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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/SansyLeFur|Reddit: 23|05/18/2021 - 3 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +23 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


I’ll give you 3 caps for it


I’ll give you four caps for a nice metallically flavored scout mask


It’s a good offer I swear


5 caps


4 and a can of dog food?


That’s it 6 caps and 1 circuit especially after the invaders event


Nah 7 caps and a 9mm bullet


I don’t know the exact percentage for this thing but it happened nonetheless.


Make sure to continue saying your daily prayers to Mothman because I’m pretty sure that’s less than a 1% drop 👍


It is, it’s 0.01% chance to spawn


To be a little more on point I think it's 0.104%. Something crazy like that.


Probably - I pulled it from the fallout wiki. It’s definitely in there somewhere.


https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Asylum_worker_uniform Yeah they say it's a 1 in 10000 chance on the wiki. So that's .0001... That's crazy if the wiki is right. Hold my beer, I have to go cry. My completionist self is having a panic attack lol.




The goal is to get to 100 when you multiply the decimal by 10000 If you take .0001 and you multiply by 10000 you get 1 If you take .01 and multiply by 10000 you get 100 The drop rate is .01 if it’s 1 in 10000


Okay, glad that's worked out. 1 in 10000 is 0.01.


Wow I fucked up. I've seen a couple red worker uniforms. Assumed they were common because I saw more than 1 lol. Woops.


No you didn’t.


Idk bro pretty sure I did. Picked up white, pink, yellow at definitely at least one red. They seemed so common to just spawn I threw it out. Saw another red another time I went. Didn't bother with it. Now I know lol. I had priced checked but no one seemed to want em.


The problem with a no karma trader with an end game item. They assume you bought it for cash off of a duper.


I've only done 2 trades on here. I usually hold on to my apparel but I thought I knew all the rare ones at that point. When I was looking to the Responder Fireman Helmet I had just sitting in my stash I look up other rare stuff to keep an eye out for. I do usually keep one of each apparel I find but I stopped because stash space.


Bro I check the fort every day of the week and sometimes multiple times a day, I have done for the last 10 months religiously, never ever found a red dress, and if your referring to seeing them all the time I suggest you say it’s either people wearing them, trading them or in a vendor because it’s very clear your lying to all of us players that look for this stuff on the daily, the drop rate is insanity and that alone makes this untruthful.


Also, on top of the ridiculously low odds of one spawning, you have other players constantly checking if it’s there before you and after you.


Not to make you sad bro, but I guess I got lucky and didn't know it. I got lucky yesterday and got a glowing masks from the new event the very first time I've ever done it. Nothing is impossible my man.


No I don’t doubt you got lucky, it was the fact you said you see them all the time that got me, hey you got what Iv been chasing so congratulations and yes I’m jealous😂 no hate by the way I just re read my reply an it seems very hostile, apologies! But man if your seeing them all the time give me a shout and I’ll jump on your server 🤌🏻


I think you misunderstood me. I saw the asylum things of different colors when I was doing quests through the area. I went through a few times found white, pink, yellow and red. Not saying I found them all the time but given I found them during only a couple of runs through the place I thought they were common.


I said I saw 2 red ones and multiple other colors so I assumed the apparel in general was common. I didn't say I've seen a ton of them. Yeesh. Mfers don't read lol.


It’s just so unlikely to even see one, for you to just casually see 2 is unfathomable. Like everyone’s been saying, there people on here who have been looking for years and never found one, and you claim to have found 2 and not bothered to pick them up? You gotta admit sounds pretty sus, when no one else has ever had that happen to them ever


I always like when someone that doesn’t know if this stuff is rare or not says they saw one and didn’t know if it was worth anything and someone else pops up to say nO yOU DiDn’T


You know how you can get the rare outfit drop from a mutation event? I got one from heart of the storm, put the BoS jumpsuit in my stash, and then accidentally scrapped everything and only realized it when I was scrapping the white powder jumpsuit.


It’s more the fact he said he sees them all the time and they spawn so frequently he ignores them, which is bullshit because the only ones that spawn somewhat frequently are the white and dirty white ones or hats.


Yeah... I feel fuck dumb now. Because I did Come to price check them when I first saw em. I must not have searched for red after I checked the others and thought they were just common. I was barely into my 100s and I'm only at 150 something now I could be trading them!!


dont worry man i almost got rid of my tattered field jacket cuz it was ugly 😂


Once I noticed how some of the most worthless looking stuff has such extreme value I just started grabbing everything and sorting it out later.


I mean to those in here who down voted me. I just pulled a glowing unicorn mask my first time ever doing this new event. Idk why it's so hard to believe I saw more than one red asylum uniform and didn't think of its value lol.


But you didn’t pull two, that would be when people stop believing you.


If you put this on and scrap it after eating a perfectly preserved pie you will get a permanent 0.5 health Regen. The Protectron Shuffle afterwards just gives cool points.


I cant tell if you're trolling or not 😤


You have to have actually gotten the pie from the vendor, too.


I can't tell if breathing will keep me alive or not - same energy


Congratulations 🍾. I am yet to score mine.


It’ll probably happen when you least expect it. I walked in there right after “Line In The Sand” as a joke.


I'm like 600 hours in and I don't think I've ever been in the asylum.


Woah thats cool. I got to play that event more lol. I have been ignoring it for quiet a while, but gonna give it a go.


I had like 150 hours and finally gotten around to doing the main quest where I had to register with the BoS. First time that I got to the room it spawns in it was there. I knew that one of the colors was rare but had misunderstood what I read and thought the red was the least valuable until I saw someone on here freaking out about it lol. I don’t even know what to do with it tbh. I don’t really care about it but I want to get a fair trade for it but I also don’t really know what I want in the game. I’m 400 hours in and still have no idea what I’m doing lol


Here’s an excellent video on how to increase your chances of getting one (it works). https://youtu.be/mRjwqV4FD3U?si=tdH5JslmC2WnmLjj


Thank you, i shall check it soon.


What do you mean? Now you can finally play the game!


Why are these things rare/valuable?


Probably such a rare drop rate because of how ugly the thing is lmao


As with a lot of items it's the low drop rate, I don't like the look of 90% of rare apparel, that's ofc down to opinion but people go crazy buyiny something they'll never use from those who found it and didn't wanna use it either


Low drop rate


I’ve never seen anyone dressed in this or a TFJ. What is the allure? Other than “it’s really rare” Could the rarity be the reason I never see anyone wearing it?


Nope, its because it's fugly. The rarity is the only thing people value. People here treat it as a currency essentially. Don't know why these post are still a thing. At least 3-5 of the exact same post every week, ad infinitum.


My character has worn an asylum dress for more than a year. I just scored a red 2 months ago and changed colors. Was wearing blue for a long time. The blue dropped as a rad rumble reward. Only 1 I'm missing is yellow.


What else do you wear with it like hardware and backpack? I’m curious how people style it


Brahmin backpack with the rip daring jetpack. Secret service helmet because I like the helmet flashlight better than the pipboy light.


I love my TFJ and wear it all the time since i got it.


Saw someone in it yesterday, but I usually don’t see it either.


I seen somebody dressed in one yesterday at the Fasnacht event. Had it paired with a demon mask and they looked pretty cool together lol


I'll trade you 1 pickaxe for it


I’ll never forgive myself for dropping this for not realizing it’s worth


Score. Congrats


Private or public servers?


Got lucky enough for it to be a public


I can’t even begin to imagine how many times I’ve been in the asylum and still never found one :(


Score. Congrats


Any chance you wanna trade it?


Is there a way of knowing what's in demand and what's not ... like is there a list? I've recently gotten back into the game and would have no way of knowing that this was valuable to someone?


If you’re on pc there is a mod that ads a symbol or tag next to rare items


Congrats! I got mine yesterday along with yellow. Now I just need forest and I got all of them!


Now it time to finally start playing the game


So uh, I got a red cap from someone’s vendor the other night for like 100 caps. I guess I need the actual uniform now in red? Edit: Turns out the hats are not valuable, just the uniforms lol


It’s worth 300 caps


U need tfj and a q5025 rail


I’m wearing the TFJ and have the rail lol


Yep u beat the game 👍


7 caps and a mud cookie


Are the hats worth anything ?


i saved 30k for pink and i finally found it for a deal only 23K. my mom has been wanting it for like a year now and she doesnt even where it or display it😭


But ya haven’t


i’ve only been able to find brown lol, congratulations on your find!!!


It's .4% so I've heard.


My boyfriend found two of these in one day. He was looking for the pink one, but got them instead. It was a little bit funny since he knew they where the rarest, he just wasn’t getting the pink one


Lies. Photoshop and trickery. Smoke and mirrors. Everyone knows it doesn’t really exist. That being said, I have 10 sun, 5 goblins and 7 giant masks I’ll trade ya for it. I’d trade a glowing one, but everyone knows those don’t exist either.


Saw this in a vendor for around 100 caps. Went to buy it and my game crashed. Lol


I’ve got 16🤓