to acknowledge trumps crimes. Of course Joe Schmo isn’t going to be investigated. Joe Schmo isn’t committing crimes in an attempt to hide his actions because of an election. Trump isn’t Joe Schmo y’all tried to impeach Biden for less. Republicans literally had nothing to investigate based off any evidence. All they had were accusations. you’re accusing democrats of doing is exactly what republicans tried to do. It’s always projection and for some reason you can’t see it.


Bull shit! Catch a grip! So the man’s not perfect but come on! Wealthiest man on the planet? Not exactly a career criminal. We may not all agree with what everyone else does but ending up in jail? Calm down ffs!


If Musk ends up in jail it will be a continuation of the Democrats increasingly authoritarian behavior and weaponization of the legal system. Like Navalny in Russia, Ma in China and Trump in the US. This is what authoritarian regimes do to those who don't fall in line.


Oh, Democrats are authoritarians. Remind me again who engages in book bans and burnings? Who wants to institute Christianity as the supreme law of the land? Who is legally banning words from being used in schools, even colleges? Who has actual Nazis voting for them?


It wasn't Christians that tried to get classics banned like Huckleberry Finn banned. And who is trying to get Christianity as the supreme law of the land? Are you in some alternative universe? American government is supporting Nazis in Ukraine do you have a problem with that too?


You all banned Dr. Seuss for godsakes. And no, seeking to prevent books like "Lawnboy" from being available to children in school libraries is not "authoritarian". Democrats actually attempted create a Ministry of Truth department, fucking straight out of 1984. Almost half of Democrats polled supported forcibly removing Americans from their homes and putting them in concentration camps if they refused to let the gov't inject them with the covid vaccine. Democrats literally sicced armed domestic intelligence agents after journalists over Biden's daughter's fucking diary. That's shit an authoritarian leader would do, not a US president. And now, Democrats are trying to imprison their political opposition. And the only neo-nazi I'm aware of outside of Ukraine has openly endorsed Joe Biden. So you're going to have to come up with a better argument, witch.


The anti-Musk hate from leftists on Reddit is hilarious.


Lol. Musk is an idiot, a racist, and a drug addict


“the good guys” LOL. Really?


Why do liberals hate free speech and privacy?


All you people do is bitch and wine about people that have what you don't. Reddit is like the gutter for intelligence.


Ah yes, I've seen this movie before, multiple times. - look at this nerd trying to make payments over the internet a thing. Oh wait, it works, ah well it's the other people who did all the work anyway, he will just probably waste all that money somewhere. - look at this internet nerd trying to make an electric car...hahaha...those big car companies will crush him, I told you he will waste all of his money. Oh wait, it works, ah well he is just exploiting other people. I'm sure it won't last. - look at this tech/car guy trying to make more effective rockets than freaking NASA. He is waiting $100 mil for every failed launch. This will surely bankrupt him. Oh wait, he did it, and now NASA is saving money by contracting him to send stuff to space. - look at this idiot trying to make internet from space satlites a thing, no one can beat Verizon and the other internet provider giants in this game, where is the market for it? Oh wait, reports just came out last week outlining insane profitability of this business of his, I guess that worked too. Well, I hate him still, cuz he says mean things that me don't like.


Except literally none of that happened. Musk didn't invent any of those things, he just bought companies who did.


Why do people hate a highly successful genius whose inventions and innovations have the potential to make the entire planet better for everyone. Most of them are the same people who idolize Obama for doing very little except enriching himself.


Someone explain the hate toward Elon please. Did I miss someone's feelings being hurt for something he said?


Yalls hate boners for Musk is something that needs to be studied. Sitting around hoping he does broke or goes to jail because you're mad he's rich.




Is there a counterargument here or just blind dicklicking? Muskbros are so weird


How does “I like the employees” translate to “boss hasn’t done anything wrong”?


I worked at Tesla. All Elon did is waste our time working on projects he'd throw away and change direction on a whim, remind us constantly how little he valued us and our time, and make sure the only people who stuck around were the ones with limited options to leave. MMW his companies would all be better off if he were forced out.


The reason you never hear people shitting on other millionaires, or actually billionaires since Musk is one, is because most of the time people only bring it up if it’s relevant in conversation. People usually brought up Jeff Bezos whenever some asinine decision happened with Amazon, the whole pee bottles at the factories and the fact that Bezos told his team they needed to do a better job at “squashing” that story causes a ton of media coverage on him. Same deal with the CEO of Discovery/Warner when he cancelled all those shows and movies for what is supposedly a tax write off. But the thing is once those situations died out, the public lost interest in stretching it any further. The difference with Musk however is this is a guy who wants to be the center of attention all the time. You can’t think of SpaceX without thinking about him, you can’t think of Tesla without thinking of him. You can’t imagine Neuralink, Boring company, and now Twitter without thinking of Musk. This is not a guy who quietly makes his money and stays out of the public eye, his ego is too big for that. And as a result, it means more people are seeing the exact same obnoxious, cocky, and arrogant billionaire who is not humble in any way. Most other Billionaires do not do what he does because it’s always a bad look. People raised their eyebrows when Jeff Bezos started getting aggressive with people on his Twitter account, but as far as I can tell has stopped doing that because it was a bad look. Meanwhile Musk doesn’t stop doing it because in his mind, people criticizing what he shits out is apparently censorship (it’s not). That’s why people give more attention to him than anyone else, people are able to observe his cockiness way more easily than they can other billionaires, when was the last time you gave a shit about the CEO of Nestle? You probably don’t remember because they’re not out on Twitter making an ass out of themselves and making it easier for people to be weirded out by it.


This is the best take I've heard.


You have to remember mate, the only place these mindless moronic libtards get any traction is on places like reddit. It's the left's version of 4chan. They loath him because he doesn't goose step with their great reset, overpopulation, etc and started pushing back on the stupid during covid with the over reach in cali. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U\_M\_uvDChJQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_M_uvDChJQ) "If some one is going to black mail me with money? Go fuck yourself." More power to him, wish I was in a place I could say this to people.


But I thought Twitter Blue was supposed to replace Advertising, why is he claiming advertisers pulling out would kill the company?


Taking shots at Musk is easy for so many reasons. His wealth dictates that he has to adopt SOME right wing policies, otherwise, he'd be giving it all to the government in the form of taxes. His inventions/creations, and his ideas, are ALWAYS progressive, and aimed at sustainability. And if you think about his conservative beliefs, you'll see, he's not an extremist


Wow so much anger for the guy who has done so much for free speech, and to provide EVs and internet for the world and revolutionized the space industry. I hate to see what you think about Bill Gates.


It’s funny how you guys worshipped him until he admitted he’s not part of your cult.