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I don't think he's going to flee to Russia, but I also think that if he did his supporters would still be complaining about the " Russia hoax"


Oh I think he will ... But it's not via Russian Navy I think His 757 will have a " navigational error "


Is he going to pull a Diddy where he sends his jet internationalbut tries to slip domestically?


No I'm guessing an Alaska trip and he has to land when the pilot " finds out " he is over the kamatchka peninsula instead of the aleutian islands and cannot trust the Nav system or something similar in Europe


Yeah Trump is just real into Neolithic land bridges


I mean, to be fair, who isn’t?


Too many private jets he can hop into. But his Secret Service detail will make it difficult to dip out. On a side note my crackpot conspiracy theory. Diddy will get Epsteined but they'll make it look like it was a robbery or something like that. Here in a few months, when some huge news is hitting the news cycle, something like Trump sentenced to 34 months in prison for his business records falsification case, or Russia nuking Ukraine and the stock market tanking. TMZ will run a story that police in some Caribbean nation found Diddys body and someone stole all his shit. No suspects.


I mean, to be perfectly honest, all of those events would have far more impact on everyone than anything happening to diddy. Especially Russia nuking Ukraine. Like, 99.9999 percent of people wouldn't care if Epstein, Hitler and Elvis came out of hiding and lynched diddy in times square because the world would be on the precipice of nuclear war.


What if Trump told Putin that what our policy is in that situation and that he could get away with one without retaliation? He did steal nuclear documents so secret they weren't allowed to talk about the nature of them. The only documents that I can think of that you wouldn't want to talk about their nature would be documents laying out specifics in our capabilities, or strategies. Part of our strategies would likely include our responses to various levels of nuclear warfare.


Well then we'd be letting a madman get away with nuking a country to not lose a war because we have a quisling in power which would have equally horrifying consequences. The average person would just not care. Bigger fish.


This is also assuming nobody else nukes Russia in response outside the US. This would be uncharted territory for international politics. With potentially apocalyptic consequences. Diddy is completely irrelevant in the face of that. So is epstein for that matter.


That's right! He's got a 757. A *BOEING* 757. Let's hope he sits near the door.


Or a window.


His 757 doesn't have the range to reach Russia. His best chance for escape would be to fly out of Miami and make a quick detour to Cuba. Where he can board a Russian warship. Unlike an aircraft or civilian ship, it can't be deverted or stopped.


From Anchorage it does


Well I mean it CAN... Russian warships are not exactly known for their reliability, are they? Hey we just happened to have a nuclear powered attack submarine on patrol in the Atlantic and they report hearing an explosion and the sound of a ship sinking... cause of the explosion? IDK. Where did one of their torpedos go? Who can say man weird things happen at sea...


We're better off with him living in Russia. His followers won't be able to let go so long as he's alive. Anything he knew he's already told them. Anything he hasn't told them, he won't be able to remember anyway. He can live in some shitty flat next to Snowden.


Neither one. He'll continue to live how he has now starting shit stirring up trouble until the day he dies. He's not leaving America, he's not going to be murdered by Russians.


Didn't he sell that shit.




That is my thought, sorta. Lets say this happens. I imagine this is what it looks like. He takes a trip in his jet to the Scotland golf course for 'business.' Either navigational error, or he does stop and changes planes. There is no reason, at least right now, for him not to. The courts won't slap him with a flight risk.


Of course, I don't believe that he can enter Scotland, especially as a private citizen, due to being a convicted felon.


Exactly... I expect him to flee to Russia


I'm pretty sure Trump has been a Russian asset since the 1980s early 1990s. Just look at his life objectively. Trump got into so.e financial trouble back then and then something happened and he recovered. I think that something happened was actually the Russians buying Trump.


Read House of Trump, House of Putin and American Kompromat, both written by Craig Unger. Trump has definitely been in bed with the Russians since the 80s, and he's not the only Republican in with them neck deep. Most of the party is deeply compromised.


That's the blackmail that's keeping all these traitors corraled. They all know they've taken illegal Russian cash campaign donations through the NRA and other money laundering conduits, and they are terrified that it will all come out, and the story will be crystal clear to EVERYONE, even their own deluded followers. And when their followers finally realize that they've been duped, manipulated, used, exploited, and laughed at, they're going to break out the torches, pitchforks, shotguns, and ropes, and it won't be the Dems they're angry at.


If you have evidence, you should report it to the FBI immediately.


They have no evidence because there is none. Leftist idiots will say anything and tell any lie as long as it they think it makes Trump look bad.


Lol, exactly. I started thinking I was on the conspiracy sub reading this post and the comments. There is a serious lack of intelligence in this comment section, this is out there even for the leftist Echo chamber that is reddit.


Only in Russia he is known as PP-D.


Lol they totally would! They’d spin it so it somehow works for them. The amount of mental disorder it breeds is spectacular


“Our hero Jesus-figure had to flee in exile because of the unjust and unfair witch hunt by the radical left and their plot to take down America.”


They literally compared his felony conviction to the conviction of Jesus.


I know. Like, I don’t remember Jesus paying hush money to a porn star and then getting 34 felonies racked up because of it. I also don’t remember Jesus being a treasonous I insurrectionist either.


Why would Russia do that? His usefulness would be over. Why spend money on him. More likely a ton of very wrong things that he did will surface with pictures.


He has a plane, he don't need a boat ride


Unless he's forced to sell it to cover legal fees and penalties.


that, and i'm sure his plane can't move 2 inches without the secret service knowing about it.


The secret service that deleted all their communication on Jan 6th?


good point


1. Make a big deal about taking the plane on social media 2. While everyone's watching the plane, get on the boat!


Classic dictator move


While everyone thinking you'll get on a boat, take the plane. 200IQ


I heard they're trying to get close enough to Mar Largo to get the documents but the submarine has copper in the propeller so it has to stay further than a meth head can swim from Florida shore.


Great, gators eating people on meth or with meth in their pockets. Meth Gators, just what we need.


Florida shitty


Meth heads can swim far too!


They are already leaving Cuba


Yeah this guy ain’t the brightest thinking they’ll pick him up six months before the election…


It's a little early to be there for any election-related evacuation. No, more likely they are there to whisk him away when he gets sentenced to jail in mid-July. His lawyers will do everything they can to delay his surrender to start his term, and when time is running short, he'll send his plane towards some tropical country with no extradition agreement with the US, while hopping in a different plane, bound for Cuba. Once there, he can slip away under Russian Navy protection. Assuming this is actually the case, which it likely isn't. Putin wants Trump in office, but once he's headed to jail or definitely not going to win, Putin has no more use for the Orange Menace. Why send his warships to assist that bloated buffoon?


There is plenty of propaganda uses for having an ex president in exile. I don’t believe it is the case but still useful. 


Russia took in Snowden. Russia would 100% take in Trump. I'm not sure if we actually know how much Russia protected Snowden. It's not very discussed, we just assume Snowden fled. That may not be the case entirely.


Even more for having the "true" president in exile


Trump probably still has classified documents or made copies of the ones he had. I’ll bet he uses that to buy his way into Russia.


The documents were held in an unlocked bathroom for many months. I guarantee a Russian spy got in at some point.


Is this the echo chamber where we just spew out random 💩 and yell into the void?


MMW: Random redditors will come to this sub to spew out random 💩 and yell into the void.


yes, yes it is


Now that I know this, Peak Larry David references incoming.


Pretty much. I hate Trump as much as the next guy but this sub loses their mind with some of their predictions. Almost paralleling the right wing Q anon faction.


Does Cuba even have elections anymore?


Yep, so does China. It doesn't mean much when you're a one-party state that criminalizes opposition tho.


Indeed. Look at Russia's latest election.


China’s “elections” are just the CCP members saying “yeah we want Xi”


Yes, however they are a one party state, so you can only be a politician for the communist party.   Also the vote for the president is actually hidden behind 3 degrees of separation from the citizen voter. The citizens vote for a regional voter, who votes for a municipal voter representing each city and they're the ones who actually get to vote for president.   Source: I have friends who live in Cuba and I visit them and this was the breakdown I got of their politics     >Elections in Cuba have two phases: election of delegates to the Municipal Assembly, and election of deputies to the National Assembly. Candidates for municipal assemblies are nominated on an individual basis at local levels by the local population at nomination assemblies.Candidates for the National Assembly are nominated by the municipal assemblies from lists compiled by national and municipal candidacy commissions.


So it’s the electoral college on steroids and HGH?


Ah the ol’ election pyramid scheme


[Of course.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20DgWZtImUk)


Yep, so does the US. The intelligence agencies interfere in them, but we still have them.


Wouldn't it be nuts if Biden let Trump recieve secret briefs again and totally feed him false info just to see if he squeals to a foreign country?


I've seriously wondered that too. Maybe they put something in there about Putin? i.e., "Multiple intelligence agencies are reporting that Putin is interested in building a SUPER Trump Tower in Moscow" and then see if Trump takes the bait...


That would be illegal, but then again, when has that ever stopped the attacks on Trump?


They are already leaving. So no


The Russia conspiracy theory continues


I will repeat this ad nauseam: Remember when the FBI raided MAL? A day or two later tRump was screaming about them taking his passport. That’s because he had his passport in a box of stolen Top Secret documents. It was a bug out box. He was ready to leave the country with those documents as his insurance. Now he is the presumptive nominee again. WTH people??!!


Huh. Thats actually a good point.


Trump has a private jet. But no, Russia is going to send a full warship and park it month and months many miles away from the US so that Trump can be very very slowly sailed all the way to Russia. Not a plane, not a luxury yacht. A fully crewed warship. Jesus fucking crist. CNN is one hell of a drug...


And people call q anon supporters crazy.....


Wow just wow


No it ain't you people are delusional and need to touch grass


Pedigree schitzo. 13.7/10.0 Congratulations, new high score.


Dude no. They are in Cuba because they are threatening us with a nuke. This is the biggest military development of our lifetime. Our subsurface fleet superiority has been the only thing that's kept our bullshit going and now that's gone. I had no idea Russia could get across the Atlantic undetected, that is very very bad.


We definitely know who wiped their ass and how while Russia was on the way. While you are very kinda correct: This is the biggest military development, in terms of “threat” to our USA, in like a while. I put quotes on the word threat because their little toy boat is funny haha in comparison to our technology. We do not negotiate with threats to American soil and will act proportionally to our force strength not the size of the threat and that’s scary if you’re the enemy. Go ahead and sleep like a baby tonight.


I tried to find the article I read but wouldn't very quickly. Gist of it was a former admiral saying the newest Russian subs are pretty much on par with our own. None of this matters though because MAD still exists. NATO already greatly outnumbers Russian forces conventionally. If we had full blown war with Russia the concern is if it goes nuclear, we all lose. There is no super secret missile defense that we have which makes Russian nukes a non-issue. If they really wanted to, they would fuck our shit up, and we would fuck their shit up, and destroy each other. Been that way for a long time and it hasn't changed.


They're in Cuba for drills they've done countless times in the past. Cuba and Russia have been allies from day one as we all know. It's just a power projection/"hey we're still tight" move, the US does the same thing all the time. Russia has been able to get across the Atlantic undetected since before they were Russia. Subsurface, SAMs, and nukes have been the only aspects of Russia/the USSR's military that was near peer to the US for many decades. I'd imagine you also think the US has some super secret missile defense such that Russian land based ICBMs would not be an issue for us, which is completely wrong as well. It's called MAD, and it's been around since the 1960s and never once changed.


Biden couldn’t find Cuba on a map let alone get on the plane without falling up the stairs


Trump can't either, but he would just use his sharpie to draw a circle and call it Cuba.


The Russians navy is here because our president has brought back the cold war and is turning it hot.


Please, Please tell me you aren't really this dumb? Well wait. This *IS* the internet. Also, tell me you don't pay attention to current event because you just make up your own stories with out saying it...


Oh shit is Bernie running again?


This has got to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen on reddit. Of all the shit I’ve ever seen this takes the cake.


This sub takes the cake .


He won’t even make it to the airport if he loses the election. He’s just going to replay January 6th a second time and see if it works. Either A) They’ll come with a lot more guns or B) He refuses to concede for days on end and won’t leave until he’s literally dragged away by the authorities. Even if he does somehow escape to Russia, do you really think Putin is going to be lasting that much longer both as a ruler and just living under that much stress and paranoia?


I think no matter what, win or loose, he'll delay his legal issues until he dies of either old age or a heart attack.


He literally can't. See: his most recent trial that has already ended. He also doesn't have to, when/if he loses this November he'll just play golf and ramble on Truth social until he croaks. He's not going to jail and him and Biden both will be lucky to live another 10 years.


If he loses, he'll appeal and drag that out. He'll keep filing lawsuits over this or that, or being charged with something new. His legal issues are not going away soon.


You can't indefinitely appeal. You can't file *civil* lawsuits to stop a criminal charge from being booked. His legal issues aren't going away soon because he has a lot of them, and because the standard appeals process takes a bit of time.


I love Reddit. But this is delusional.


Either way it goes in Nov. the actual people of this country will be unhappy.


That would fucking rule, frankly


Russia sent their navy so that Trump can use it to attack Biden during election season. "Only I am strong enough to get Putin to move their navy"


Oh man you’re dumb …


Lmao the delusion is real. TDS still raging through so many of you.


Conspiracy theory much?


There's still cultist that belive the Russia hoax 🤣😂


yes the one that even bill barr admited was real.


The comedian lmao. You act like he's a high level republican politician that flipped 😂🤣 That explains a lot


Reddit has to be the dumbest social media site I’ve ever seen lol.


go back to 4chan then.


no the Russian Navy is in the Caribbean bc Biden is weak af and everyone knows it.


This is one of the dumbest MMW ever. How much do you people charge for him to live in your heads?


It's not so much Trump taking up real estate in my brain, it's what the Christo Fascist fundys will be able to do if he wins. Project 2025 is just the tip of the iceberg, and all minorities will suffer at their hands. A Christian Theocracy will make Middle Eastern Theocracies look like a puppet show in a park by comparison.


You do realize Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025, right? But other than that you’re just being overly melodramatic. Man I would love to know where you guys get these over the top ideas of what is going to happen if Trump is reelected.


Project 2025 is the new bot talking point.


yeah cuz its what your side is trying to push.


trump has already told what he will do if he wins he said he will be a dictator.


No. He didn’t. He’s never said anything like that. If you think he did, show me where he said it. And not someone else saying he said it.


You need to look in a mirror and realize you are a crazy person


they are right tho.




In case you haven’t noticed everyone is suffering currently under this criminal administration. The minorities have been hit the hardest by the invasion at the border. Look at the big picture here. Why do we need more people living off the government? What are these illegals contributing to American society? Not a single thing. What’s the end goal of the Marxists with all these illegals? Before America starts helping out other countries we should first have our citizens taken care of. America is the laughing stock of the world the past 3.6 years.


The left wing conspiracy nuts are alive and well in this sub.. Russia invaded Ukraine after the orange man lost, because they knew the geriatric patient was weak and wouldn't do anything except "send money"


yes that is all we need to do is send money and so far ukraine has done well when it has its recources.


My guy, Russia invaded Ukraine a decade ago. Remember how the first time Trump got impeached it was for trying to withhold aid to Ukraine so they'd help him manufacture a Biden scandal. It more likely that they knew there was a timeline after which the continued occupation of what they already had taken in Eastern Ukraine was untenable, so they rushed an escalation in 2022.


He never withheld anything. Delayed a day or two.


They're coming to get your mom as she's still putting out...




Lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣


No wonder! Could be !!




They already left. And he has his own plane.


I would not doubt that one bit, as the legal system is going to come down on Trump like a ton of bricks, unless he is already in prison


You should probably call the US government and give them this information


Why would they be there five months before?


They left Cuba already.


Too soon.


What the hell are you lunatics talking about


This is just low-grade trolling.


Didn’t realize we completely skipped the Summer months and went straight to Fall! Time sure is flying by!


The Russian Navy goes to Cuba fairly regularly. Wouldn't be surprised if the made a stop in Venezuela while they are in the neighborhood. Nothing new or unusual with this trip.


The irony here is I'm sure RT and other Kremlin propaganda run articles on how US drills in Scandinavia are obviously just a huge direct threat and they're preparing to attack Russia.


Why would they be there now? They’re just gonna hangout until November?


If he loses the election he's of no value to Russia.


They can have him!


No. But could you imagine being trapped on a submarine with him for *any* length of time? They'd toss him in a torpedo tube before they were halfway across the Atlantic.


lol you people are lunatics get a fucking life your obsession is comical complete conspiracy none of you are stable all your parents were brother and sisters is the only answer for the nonsense that you spew


This sub proves the far-right doesn't have a monopoly on conspiracy theorists.


He will flee to avoid house arrest it's so scary specially dropping the soap in a bathtub that real inmates don't have access to


This is not at all a stretch. To leave an airport, his flight has to be registered with the FAA. Much easier to slip out on water. I started saying he would flee the country a couple of years ago. Saudi Arabia, Russia, or a few other places. But remember folks, only if he doesn't become President again. Get past your dislike for our broken two-party system, put away your apathy, cuz this one's for all the marbles...


Why would he flee when he could just lose and play golf all day as a still very rich old man.


That's a possibility as well. However, unless the Supreme Court and Cannon tank the two trials that are still awaiting him, or he's elected, he would still stand a very good chance of going to prison. One can hope that this country has a chance of actually setting things right.


If SCOTUS was going to tank a *criminal trial* for him, surely they would have ruled in his favor when he simply didn't want to release his taxes. It's not like they simply couldn't, Thomas voted in his favor and everyone else including his three nominees voted the other way.


Haha, Why? He will be of no use to them at that point. Not like they have a reputation of helping people out for the sake of being nice


Not normally into conspiracy theories, but this sounds reasonable to me.


The Russian Navy will not pick up Donald Trump when he loses. Russians do not make trouble for themselves just because....... He has no value to them. Letting him live in Russia would not be worth anything to them Even American humiliation.


Nah, he’s passing off the copies of the classified documents he made to help them “win” the Ukraine war. Also, they passed by the Putin’s Largo compound to let Frumphy they have his back.


No. I am willing to bet that that's not why the Russian Navy is in Cuba. That's nuts. It's probably something closer to espionage, military operations, or diplomacy.


RemindMe! 5 months


Help me out here, folks. I'm no fan of Trump, but I've read the outline of the Mueller Report. This report absolutely confirmed evidence of Russian interference in the election back in 2016. Hell, anyone with half a mind could read and follow all of the obvious bots and plants designed to stir up dissent and misinformation. The report also confirmed several links between the Trump campaign and Russian officials, but I am personally of the mind that this was an effort by the Trump campaign to gain the upper hand by getting some dirt on Hillary Clinton. You know how this man plays. He wanted any and all ammo against "crooked Hillary" so that he could tear down her credibility and bolster his own voter base. Look up the June 2016 meeting in Trump Tower, where Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer with the expectation of receiving damning information on Hillary Clinton. That being said, I think Trump's ties to Russia are purely self-serving and, honestly, to be expected considering the kind of man he's shown himself to be over recent years. But I want us to think critically here. Does this mean Trump is a traitor and wants to help Russia with the downfall of the United States and western culture? Or is he a selfish b\*astard who will use any and all information from ANYWHERE - Brazil, China, Russia, aliens, your great-aunt Susan - to gain the upper hand and keep "winning" his own way?


Sleepy Joe?


You should be on the conspiracy sub. lol


You stopped by the mushroom sub I see........


Oh you’re so full of crap! Stop posting BS like this.


Brain dead take


If he gets sentenced to significant jail time.


You’re an idiot


Russian collusion!!!


the delusion gets better and better each day, lmao...


God, I hope so!


Uh, its a bit early for that…🙄


If he flees to Russia they should make the draft age 85 - just so his happy ass can deal with what he helped to create.


Yall reach so far😂 then call everyone else conspiracy theorists


Assuming you mean Briben.


He has his own plane. My guess is he will touch down in Sochi.


Looks like Trump’s secret service is gonna turn into the Praetorian Guard


lol This sub is full of schizophrenic leftists, and I love it.


If only!


He’s almost dead. Why would Russia save him if he’s not useful to them?


You seriously need to find reality.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 it's hard to believe that you all are serious.


They just wanted to litter half their sub in a different neighborhood imo.


There’s no way he can escape the SS follow him.


Oh. The whole navy, do they have one ship left? Lol


Lol this is the dumbest left wing conspiracy I’ve ever heard.


What would be in it for Russia? If he's not president Putin has no use for him.


Russia won’t want him, he’s already a lose end for Vlad, Donald wouldnt be of any value to him.


Good Lord, these posts get crazier and dumber with each passing day. I always thought the TDS phrase was dumb, but damn it's definitely a real thing.


Man some of y’all have really wild fantasies.


Even the Russians would not risk subjecting their nuclear subs to Trump Splatter. A Depends malfunction could ignite a nuclear war.


Ha...you NAILED it ! Putin has real, non deep faked of DJT with an underaged person I am ...not surprised ..that he hasnt fled the US by now


Biden would more likely go to China or Ukraine. That's where most of his money is.


The TDS is strong in this chat. Get a life people.


You must mean killary or biden


Do they want their millions back from Hillary and Bill?


Putin said he rather have Biden as president because he’s more predictable… So if y’all voting for Biden, welp best of luck to ya when we get drafted…


Such a dumb post.


They really need to start moderating this sub again


Your still pimping the Russian narrative even after it’s been debunked. Idk to be amazed by your creativity or your lack of touch with reality.