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The only thing DJT will be remembered for by his current voting public is being the reason the grandkids don't call.


I, for one - love that they're all wearing warning signs these days. I take a lot of pictures too.


I live in central PA where this is rampant. A friend asked me if I didn't mind all the red hats. I just tell them, "They mark themselves. It's so easy to spot em. Wouldn't have it any other way."


Sad that these people will deteriorate on Medicaid in nursing homes because their families have abandoned them.


Happy. Happy happy happy.


They’ll deny Trump the same way they deny Bush.


That was exactly what I thought of, too. The number of so-called "independents" and "libertarians" skyrocketed near the end of Bush's second term. 


Yuuuup. A lot of people choose to just take a "neutral" stance rather then admit they were wrong


Any time i hear someone say “both sides suck” i pretty much know i am speaking with an ex trumpazoid


I really don't care what stance they take, after this election, the GQP is going to be non-viable in any nationwide election going forward. They can think whatever the hell they want...as long as they never have a ghost of a chance of gaining real power ever again!


The issue is they'll rebrand. The GQP will call itself something new, try to play the "we're a secret third thing" angle again, and all these new "moderates" will jump right on it


I think it'll go something like this, "I never supported trump I only supported his policies".


Which imo is even worse...his "policies" all revolve around hate & revenge


They can TRY to rebrand, but anyone who supports Trump currently will wear the stench of treason forever. It doesn't wash off.


Sure it does. This is America, we have the memory and attention span of a goldfish on meth.


“A goldfish on meth.” Stealing this and LMFAO!!


It’s like that character from 50 first dates. Ten second Tom every 10 seconds they reset their mind.


Oh no see that's what the civility politics are for. It'll be "divisive" to remember what they did and said before


Meet the new boss……


>rather then admit they were wrong I've long said OP's premise and this right here is the root cause. They're so obsessed with 'winning' and so terminally insecure they'll rewrite history to keep a clean sheet. They'll say conservatives never actually *liked* Trump; they just held their noses as they voted for him because literally *anyone* was better than Hillary or Biden. They'll quietly ditch the merch and pretend there was no such thing as the MAGA cult; it was like 6 guys in rural Alabama flying Trump flags, and "MSM" blew it way out of proportion. 'Normal' conservatives avoided such people and it was always a fringe thing anyway. MAGA never 'lost' because MAGA was never really a thing.


Yuuuup. And every one of them will suddenly be "independent" or "hate both sides" or think "politics is a waste of time" now. My dad did it, went from hard Trumper to "politics don't matter" once things didn't play out the way he wanted. Or at least he pretends to around his kids; during the Covid times some conversations happened that I think made him realize his belief system was hurting his credibility with his loved ones


You see the story about the guy who lost his life savings to Trumps stock? When it dropped to 25 before? Destroyed his status with his family too


Had family member tell my ex wife not to tell me I was right about George W and now a huge trump fan


Haha. Came to say this. People who ranted and raved for Bush for 8 years looked me square in the eye and said I've never been that crazy about him. That's when I stopped engaging in political discourse with strangers. Lying hypocrites.


Every once in a while pollsters will ask a person who threw voted for in the previous election and according to a 2007 Gallup poll, John Kerry easily won the 2004 election.


or the next guy will make Trump not look so bad like Trump makes Bush not look so bad


Yeah, that’s my fear.


Well money and corruption will destroy any democracy and it shows


Yeah this is the long term trajectory. We'll have an 85 year old Trump on MSNBC during the middle of Nick Fuentes first term talking about how Trump was one of the good Republicans before all the witch burnings and blue state secessions under Fuentes.


Maybe, but Trump is such a special kinda weird man. I don’t see him ever being replaced. Somehow his con works on so many and meanwhile he’s just so friggin bizarre


That’s the thing that people with IQs that are three digits don’t understand. The average American has been way below average for 40 years. But when did they become THIS stupid?


This is fucking it right here. Somehow, every single Trumper I know was "always anti-Bush". Fuck you, Aunt Linda, I was there when you screamed at me about Freedom Fries and "with us or against us".


Yep, I was told I was in-American for saying the invasion of Iraq was stupidity and based on lies. Now they all pretend they opposed it. Just amazing.


They will kiss him on his spray tanned forehead and count their 30 pieces of silver all the way to the next campaign fundraiser


A new monster will replace Trump.


Yeah, that’s my fear. I don’t think we’re past it. But I don’t know who it’ll be. I thought it might be DeSantis, but I think he’s done. Don’t think it’s Haley, or Bergum. Bannon and Miller are certainly evil, but they’re behind-the-scenes guys. They’d need a front. Pence is finished, and probably wasn’t that guy anyway. Noem looks to be done. Palin is too dumb. Graham and Scalise won’t leave Congress, and probably wouldn’t be that evil anyway. Who am I missing?


Josh Hawley


Oh boy, definitely. He’s got the looks and he sounds reasonable and confident. Plus he’s completely amoral. Can’t believe I forgot about him! Scary guy.


One campaign ad showing him running like a girl from Jan 6 rioters and it's over


Doubt it. Republicans here in MO just pretend that never happened.


Maga needs a hypocritical selective memory.


You’re not wrong, but the other half of that is a Democrat as an opponent with the backbone to press that in the campaign. Those are few and far between, unfortunately.


Bush doesn’t even rank on the crazy list, that list, of one, a national embarrassment! It’s an embarrassment to America that there are enough morons in the country to elect the world’s most obvious con-man!




They already do it. Online you see these fucking MAGA warriors chest out all the time. In real life, in non red states, they hide and pretend they are "actually I'm a libertarian/independent" and vote Trump and don't admit it.


Their families and friends will always know and that's all that matters. They may look cool on the outside but on the inside they'll always feel like an outsider


Yup. Those of us who saw the pattern with Bush already know the script. They'll back away like they had nothing to do with any of it and hated it all the entire time. Then they'll just go all in on the next destructive thing like they always do


They're literally acting like they hate war now after them spent decades calling people like me unAmerican and things like a traitor because I wasn't down with nuking the middle east as payback for 9/11. IRThey're already memory holing how they've acted online since trump's first campaign and bitching about liberals not being nice to them after they were the biggest dickheads in the country, by a country mile, day in and day out. Granted, a whole massive chunk of those people were just ruzzian IRA operatives fucking with our people and country. Things have changed so much ever since they invaded Ukraine outright and needed to point those trolling propagandist liars inwards at their own people. Like night and day lol.


I literally can’t wait for the day when we shake off all of this insanity and get back to whatever passes for normal. I believe 100% that this will be a shameful portion of our history. It will be even better when we have access to videos of Trump after his death and we are all like “who the FUCK voted for this guy?” God, I hope Biden wins.


Not just Biden. We need a real blue wave. Republicans need to suffer terrible losses and in places where they would never have dreamt they were vulnerable. We need to send the message that this christofascist bullshit won’t be tolerated in the United States anymore. Absolutely everyone needs to vote.


We need the electoral college abolished or states to join the popular election pact


A blue wave, every election big or small, every year.


"No no, it was all about States' Whites."


That phrasing is amazing


Crushing embarrassment. Almost every family has them. The gullible, uneducated who don’t know or care what truth is… as long as Trump fits their world view nothing else matters


My grandfather was stationed in Germany after WW2 from 56 to 67, never met a Nazi the whole time…


I grew up in End-stage Apartheid South Africa. You won't believe how few whites could be found that supported Apartheid after 1994... Apparently it was a system upheld by magic


MAGAs will be viewed in the same light as nazis and segregationlists in 10 to 20 years.


And people who kept saying Vanilla Ice was a good rapper.


Alright stop. Collaborate and listen. 


Ice is back?


With a brand new invention.


You dare to disrespect Rap Ninja?! (It was the dumbest part of TMNT 2. Even as a kid when it came out.)


"Now, when you git to that lil' island, I bet ya gonna take off that handsome uniform...?" - LT Aldo Raine


Which is why stopping them is paramount.


Bro, these are the same chucklefucks that have been flying the Confederate flag since they lost the civil war. You think they're going to give up on trump/maga just because he lost another election?


My now ultra conservative dad was a very different person before trump. He would never have associated with the confederate flaggers before trump, now he’d probably shake their hands. Indoctrination does things to a man


So a good two decades where it’s viewed as shameful until the pendulum swings the other way and it’s viewed as behavior to emulate again?


Pretty much, but it'll be nice for those few years where we collectively agree that Nazis Are Bad again.


10 or 20 years? They already are, and reasonably so.


They aren't already? All I see online is MAGAts complaining about being called nazis everywhere that isn't one of their safe spaces.


Totally disagree trumpers have no shame and will spend the rest of their existence moaning about something


Yeah I think it's delusional to think these people will ever be embarrassed


The Internet is forever. People ask me why I post so vocally against Trump, and my answer is, "I want my great-grandchildren to know I stood up against fascism and racism when they tried to destroy America."




I lived I Germany for two years between 1975 and 1977; roughly 30 years after WWII. Talked to thousands of people and never found one person who admitted to supporting Hitler or the Nazis. It will be the same in the United States in 20 years. Nobody will openly admit to supporting Maga or Trump.


I disagree. Most Germans are intelligent enough to know that denying complicity in Naziism is in their best interests. Many Trump supporting MAGAs are still proud of their Confederate "heritage," so I fully expect them to be proud of their current ideology right up to their graves.


We have a lot more cameras now.


It's already shameful.


yeah, they were all in on the Iraq War as well and now pretend they are the party that doesn't want to intervene in world affairs. They will definitely be in Trump denial.


I’ll shove it in every single one of my families faces till the day they fucking die.


It helps that a lot of the people who will always be loyal to Trump will be dead in the next 10 years.


Isn't it fortunate I have a great memory and a limitless ability to hold a grudge? I intend to *never* let the Trumpers in my life forget or deny what they've done.


In the words of Don Draper, it will shock you how much this never happened. Some trumpster trash will never get over it, but I think the majority will pretend it never happened.


I love Mad Men but don't remember the context of that line.


He says that to Peggy after she has her baby and gives it up to her sister. I think that the full quote is "One day, you will be shocked at how much this didn't happen." He's basically referring to his own rough childhood and how he left it behind him to become successful on Madison Avenue.


We should do what Aldo Raine did and give them something that the MAGATs can't take off


It'll be like all those old people who fought against Civil Rights and now pretend to have never been racist.


That’s a nice thought; have you heard any southerners regret supporting rebellious traitors that caused or fought in the civil war?


They will put up statues and say that trumpism was about states rights


They are still flying confederate flags… there will never be any self awareness. If they start a war, there should be no reconciliation this time. Only accurate education of the treasonous and fascist ideologies in schools and museums. A ban on all monuments, any public displays, same as Germany has done with their Nazi problem.


Look back to post WW2, generational shame was very prevalent especially as more info came to light.


Our they will say "we didn't know" which is bullshit because we've been throwing the truth at them for years.


"supported Trump" will be the new "voted to invade Iraq"


Trumpism makes so much more sense when realizing that they are also childish narcissists who push the envelope in order to get away from consequences in their own lives. Nothing respectable about them at all.


Sadly I don’t believe this. These people are too invested.


In five years no one will admit they voted for him.


It will probably help when Russia implodes in the coming years and the Kremlin is more handicapped from spoon feeding propaganda through their GOP proxies.


I saw it with Nixon. This is right on.


"It was just a joke, man! You just ain't got no sense of humor!"


There will remain an entire sect of people that claim none of it ever happened and it's all propaganda to put blacks and gays into power


I think it will be the opposite. I think the die-hards will go bigger, claiming fraud, stolen elections, everything was rigged, etc. And they will ramp that up when Don Whoreleon goes to prison for the stolen documents case. Its a cult, plain and simple. They are never going to denounce him, no matter what he does or how much time passes. We will see "Free Trump" flags on pickup trucks and t-shirts until Donny dies in prison


They will all claim they were independent voters not republicans. It’s all the rage now while still voting Republican.


Many of those same people prefer traitors to America. See those Confederate flags. See their new love of Russia. It's who they are, and they aren't apologetic about it.


Don't think they experience shame?


You mean like flying the Confederate flag?


This wont happen. Shame is non-existent in this timeline. This shit has done irreparable damage.


Omg, I can only hope


There’s no cure for being an inbred hillbilly.


If we’re lucky, people will remember it like they do the McCarthy era. “Are you now or have you ever been a member of…” oddly another Republican Hero everyone greatly admires /s


You've watched too many movies. Political movements don't end like that, they rather just... fizzle out, and people move on to new topics. There will be no inquisition, no tribunal, no revenge or reaction or anything like that. It will be nothing but another chapter in the history of modern America, and in a generation no one will care about Trump.


No, they won't care and won't change. They will always believe the lies no matter the evidence. This isn't going away.


It is already happening with Republicans who aren't full on Mad Hatter. I don't see as many people frothing at the mouth in support of Trump on my feeds anymore. Means that the more reasonable conservatives in my circles aren't on the wagon as much. They still talk about how bad the economy is, how Biden is either an evil mastermind who is secretly part of a cabal that is trying to destroy America, or he is a dementia addled senior citizen. Just not as much Trump anymore.


Quite remarkable that it already isn't. Then again, a great many people are just plain old stupid.


I feel this way about Nu-Metal. :/


C'mon man, Disturbed was great there for a hot minute.


I may or may not have seen them at Ozzfest in 2000.


>As the countless numbers hunger for worldwide renown  >All the pimping sons of plunder will roll up their sleeves  >All searching for the answers they don't even care to know  >Give it to me >Give it to me >You like it? So this is the hill you want to die on?


This applies to dub.step as well


After he is done they will still be low IQ


MAGA hats, mark of Cain


Yep it’s nazi 2.0. I still have trouble understanding how we got here.


My dad was recently telling me about when Orval Faubus was Governor of Arkansas, and Ike sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rock to enforce desegregation of Central High School. After Ike sent the 101st in, suddenly nobody would admit to voting for Faubus. His exact words, "Nobody would admit it. I kept saying, goddamnit, somebody voted for him." Maga will be the same.


You should rename this sub the /RedGuards


If he loses.  If he wins who knows. The victors write history.


Old German man I knew "None of us were (Trumpians) but we all had to work for the(Trumpians)" Absolutely great guy! I believed him. ...Lets hope that doesn't happen again.


These people have no shame.


It's really just a question of how much damage they will do to our country and the world before they realize they should be ashamed of their devotion to the Qult. I suspect that may be one of the major reasons MAGA are working so hard to abandon shame as a concept, at least for themselves.


No it won't. Might get a re-brand. Maga is just the new tea party. Worse but same base and same goals.


You can't post political things on weekdays it's against the subreddit rules.


It might actually happen if your core premise wasn’t flawed.


Their descendants will not acknowledge their existence.


Gonna be a lot of rednecks scraping off those Trump stickers off their trucks!


Oh yeah. This is TOTALLY realistic. I predict that'll happen FOR SURE. This is exactly what happened with Nixon's supporters. And Bush. That's when you reach into the "save for that moment" folder to show them and everyone else their words and say "This you?" and watch them turn into pretzels right before your eyes. The rest of us will expose, shame, shun and discard these bitches HARD.


The repubes and the sycophantic trumpanzees are on the wrong side of history. It may take a while but they will be shunned and looked down on like the TRAITORS they are.


They said I would eventually be ashamed because I voted for Nixon, Reagan and W. It hasn't happened yet. It's more likely that someday folks will be ashamed that they didn't vote for Trump. Matter of fact, I suspect that many already are. Even if they're loath to admit it.


Nah, Republicans will just pull out one of the Democrats plays and say they switched platforms right around that time.


How optimistic to think that trumpism will be defeated. I think it's going to be with us for a long, long time. Just the other day a 70-something boomer I know was singing the praises of Reagan.


As a GenX, I grew up with Nixon bumper stickers still around. Here is the thing, it’s not correct to stifle or prevent them from sharing, but yeah, embarrass the FucK out of those collar poppers.


Trump 2024. Screenshot this.


They'll deny trump like they denied hitler..but give it time higlerx ideas seem to be coming back with a vengeance


I already have relatives in the southern US trying to explain their Trumpism away so it won't continue to tarnish their religion - which it absolutely has made a total joke of.


This exact conversation is happening on the other side of the isle.


They do that now. Go on most dating websites/apps and they will whole heartedly put “moderate” on there. They say that in polls too.




Oh how I wish. Nobody likes to admit that their baby is ugly.


OP how many years are we talking? I could see this playing out, but not for like 50-70 years.


People still think it’s okay to side with the confederacy. Not a small group either.


What happened to all the Soviet supporters? Nazi supporters? Where do all the modern day religious zealots who want jihad (or their respective apocalypse) but instead bear witness to their version of utopia being fully rejected?


I mean people's grandparents already lie about being racist pieces of shit from the 60s and 70s. It's obvious they will do always do this


Like cockroaches until the next demon reawakens them.


Doubtful, you still have democrats and they started the KKK, Jim Krow laws and much more. They’re still around years later and you even have Joe Biden in office who would hang around with Robert Byrd. “I know what’s good for the negro” everyone forgets and goes on about life. In other words I don’t agree. People will forget and move on to the next as always.


Sounds like the Germans after they caused WW2. We should be able to do like the movie "Inglourious Basterds" did. Let's brand them with a turd emjoi.


I vas NEVER a Nazi!


God I love this sub 😆


I’ll never be ashamed.


lol and the blind Biden sheep will still claim the laptop is Russian disinformation and that Biden’s son didn’t make any money on that thing…China. Proud Trump voter here. Have a good night


Well, it happened for Nazis. It happened for Republicans who supported Nixon to the bitter end and kept defending him, for a while. But this is different. The alternate reality that many Trump supporters live in will continue to have its media cheerleaders and, more importantly, its social media reinforcement. I think the community and beliefs sparked by QAnon will constantly shift their beliefs, but will always be essentially a witch-hunting cult that chooses to believe their alternative facts. Those facts will change according to the psychological needs of the believers, but the conspiracy-believing cult will remain large and have the saying power of a religion. Because that's what it is, just one without any central leadership. Trump is part of their script now, but doesn't have to be in the picture for them to continue to believe essentially as they believe now. They certainly won't be embarrassed by Trump. More broadly, those in the Trump cult of personality may have tied up too much of their identity and lost too many relationships over this to ever consider moderating. More "regular conservative" but reality-believing Republicans support Trump because that's how they get policies enacted that are closer to their ideologies. But many of them have already been embarrassed about supporting Trump the first time. They will do as you say and not want to talk about supporting him. This includes many elected Republicans. Ideological conservatives, MAGA, and QAnon (or whatever that belief system should be called now) are very different and will likely act differently when Trump is no longer on the scene.


So thank you for proving Orwell right.


The way it should be


Can we keep a few around for pets?


The red MAGA hats will go into hidden storage next to all the Nickelback T-shirts.


I actually love this and hope it’s true. Heil Hitler!


I already see some of my family members doing this. They are way more quite when the rest of us talk. I think the younger members also just got fucking fed up of quietly listen to the bullshit. Now, if a pro-Trump statement is uttered, they will have 10 kids down their racist necks.


We're too busy doing that with Biden. 👍


Can’t end soon enough.


I can’t find anyone who will admit they voted for Biden today.


That's why I try to encourage people to take pictures and screenshots of this lunacy and archive this cult behavior so we have the receipts when these people want to distance themselves from their shameful past behavior.


Trump's an ass everyone knows that. But when he becomes president again after going through a joke of a trial, this post will be so funny.


Clown level.


The billionaires who fund Congress will move on to the next person. These rich people will continue to fund think tanks that work to find a "they" to blame – so no one notices that tax cuts for rich people are getting us to where we are. CRT, Trans people, immigrants, "they" are all to blame. Not tax cuts. Betsy DeVos needed a ninth yacht.


These same folk screamed and called Canadians "traitors" because Canada refused to attack a sovereign nation on suspicions and hearsay. Apologies never came. When it was PROVEN there were no WMD they just goalpost shifted Same shit


Gotta vote him away first. Remember that


Like to believe so but that would be to deny all the shit that went on under Nixon, two terms of Reagan, two of Shrub... if there's one thing Republicans have proven moreso every day it's that they have no shame, they wear their wilful ignorance, hypocrisy and fascistic tendencies with pride.


Sort a of like a kulak, huh?


That's been happening already. But like a lot of bootlickers from other failed social experiments, they won't realize or accept that they were on the wrong side, until their bitter ( and i do mean bitter) end.


God imagine that you hate someone so much you think about them every day just to hate them, also “trumpism” isn’t a thing, your thinking of MAGA, Then again only a stupid person wouldn’t know what they were truly hating.


You’ve already seen this with the policy of child separation. MAGA hats pretend that Obama did it or that it never happened. I’ve never met one who can admit it was a policy that Trump implemented for a few months and then dropped because it’s so cruel to do that to kids. 


Trump has replaced Jesus.


Not likely. Confederates rewrote their treason and cruelty as a heroic struggle, built monuments and still long for those good old days.


If people think being a Trump supporter should leave lasting shame, then you'll just be fueling Trump 2.0 when these people rally against the hatred against them again. The person who comes after Trump will want their votes so they'll always have something to do. The best scenario is that it just fizzles out and people forget about it.


We have to get through this election first before talk like this can happen…


MMW, if this were to actually happen, they will claim Trump was always a democrat


Where are the Inglorious Basterds when you need them to carve Ts into foreheads?


Anyone who's a Trumper now is someone I'll never trust.


“Grandpa where were you during the invasion of Mexico”


Never gonna happen.


I don’t think so because being a trumpie is like a virus


I was thinking about the Wallace parallel in the South. Even when I was a kid in the early 80s in a county he won in a state he won, the guy was never mentioned. I don’t recall ever hearing about him until the very heavy handed “don’t be a racist and you should still feel fuckin’ bad” films they’d make us watch on the old projectors.


Trumpism will only for if no one steps in to fill his shoes. Otherwise it never ends. It just shifts from Trump seamlessly to the next leader.


Should already be the case now, already shameful


It will be a whole new group of people pushing for book (or media) bans so their grandchildren won't know who they *really* are.


Eh.. we still have people in America that still support the Confederacy... it'll be their next lost cause.


These people feel no shame. They feel almost nothing at all. Families have been torn apart because of Trump. People literally pick Trump over their own kids, spouses, parents. Nothing matters to them.


There will be a lot of people demanding that tech companies delete their data. A lot of “that is not me”. A lot of “I stopped trump from…”.


They’ll deny it until they don’t need to again. Like their heroes that followed the mustache man.