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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Far-Hunt-6200|Reddit: 300|03/09/2021 - 3 Years| | IGN: SumBurntMuffin|Discord: 0|Total: +300 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


I just got the only mask I wanted for this event, which was the glowing unicorn mask. Hope everyone has and gets what they want during the event time!


I want the robot


I hope you get it OP!


I have the glowing robot. I’d be open to a trade.


Q50c25 fixer fiend and crazy guy?


I got plain robot from the donation box last night on Xbox. Happy to gift it to you if possible.


Glowing or normal? If you’re on Xbox I’ll give you one. I’ve got 4


I want all of them


That's the one I want too! I've gotten the glowing pig and glowing unicorn so far but I'm hoping for the robot. That said I'm already feeling pretty lucky for what I did get


This is my 2nd Fasnacht, last time I did like 200+ events religiously and got absolutely nothing, had my wife's account on AFK while she was at work and she got 5+ rares. This time I got a glowing uni first day


Bro I feel your pain. My woman got 6 glowing masks in one day....me none. And she afk. I'm participating makes no sense to be honest. But have a great one wastelanders


The RNG Gods are fickle. Stay strong, I got mine when I had already fully given up and surrendered my soul to the Fasnacht


I laughed so hard at that 🤣 thanks bro needed that 😂


I want that one 😭


It completely caught me off guard when it showed up on my screen. I hope you get it!!




25 events in so far, ZERO rare masks dropped of any kind. I’ve barely slept….all this done while working for 9+ hours a day….no Afk at all. Completely demoralizing. Ugh


Same, this 5% drop rate? my actual number is always just 2\~3%, and 0% so far this time so thanks, game.


0.233% each for glowing if I remember correctly


Yeah 5% with all robots alive. The more you do it the closer it'll get to 5% drop rate which is how probability/rng works


I have never had/let a robot die. Even when its just me and a newbie towards the end of fasnacht. Im nearly level 2000 with most meta grolls, i basically carry the events especially since 75% are afk


5% drop rate is lower than everybody thinks lol, 1 rare mask per day. And most of those masks are the older ones


I understand probability and the math of it but this is ridiculous. I keep track of it, i put down each day how many events i did and what i got. The last 4 events i got 3 goblins and 1 soldier….3 goblins in a row. Like whats the statistical odds of getting the same mask in a row like that? This game is ridiculous


If you know how probability works then you would know that the chance of not hitting the 5% 25 times in a row is actually 27%. Which is not a low number. Maybe you don’t actually know how probability works?


The 5% resets every event. 2 events does not up your chances. Plus the glowing masks have dropped from 0.33% to 0.22% since last event since there are now 10 glowing in the pool. 5% should relate to all masks that are not' "common" masks(meaning the original set from first event years ago. That's what I remember reading and someone one here has at least made that point regularly. I may not be completely accurate but close... Very low drop rate..


Everyone knows how probability works until it works against them


RNG’s gonna RNG


As rough as the 3 berets I got in a row. I feel your pain.


Im now at 27 events and no rare mask, i just got a witch


I get the one rare that isn't able to be traded and as a non pa user is useless to me, father winter helmet


I got that years ago, thats a really cool piece tho, you can display it


So for me how that 5% works is each event I have a 95% chance to NOT get a rare mask.




Property right I get excited when I don’t get a beret or a common mask.


Some of you guys are nuts


This is the only event i grind. Day 2 and im already burnt out


Yikes, just leave it bro.


I was doing that too and getting jack shit. Tried afking and got a glowing blue devil mask my first try lmao, was rewarded for doing nothing.


Why not afk


Paranoid of my Xbox catching fire and burning my house down lol


Understandable lol


Lol, i’m just gonna have to suffer and not sleep for 2 weeks and pray i get a glowing unicorn to drop lol. Its the only one i really really want


I'm not telling you what to do with your time, but if your feeling demoralized and overwhelmed there's nothing wrong with taking a break. These are pixels and not worth stressing over, there are many different ways/chances to get masks.


I know, you’re absolutely right. Im being a lil dramatic lol, but its also true. I wont be able to do this for 2 weeks, im probably gonna grind it really hard for a week then take it easy the last week and if i dont get anything then so be it


That’s rough


Make that 26 events 😩😭


I'm in the same boat😭


Hang in there I wish you good luck. I am in same boat doing same way it sounds like you are.


Thanks bro i appreciate it, i wish you luck too!


Well there's your first problem, afk 😀 😂


After awhile you realize it's not worth spending so much time on, especially if you're doing it manually and not having fun (let's be real, the event is slow and boring AF after a few runs, at least Grahams Cookout was done in a matter of a few mins). You can do a couple hundred of these events and get zero rare masks. This is why so many people afk this event, and I have zero issues with it.


I did find a hag mask from a vendor for 1k but besides that nothing


Same brother got a hag for 15k my best this fasch so far


Yep last fas I was getting masks like candy but this time around have gotten nothing lol


Probably 15-20 fatsnatch events so far, and I got a few of the new plans. No rare masks yet.


It’s okay I keep crashing just as the robots finish their lap around town.


if berets were worth anything, i’d be a rich man


i hope everyone here gets that glowing mask they want.(sorry If my isn't in perfect. I'm Still learning.)😊


Out of 26 fasnacht I've have hauled in 0 glowing masks, But I remain optimistic


64 events later an I finally get a glowing mask🤯🤯🤯🔥🔥


I got the deathclaw mask! No glowing ones


Hmmm why is there smoke coming out of the mask I wonder and why is there an odd mini nuke shaped made out of tape underneath? 🤔


Nah it’s just the fas event going to go in flames after how many people are on it


That explains the oil stains & limbs laying everywhere XD


Got a glowing pig mask, and traded it for a QE25 fixer


Between my own account and my wifes doing the event 25+ times we have gotten a bufoon and I found a demon mask in the donation box right before the event started


Is the Demon mask rare?


Yes. Not sure on its price I think its valued around 100k caps. I am sure there are plenty of price check posts on here to check though.


Bro I thought only the glowing masks were rare, I’ve got like 2 or 3 demons


Fiend, Hag, Loon, Buffoon, Demon, Brahmin, Crazy Guy, Raven Winterman, Winterman T-45, and Deathclaw are all the rare non glowing ones.


Do you know what I could get for a Demon?


No idea I just know they are rare.


Around a wpjs or Bos js


Wow nice! Yea there are others that are also considered rare, but the glowing masks are just the most sought after. Some other rare ones include the deathclaw, loon, bufoon, crazy guy, and raven. There are others I'm not remembered but those are just some


Buying a glowing Minotaur off someone for 10 caps and buying a hag for 50 caps. Other then that made


Man I bought mine for 20k and got called "scummy" for it you are a monster!!!!!!


In my first few hours of fasnacht I got the two most sought after masks: Glowing unicorn and Turkey. Traded the unicorn for a red asylum + QE15 Rail. Rn is the perfect time for new players to get a foothold in the economy imo


Well new players are most likely already billionaire after 2 weeks of pickaxe farm 😂.


Is the turkey rare? What’s it worth?


Since they are new, all new glowing masks are some of the rarest apparel going for 1-2.5m to the right buyer despite having the same individual drop chance as other masks I’m guessing masks like unicorn are worth more because buyers think they look nice


Got a glowing robot and traded it for a q50c25 smg, aa2525 fixer and a FCJS. Earlier I found a glowing turkey and a q2515 tesla in a vendor for 4k each.


Is the glowing unicorn actually the most sought after? Because it's ugly lol


Nothing but jesters and owls... I'd love to have something NEW for once, but it looking like I gotta wait till next year for this years masks.


Not sure how many events we’ve done, but between me and the husband we’ve gotten glowing unicorn, glowing alien, glowing turkey, glowing blue devil, glowing scorchbeast, plus a fiend and hag. So far so good!


Damn share some of that luck 🤞


Dang I think I’ve completed the event 20 times and gotten nothing


Nice stuff right there


Yeah you’re gonna have to share that luck with the rest of us lol


I’ve ran every single event so far and haven’t gotten nun 😪 we’ll see how my luck was today when i get home from work Edit: Just got home to find out i got a GHB 😃😃😃


Yall should buy a lotto ticket


Someone play with them and see if they get better odds


I've gotten the same three masks over and over haven't seen any for sale, and I keep getting the same plan over and over. I never have any luck with Fasnacht.


No glowing but got new masks and butter churn and that’s two full days. I really just want the new camp decor, I really dont care about masks. :(


they def did not change the drops. All i get is new non glowing ones lol and one witch.


I have gotten Jack, probably done over 20 of the events and swear I’ve gotten witch like 4 of those times


Second run I got a winter man everything else has been owl masks and unicorns lol


I got a glowing blue devil, a couple of the regular new masks, and a bunch of the decoration plans. No butter churn yet, but it's still early.


I have one if you’d like


You on Xbox?


Yup i am, if you are my gamer tag is STATIC DEVO


What do you want for it?


Also, GT is VikingDiesel


I have absolutely no idea how much it’s worth so I really don’t know


That's fair, I don't either. I'm fairly new to the game in general, and this is my first Fasnacht.


I'm willing to do caps, or trade something.




No problem man, have fun with it. +karma




I got basically nothing but 5 regular scorchbeast masks and some other commons. Thankfully was able to trade for the glowing alien which is all I wanted


Immediately got the butter churn and flower display, but no cool masks yet.




I keep getting Sun mask and I'm not sleeping till I get a glowing mask of any kind. @_@


It’s been horrible for me. Only got one glowing last event and so far my best this event is the winter man which i wanted, but after 27 events it’s kind of sucked.


I think the only players winning are the ones not even playing the game.


I rolled bloodied explosive weapons 4 times in a row and made nearly around 34k caps giving them to players.


I am grinding for one of each. The rest are getting given away.


Nothing. I think I'm doing something wrong....ive tried afk. I've clicking on the bonfire first. I've even done the event to the fullest. Kill frogs, rodents, collect wood, etc. Had someone get 3 glowing in a row and I'm just sitting here getting berets and toothy masks.


I traded the glowing robot for the butter churn. I don’t know if that’s an even trade or someone got jipped. The camp item is worth more to me than apparel.


Murder drones


Gotten 2 ghb from event. Already had one. Hoping to swap a ghb for a GSB or GBD!


Forgive me if I might come across as ignorant, but this is my first Fasnacht event and what is all the craze over 'rare' masks? Do they have other functionality other than being cosmetically interesting?


No, just eye candy & scarcity.


Thank you


I swear the RNG gods were with me on this one. I had no time to play this week, only two parades and I got the Glowing Unicorn mask on my second one. Happy Fasnacht!


No Glows! Glad I’m going to work for the next 3 nights…. I need a break from FatSnatch!


No glowing so far, but got all the new ones, plus scorchebeast/scorchebeast queen and Winterman PA. The standart robot I even have twice 🤖


So far its pretty good, got 2 glowing masks and 2 motorized butter churns in the ~7 events i did. Felt like Todd whispered sweet nothings into my ear when i slept last night


Didn’t even know the event existed until 2 days ago. I’m fairly new to the game so I just take what I can get. Got a cool Brahmin mask yesterday and if that’s the best one I get, so be it! 👍


Deathclaw is best I’ve gotten so far. Really wanting a glowing Robot or maybe even glowing Alien. Grind goes on… On other note, I have multiple Butter Churns but due to Xbox broken ban system I can’t use LFG to try trading or selling… So that’s a bummer.


Listen to me when I tell you - I've played this game since 2020 and I actually gave up playing last year's fasnacht because my drop rate does not exist. I never get anything rare ever. Yesterday I got a glowing unicorn, and a glowing minotaur 2 hours later. My face was literally like 😧😧😧😧 Made up!! My husband got loads in February, he got me every single glowing one and hes had none so far . Its only 2 days in, I'm keeping fingers crossed for you your luck will change!


I got the butter churner, is it any good? Is it rare?


Maybe ~20 events ran. Raven and a GSB. I managed to collect all the rare masks last Fasnacht, thanks to a few trades. Hoping I can pull that off, but it doesn't feel likely.


I need the glowing scorchbeast queen. My first time afking too because the amount of grinding this game wants is miserable


I try to run faschnat during the day and help people to my best of abilities to excuse me afking in the nighttime and I got a GBD in the night And I just got a Glowing Robot while I was doing a run in a nuked event, I said fuck it and used up all my rad away and the RNG Dieties were pleased with my performance.


I got the glowing robot on event 3 Since then its been 3 witches in a row Ribbons and snowflakes only


Are the glowing masks the rare ones?


Yea & a few others are rare too


Buffoon. Rip


Haven't been lucky with any of the new glowing masks, but i did just buy an old man winter mask from someones vendor for 10 caps 😇


Not one rare mask


I’ve done the event around 20 times now. So far I’ve gotten the hag, an assload of pigs and minotaurs, one called the crazy guy which I like, the herdsmen bell display, the bells that go on it, the beeswax candle, a few owls, the skull, the alien, the turkey, a few scorchbeasts, a scorchbeast queen, a sun, and a couple others. Got a few decent ones from the donation box as well. I don’t even care about the masks. I just want the butter churn machine for oil. Lol


I had got the motorized butter churner on my first try so I no longer need to grind the event 😃


I surprisingly got the glowing robot last night, now my only goals are the glowing unicorn and butter churn plan


I require butter. I've been giving all my masks away.


I told my wife, and before she goes to be she tells me "good luck, hope you find your butter churn you freak" we have been married for over 20 years so this type of talk is normal.


Want mine for free? Im xbox though.


PC here but much appreciated. I got my butter and no need for masks. I thank you anyway. May you live long and prosper kind one.


Glowie unicorn and glowie turkey, and the new non glowies this is my best fasnacht drops ever


Not gonna bother, Meat week was better


Was finally able to get my first tfj with a couple adds after like 1500+ total hours by trading a couple of the new ones


I got a loon and GSB. I only need the new ones though so I guess I can fodder them or something 😅


I've done the event about a dozen times. I keep getting the flag/lantern pole plans, and I got a Soldier mask and an Owl mask - both of which I already had (I was actually wearing the Owl when I received it as a reward). As far as I know I have yet to get anything 'new' from this iteration of the event.


I'll be laughing when in 2 weeks people are having a hard time getting rid of them


I've got a gsbq, glowing minotaur and the flower display x 2 in about 20 events


All I want is the Glowing Minotaur. This event will be the death of me. Or at least my social life.


Done probably 16 ish runs so far and my best drop was a loon. Probably gotten 12 sun masks, 2 uni, a pig, and a turkey. No glowing or anything yet. My wife got the butter churn and flower plamter on her first 2 runs, and all im trying ti hunt down for her now is a glowing SBQ mask


Got deathclaw, loon and glowing alien in the first day, not bad at all, already better than the previous one lol


Why do people want to sell stuff at high price? You can only have 40k caps. You can get that in 28 days by selling purified water to a vendor.


Anger and despair


Only masks I’ve gotten so far is glowing alien


This is my first time doing this event and I'm interested in collecting all of the glowing masks if possible... Who has them for sale on Playstation? Add me: MKE_56 I don't have much but I might have something you want... Hit me up, thanks in advance!!!


I got a glowing unicorn and a demon in about 10 events I think Todd wants my cheeks


I’ve gotten two glowing so far Unicorn and Turkey. Other than that mostly older seasons uncommon and a few common. About 5 berets. Probably done at least 20 event so far with a few doubles on server hops. This my first Fasnacht and I’m hoping to collect every mask by the end!


Soo far I think I’ve done it around 15 times? I’ve gotten Glowing SBQ, multiple Sun masks, Pig, Deathclaw, Jester, multiple Toothy, Soldier, and Winter Man.


Is there a going price list for these masks?


I want a glowing mask so bad :( if I get any dupes that y’all want I’ll hook someone up fs


I got glowing bee. I want that pig tho!


Done just about every fasnacht available and not a single rare mask of any kind.


27 and I only got demon 🥲. All I want is loon and I can finally sleep


Got a glowing unicorn on ps5.


Meh just a minotaur and unicorn. But I've managed to get Presidential Power Suits for all 4 characters of mine. I wonder what the selling price is on them .


Last fasnacht i did every event on the hour and got no rare mask and now everyone will hate me for a couple afk hours so i don't even bother anymore :(


The new uncommon masks i got, Glowing evade me like I'm the devil himself lol


So far got glowing turkey and glowing unicorn from the event.


I bought a glowing unicorn mask for a perfect mod groll epf and then flipped it for a near perfect epf, a groll anti armor chainsaw, and a few assorted one star off groll weapons


I got the glowing SBQ mask and butter churn in the same event


I got the glowing pig and traded it for a aaffr50 holy fire as I don’t care about the masks.


Got 2 winter man masks for 2k and got 3 butter churns from the event other then that no rng luck other then butter churns


Hag first event and a loon at some point


Glowing robot Glowing alien Fiend Demon 3 brahmins Deathclaw mask i gave to a rando


Second fasnacht I got the glowing pig 🐷


I got a non-glowing turkey and a bunch of common ones from last year. I’ve maybe gone to 15 now over 2 days? I have the glowing SBQ from last season, and it’s all I’ve ever had that was glowing so far in alllll the Fash. I love it so much though it’s all I really want. I have had 2 super aggressive asks for it over the last 2 days. One guy was shooting at me while I was trying to give a new player a sun mask; then has the audacity to ask for the one I’m wearing.


Glowing SBQ mask


I got a Bloody/ffs/50bs holy fire and Aa/ffr/fr holy fire for glowing Minotaur and glowing alien.


Last night, I sold a glowing minotaur for 1100 Cobalt Flux. I was previously down to just 3 flux. Amazing sale.


Snagged a glowing blue devil today… rest were 5 cap sales items.


I got my grail(don’t ask why) the Buffoon, Glowing Honey Bee and two Motorized Butter Churns as far as rarity goes. Then Turkey, Pig, Alien, which now I really want the Glowing pig and Glowing Alien is second.


My Biggest haul was someone dropping the new event resource generator plan on the ground…I’ve never scooped something up so quickly in my life.


Murder Drones in a fallout subreddit??? Holy W


I've had a glowing honey bee, a fiend and then a hag 3 events in a row but nothing since


Only glowing I’ve got so far in the Minotaur


gsb and glowing unicorn


Didnt miss any, only a Hag Mask, last fasnacht I had 2 Glowings by this time 😭


I got a glowing turkey mask and traded it for a full responders set which I have been farming for for weeks so I am very happy


Full set of uny scout armor, weenie wagon and swamp camo hazmat. Plus a bunch of extra plans for a glowing alien mask