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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Chozen_Gaming_|Reddit: 4|02/19/2021 - 3 Years| | IGN: godzchozen02|Discord: 0|Total: +4 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


FOMO was real on this one, and I almost quit due to how boring it was. Thank goodness it's being fixed, I finally feel free!


Exactly how I felt sending my friend into my private lobby for the 30th time as half our stash boxes were consumed by modules


can relate loved the pickaxes and got some nice rolls but the burnout got me hard , had to play monster hunter for a few days to reset my brain


They weren't forcing you to do it brother


That's why he said it was fomo making him do it


I just wonder if they fixed the gamma gun cheese. I had no cores before the pickaxe era so nothing lost or gained on my end lol.


I read it was fixed on ps last week so probably if your talking about completing neurological warfare in 20 seconds


It in fact was not fixed. We are still burning them down easy. I choose to do the overly generous bloodied chainsaw murder instead because it’s faster


This is the way!


I'm on Xbox and started with 100 modules and 5k cores. Now i have a ton of modules and no cores.


I got about 400 modules from it but grinding anything is so boring. I go to work to work. I play games for fun


I assumed the patch was coming Tuesday so I stopped grinding in the wee hours of the morning and traded away the last of my picks. Even though it didn’t get fixed until today I just couldn’t bring myself to grind any more of them. I burned a few hundred modules with nothing to show for it then decided to just start trading away picks for actual items. I ended up with a TFJ, B2525 HM, Q5025 RR, QEDUR RR, V4090 Chainsaw, and tons of LL3. Maybe more that I’m forgetting. On top of that I still have about 980 modules in my stash for future rolls. Definitely worth the time investment considering how much I was able to acquire in the time I spent farming. Glad it’s over though because the FOMO was forcing me to farm instead of just enjoying the game.


I’ve got 500 modules only because I traded my groll for 250 last minute


Hope ya get somthing decent!


Me too! I got 125 rolls worth


"I traded my groll for the hope of rolling another groll" yeah that checks out


Well I diddnt like the gun it was on so I’m hoping I can get a god roll for a gun I want to use :)


Definitely not exploiting people with gambling problems at all!


I solo-farmed over 1k modules and rolled a few hundred until I ran out of cores. I rolled complete garbage, no grolls or great armor, nothing. Now my stash is full, lol.


Currently I have about 2k, but I farmed somewhere between 10-15k. I at least got full Unyielding WWR Secret Service with some Chameleon, Overeater, Sentinel, and Aid WR pieces too, but wasn't able to actually get a perfect mix, some have like cryo resistance and other pointless 2nd stars. Also crafted a lot of Gauss Shotguns and Gauntlets and got some God rolls, though didn't get any one of the handful of specific rolls I was hoping for. I'm over legendary crafting for awhile lol


If Todd is watching I've got 3 modules if not I've got maybe just a little more and I got a whole ss ap uny set so pretty happy with it also a q50c15r rail so again pretty happy what about you bro roll anything decent?


Kinda weight locked for eternity till I start rolling atleast I’m at fas tho so I don’t lose anything 😂


Total around 2k+ got few good grolls. But i stopped like last week, too tired of grinding and i hate the Foundation, Nuke mine and that fuckin gauley mine.....


Dang I'm at work while nuke proof afk at Fasnacht.. guess I'm missing some runs..


I spent so many cores and modules just to get jack squat for rolls. Luck has never been on my side with these kinds of things. Seems fasnacht has been a little nicer to me though, got 2 Demon Masks so might be able to get something nice out of it


I got nearly 3k modules.. made myself a whole set of unyielding fdc ss armor and some nice overeaters pieces too. Got 500 left which I will save to roll. And before people complain.. I have been relentlessly trying for this set for well over a year with no success so this saves me a lot of time which I have already put into it


Rolling armor makes rolling weapons look like a kids game.


Armor is the biggest nightmare lol


But that feeling when you complete a set..


Damn right!


Honestly I got up to like 1600 modules. Got some great rolls on non tradeables, spent maybe 400 modules on that. But about 600 modules in on CE armor and best thing I’ve rolled is uny poison resist sent lol


I got to the point where I was so annoyed of farming for cores I didn’t bother stacking up on modules…which I regret. Pumped over a thousand into secret service and got few mid tier GROLL fixers and fully uny sent/oe sent/assasin sent. Sitting on 200 modules now which will do for me


It was nice while it lasted, just nice that i can actually do other things in the game again lol


Rolled about maybe 270ish rolls all on railways, got a q2590/q25rr/qerr/ loads of q50c with varies 3 stars and one q5025. Alright rolls I'd say


You did good I have rolled like 600 rails and got a limb and a bash version. Super disappointing. Best I got was a B2525 how sad lol 😆


The amount of Quad limb/bash 25s i got was insane, sucks how pointless those rolls are. Wish ya luck on your future rolls


Well i went a bit nuts with them. Got all i wanted. Was a deep Rabbit hole tbh. and opened my eyes on the real chances on getting grolls.


Full sets of unyielding AP secret service, Overeaters AP and full set of sentinel assassins secret service.


What if it does not get fix


I got like 50 because I had cores stocked up so I’ve just been rolling


Good to know probably explains the whole 4108 error code I’ve been getting was gonna put my dude at the banjo for a bit while we did some things around the house but guess not lol


Rolled about 300 pieces of Secret armor last night...really nothing to write home about...rolling another 350 tonight


I was rolling 8 guns at time during pickaxe bonus week and one day rolled every good AA/E Railway Rifle so I decided to try some other guns in a short burst on the same server. Had similar properties on .50cals and LMGs. It converted me into a follower and I have accepted seed theory into my heart Also traded for some LL3s and completed my SS set, so glad that farm is over


I just wanted the Presidential Power Suit…


Ps here. Y'all were lucky to have it an extra week. I burned 2500 cores rolling railways mostly and Fixers and handmades. Only got one god roll handmade and a much of scrip. Honestly was about ready to quit the game because of how atrocious the RNG is for me sometimes.


I'm glad I managed to have enough to roll a full set of "good enough" WWR Secret Service armor, but my stash is going to be thankful for finally clearing out all the accumulated rejects into the scrip machine


saved 500 cores and went easy farming modules. ive never gotten stellar results with rolling stuff all at once. feels like you get a better chance of acquiring something good if you keep your rolls spread out over diff sessions and diff servers.


Spent about 1000 core, and crafted roughly 700 ss pieces. Got various good rolls including a B50c15r cremator and a UNY AP WWR ss chest.


I couldn’t play enough to get that many. I’d say I farmed about 3-400 and rolled them all into my fixer and the best I got was Aristocrat 50, 20% bullets explode, 15% reload speed. Out of all those rolls I never got a quad. Disappointing and disheartening to know I have to grind for a long while to get enough modules to get the god till I want.


I still need to farm about 144 more encrypteds before I can roll em all if that tells you anything lol. Once i get back online I'm gonna go find a pick so I can throw it up on a display above the fireplace in my camp. Best unintentional farm I've been here for yet.


I like to imagine how long this exploit would have lasted if it wasn’t for the greedy players. my man got a whole unyielding and over eager set and still has modules. like, come on. have some chill and shut up about these kinds of things so we can all enjoy them. i put this all on the folks in this thread.


Yeah for real. It’s like 500-800 modules of secret service crafts to hit singular pieces of unyielding combos I want (each) but this dude got a full set? lol wtf


you’re probably doing it wrong. it take one module and some materials to craft. you should be crafting and not rolling. i maybe made twenty pieces and three of them were UNY. I’m still crafting for two more pieces but it does not cost that much.


I mean hitting unyielding WWR has been wildly RNG for each craft. Easily roll hundreds per slot to hit that.


Yup, this right here. There are 20 prefix options and 19 third star options for armor. That means there are 380 combinations of armor if you only care about the first and third stars Edit: people in this game also offer from the gamblers fallacy, falsely believing their previous rolls have ANY effect on their future rolls


Need to be practical. How much are you saving on weight when the heaviest thing is 7? like, this issue is that people want what other tell them is groll. hunting for that on armor that is already light is a waste. maybe for some big guns but I’ve purchased all my weight reduction items from player vendors. i just don’t see it. not to mention there is nothing in this game warranting this type of power creep. this totally just greed


When’s it back ?