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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Greenmoonn|Reddit: 52|03/04/2015 - 9 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +52 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


But the ppl with dozens or hundreds of duped tfjs and reds will not allow masks to get valued the way they should be...


Which is why people need to step up and address what’s going on. Same thing happens with gold in real life lol. Don’t allow market manipulation to go unaddressed






If people have duped then theyre no longer valuable at least imo, not arguing just stating if its been duped I no longer think the value should remain the same.


They are totally rare to find naturally if you had one you'd still ask a bunch for it or not sell it at all for sure.


I’d never trade old apparel that dropped naturally as it’s incredibly rare but very easy to get via trading. They will always be valuable because of the drop rate but they definitely aren’t scarce


Manufactured urgency tickles the FOMO section of our brains. Some of us break the bank (or our sanity) to get the [thing] or else everyone will laugh at you... just mute the haters and wear your common mask with pride.


If someone judged me for not having something like that I wouldn't want to know them anyways. Real life definitely, in game extra so.


Diamonds, not gold, golds actually useful,  and they  make lab diamonds for industrial use 


I’m referring to the suppression of the price of gold but I suppose how the diamond industry is over inflated and uses weddings/celeberities as free marketing is somewhat comparable


Wait so I shouldn't trade my gsbq for a red asylum?


They’ve been out abit longer but that’s still the priciest of the older ones. With current market standings I’d say that’s a good trade. My argument is that trade should be red assy + as it’s been out longer and heavily duped


Thanks! Much appreciated


The only way I see it getting fixed if everybody protests by agreeing to no longer trade for TFJs and Reds until their value goes down


I would agree to this protest I want my items to be rare and cool when someone has them


What's tfj?


Tattered field jacket


I can give you 2 tfj for glowing mask. You want more? No problem. How many tfj you want per 1 glowing mask?)




Its price manipulation 100%. Old guard set the “standard” and theyll die on that hill. All us newer folks and newest from the latest waves are getting played for ugly af duped to high hell apparel. Guns though, ill take guns.


Which is why I’m tired of it tbh, even pickaxes have devalued everything a little bit but people won’t admit that. Seems like enough people are aware though, there’s hope lol


If everything is devalued, that is the same as nothing being devalued, yes? I don’t know if that is sound logic but I think it is haha


In terms of trading power yes but everything is currently way overpriced so I wouldn’t care. Everything should be devalued and the cap limit should be infinite or like 1m so people can just pay for things


Setup a couple newbies last night with QE 50’s and unyielding trapper armor. Got a message about 5 hours later asking how to get the roles back on their guns. Apparently they took poor advice from some guy telling them that he’d reroll them some bloodied explosive 50’s. My take is that he got two free quad explosive 50’s and gave them some bs 3 star rolls in return. So I did it again. But this time ran expos with them and helped them with their questline. When they got done with it, I got them to buy the gauss minigun plans and mods for it. First roles both of them got were bloodied, +25 dmg aim, 250dr gauss minigun. Then they tried to drop it for some guy in a trade. Lost both of them. Sometimes you can’t fix stupid.


Tough lesson for them. All i got for free when i was newbie and didn't needed anymore i gave for free for another newbies to help them out, i think this is more fair.


Wow. R.I.P your efforts but good on you for trying to help 'em.


I posted this same logic last event with new glowing masks and the comments got filled with “new masks are already duped too” by fake and alt accounts trying to devalue them and keep the duped apparel value up. This sub is controlled and manipulated by RMT traders with multiple accounts who make fake trades to control prices. Glowing masks should be the very top of the list and be worth 4/5 TFJ each. Allllll of that being said it comes down to supply and demand and how apparel is actually used. This sub apparel is used as cash in the real world and people don’t like inflation or when you say their stuff isn’t worth as much as they paid for it. So it retains a certain value cuz of what people paid for it in the past.


The fallout 76 RMT trade brigade goes hard as fuck when their market is threatened. You were right, just unfortunately dealing with the worst part of the comm


I will be the one to walk into the fire


RMT will thank you greatly, because more you fight that items should cost more, the more that can raise the price:)


Ngl my exact thoughts. There’s the real price, the price currently trading and the RMT price, most people seem to use the latter for valuation above all else. Same thing with Q rails and people not wanting their prized possession to crash 😂 despite it being a 2 star weapon


You are absolutely right, I just got a ban warning yesterday, and posts removed for posting photo proof that 9 tfjs are equal to one glowing mask in a similar thread on this topic.


The minute you start hurting people’s pockets…


Yep, people can turn a blind eye or pretend it doesn't happen, but people lining their pockets affect the market here.


Which will always happen and has always happened in games like this, which I’m ok with. But we as a community can push back against the manipulation, make your money, you do you do. Just let us play the game without the interference.


But they really been duped. I can see it from the RMT prices.


I put up an alien mask (not glowing) for 10k caps and some dude bought it. Was it worth more??


Are people checking others Vendors just for masks? If that’s the case I’ll put all mine up for sale, I’m hurting for caps


I Think so because i put up all my new masks and they sell very fast


Damn I had no clue, I thought the best bet was asking here, this is much easier, it’s atleast worth a try.


you have anything good I can buy? On xbox and need to offload some caps


Oh I’m on PlayStation, sorry, I have no rare masks, but a lot of uncommon ones


Whatttt lol, I've put about 20 masks into the donation box today..


Just sell water if you need caps. Better long term and doesn't go away after. That's almost 10k caps a week and if you buy from NPCs a lot then you can get back more. Started last month and been over 10k consistently WITH spending on what ever I want. I do sell weapons and plans but I rarely ever get visitors sadly


Yup I’ve been selling all mine for 10k each. Sold 8 yesterday


Na you got a good price lol. The new masks can fetch 1-10k in vendors atm (non glowing and depending who’s buying)


I snagged all the new non glowing ones from the donation box. People blowing their wad at the player vendors need to have more patience. We still have a week and a half of the event left.


How do you even get near the donation box at Fasch? Every time I’ve tried to look at it, it’s mobbed by people..even when I’ve tried to put things in it. In fact, I walked over to it yesterday because nobody was near it and was chased down by four other players who surrounded me.. I was kind of embarrassed that I was only putting non-Fasch plans I already knew in there. I’m sure they were disappointed.


I only check the box in between events. I don’t even drop anything in the box until way after the event is over.


As a plan addict... Please keep dropping whatever plans you want in there. Lol. Had a decent server yesterday where people were actually grabbing just what they needed. Got several plans I didn't know before. Keep em coming.


Yer I put all non glowing in there. Goes instantly from people standing there attacking the pick up button 😂


I have decided to join other people with their trolling the donation box now though. I will put filcher farm interview tapes, wizard fortunes, toxic water, and other useless items in just to watch them get picked up. It’s funny.


I sell all non-rare duplicates for 9 caps. I afk so it’s how I pay back (in a way). I also sell most plans for 9 caps.


Imo no those are easy to get.


Whaaaat I sell mine for 300-400caps lol get em outta my stash!


With the new event being glowing masks as the new item, the community already went through a new glowing mask frenzy. With the older glowings and less craze I believe there is less demand right now. Supply is low and demand is low. I'm thinking after the event, when people realize that per account your lucky to get like 5 rare masks total (What I average) everyone will have to start trading to get the new masks. Demand will increase and supply will remain low increasing prices. I'd give it time. Hold onto glowings. Find out which ones the community and people in general want the most similar to the first glowing event like the gsbqs being #1 demanded. My thoughts anyways.


Yer mate same thinking as me. I’m not letting this unicorn go unless it’s a massive overpay, like I had to to get it xD


My moneys on unicorn and robot.


You ruin the RMT market by doing your part in not buying from them or trading with them. Note the guys that devalue and make your own blacklist of names.


I try to, it’s more for the newer players. I never encountered a scammer until this event and it’s been 3 on alt accounts not willing to trade first despite lower karma and not wanting to use a courier 😂 do these people think these tactics work lol


They're the perfect currency too, different tiers quite rare considering there's no dupes and they only dropping now.


Okay okay hear me out. First. Anything worth more than 40k is absurd. Rare items should go on a fair trade basis, yet everyone tries to price gouge. Something is only worth what others are willing to pay for it, I sell thing at a percentage of cost because at the end of the day this is a game and these are pixels. None of this shit matters IRL. I find I get more happiness from making someone's day, then posting up 9000 LFGs or posts looking for trades and buyers. Too much work. I'm here to play the game, lol.


Yer I don’t like the trading system, addictive but annoying. Need a central market like RuneScape or a massive devaluing/massive cap limit increase. It just gets abit sticky when real money is involved


A cap increase to 100k would fix ALOT of the trading problems. Temporarily. But there's god roll CE armor going for 1.8 million+. So cap increase will really only help with the very heavily dupped "cheaper" apparel (40k-100k) but there will always be a weird economic imbalance. The market is decided by the players, so essentially a free market.


Yer I want a cap increase and a aristocrats buff with it that scales like bloodied


lol I notice you say yer instead of yes. Is that a regional dialect thing? or dyslexic? :) im just gonna guess Aussie?


It’s probably a regional slang thing and I don’t tend to care about using proper English outside of an exam lol


I agree. They intrinsically have more value on rarity alone. The majority of comments I've seen indicate that most people think all other apparel is ugly, so the new masks seem to win in the aesthetic department, too, or at least equal it. I personally don't like the masks, but I would for sure only seek the highest of trades for one.


Yer I concur. Just my opinion but only the wasteland lotto, FCJS and leather coat (fireman if you could change the backpack) look good. It’s like when people wear Gucci or something that looks minging just because of the price 😂 without the price no one in their right mind would opt for the TFJ


Agreed. I'd wear a Hunters Long Coat over a TFJ any day of the week even though it's worth a fraction of the price according to the market.


Your logic is 100% accurate. But trading is supply and demand. Everyone with 10 TFJs will argue the TFJS are worth. Everyone with 10 masks with say masks worth more, then everyone trys to find middle ground. I have traded 10 grolls for a piece of armor I needed, value wise I got scammed technically, but I needed it to finish a suit, would have traded 15 to finish it, so for me a win. Until the game has some time of vendor search function to search pricing accross multiple worlds, pricing is always crazy. Also caps should not have a cap. 100k limit on person, then a piggy bank for camp that holds 10 mil or sometin.


I feel for the people looking to complete a set, they have to overpay the most out of everyone. Imagine if this game has a central market like RuneScape 😂 people underselling to get their items gone quicker opposed to the opposite


Yeah exactly, the way the worlds (servers) run, just limits the options so much. There are great scripts that could grab the data off each vendor to upload to a searchable website, you upload your vendor data, people can search and see, , but the architecture isnt there to support it. No way to join their world easily.


What you say is true, but I get the sense there's a maximum amount that rich players will pay. Even if these are newer and rarer.


So many noobs don't understand this. There are a finite number of rich whales who will overpay on day1 of an event to get new items. These whale overpays don't set the bar or the precedent for the market, because there are only a dozen whales per platform who will actually pay these prices. Noobs then spend weeks chasing after those day1 overpays and never get them and get salty about it.


I get that completely mate. People will always overpay at the start then on the penultimate and last day of the event but the overall prices need adjusting anyway. IMO, even after the dip they should be worth more than all old apparel.


See the thing is, I can set up a couple pcs and afk fas while I'm at work, sorting the kids, out and about or whatever and farm them (I won't because I'm not that bothered, I'm sure ill get a couple here and there) I can't do that with tfjs or reds or fcjs. Last fas I accumulated about 10 glowing masks from just doing the event whilst playing with friends, where as in almost 3k game hours I've had one responder helmet drop and thats it. Not disputing that there is probably still more old rare apparel about than glowing masks, but there's also supply and demand to consider. I actually wear tfjs on multiple characters, I think they look nice. That, leather coats and fcjs. Alot of people just want a glowing for the collection, or to trade for something they want and not to actuallywear/use. In all honesty they're quite ugly for the most part and don't fit particularly well in the post apocalyptic scenery.


You’re spot on mate. I’m just saying it’ll still take time for the numbers to exceed the older rare apparel, despite coming in at a much faster rate. Tfj deffo looks more wastelander and has its spot but deffo wouldn’t be as appealing without the price tag. I agree the masks don’t look post apocalyptic but the glowing ones, at night, too good lol.


It isn't purely about the numbers though, its also about how many people want them. I got a gsbq day one when they were added and traded for tfj + fcjs + responder set + red asylum. A week before this fas they were being sold at 400k, because the supply out weighed the demand. Of course the market im on differs compared to yours, so it may be a slightly different experience for other platforms. But when I'm trading, I don't want fas masks and alot of other people don't either. Im sure ill end up picking up the set over time once prices have settled and I've had my shot at getting them for free. But ultimately the value is subjective and people will offer what they feel they can or whats necessary, could be over pay, could be garbage! But I know ill at least get a couple over this event, but I probably won't get a leather coat drop.


It’s because old apparel is the gold standard, if you will. People have used it for years so it’s seen as reliable. I get it. But it’s also the same reason people will try to manipulate prices to favour them when they’re heavily invested in the gold standard, even if it’s outdated.


Im with you on this! The hoarders, dupers, and rmt crowd will fight you tooth and nail on the values of their precious duped cloth. In reality the new masks are indeed currently more rare and scarce than apparel but good luck convincing the masses sitting on stacks of items they'd hate to see devalued.


let them come 😂 If no one takes a stand…then we all fall lol. I don’t need to convince people what they know inside to be true, just wanna make sure the bystanders and newbies have a voice and aren’t exploited


Sadly though there's enough alt accounts, rmt traders, and dupers that outnumber legit players. Greed controls everything unfortunately


Why is real life being emulated on fallout 76 😂 can’t escape the greed


You truly cant, anywhere there is people there will be people that want it all. You can try to flood the market with grolls etc but theres enough alt accounts claiming to be new traders who will just snatch up those items and continue hoarding or using rmt. My advice: trade for things you will actually use on your character, get your bag, and just enjoy the game 🤙🛸👽


Greed. Greed never changes.


I guess people just really like masks


All the masks look sick. Not a fan of the turkey but it has its place with the right outfit. The most expensive thing, the TFJ, looks terrible for its price lol. If no one knew the price beforehand a very very small few would opt for it.


Yeah the TFJ is actually horrible lol for its price lol


As someone with both, i agree


I got 2 glowing masks and 4 regular in 2 days is this normal or am I just that lucky ? Glowing Queen Beast and Pig, regular blue devil , giant , tooth man and owl


You’ve been blessed by rnjesus, I’ve had one GBD and done a lot of events aha. Had two mates have one each too


I just want the robot one and maybe the glowing one is my white whale, I don't care about the others I throw every mask I gain just for that one, but the prices are not very friendly


I have the robot one if you wanna trade something for it :)


I mean normal robot not glowing tho


Insider trading


Imagen you believe that those mask are not duped..


Been informed many times that they are apparently are on Xbox but still…2 days of duping beats several years


A quick look and you can see that some have millions in store. It's just funny how duped items don't loose their value in this community.


I agree completely but here's the thing. U gotta be the one to do it. I see MFers posting wanting to change the market but just expecting everyone else to change for them. When I saw a bunch of posts and comments about people not being able to buy leaders for caps and complaining I traded off a piece of my Uny AP Sent FSA set for leaders and started piecing out the leaders I got for caps and flux 50 at a time. Now I see(even if just slightly) more people actually getting leaders for caps. If u want the market to change YOU have to be the change u want to see. Don't make a post and just expect everyone else to fall in line cause it makes it easier for u. Make trades grind and stack glowing masks maybe get a buddy or 2 in on it and then start making posts. Every day. Same post. Same value. After 1-2 weeks u will notice a change. People will know if they don't take said deal at said (realistic) value that someone else 100% will. Fomo drives this market. That also means refusing those already high value apparels and or posts sayin "no TFJ/red" the same way people do with fasch masks now. This post does nothing. Selling off TFJs and Reds at a realistic and much lower price point will change things. Refusing TFJs Reds LCs and TLCs and only accepting glowing masks will change things.


I try to do what I can buddy but this stuff is easier when more people do it, the more people not bowing down to silly prices means that the more recent searches of said trade will be accurate and help the newer or less informed people. I’m impatient so it doesn’t help but I’ve had what, 52 trades, and have overpaid on probably 50 of them? Yes because I’m impatient and happy to do it but mainly because it’s just pixels to me. People are gate keeping prices and it’s annoying and should be addressed.


I reckon it would take over a month of consistently trading perfect Grolls for only glowing masks(and refusing those 'top tier' apparels) to make the kind of change ur talking about but the ones who could actually make it happen and have pockets of grolls deep enough to to do that are the same ones controlling the market with their TFJs and Reds legit and duped. Maybe people will rally but at the end of the day I doubt it will change. Unless Bethesda stops rereleasing the same masks. Like if every fasch had different top tier masks it would maintain the rarity of the same ones. Like why would I get a GSB mask when Bethesda is just gunna run fasch later in the year with the same rewards again but easier than last time cause now theres newer rarer ones.


Dude the prices on this sub are absolutely ridiculous. That's great these schmucks are putting in their posts and trading at these values on here, but damn near everything in this game outside of some apparel are easily obtainable and I can't wait to get down voted by these nerds who hold onto 1726271810 bobble leaders and trade max caps for a video game asset.


I will NEVER undestand the apparel trading craze in this game. I'm not big into trade, can see by my karma. But I got my god rolls(Q2525 Fixer and Q2525 Railway). Got the 2 apparels I've ever wanted(GSBQ and GSB) and that's it. Then I see people offering the top 5 God rolls for some of the UGLIEST fking cosmetics in this game because there's like a 0.000001% chance of finding one and I'm like why? Because it's rare? When I heard this game had a market I thought it was always gonna be something like: "H: Q50c1P Railway + Q2515r Fixer / W: QE25 Handmade"


I completely agree. The problem I’m having too is veteran players making memes and then we get new players that have no concept of the community accepted value range for things.


Same thing happens with old politicians stuck in their ways. Times change. Aslong as enough people are aware and speak up then the market manipulation can be curved a little


I feel like such a prick asking for a red. But fuck man I paid a tfj to be fair to the drop rates and now I'm being offered white powdered? Yes I overpaid but ffs these masks are rare


Same as me, always overpay but when it’s me people offer peanuts 😂 which I’m ok with but the prices need to be addressed


Hold it then. Robot hands that bad boy if its “already went down”.


I don't even want the glowing turkey I only paid a tfj because I thought my friend wanted it. Turns out it's the only one he didn't want *facepalm*


Oh man thats wild. Still solid friend thing to do, I try my best with my sister as well 🤣


Hah nice to know someone else gets it. Gonna sell my q2525 with my turkey, hopefully get my tfj and red back maybe with like a fcjs or responders fire? Fingers crossed


Drop rate and quantity are only part of the issue. A big reason why the other rare apparels keep getting overpriced is because everyone keeps asking for them. With more people competing for them, the sellers can get away with pricing higher. Once people stop constantly asking for tfj, then price will go down


It’s because most people, like me, search ‘top 10 rare guns’ ‘top 10 rare apparel’ when they are new. So this old info gets reinforced by each new wave of players and gatekeeped by the people invested. Same thing with the housing market lol, people want prices to crash until they own one


I agree with you on the top ten lists and such. Although they may have been made to reflect market trends at a specific moment in time, they unfortunately can influence the market too. People wanting something only because they saw it on top of a list.


And those lists are based off drop rate usually not the trading prices, which is fair. Just can be misleading to some people and not always up to date. I’ve literally done the typical new player experience and went straight after the q2525 fixer and tfj, got both and all the lists I used for pricing saying I’d get 2tfjs for a fixer blah blah were completely wrong and posted recently. Guess the market can just be volatile


I was talking more about the trade value lists that get passed around frequently in the trade groups.


Lmao this exact conversation was had months ago, the mask folks lost in the end when all the values plummeted and TFJ stayed where they were. I guess we’ll see how it plays this time since there’s a lot more masks.


Sounds like people know they are being shafted


They are, and it’s about time people said some shit about it. No reason the TFJ, TLC, LC go for the values they do, Asylum dresses I can see simply for the fact that they are great for women characters. A guy I used to play with had a good 40 TFJs in his stash that he would flip. I avoid them like the plague when it comes to trading.


If people diamond hand their masks instead of conceding to this leverage being applied, I think it would be a different story honestly.


Thought I was in r/ffie for a second there. You’re right tho.


Its literally this.


[https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/orc-lord-of-the-rings-gothmog-age-over-gif-16109424](https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/orc-lord-of-the-rings-gothmog-age-over-gif-16109424) Replace man with TFJ and orc with glowing masks 😂


But they didn't, I posted pics day before yesterday showing it currently takes multiple tfjs to equal one old glowing mask currently.


tha thing with masks...they trade hot during fatsnatch..a few weeks after that...then most posts will say "no masks" as they packed up all thier masks and moved on save for a few players. add to that the fact that mask farming is an afk option unlike anything else..you cant afk tfjs or red dresses. ive traded with mask farmers sitting on hundreds of glowing masks after the glowing ones first dropped dropped. but the reality is..its pixels for pixels so...its whatever.


Drop rate of 0.24% means that even if you afk'd every single Fasnacht, you'd only have an estimated 80% of obtaining ONE of the new masks. And the next Fasnacht ain't coming this year.


The same people saying ‘no masks’ were probably undercutting and stocking up whilst people were panic selling lol. I’ve played 2 months and had everything on this game, apparel wise, bar red assy (by choice). They isn’t much to trade for tbh. Exactly that, just pixels at the end of the day I think old apparel is just the standard, like trading for gold. So I get why people base off the prices set but they do need altering imo


Someone have to say it so I will be that one, there are those of us who are thankful to those who are doing those dupes, if it wasn't for them, the prices of many of the in game items will be something highly unreachable for those of us who can't play and grind the game 24 hours a day, and to proof my point just look at what the OP is saying, it all comes down to "my stuff should worth more and give me more!". At least when people get greedy and ask for more, there is always someone who is going accept reasonable offers. Without the people who are doing those dupes, we would never get to see some of the items we own now without having to grind for years for them because there will be no one forcing set prices for those items.


It’s nothing about ‘my stuff should be worth more’ I have enough capital to buy anything I want on the game? It’s more the fact that the newest rare apparel should be pricier than the oldest, and heavily duped apparel. But I totally get that, people would never see some of these items if they had to get it legitimately. That’s not the problem. The problem is that the old set prices are being gatekeeped because people are invested. It’s outdated and wrong. Those items aren’t rare, or scarce and the supply is driven by false information claiming these items are still rare.




u/visionturd15, you've successfully updated your IGN to visionTurd15


We have to get the DOJ involved. It smells like price fixing to me.


I think there is another problem, and it's that more useful/farmable stuff are basically not accepted as currency. Like for example, ammo, dmg buffs magazines, berry mentats, meds and other useful stuff, try offering them for glowing masks and see where that gets you. Who stablishes that a heavily dupped ugly appareal should be worth more than real useful stuff? I think we all know


A tfj a tlc and lc you'll play five years have none you will if you play five hours a day everyday for event get 1-10. So the odds are thousands of times easier to get the masks. Only value increase is scarcity ATM for a few days. Look already thousands on here and almost every player has at least 1 not even 5 percent the population from beta has a tfj drop or tlc or lc. So only thing of value in fasc is new market small for a few days and want. But no way they worth more then any of those three period. Fyi those are being duped right now. Same as selling pickaxes on here which should of been banned because this site says no exploits which it is. This is a site for duped items mostly


I do get that but I’d wager that the amount of money everyone makes playing the game outside of these events far exceeds the money made within them. So within that time period I could have traded for the, already plentiful, old apparel. The old apparel is rare or drop rate, not accessibility. Getting it as a drop is painful yes, getting it as a trade? Pretty easy tbh


I mean I bought all mine from venders cheap. But I can't get a trade for one of those unless it's one of three guns. But yea I get the points. But if your trading those for tfj then the argument you had just now makes no sense bud. Because they then wouldn't need to trade the new good ones no one has for things they have. They would invest in the masks not the rare apperal. So with the evidence in the market the value is less unless someone really wants it because they don't want to play. I'm not hating anyone's trades get what u can for whatever you can. I tried to trade a tlc responder uniform and 700k caps worth more of stuff and got laughed at. For the ugliest glowing new one lol. My favorite is the loon still imo still the hardest to get


But that is my point aha, because of uncertainty people go back to what they know, which is old apparel. Tfjs, railways, fixers. Masks would hold a lot more value without outside manipulation. I’d never trade this mask for a tfj, why trade the most recent rare apparel for one of oldest and most available…just my opinion though Loon is one of the coolest for sure. If they release a glowing one then omg the overpays will be outrageous 😂


Yea I got a kidney for one


I did get a Glowing Alien mask last night (PC). I have been playing just over 2 months. I am trying to figure out what to do with it. Honestly I am not a collector unless it has utility. Red Dress has no appeal to me, Masks have no appeal to me. Even weapons are not really something I fuss over. However I do like XP so Leaders and LiL3 are things I like. I thought duping was no longer an issue. I thought it was a thing that happened a long time ago. Please forgive my naivety. I guess is there a cap value I should look at or is this more of a item trade only item. Thanks again and sorry for my newness


I’m not familiar with the PC market as I’m on Xbox but if you want consumables for it just make sure you trade for a good amount, thousands, again I don’t know the PC market though. Even if dupes haven’t happened in X amount of time, the dupes are still out there, somewhere aha. For comparison. I’m on console and off the top of my head (still relatively new to the game and market) a glowing mask will fetch between 1m-2m depending on who’s buying/selling. Ll3 go between 500-800 I think? Could be wrong as it’s been a minute. So if it were me I’d want minimum 2000 (assuming the big stashes are still out in the wild and available for trade)


Thank you for this information I greatly appreciate it. This gives me a better idea of what I’m working with. I’m sure the markets between PC and Xbox are different. However it does give me a great starting point thank you for taking the time to put all that together for me.


What are your thoughts on a Glowing Robot on the Xbox market? Have been doing this event when I can and finally got one. Also interested in Ll3/Leaders but I noticed the prices are all over the place with those.


Imo robot will be the #2 after the event or atleast top 3 so it will retain value but ofc drop out abit. I haven’t traded for many ll3 but I’d say the min they go for is 400 and the max 1k and a robot atm can fetch around 1-1.5m. Leaders are 400/500 I think


i payed 14k flux for a glowing scorchbeast queen mask......(i offered the price) and i couldnt be happier because i got my favorite mask now!


Yer that one is a beauty, Gz :)


Masks are already duped it sucks but they got flashed duped we had multiple full sets flood the market the morning after


Yer I’ve heard, I’m on Xbox though bare in mind. Regardless though, 2/3 days of duping exposure compared to years isn’t comparable. Unless the duping numbers have increased as time has


While it is true that it hasn’t had years, it also hasn’t had years of gaining solid value and being known by sight as super rare, so it’s definitely like ehh whatever it’s this low now I should wait it’ll get lower


everyone I know/play with has had at least one glowing mask drop already. Some have had multiples. They changed the loot pool logic. Last time you were lucky if you had 1 glowing mask by the end of two weeks. They feel much easier to get now. I bought some in the beginning but stopped buying and waiting for the price to tank.


Man I haven't gotten a single glowing mask yet. Been getting copies of all the originals constantly tho 💀😅


Who cares, use the afk’d glowing masks as bargaining chips


Everyone currently is, but it’s like trading gold for silver and bronze and not even the same amounts in value…imo


You could wait sure but why not profit off of rng and get what you have wanted for let’s say couple months?


I’ve got everything I wanted within the few month of playing aha, being unemployed for 2 of them helped aha. These masks are the only newish thing that I’m after I get why people trade whilst it’s hot though and don’t blame them at all, I’m just saying the things we base prices off are way off


I see this post every Fasnacht with new Masks. Shit ain’t changing.


Probably not lol but I needed to vent


I agree that it’s ridiculous. I definitely should have traded off my GSBQ when I received it at the event last year. Little did I know I could just trade for the whole glowing set a few months later with what I got from that.


Hindsight is a pain, that’s why everyone is on edge this event lol. Don’t wanna repeat past mistakes. GSBQ is probably top 3 best looking imo, should still be worth a lot more than it’s currently ‘deemed’ to be worth. And I’d love to trade the unicorn for some goodies but I refuse 😂


I'm just gonna wait and hold on to things until I can trade for that dammed red asylum dress. So far for rare I have winter man, and a glowing blue devil. On pc BTW if Interested


Hey so I’m really sorry if this sounds super ignorant, but what the hell do you all mean by duped stuff? Like, are people some how creating fake copies of masks and stuff to trade/sell? I’ve only been playing 76 for about 2-3 months now but I keep seeing posts about it and I have no idea how to prevent myself from being the dupee.


You’ll never know if an item you got is duped if it’s via trading, only know if it’s a legit drop you get. That’s not the problem though and it’s no one’s fault if they get an item created through duping. Bethesda continue to use servers that people know how to manipulate/lag out and create multiple items (dupes)


Oh that’s wild. Ok thank you for that. I was worried if I traded/purchased/or grabbed a mask from the donation box that was duped, that I might get booted or something. Again, super ignorant to what I can and can’t get in trouble over. Just gonna keep grinding for a glowing mask it seems. Thanks again!


If someone is trading a TFJ or Red Dress for Fas masks they aren’t trading because they want the item or are a collector they are trading to make profit.


I didn’t even read the post because it’s the same thing. Yes everyone agrees every single time this even rolls dozens of this same post pop up. Until everyone just stops simping over mass duped tfj and reds they will remain top. Until that day it is what it is. Makes no sense but value is decided by the community and this is how it’s working out. Fas masks will never be king outside the first 24hrs of new ones on a new event.


Yer it’s a shame and I’ve only been playing 3 months so this is my first event. Seems like people are waking up to it though and are tired, be the change you wanna see. I actively challenge anyone I see exploiting a newbie or if someone is selling themselves short.


Well this has been going on years at this point, it will not change. The people waking up no not true. This is the same exact things that go around when this even pops up. The day the event is done the prices plummet and level off. Same reason why Bosjs is worth more than a wpjs even though they both drop together, community for whatever reason decided. It would take thousands of people to change the market not 1dozens or 100s. You been here 3 months a lot have been years or since beginning and I can tell you as one since beginning unless tfj are added as a plan or a drop from a seasonal even like the white springs jumpsuit did, pecking order of prices will remain the same.


The post wasn’t necessarily to enact change aha just a mere observation. Adopting that defeatist mentality means nothing will EVER change though. These posts come up frequently because people evidently have taken notice and want change, it’s hard to though when certain groups and systems are put in place to stop said change happening. Same thing in real life, sadly.


1 thing your not taking in to account is the amount of people doing things, if your on this reddit every day you'll think everyone farms rare apparel but the truth is very few of the player base do this, but this event everyone in the map is there, so it's hard to judge how many mask of each type get added during these events that almost all the player base takes part in, compared to the small amount of daily farmers for other apparel Things are only worth what people want to pay and there is always a early hype with masks once people start completing there sets the prices start dropping drastically


Na that’s completely fair and I’ve agreed with others that to get the drop legitimately is very hard, especially when compared to how you can AFK these events. Point is there will still be less, imo, then all the old apparel just for how new they are. But without seeing actual numbers I’m ofc making estimates Point is that the old apparel is plentiful via trading and isn’t really rare anymore, so the price should be adjusted accordingly.


As a returning player, it took be about 5 minutes to figure out that the economy in this game is a clown show. The only reason to take trading seriously is if you're making actual real money with it. If you are not, seriously think about what you're doing.


That’s why people are tired though. Most people trade for items they want and just to enjoy the game, others for money and just enjoy trading. Problem is when the latter group starts to effect the formers playing experience to an annoying point…kinda where we are at now And the main reason people trade is because to get things legit it’s a RNG game that no one wants to play and will honestly take ages to get what you want that way


This is why market 76 is bad


You are missing something. That something is rmt. The prices in this market are a direct reflection of the rmt market. It’s basically always been this way. What you say makes perfect sense. If pricing was based on actual rarity the new glowing masks are absolutely the most rare and scarce apparel in the game and should be the most valuable. BUT….it’s not.


There are chat groups that keep the duping methods safeguarded. In that they check to see if you are worthy of being trusted to keep the method. Pay walls are put up as the first steps as well.


I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest. Same kinda thing was on RuneScape with market manipulation/game exploits.


Well I was going to post up asking the value of glowing unicorn and glowing honey bee, but seeing the insanity about 7 tfj and this for that, I'll just hold them, wear them and later armour display them. 😐


With the current market id say the unicorn will fetch 1-2m and the honey bee 300ish? Not entirely sure as I never had a HB but I know it’s the cheapest of the old glowing ones. GSBQ > GBD > GSB > GHB


On PC everything is being duped new and old period.


No offence but that why PC gaming sucks, imo. Anytime there’s cheating on cross platform games it’s always PC. Happens on Xbox too but I’m salty for the cod days and all the pc people ruining it 😂


The new masks are more difficult to obtain because there is effectively more loot. It was already difficult now even more so.There are also clothes that although all the time one could get the reality is another. I have been playing this game for 3 years and I have obtained all the rare clothes in the trade because in the game it is absurd.


I started trading because the reality of getting a rare apparel drop hit me quickly after starting playing aha. Still do the events though. Guess my point is that despite their rare drop rate, they aren’t scarce at all and the demand for them is mainly driven by people thinking they are scarce, due to drop rate.


Actual price of glowing masks on PC are same as tfj and other “rare” apparel. Just because nothing is really “rare” on pc:)


I have a glowing alien mask on PSN. Some guy offered QE (and explosive and plus movement?) on Fixer and 10K lead. I have no idea what to ask for… I’m new 🥲 Please help


It's always market manipulation.