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Hopefully more outlets continue to ask Trump what black and Hispanic jobs are. I’d love to hear his views on what white black and Hispanic jobs are. Hopefully I’m working in the right caste he has built in his head. What a fucking racist piece of shit.


Haven’t you seen people wearing those “Blacks for Trump” tee shirts at his rallies? That’s a *black job*. Idk why he has so many white people doing *black jobs*.


Stellar comment.


Nobody cares what Trump says or does as long as he gives them an excuse to hate whatever.


This is the most correct answer. Party of family values until you point out Trump fucked a pornstar while his wife was pregnant. Party of conservative fiscal finance until you point out Trump spent 9 trillion dollars mainly by giving tax cuts to the rich. Party of limited government until you bring up them telling what women can do with their bodies. It goes on and on.


What do you think Black and Hispanic jobs are?


I have no idea I thought jobs were just jobs anyone could fill.


Ask Trump. He used the term. He wouldn’t just make things up to pander to those communities, right?


Poor kids are just as bright as white kids


The truth in this statement is that white kids are usually, by common sense, not statistical sense, not poor. A Black child in a mostly white school is literally more likely to be poor or at least less wealthy than her or his peers. It’s not that offense to say this






unless msnbc does the next debate, he has those debate mods in his bag. I sense this is why mr wallace left fox news after the 2020 election because he was a moderate in their eyes after he didnt cave into trump.


It’s almost like he said “they’re just as smart as white kids”


That's not as bad and you know it.


Just to start, I despise both candidates. There is a reason Joe Biden wasn’t selected when he ran for president the previous times… just a small list of the many racist things Biden has said overtime… I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man,” Biden told The New York Observer in 2007. “Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this,” Biden said. “We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.” Biden said During a conversation with C-SPAN in 2006, Biden said, “I’ve had a great relationship [with the Indian-American community]. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” NPR reported that in August, Biden told a reporter, “Unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.” Biden said that schools in Iowa perform far better than schools in Washington D.C. because D.C. schools have far more Black students. There's less than one percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than four of five percent that are minorities. What is in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you're dealing with," he told The Washington Post. In 2019, Biden announced a third run for President and reflected on his work in the 1970s with Segregationist Senators, which drew outrage from fellow Democrats including Harris. Biden came under fire for making reference to “gangbangers” when describing Black teenagers. It’s hard not to see this man as a senile racist with Sundowner’s


Shhhhhh that’s not what the people here want to respond to. They wanna pretend their capable of criticizing Biden, but they will pull whatever mental gymnastics necessary to ignore the reality behind these statements


Oh man, you have to see u/marcololol comment above. Talk about mental gymnastics.


Would one assume positions currently held disproportionately by minorities? And not “jobs for black people”


Ok Hispanic voters are mostly conservative and Catholic. This idea that they are overwhelmingly liberal and progressive is absurd. They are easily just as racist as white conservatives if not more. The only people they hate more than black people are other Hispanics. All Trump has to do is say “BLAH, BLAH border,” and they will vote for him because they hate those “dirty, brown” illegal immigrants from South America. Trump isn’t “picking up” support, he has the exact same supporters, but this has no impact on already decided voters. He will lose because of the Dobbs decision and Abrahamic fanatics. His judicial puppets all over federal courts and our Federalist Society SCOTUS aren’t doing him any favors……..that was a poor choice of phrases.


"If you don't vote for me you ain't black" - Donald Trump. I can't believe anyone would support someone who would say racist shit like that


That was Biden and what he was getting at was Trump is racist as fuck and if a black person votes for Trump they are voting against their interests. He was right but he probably shouldn’t have said it. Meanwhile you okay with Trump paying the Hodge twins to simp for him to steal black votes and have them vote against their interests? Is that okay? Astroturf projects like Candace Owens Walkaway campaign?


They are probably both racist - but that's my point. Everyone here just talking about how awful Trump is while conveniently ignoring Biden. Whichever party is not promoting the real racism of DEI, inherent whiteness, critical race theory, BLM, defund the police while burning down the city, SATs are racist, lived experience, the only remedy for past discrimination is present discrimination bullshit that's the one that has my vote.


I’ll vote for the guy who didn’t need the Supreme Court to declare that he can break the law at will and subvert democracy


Yes this really did hurt him. I know this is just a study of one but everyone I know is pretty pissed off.


You mean like 'shit hole countries', "where is my African American?", 'blacks, what the hell do you have to lose?' 'BLM is a terrorist organization', 'Obama's birth certificate', 'In the good old days they (blacks) would be carried out on stretchers', 'Go ahead and punch them in the face', 'Officers, don't be so gentle putting them (blacks) in the squad cars', 'here Puerto Ricans, have some paper towel to clean up your hurricane mess'. "Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers". White Supremacists are good people - on both sides, 'She's not pretty enough for me to rape', 'She's a fat pig', I like heroes that aren't POWs" 'That WWII cemetery is full of losers", 'All these dead soldiers at Arlington, what was in if for them?" 'Don't ever put me next to a crippled soldier again" All those things hurt him so bad he's the Republican nominee for the 3rd straight time and is defended by people in every one of those groups.


This right here! Trump knows he can say this stuff because those groups don't take it into consideration - he supports policies that hurt the people they hate and they think prices are going back to what they used to be. Trump knows to say what he wants right away - it doesn't matter if it's wrong/incorrect because people only hear it the first time; the fact checking, responses don't matter after that.


> those groups don’t take it into consideration oh yes they do. to them it’s not a bug, it’s a feature


Those comments weren’t about black people. Provide context, liar.


> everyone I know is pretty pissed off. They were pissed off before he even said that though. Why are you acting like this was the straw that broke the camel's back? The people you are talking about were already not going to vote for him, pretending like you're talking about some undecided voters who didn't know who they were voting for until he made that comment is just disingenuous.


It's more about turnout. In competitive elections, the intensity of feeling is really important. Angry people vote in high numbers, where less enthusiastic people might not if they're sick, there's a line, they're busy at work, etc. How much will this particular incident drive turnout? Maybe not much, but this election will most likely be won on the margin.


If people get mad they are more likely to vote.


Meh, I think at this point it’s apparent he can say whatever awful crap he wants and it doesn’t hurt him with his base even a little bit.


What is a black job according to Trump? I’m sure it’s stuff like NBA player, rapper, pump, and drug dealer. It’s comments like this from Trump that reveal who he really is, and that’s before all the overt racism. I mean, the guy started off his career in real estate at the family business by refusing to rent to black tenants. So overt was their racism that it ended up in a federal lawsuit brought by the DOJ against the Trump company. A Republican administration DOJ I might add.


What is the NBL


Good one. Apparently my brain combined NFL with NBA. I was going for NBA.


Ha. You are forgiven. Have a great weekend


“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man," Biden told The New York Observer in 2007.


Oof. When you put that way, it really doesn’t sound great, but my personal favorite lol racist trope is “Look at my African American”. I just read the statement from Biden afterwards “Biden issued a statement Wednesday afternoon, saying: "I deeply regret any offense my remark in the New York Observer might have caused anyone. That was not my intent and I expressed that to Sen. Obama." I mean it doesn’t seem like it was taken out of context, but at least the guy had the decency to apologize and say he regretted the statement. Believe the apology or not, I’ve never heard Trump ever take responsibility for the racist things he says. Doesn’t make what Biden said right, but it does highlight an important difference in character, imho


During a conversation with C-SPAN in 2006, Biden said, "I've had a great relationship [with the Indian-American community]. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent."


Dude really have an outdated racial view. What he doesn’t have is a wish to shoot POC for sport which seems to be more prevalent in gop circles than dem circles. A quote like that is why someone different should be running. I’ll leave it with this remark, if Biden should go because of these types of remarks, Trump should doubly go. If Biden’s past statements are indefensible, that’s especially true of Trump.


...and he'll never admit he lost.


None of the other retarded shit he has said changed tiny maga minds, this won't either.


Nothing will change MAGA minds. That's not the point. It's the independent voters who determine elections. There's plenty of things that Trump said that won't sit well with that voting block.


I don't think bidens performance is changing their mind


It’s going to lose because most of us see it for what it is: A fucking traitor


Texas and Florida aren’t swing states.


Texas isn't blue as much as it's voter-suppressed and has a big red boot on it's neck. those boys down there will stop at NOTHING to keep power. Florida is more feral and is a political wild card. It's red now, but a couple more bad hurricanes, algae blooms and various other climate-change caused disasters might get them singing a different tune.


That's EXACTLY why it's so dire for him. The sunshine reich oldsters are seeing their property sink into the ocean and see trump say he doesn't believe in climate change. It's fun to say all those oldsters are trumpers but a HUGE amount of them see the writing on the wall. Texas has been the center of the hot button debates and similarly, everyone is sick of it and gonna want change. It's a blue wave, baby.


I think that you’re overestimating how many old people are switching to Trump as a result of climate change. The best that Biden can do is flip North Carolina. Our country is too polarized and not too many things can move the needle at this point. This race is a tossup.


My personal theory is that Texas would go purple tomorrow except the good ole boy power structure is not letting it happen. As in, they cheat, mercilessly. Not just with voter suppression, but more underhanded strategies as well.


Texas cheated way too much in the mid terms to make it even look believable. It’s ridiculous.


Those fuckers down there are going to hold onto their power at ALL COSTS.


They are definitely cheating.


I think so too, but the problem is proving it.


Wait, they cheated in Texas, but can't prove it. But the 2020 election there wasn't cheating?


In fact, Ken Paxton stated that Trump would've lost Texas if Paxton didn't block Harris County from sending out applications for absentee ballots.


Yes, they've said it out loud numerous times.


Thursday night changed that








No. He won’t. Inflation in the country is affecting black and brown communities. They see it. They see the money being spent on the illegal immigrants and not being spent on them. Also, for years those communities have felt the injustice and inequity of the judicial system. Now they see it directed at Trump and find that relatable. They see Trump fighting “the man”. No worries on that vote. He’s peeled off 10-15% away from Biden.


They're not going to vote for the big orange racist. He'll hire more actors to wear shirts for him. He'll hire more actors to show up in church.


We always knew he was a racist. His supporters know too. Let's just hope there are more of us than his Maggots. Statistically he shouldn't be able to win. He will cheat. He cheated last election too. That is why he thinks Dems cheated, he cannot fathom how he lost. The black jobs comment is so fucked up.


He will lose bigly.


He always goes big. The dump administration added as much national debt to the pile, as all the administrations during the first 230 years of the US existence altogether.  He truly understands how to burn money.


When it’s not his money, that is


yeah, he already is dipping in the polls. If Kamala can wipe the floor with trumps vp pick, given that neither man lives to see 2028, the public will vote biden in knowing harris takes his spot.


There is not a single group that he has insulted, belittled, mocked or flat out told how he will treat them if elected that he could not find a few willing to be paid to stand behind him wearing shirts that say how much they love him and there will be those within those groups that hear the words and see the actions and will still proudly vote for him a third (and again in four years and maybe even eight).


Biden Blows Dick. Thats a fact. JACK. What are ya gonna do? BAN MY ACCOUNT BECAUSE OF MY OPINION??? Of course you communist fucks LOVE censorship.


Don't forget Charlottesville and "good people on both sides" and "losers and suckers." Racist sexist KKK ass kissing veteran dissing Hitler loving waste of space!


Couldn't say it better myself.


2025 will sink him


!remindme November 6th 


!remindme January 6th when Trump tries to incite a full rebellion


!remindme January 7th


It is possible that Trump will lose based on his comments about Black jobs and Hispanic jobs, but the real reason that he will lose is because of the abortion rights issue. He says that he ended Roe v. Wade, and it will ultimately end him.


Which really is about the tamest thing he's said or done. He meant jobs that black or hispanics are doing, but not exclusively black or hispanic jobs. But yeah, the way things go they'll look past the coup and deaths from Covid, the lies and the drama and this will be the one that does take him down. Politics is so weird


I admit I don't care why he loses just that he does.


He’ll lose because of the Dobbs decision and Abrahamic fanatics………


Whatever it takes, as long as he loses


I hope you are right. However, I know way too many veterans who still support him after what he has said about them.


The good thing that came out of the debate is the endless soundbites of Trump's utterly incoherent nonsense that Dems can use in ads. Everyone is crying about Biden, Trump didn't do well either. 


Spending any time on tiktok shows his racist beliefs are going to keep going and going


Whatever helps you sleep at night




I watched the entire debate. Biden had a rough start. There were more verbal gaffes than usual (even for someone with a lifelong stutter), and several times throughout the debate he was having trouble expressing this thoughts in a timely/orderly manner and awkwardly hit the time limit without making a point. I've seen his past debates. This is by far the worst I've ever seen/heard him. His speech the next day was great, but left me wondering where that was the night before. I'm not a troll. You can take a deep dive through my comments if you want and see that I realize the existential threat that Trump *and* the GOP represent to our country, including those fucking hacktivists on the Supreme Court. I will absolutely be voting for Democrats across the board in November at every level. The debate doesn't change any of that. My only concern is the millions of undecideds who are so fucking stupid that they've made it this far undecided, or the people who delude themselves into thinking voting for an old man would be as bad as voting for a man only three years younger with an extensive history of crime who cannot utter one sentence without lying his ass off. And, again, the latter spent four years doing his damnedest to destroy our country. We can't give him four more to finish the job.


Biden should just take the adderall . It would be to his benefit. I could tell by Trumps ever changing facial expressions he was given a little pharmaceutical help.


The smirk and the kissy face he does


Biden absolutely mumbled and was hard to understand at times. However, when you take segments of the debate and analyze what he said, he made good points. He knows what he's talking about, he just presented the information poorly. There's a lot of noise about replacing Biden right now, but that'll die down once the news media moves on. The soundbites from both candidates will dominate campaign ads, and there's several moments that won't play well for Trump.


I watched the entire debate live and disagree with you


Anyone who thought Biden was gonna act like Jack LaLaine out there was disappointed, but I also thought he articulated his platform pretty well. Plus not a single lie Trump told got past him and when he mentioned that Trump is a molester, he couldn’t be refuted.


Biden should never call someone a molester


Why, because he’s a democrat? Shit, republicans call people molesters all the time, even when they’re not. Biden was just talkin’ truth to unbridled power. Only right wing assholes would blame a democrat for calling out a pervert.


No because we have video of him touching women and children in inappropriate ways where the person is clearly uncomfortable


I agree here. Biden, largely, did fine. Something important to remember- anyone who saw the low energy old man up past his bed time also saw Trump. He didn't even take it seriously. It still puts us in the territory of people voting for party policy over candidates. I can't fathom that Biden's tired performance would dissuade anyone from showing up to vote against what R majority states stay in the headlines doing, and what the display of their leader on Thursday represents.


You’re littler one out of millions of people who think he did “amazing” I almost thought it was a troll post, but nope…


Sticking you head in the sand is not going to make it better lol. The first few minutes of that debate were atrocious it made me sick. Anyone who watched that debate and wasn't already determined to vote against Trump is now more likely to do so.


Even CNN disagrees


CNN is owned by a billionaire magat who praises Fox "news".


Msnbc then, the Atlantic, wa po, fucking everyone not being a biden shill.


There are no shills for Biden. What are you on about? Every outlet talks Trump, Trump, Trump because ours good for ratings, regardless of damaged causes to democracy.


Anyone who says biden did great at the debate is a biden shill. You can agree with his policies over trumps, but biden did not look good in that debate compared to 2020.


What a great troll account and they are eating it up


I didn’t have an issue understanding him, but I definitely think he responded to Trump baiting him far too many times. Those bait responses definitely interrupted his flow and caused some of his responses to fall flat.


No, he didn't.


Trump is polling higher in those demographics than any republican candidate ever if the polls are even half right it looks great For trump. Do you think black people don’t know they are black? I understand why you would think that because when a lot of us were raised in the 90s saying black was considered bad But after occupy Wall Street when the powers that be made it About identity and not class saying black and white is ok now 


"Trump is polling higher in those demographics than any republican candidate ever..." That says very little. Now, let's see the polls after his racist remarks.


They're not changing bc they saw the dead man try and debate. Bidens poll numbers are gonna nose dive after that performance.


Didn't Biden say "if you don't vote for me, you ain't black!"


Which racist remarks? Did he say they don’t know what computers are or that if they don’t vote for Biden they aren’t black?




That’s why Biden fought for legislation to integrate society. This whole attempt to paint Biden as some kind of antebellum throwback is all too common. He opposed busing because he claimed neighborhoods needed to be integrated, not just black kids ‘visiting’ nice white ones. Think, he was 22 when establishments, bathrooms and even water fountains were segregated. Compared to a lot of prevailing attitudes at the time, Biden has always been liberal


He was in his 40s when he spoke glowingly at the wake of one of his mentors and former KKK poubah Robert Byrd


Granted, but wasn’t his mentor eventually honoured by th NAACP for his contributions to liberal causes? It’s crazy I was born a year before a black and a white person could drink from the same water fountain in some parts of the US. I can only imagine liberal sentiments echoing ‘white mans’ burden ‘ type problems and republicans wondering if integration of the military was ever a good idea. Jim Crow still exists in the memories of Biden and Trump and Uncle Clarence


Honestly, if people want to elect that train wreck like we saw the other night on TV, that country is dead-and they deserve it.


Anyone is better than a lying felon


Make that statement again when gas hits $10


Big Oil is price gouging and profiteering on the backs of the American people. The US is pumping more oil than EVER. BIden has nothing to do with high gas prices. Big Oil is SCREWING us and making record profits. Screw them.


In the last election, 12% of the black vote went to him and only 9% of black women. Counting on the Black and Brown vote again, coupled with women, to finally oust him.


To be fair, that means there's a lot of potential votes for the orange dump to get, while the Dems can gain very little additional votes. And even last time it was really close.


This is hardly the soundbyte from which he will lose, and if he loses in November it certainly won't be Florida and Texas that go blue to do it.


Keep hoping. But it ain’t looking good.


You are an idiot if you think Texas is in play.


This was the first time a lot of people have seen Joe without a teleprompter in an unscripted event. He failed in disastrous and historic fashion. Poor guy needs to be in a memory care unit but “Dr.” Jill won’t let him convalesce in peace.


Everyone was so focused on how what Biden was doing, they completely forgot that the more you let Trump run his mouth, the more asinine shit he’ll say that will hurt his campaign. Can’t wait for the next debate. 🍿


Can’t wait either. Biden will again glitch out. Unless the Biden ticket gets replaced Trump is walking away with it.




Trump meant “black jobs” as in the jobs of black people. He should have just said “jobs” in general and not tried to pander to liberals because he should know that you all will never accept it, but that’s what he tried to do


Keep trying to explain away his racist statement


It's just not that big of a deal for most people, the media and people like you are cherry picking these things and blowing it up as a deflection that Biden did a terrible job.


You’re the racist for interpreting it racistly. Most normal people hear that and don’t think anything of it because we aren’t trying to find gotchas to attack Trump with. That’s the only reason you’re outraged by what Trump said. He lives rent free in your head and you spend hours every day just thinking about how much you hate him. I pity you.


Perfect response from someone supporting a racist.


Step away from the bong!!!


Put the kool-aid down




I don't think people are going to care much about the racist rhetoric as much as they care about the cost of living. Buying Russian oil to lower energy prices is extremely enticing. Are we as a society going to be able to collectively say we'll pay whatever price it takes to make a statement or are we going to fall back into wanting to live in luxury? There won't be immediate consequences for financially supporting Putin's regime, but it will put the nail in the coffin of the future of American security and independence.


You're delusional. It won't change a single vote. He's spewed so much hate and ignorance, this is just another example. He may lose, but not because of this.


Nothing he says has ever mattered. This is no different


He already thinks he's "more relatable" to Black and Hispanic people since his mugshot has been shared in the media. I'm Caucasian and I'm offended, I can't imagine how a person of color would react to it. He truly is the orange idiot.


You guys live in a bubble, minorities don’t vote based off fake statistics like “black and Hispanic jobs”


Americans may be too stupid and attention deficit deprived to listen to actual content (what words mean) vs the delivery of the words (say, a raspy voice, a bit quiet). So I am not convinced. I mean he says a lot of stupid and insulting things in between trying to subvert democracy and kowtow to hostile foreign dictatorships. What's a few more?


Your so woke it's unreal. Any normal person who is not posting on reddit politics knows what he was saying. Biden is senile and the world saw it last night.


If being WOKE is calling out a racist asshole, hell yes! WOKE AF


Your right. It was almost as racist as saying that poor kids where just as smart as white kids or referring to black criminals as super predators.


Not NEARLY as racist as saying the racists rioting in Charlottesville at the Unite the White rally were very fine people


I just hope if there is another debate Joe gets permission to leave his care home again. Pray for project 2025.


F project 2025. That will be the end of freedom, and this nation as created by the founding fathers.


I’ll take a play off the Reddit playbook…. Cope. Seethe. Cover yourself in Soy while you cry yourself to sleep.


Nearly every poll has Trump winning more black voters than any Republican candidate since the 60s. I don't see the problem for pushing for low unemployment for black people.


What by 1%? Biden is beating Trump in the first post debate poll Biden increased his percentage. Everyone is over Trump's same old whiny lies.


That is bs, we still have to wait for high quality polls post debate, plus Biden was down in multiple polls going into the debate lol.


He means jobs for those ppl. This is a low IQ take and wishful thinking.


Keep trying to explain away the racist's statement


Joe Bidens racial jungle? Hilary and the super predators? Leftist hate for "white folk" and Jews, say it with your chest comrades. You are filled with hate.


More projection. If there's 1 thing that Trump and his kool-aid guzzlers do almost as much as lying, it's projecting.


No logical response. You tried comrade.


You know, it’s really on the nose when right wing republicans are spouting kremlin propaganda openly on the house floor and then their supporters take to the internet and call the democrats “comrade”. Very textbook definition of projection in the psychological sense. Your worldview is totally fucked man.


I know you are, but what am I?


Mmw he will win because of black votes and Hispanic votes


https://theconversation.com/us-election-why-latino-and-hispanic-voters-are-shifting-to-trump-after-a-long-history-of-supporting-the-democrats-229566 Cope harder


Wtf even is a black or hispanic job? Anyone can work any job lmao.


Apparently, Trump doesn't think so




Referring to those who vote other than Liberal as "Big Orange", is probably not helping your open-minded cause.


You don’t have to tolerate intolerance As such, you don’t have to be open-minded about fascism either.


You don't know how to read polls, do you?




“Illiterate rapists and murderers” So, uh, the MAGA set in general?


He’ll win because the other guy shits his pants, showered with his teenage daughter and sold his name to China. Quit it with the copium everyone please and thank you.


All of America heard orange shit himself on national TV. Orange sold out America to Putin. He's nothing but a con man with a nice tie. Can't wait to see him in an orange jump suit


He didn’t. And russiagate has been debunked from several different angles. You’re in a cult. Again, the copium comedown is rough, you’re in for a rude awakening


He's nothing but Putin's boot licker


That’s why Putin never touched Ukraine when Trump was president yet under Bush, Obama and obviously the “big guy” are essentially rolling over and letting Putin do whatever he wants? Make it make sense please


Trump sold out Ukraine. Blackmailed an entire country, weakening it for the Russian invasion. Thank God President Biden stands up for freedom


Trump is leading the polls in every swing state (and has done so consistently all year). The dems need a better candidate. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/nevada/


Trump is a loser and is going to lose again.


Blacks are pissed at Biden for their situation. He has done nothing for them. And given handouts to illegals while they suffer.


They OVERWHELMINGLY support President Biden in every poll. They aren't going to vote for the bigot. They aren't going to put a racist back in the Whitehouse.


Not sure you got the memo. But in 2020, Trump got the largest minority vote of any GOP candidate in 100 years. What do you think 3 years of an atrocious economy is going to do? Decrease it? Lol. They know Biden is a bigot, but Biden did nothing for them. He helped a handful of rich white kids get their student loans reduced. Helped a bunch of illegal aliens get government handouts that the black Americans didnt get. They all see this.


Trump LOST in 2020 and is going to lose in 2024. Go back to your cult meeting. Trump isn't winning the black vote. A few paid actors at his rallies or packing a black church with white people doesn't fool anyone. They know he wants them in their "black jobs" (his words).


No he didn't lose; you fuckers cheated, but not this time!


I actually feel like it will resonate with the black community. Atleast in my specific case a lot of guys on my family struggle to find the same level of work specifically because Hispanic construction crews will do it cheaper.


Yeah......that's not playing out across social media


Well we'll just have to see


Just like early 2017-early 2021 the absurdities are coming so fast that I don't even know what anyone is talking about (and I'm pretty plugged in). Anyone willing to share what happened?


In the debate Thursday, Trump said the illegal immigrants, 18, 19, maybe 20 million, are streaming across the border, to take black jobs and take hispanic jobs Edited


Ah yes, how could I forget the at least hourly absurdities that would have in and of themselves sunk almost any prior candidacy.


If he has support among Black and Hispanic voters, this won't be what stops it


Keep telling yourself this BS. More than half of the voters are not going to vote for a President with dementia! They have been peddling Trump hate for 8 years and he is still winning.


Trump is a CONVICTED FELON. He's a loser that's going to lose again


Every case is a joke and those convictions will 100% be overturned!


He's a FELON. He's a TRAITOR. Can't wait to see the pictures of him in an orange jumpsuit right after his body cavity search


🤣🤣😂You are going to see him Re-elected not in a jump suit!!