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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/BobarUntrained95|Reddit: 5|05/10/2024 - 1 Months| | IGN: DaLastUndead|Discord: 0|Total: +5 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Last week I joined a map that had it going on, 11 people at the event. It had been going a few minutes. I traveled to the event, to find no meat bags were destroyed, and half a dozen people perched at the bottom of the hill waiting for legendaries. I do also join events where everyone helps get the meat bags, and fixes the scrubber too. It's a mixed bag


I always run PA in eviction notice for this specific reason. People not fixing the scrubber etc. i focus on meat bags as priority 1, then i will make sure the scrubber stays up. Its annoying when someone with power armor at the event seems to absolutely refuse to repair the scubber.


I can’t wear PA (bugs me out when I try to craft/repair and always have) but I keep my stealth suit on my hotwheel so I can slap it on and fix the scrubber or run ore or whatever else no one is bothering to do. I might miss out on a couple of legendaries and only have 800 instead of 900 lbs of loot after. Oh no. Meanwhile six bros in PA will be perched somewhere camping everything, refusing to lift a single finger to do anything but grub as much loot as possible so they can come here and complain about the scrip cap. It’s goofy as hell.


Lol no joke! I honestly didn’t even know the stealth armor gave protection against rads like that. If i did i would have been using it more often!


It's got some wild rad resist, like 1000! Otherwise it feels kind of like a paper bag after Secret Service armor but great for rad resist.


Yep I finally rolled a full set of 3star mutants SS that's my daily wear but I have my stealth suit for this and harvesting flux.


Scrip cap limit is goofy that's 2 3 star legendary rolls a day, should be 1000 scrip especially with all the pa pieces weighing you down just makes sense.


With the new trailer having a SPECIAL rack, it will be more viable to do this now.


Like the Fo1st tent?


I had the same happen to me. I destroyed 5 bags and let the most visible one untouched, just to test if 14 morons wouldn't be willing and able to destroy it. Sure enough, event failed. I laughed and went back to my camp, stash full of scripable stuff at full capacity


I'm usually by the scrubber ready to repair it. My weapons aren't as good as everyone else anymore (rip legacies) so I'd like to think that's my contribution lol.


Same here, I have a vampire chainsaw that I use & stay close to the scrubber


People just do not destroy the meat bags. 9/10 times I have to do them all myself. I really don't get it.


You could say it’s a mixed “meat” bag! I’ll see the door now.


Tbh, didn't even know we had to destroy meat bags?! Dafuq? Course I probably didn't pay attention.


Noobs don’t be douche “bags” read event requirements


I'm just learning about these meat bags and I've done like 200 ENs since I've been back. RIP.


You forgot to mention that if you don't spawn camp (and actually stay in the middle near the Radscrubber) you get ALL loot... not just from the area people spawn camp at.


Quiet! If people figure out that they're getting way less XP and loot by camping the bottom spawnpoint, then they'll move up to the scrubber and I won't have all the other spawns for my greedy self!


These are level 100 super mutants from far away, I don't think you need to worry about not getting a tag off. Other people being with you isn't going to affect you at all. In fact, if everyone in the event was at the rad scrubber, you could tag significantly more enemies.


Oh I'm not actually worried about XP, I've long since passed the need for it. That was more a joke than anything, though I understand that doesn't always translate well in text. If there's folks watching the scrubber, I'll usually go sit in the chair beside it and just repair as necessary so others can take advantage of the crazy XP rates. If There's only a few or none I'll stand on top of the scrubber with either a Plasma Caster (since it can 1-shot anything but the firestarters) or an auto EPR (since it has ridiculous range and vats accuracy) and turn all the unchecked spawns into goo piles.




Wouldn't they fire more on the scrubber since everyone is there? Feel like it wouldn't work as well. I go back and forth to each side.


Spawn camp all you want, man. I'm just trying to give people a heads up that you get ALL the loot by being at the radscrubber.


No. Didn't say I spawn camp. I said I go from the bottom cliff to the top and back until the event is over. I don't camp cause I would miss out on the XP from the other mutants up top and near the player spawn point.


There's a post with a board just up from the scrubber. You can tag every super mutant that spawns, bar the 2 or 3 that appear behind the rocks halfway up the ravine, and all the ones that come down the hill, and that spawn point has 2-4 times as many. I camp that, and switch to stealthsuit to repair if needed, and can loot the entire area after.


Only loot im there for personally is legendaries and refund on ammo used tbh i dont need 50 miniguns compared to 30 🤣


Yep. Level 700+ here. I loot everything and then I drop all legendary items in front of the stash box at the event. I'll only keep what I can use.


Idk ive been doing the event for years & people (including me) should start actually counting. Halfway between scrubber and bottom of the hill has always given me best results. My one PA char that rides the scrubber seems like they get 100-150 less scrip per event.


I stand in front of the scrubber where I can reach it quickly if it needs repairing and I find I pretty much max out my scrip quota in one en event. The amount of scrip will vary because of item types but I get between 10 and 30 legendaries on average. Usually I end up just dropping all the 1 stars before jumping out.


My whole menu is filled with legendaries at the end of the event. But, yeah, I'll start keeping count. Maybe we can make a post in FO76 subreddit and see what numbers most people get.


Preach brother.


Power armor? Psh. I'm usually the one repairing it in my Chinese stealth suit.


I hate how the stealth suit takes off your armor and you have to manually put it all back on. I just drink like 20 radaways and repair it lmao


Can’t be affected by rads if they can’t see you 🤙🏼


Straight up. Catch me tagging legendaries with my fixer while I hide behind the scrubber


Ha! I do it with neither


It's become 50/50 whether you're going to get a good Eviction Notice, or all the losers rush to the top of the cliff to one shot the legendaries.


I definitely sit on the cliff and farm the legendaries, but I just use my vamp explosive fixer and tag everything without killing them.


This is the way


No, it's not. But sitting on or near the tower will get you more legendaries, more xp and you actually protect the damn rad scrubber.


Facts. I sit on top of the tower. I can tag any enemy that's coming up. Get all the legendary drops from all around and can defend the scrubber from there. Only thing I can't do is protect 3 out of the 4 sides by myself which results in me dying by getting 1 shot in the back by a Firestarter (bloodied build) and unable to go back and repair the scrubber.


I've got the Chinese stealth armor hot keyed just for this situation.


Doing it the right way


The “losers” sitting on the hill is more xp driven but I see it from both angles you fail the event no one gets anything 😮‍💨


Oh I didn't mean to put everyone in that category, unless they're one shotting things and not letting the lower levels getting anything, then yeah sorry, losers. It's sad to see.


Now if you want to talk about someone bringing an AGL and smoking every legendary in the valley I think we can all agree they suck. Probably where my half a god roll drop went, all the way to watoga


In my experience, the guys with the AGLs wait until the legendaries are about to die so they can send them sky high to the other side of the map.


Nah. The QTE fatman is what that’s for


They all come back though. Ive been in events with whole teams (spiritually anyway) shooting corpses into space and never felt like my legendary haul was low. Thats what the meat piles are.


It's not even just the xp, last couple of ones I've had them get killed so fast half of them couldn't become legendary it seemed. Normally it's 3 legendaries per wave afaik, had a couple where it was 1 or 2 legendary items in area loot per wave on the east side (down the hill).


I don’t one shot but I do some damage I wait to see the glow and from my understanding you don’t need to damage the mutant to get drops as there’s been plenty of times I didn’t land a hit on a legendary above the scrubber and I’m still getting stuff.


Its an inexact science. Definitrely plenty of times where i've been around scrubber, not shot at an enemy downhill, ran down and found empty corpse


100% i hop around and kill everything in range. I can only cover the side by the cliffs. The hill and by the camp are too hard to hit at 20% vats. :( i just need them to cover two sides, and I can kill the rest.


To be honest I destroy half of the meat bags and just chill. If no one else wants to destroy the other half then no one is getting legendaries. One time I was too far to repair but there were like 4 dudes in PA like 20 feet away but not repairing it. I sprinted to it but ended up dying. I prob still had time to repair it after I spawned, but I told myself nah. We failed the event.




I’m a bloodied build and I have no problem spam radawaying myself just to repair the generator. My issue is the PA people just standing there shooting stars while waiting for other people to repair. Like come on. And the people that stand on the rocks that make no attempt to shoot the uphill ones. I’d reckon most are commando so they can hit ranged shots. I stay and collect those legendaries too but my god.


Its not only EN, there is that event for holy fire, burden something, ppl just shooting enemies, nobody goes for explosives and cargo 🤣🤣🤣 last 2 times I was only one doing objectives and said fuck it and I let them fail. (There were even ppl 400+ level there doing nothing)


I don't mind going for cargo since there's a spot up top near the Brahmin. It becomes an issue when people in eviction notice let the scrubber die and failing the event. Haha


Ive seen that too, 1 min until the end all ppl are at same spot and I am looking at scrubber that needs repairing and laughing it will fail 🤣🤣🤣


ive had the event fail after 16 people just stood around and didnt destroy any meat bags, what the fuck is everyones issue?


I can't find one of the meat bags lol. Am I just dumb? I can find most of them, but one always eludes me.


You have to wait for a few seconds before you start to destroy the first one or else the last couple tend to take their time to spawn in. It's like the hotdog eating daily at Camden Park pretty much.


Same here. Always one I can’t find lol


I keep getting loads of players spawn killing the group that spawns on top of the hill that they all run down from so they everyone else doesn’t even get a chance to tag them


This is true, but I find the best legendaries spawn just below the scrubber. So those players may be hoarding xp but that are also missing out on legendary drops.


Reminds me of a Radiation Rumble I was just in. 6 people all with (what seemed like) quad auto grenade launchers and nuka grenades going ham. I thought cremator was bad.


Did anyone mine? I don't even go to rad rumble anymore because I'm tired of being the only one running or letting it fail




See, that's when I just cancel the event and when they attack I kill them and take their junk. Win win for me.


I feel like every week we get the same Eviction Notice PSAs on F76 communities. I get deja vu everytime.


Ngl I’ve entered the event midway most of the time so I don’t even know where the bags are lol. I did the event on my own once and wondered why I had no legendaries spawn 😂


If only they would put the instructions for the event on the screen....


Apparently most people can't read 🤷😂


Me (bloodied) having to pop 5 radaways just to hope to survive the 5 second repair time. or Joining when there’s 4 mins left and they still haven’t gotten all the meat bags.


Thank you jesus somebody finally said it. I'm at wit's end with the ppl that try to run this event, zero common sense.


2nd paragraph: have CSS on your faves wheel. If it breaks, hot swap to your stealth suit, repair the scrubber. Just don't forget to swap back to your regular apparel/armor before you loot bodies or you're gonna get seriously overcucumbered. This works for rad rumble too for picking ore.


Thanks for this PSA coz I never fully understood how this event worked


Just put the stealth armor on your favorites. Then right before you think it’s going to break just mosey on over and repair it if you have to. 🫶🏻


Then I'd have to reequip all my armor, under armor and apparels before dying to the mutants due to my bloody build. If they have the power armor on. They shouldn't have a problem running over and fixing it.


Whats the problem. If you have csa, use it. I'm a bloodied to, it's no big deal brother


Yeah I am bloodied as well with CSA usually I am the one fixing it I suit up when it’s about to break and usually stay on top of the rad scrubber tower anyway. Most of the time I am the one saving the event by fixing the scrubber in last second or so and it feels good unrecognized but good like community service 😂 Also I don’t seem to have a problem fighting my way for couple of minutes while still in CSA it’s not that big deal I think


I’m just offering a suggestion other than failing did I say it was convenient no, and I am bloody and have done this with little to no issue other than the fact it’s annoying, if you have a good vamp back up gun you’re golden


You're not going to reach everyone so maybe take it into your own hands instead of whining and expecting the game to revolve around you. I respect the PSA but you sound entitled.


Also don’t stand near/on the scrubber. Stay in the rocks to the side so you don’t draw extra fire to the scrubber


I'm a Bloodied Commando. I have a basic SH PA set non-legendary to get in when the scrubber needs to be repaired because the level 4 billion with a full set of more than likely legendary PA with his Chainsaw/auto axe/ heavy gunner build is too darn busy killing everything to be bothered to go back to the scrubber so then I miss out on XP. I do what I do for the greater good.


You forgot the part where they need to stay the fuck out of the player spawn location as it totally screws up the spawn point of those legendaries


Geez the other day at EN we were going great, but in the last minute people stopped defending (used to the 40sec rule I guess). Even though there were mutants coming from the Latrines. I'm at the scrubber, doing my best, and it goes down. So do I, with 30 seconds to spare. I respawn, and someone manages to repair it while the last few mutants are getting picked off, and we succeed. It was close.


Damn, we only had three people in eviction notice yesterday, then one dipped out right in the middle and we lost. I was at the generator but about 12 legendaries came up on me at once so we lost. With all of the commotion I didn’t even see the prompt to repair it


The last three ENs I have done there was almost no one at the event. And I run a tank build that does tag burn damage to get Agro. And each time I am simultaneously being attacked by 10+ super mutants and my screen is non stop shaking but I can’t kill fast so I start getting sick. I still complete the entire event almost solo but are people not doing EN anymore? Feels lonely. Lol


Lot of people have been taking advantage of a module exploit. They're out there doing fun things like switching servers and picking up hundreds of burned books instead of boring things like murdering dozens of super mutants with a plasma rifle


I so very nearly soled this the other day, just a couple of minutes to go...my f'in gun broke, trying to fix it I died and there wasn't enough time to get back to the scrubber.


I'm embarrassed to say, 2500 hrs in, I don't know where all the bags are


Thank you when I played could never find the last one.


Honestly, this is why I hate the rush to get god weapons. Fallout 76 is NOT a difficult game and things only scale so much, so the more people who have these incredible broken one-shot weapons, the worse the game gets. It’s eating itself. I’ve played several MMOs and at this point I think we really need real endgame content to keep these people busy.


I still get most annoyed with Radiation Rumble I would say 4/5 times I do that event I am the only one who bothers to go collect the ore and deposit it meanwhile people sit at the top of each of side to AoE everything down as fast as possible


Xp-event… nobody wants to collect ore


I agree lol. But I’ve also done this event quite a few times were no one got ore & it rly wasn’t the end of the world. Still bugs my OCD spending 10 mins to fail but it’s mostly about the xp n legos than the event.


I try to do it when I can, I don’t know where a couple spawn though. Been meaning to look up a guide or something.


I gave up on this quest I always get screwed over for XP by standing by for repair while everyone else kills the stuff before I can see it leaving me with a waste of time going to an event that gives little XP due to crap players


I usually protect the rad scrubber in PA and search for the meat bags but here are my thoughts. EVERYONE can do something to help. If Im posted at the scrubber you need to be looking for the meat bags. A body IN THE WAY of the scrubber stops enemy fire. If you all got closer to the scrubber this would never be a problem since the projectile would hit you instead of the scrubber and more bodies would block the damage but also be close to repair if needed. As it is now only 1-2 people protect the scrubber. There should be more. If public exp was a thing instead of group exp then this probably wouldnt be an issue where people have to decide to help the goals of the event or hope someone else does it while camping exp. I have no idea why public event do not group everyone up as one team for exp gains. It would make the entire thing more effictive.


ibthought you were going to complain about the agls kusbima keep using it hehe agl goes *thunk, thunk*


*sits on top of the generator tagging legendary muttties*


I try to stay next to the scrubber with a minigun to distract as many as I can and tag legendaries when they spawn, it lets me fix the scrubber when it inevitably goes down because of everyone else standing at the legendary spawns


Ngl I started camping on the breakable machine because I've noticed I fail this event 8/10 times because no one ever repairs. I am the repairman. I do not know where meatbags even spawn LOL


With the second point, I'm going to refer you back to your first, stop waiting for someone else to do it. Chinese stealth suit is available for free to everyone for just playing the game, Hazmat suits too for the brave. You don't get to complain about people not doing something that you're not willing to. I myself am a squishy little bloodied that won't go into power armor because I don't wanna lose the few % extra XP, I don't get to complain when people don't fix it either.


I don't understand it. I've seen level 1000s-3000s just stand around like they don't know they have to destroy the meat bags. Like are these even real people lol


I think it’s cus you’re not discussing something market related. This could be an r/fo76 post


Thanks never knew this


I can't remember the last time I had eviction notice come up I thought they took it out of the game


Where are the meat bags at? I try to look for them but others have already destroyed them before I can. Can someone make a map?


I'll be honest I have no idea where 4/6 of the meat bags are located


Totally always meat bags cause lower on the hill legandaries won’t spawn 😑


I'm that player in a hazmat suit who almost got to repair the generator, but no one had my back, so I died with 2 seconds left 💀 & then the event fails


Ppl don’t want to discuss anything that holds up a mirror to their dodgy “build” 🤣


Last times I have done It I found: A: Bunch of spawn traps, failing the event the first time It breaks B: Bunch of pros and pro spawntraps that actually help not only with legendaries, and the thing doesnt break a single time in the whole event


Almost every event I go to is just constant rainbow explosions from people spamming cremators and spawn killing everything. It’s super annoying so I just let them do any event objective while my only goal is to sit back and simply tag every enemy possible. I do not feel bad.


I will be really honest, if there’s still meat bags to destroy when I get there, I try my best to find them but I just don’t know where they all are lol 😅 I do try but fr a little quest marker for them would be great lol


Bruh omg yes! this is so true!!💯🤦🏽


Yeah I agree. This is an issue I’m seeing at other events too. Just yesterday I ran radiation rumble, and there were probably 8 or 9 of us. I was literally the ONLY person to go and get the ore. Everyone else just sat in the hallways taking as many kills as they could. Like don’t people understand the event isn’t just point and shoot? There are other things we need to do.


I've started wearing a stealth suit just for the event so i can run and repair the gen if needed, it's not that hard to be helpful as a non pa user people are just lazy babies


I didn't know about the meat bags thanks 👍


This is infuriating tbh. I'm also going to be honest and tell you most of the time it is high level players standing around and down the hill waiting for everyone else to do the work when I spawn in. Yesterday I played 2 EN and the amount of time I saw high levels standing around waiting for legendarys to spawn was crazy. They won't even move to fix the scrubber when people are trying to fend off mutants from it.


Thanks for the tip about destroying the meat bags, I've only been playing a month and I didn't know that! I don't use PA and yeah it's annoying to die so quick the few times the dumb dumbs actually hit the rad station.


I guess I'm more confused on why complain on a market reddit then the actual fallout76 reddit. You know where a discussion like this is meant to be. I love the I don't know people are mad I'm using the wrong reddit page....


Genuinely helpful. I wasn’t aware about the meat bags


Thank you for this


This is exactly why I carry a hazmat suit and stay on the scrubber. I've failed this event too many times from people not repairing it when I'm down the hill and can't make it back up in time.


I’ve never once had an issue with this event there just wasn’t enough people like 3 or less, I’ve always seen everyone run for the rad scrubber and there’s usually 3 space men jumping 800 ft in the air launching pink missles at every enemy so I’ve never even been overwhelmed at the scrubber. My issue is the high levels one shot all the legendary guys so it’s tough to even get a shot off sometimes. I’m on Xbox don’t know if that matters


i agree smm w this


Use the chinese stealth suit if youre a non-pa build


I hate PA so I use SS armour. If I used PA at this event I'm instantly over encumbered. So I sit on the cliffs above the ruined shack and try to kill the mutes from both directions.


I’m usually a bloodied build for this event for the xp but I am always quick to put on the hazmat suit and repair the scrubber because no one else does it. Also I always move around the event to the different spawns that way I can get my fair share.


I gave up reading comments after about 75-100, and I just gotta ask: what did the one guy say to you that upset you enough to make that edit?


People hate to hear the facts


If im in PA and there are 11 people just camping the lower valley and ignoring everything else causing the rad scrubber to break every 2 minutes, dont expect me to repair it everytime - if im the only one doing the repairs out of 10+ people, im going to stop after the third or fourth time ive had to go and repair.


Some people wait to destroy the bags till the end for more xp, stay by the radacrubber on top, can see all ways destroy all but one bag, kill for a few minutes then destroy the last bag and reap all the rewards and xp


I did not know the meat bags all had to be destroyed to generate what I call ‘Legendary Alley.’ If I’m one of the first few into the event I take out a few but when the onslaught starts I keep a low silhouette. I will keep this in mind and make sure to get them all if other players slack. I do fix the rad scrubber because I’ve had so many events fail because the rad scrubber goes down. If you wait too long to fix it the chance you’ll get hit by an enemy and ‘reset’ the repair meter gets so many players. Good share, always like learning about how events work fully.


This is why all you power armor fans are just robot furries! You have one job... And you fail it every single damn time!


Destroy the bags and then move very slowly with all those legendaries. Perfect event.


How many bags, are they meat bags? I know what those look like. Need more info, on the verge of marrying a goat and buring my house down. Instructions unclear.


There are 6, always one under the steps of the cabin to the left when you run into the area. The others are usually over the humps on the other side when you get to the scrubber. Just keep hopping and looking around. Sometimes there’s one at the top of the hill. Also congrats on getting married!


And again they are meat bags right? Super easy to spot. Also, thanks to you and your spot on info, I have now postponed the goat wedding INDEFINITELY and now it lives on a farm with trampolines and other goats. House is good.


Yes meat bags, I don’t think they have anything in them so just blast away. Great now I’m responsible for breaking up a marriage??! Back to the bottle I go.


And fuck off with the blue cremators


Thank you!!


Also quit putting your tent at the bottom it definitely affects the spawn of the legendarys


I’m melee. I gotta run at the dudes~


Does anyone know how much the forest camp jump suit is worth? Thank you


Don’t get me wrong, i understand people getting tired of having to do “this task” in “this event”…. As a noob, it was hard to fully comprehend everything that was expected in an event. Now as i approach level 300, instead of complaining about people not doing the objective. I just do it myself. Like rad rumble, if people don’t run uranium, as a bloodied bow user; i throw on my hazmat, pop some rad x and run the shit out of them ores. Just do what needs to be done. You all know damn well you still get to loot everything at the end due to teammates tagging…


This! As much as I would like more help for EN and RR, I just enter the event with the expectation that I will do it by myself. If someone helps, that’s just a bonus. A lot less frustrating this way


How do people still not know this


You could just as easily go do it rather than bitching on Reddit


Why so mad? Username fits tho


Who says I’m mad? Was I the one running to Reddit because people aren’t doing what you want them to do in an event?


You ran to reddit to hop on my post to tell me that I'm bitching. I'd say you're pretty upset about my post that's why you had to use that language. Could've just downvoted and moved along but apparently it got to you.


If you say so princess. Not sure how you think I ran to Reddit for your post, when I was here looking at trades in a trade sub and stumble upon you crying like a pleb over an event


I have gotten to the point where if there are no PA players in the event i just dip.. no i’m not wasting the 10 pounds and killing my uny to do it myself.


>no i’m not wasting the 10 pounds and killing my uny to do it myself. Oh hello part of the problem!


I'm sure all the PA players near the scrubber would jump at the chance to suddenly have to finish the event in underarmor.


Cant really complain when you are unwilling to do the scrubber yourself.


Typical bloody leech


It’s selfish if anything.. i do my part, and i’m fine with that.


You do your part but have to leave if there are no PAs to carry you,gotcha


I was talking out of my ass being over dramatic in my original statement..if you want the truth i just get really irritated when there isn’t a pa user and i don’t realize i actually do have hazmat


I was just messing with you lol


Correct me if I'm wrong, the mutants spawn LESS when people are camping the spots right?


In my experience it just changes the spawn points slightly. I camp up on top of the hill by the downed vertibird and fence. (In my mind, preventing the Mutants from reaching the center is the #1 goal, so I spawn camp..also if the generator ever gets destroyed I'm just out of range from the rads, and my bloodied ass won't lose all 63HP in the blink of an eye). I notice when I sit on the cliff edge in front of the fence, the Mutants will spawn behind the fence in a pack of 6-10, every X amount of time (30 seconds maybe?) And run straight down the hill. However, if I'm sitting on top of the vertibird or behind the fence, the Mutants will spawn in front of the fence, usually farther down the cliff edge towards the cabins, and they'll spawn in a bit more spaced out, instead of in a tight pack


What are you looking to trade for? I'd like to see before I make an offer.


What? I'm not trading anything. This is a discussion post.


I will trade you helping teaching people about Meatbags and how to do the event properly. In exchange you have a good day. PS As soon and as fast you destroy the meatbags legendaries spawn. So the faster you do it the quicker you get legendary loot!


On a trading sub man... there are plenty of places to post this that's not a trading sub. Sorry, I'm not trying to be rude, but this isn't a discussion subreddit or so I thought?


There is a discussion tag for a reason, people are free to post what they want so long as it is classified under the correct tag.


It is under the correct tag regardless if this is a trading sub it's right under the title. Maybe be more Situational and Observant before coming down on someone. Especially with the influx of new players. Experienced players should be posting info like this everywhere. But that's my 2 cents hope both of you have a great day. And OP thanks I didn't know this when I first got back into the game and messed up the event for the others playing.


Why would there be tags for discussion posts then? Same with a meme tag?


Again, probably meant to be discussions on the market or stuff like that, not just general chatting. Defets the purpose of being a trading sub.


Why is this triggering you? Majority of the discussion posts don't talk about trading or anything related. I see people posting pictures of their camps and stuff they made irl.


Some people have nothing better to do than sit online and be Karens


Why do you keep saying triggered, they’re just telling you something. Maybe you’re the won getting triggered no one wants to hear your explanation of how people should properly play the game in a trading forum. Yes there is a discussion tag, you know, probably for discussing trade items. Go back to being mad about people not understanding how you want them to play the game. Leave the traders alone.


Lol I only said triggered once this whole post and apparently that got you triggered enough to type out a paragraph response. 😂 All your recent comments are you complaining about someone else. 😂😂😂


Discussions are allowed as long as it is fallout related


I think he's saying you should try r/fo76. This is a marketplace sub... For trading.. nothing else


And you’re wrong. If this was strictly for trading only then they would have made that one of their rules and probably wouldn’t have the discussion tag. Because discussion on the price of something is also NOT a trading post. Idk why it matters to yall. Just keep scrolling and get on with your life if it bothers you that much. Or go see a therapist.


You're right, it's not against the rules, just saying you'll have a much better chance of getting your message across on the proper sub. Have a good rest of your day, bud.


Yes, please tell me how to play the game I paid for.


Well if your not going to help out at events then you might aswell not go to them


Reimburse me $80 for my game and then you can tell me how I should do events. Until then pipe down weirdo.


How the fuck does that make me a weirdo jack ass


Weirdo, how you gonna learn if you don't care to listen weirdo


It’s wild that you shared this opinion tbh, this is some canned entitled ragebait response that I think only a bot would actually write in a public forum I bet you’re just a nerd tho, not even made of metal, just flesh n bone n bitterness


Beep boop...oh wait. PIck an insult and stick to it; am I a bot or a nerd? Your participation trophies are showing.


Rage bait is boring, and so are u


Awe thanks pumpkin, I appreciate that.


Big “don’t tread on me” energy


100% Says join or die on my left arm.