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Now you know why all these murders go unsolved. The coroner is managing 3 accounts on 76


Such a dad joke 😂😂😂


How the hell is he level 1k+ on all 3?




[image-2.png](https://postimg.cc/tY6HvwSt) that is insane lol


Where tf was this. That is insane


I had a 17000+ in my lobby a few minutes ago


I have an old friend who is 30k.


Are they lvl 32,767? If they are, I can basically guarantee they’re cheating. If they’re not, cranking out 14-15 levels every day since the game launched is such an insane task that I hope they cheated lmao


Youtube MrsBlobby :) i wish homie was cheating but there are streams of the levelsessions


Last I saw he was like 31,100ish, he’s been no-lifeing West Tek since i met him in 2019. When you’re doing that and have been doing that for years on end, it’s really not as crazy as you would think. Edit: may have been early 2020, but it was somewhere around that time frame.


I mean I dunno if exploits Bethesda didn’t fix for long long periods of time counts as cheating, I never used them but they were plenty of xp exploits at various times, nuka zapper being a really popular one I mean technically speaking west tek has never really worked properly or at least has been the one and only proper farming spot for what it is. I mean even now I skimmed through someone finishing 1 to 100 of season 17 by just farming western for 6 straight hours. It’s not fun but if it’s what you want it can be done.




I don't remember, I just noticed them randomly when trying to join a group about a month ago. I posted it on my discord group and figured I'd share it with you all.


Judging by the main's level, they've likely spent some time in West tek. For that, all your alts need to do is step inside the door and they'll get half the XP from their main tossing grenades, assuming they have similar buffs/builds. I've levelled up a few friends by doing the same, all they do is walk in or out every minute.


Same thing with expedition + you get all the loot effortlessly x3+ you can share perk you need to make the best build :p


That sounds super boring, but whatever makes them happy :)


It is, there's nothing exciting about grinding XP. Only difference for me is shooting 6 enemies and tossing 3 grenades each minute. It's best to listen to radio or other music or the news or a podcast or something to keep you entertained. Or just catch up with your buddies over comms.


There used to be an amazing glitch where you could disarm a bottle cap mine. It was during the early days, but people were pulling 50 levels a day on that


Oh, how I miss that glitch 🥲


I remember doing this on my main got to lvl 55 stopped playing picked up the game back not to long ago made a new char now the main is the mule 2nd almost 300 later will make the last 3 char 😭


Yeah. I have 5 characters. My main is lvl 1057, my Weapons mule is lvl 9, Armor and Apparel mule is lvl 6, and my 2 caps mules were created when they raised starting lvl to 20.. so they're both 20.


Since-patched exploits.


That’s what I was thinking. Otherwise it’s 5k hours plus right?


I mean, depends on the person. As a full health build, I have done 100 levels in less than one Double XP weekend. With a UNY set, that would've been a lot more. I suppose this is possible without exploits, since all three accounts could do each event/xp grind at the same time, but I think it's highly unlikely.


I've done 100 levels in a couple of minutes tbh it's quite easy if you have the materials


Fair point; I did all my grinding before we learned how good the instigating/nuka grenade combo is. Was years before I would set foot in West Tek again. And yes, it is possible they didn't exploit, but the cynic in me doubts it very much.


Is it possible to achieve that post 300? I need perks or perks points and it feels like it slows down the higher my level.


He doesn't go outside.


It doesn't take long to hit 1k if the right events are done correctly


Literally just take your bots to events and get passive XP. My buddy’s main character is 3000 and his bot is over 1100, no exploits, all farming events and west tek


This, passive event xp and loot, and passive expeditions. I bought the game for my wife and daughter and I’ll just drag them afk on expeditions sometimes. (May on occasion use their scrip to reroll my stuff 😂)


Stuff like this prolly


Shit buckets


Just run expeditions with all of them. Just being in his party gives 20k xp per run.


Bruh has to be retired or something I could understand like super low level but 3 accounts this high a level is kinda gross ngl


The 1967 in the name might be a clue


could also be a father/grandfather who plays with his kids, and obviously crushes their lvls lol


so he is 70 something playing fallout like that ? lol


1967 would make them 56 or turning 57 this year, not quite 70 something


I'm playing since beta, on Playstation i have one 450ish and a 520ish Character, on PC a 430ish one. Idk how anyone ever reached a 1000


Just learned that with food, chems, and armor buffs, it's possible to get your intelligence to 60+. On double XP weekend, *each* west tek super mutant gives you 4k experience. People gain like 200+ levels in a weekend. Definitely possible, though not necessarily easy, to get to 1000 with no exploits.


I am level 1115 with no exploits and started a year after you. This guy did use the exploits.


Same, I'm lvl 1057. Started in December 2018. No exploits, just DBL Xp Weekends, food and chem buffs, Bloodied XP build with Full set of Uny +1 Int armor. It's not hard to reach 1000.


I saw a guy who was level 17000 hahah and so I punched him and ran away


😆 awesome


I've been playing for 2 and half months and I'm 315


I am level 570 started 2months ago 😅


Lol wtf how?


15points INT+Uny+lunchboxes+westtek..and I played beta long time ago so I knew what I have to do




When someone pops lunchbox on event you have 100xp for 1hour so after event sometimes I will go to westtek and then when you kill all the mutants server hop and they spawn. So you can pump 2-3 levels in 1h doing that


Why server hop for westtek? Go outside for ~1 minute and they all respawn or go to the basement clear out the mutants and just go back upstairs and everything inside will have respawned.


it’s 4 lunch boxes each lunch box gives you 25 xp boost up to 100 xp max




On my mama


So my dad has an insanely good job but it has spans of a lot of down time and then downs of nonstop work. During the downtime he grinds stuff like this and also is a whale. He’s the guy that’s got 3 max accounts lol he’s gets super bots from not doing work. He also plays RSL on the side lmao


A lot of Nuke Waste, Lead, and steel and you can be this level quick too.


I know people that started playing a month and a half ago that are 500. You just have to farm expeditions


That would still be a ridiculous amount of expeditions


first 500 are fast .. after 1000 lvl ups slow waaay down. its like 10x the xp required to lvl up.


Or WesTek; I reached Level 400 after playing for a month just by heading over to WesTek whenever people popped 4 Lunchboxes.


This is the answer—expos and westtek. I remember helping a newbie some time ago. Dude was like level 23. I see him a month after he’s 750. I am still not at 500 lmao


I started playing 12 weeks ago, currently level 410ish… did maybe 10 expo and 10 WestTek total. Just have to be efficient 🤷🏽‍♂️


My buddy came across someone with 7 last night.


Missed opportunity to name them The Butcher, The Baker, and The Candlestick Maker...


Underrated comment


I’ve been playing for over 2 years now and I’m not even past 400. Geeesh


I have only been playing since January and I am lvl 535. I play other games too


Dang, do you grind xp?


Well I have 15 intelligence plus most of armor also has +1 intelligence. I am also almost always on a casual team. I use egg head serum on top of that. I run a lot of expeditions because I am trying to get all the plans. I can’t wait to be done


Insane, yeah I should invest in some intelligence armor pieces haha Expeditions are so boring and repetitive, I only do em for the modules and scrip. I think I have enough stamps for a union set by now 😂 I don’t use power armor much though


I just run the boardwalk expedition because you can finish it in 10 minutes


Ngl, you're doing it wrong.


Possibly, but also I’m not on most of the day either. There’s not a way to do it wrong as long as you’re having fun with it 👍


I'm with you. Just started playing a month ago or so, and honestly I see what people are doing and what you can do, but I'm basically playing it like Fallout4 2.0 and enjoying it.


That sounds like you’re having a great time, as long you’re having fun with a game, then you’re not playing it wrong mate.


That’s kinda sad


Well people aren't taking the year 1967 into consideration. He's probably retired and yall are talking shit. All of us would do this if we were or when we're older


My dad was born in the 60’s and is in his 50’s. He still works. He’s a lawyer. I’m not sure it’s that common to retire that early these days. It’s possible for sure, but a person in their 50’s isn’t that ancient and I think most people retire in their 60’s/70’s (tbh most of us in the younger gens will be lucky to retire at all in the future lol).


You have no idea how correct you are


I think he sadly does, only reason I'm kind of retired is I got hit with MS.


Ooft. That’s shitty


Hey I know this is super random reaching out to you here, but I saw your comment from a post about 3D printing and I’d love to message you about it but I can’t seem to DM you from your profile! If you don’t mind answering some questions I’d love that thank you


No we all would not do this. This is indeed sad


Idk man, you need 3 devices to do this, if anything, its sick to see a person so dedicated to a skin in a game, that will stop existing the day the servers are no longer up...


I fear that day


It’s not the fact that he may be retired it’s the fact that he had nothing else to do 😕


This guy definitely needs to take a shower and touch grass if his alt accounts are over 1000.


I just joined him on neurological warfare and he was there with his 3 accounts 😭


Jeez, I never understood why people need triple consoles or computers for virtual items in an online game.


I have one for my bedroom and one for my living room, which I'll put in one room sometimes to exploit with, most notably the pickaxe thing recently. Having 3 and occasionally doing stuff like this doesn't seem crazy to me, it's their levels that are insane. I'd assume they must be retired and selling items for real world money, though it still seems insane to have their levels be THAT high.


Based on all the comments, it seems the old Meat-Cleaver-scrap exploit has been forgotten.


Rules for thee not for me, not surprised in a sub that's 99% based on greed.


are we not gonna talk about the perfect line of dialogue underneath the trio of characters? perfectly timed


Oh yeah lol


Top tier no life.


Who tf has the time to get three accounts up to those levels? Dowels he ever turn the game off? Lol


I don’t know if he dowels but I doubt he turns the game off for sure.


This is one of the grossest things I have ever seen


Oh, are you too young to remember rotten dot com?


Ahhh those were the days


The combined play time on these has to be insane


What's the outfit he's wearing in the middle


The new thrasher from seasons awards.




Its called thrasher outfit in the season pass


I know this guy, he’s alright and loves this game. It’s funny cuz he actually Nukes fas in what appears to be full hypocrisy


This is why I never put them in the same game


Damn none of y’all played world of Warcraft 😂 multiboxing has been a thing for so long and it’s easier to level because you don’t have to find groups for content and everything dies quick af


Lol I haven’t read or heard multiboxing term since ffxi days


The guys 57 prob an retired doing what he enjoys. All to him!


Dude knows what he wants and knows how to get it. Fair play


Could be triplets 😂


4 Playstations going at once lol. wtf.


I feel like my time is waisted. When I get home all I do is play video games. I just play and play with nothing else to do. I am level 85......... /s


I remember a few faschnachts ago, I saw a guy with 5-6 alts. I have to respect the grind


rookie numbers check this out https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/s/Gil4fX4Gny




these guys go crazy over this event


And their all higher level than me, op


do we think he's spending a lot of time in 76?


Holy hell how does dude buddy have 3 1000 plus account😳


What if there just besties who are besties because they share a name???


I love that guy. Even though I never catch him at the right hour for his vendor


Just saw this guy today :o


I kept picklocking his houses then he would kill me then I would picklock his house again to leave his doors open


Lol what a bizarre flex. I’d at least hide two of them 😆


This is unnecessary and lowkey sad. If your gonna take up 3 slots on a server at very least be active on one of them


I do also have 3 accounts but at least I have the decency to send them to different servers haha


I have 4 accounts, and can play them at once. Its much easier to play as than it sounds/seems. I never planned to have so many but got 2 for free via amazon prime gaming, one free through steam and the first purchased back when the game came out. As far as playing on them at once you just pick a primary and keep the others close. Within a certain range keeping them grouped they all will get half XP without firing a shot, and the loot piles up super fast. The only real headache with so many is the Tuesday scoreboard resets as its a lot of side work to do on each account to keep them all up to par, but i still manage to get it all done in an hour or two.


This is on PlayStation, so he has 3 PlayStations and 3 screens


I don’t think anyone should be playing this fallout at least this fallout out of the franchise and the reason being is your box where you put all your stuff only 1200 carry space that’s garbage then they make you pay 13 a month for an ammo box and a scrap box some thing that should be free and then on top of that if you do pay for the fallout plus then you feel obligated to buy the stuff in the atomic item shop because it’s at a quote on quote discount and they drop stuff throughout the whole year in the atom shop that shit adds up you’re buying stuff throughout the whole year end up spending hundreds of dollars on stuff you can’t even place in your camp because you only have a certain amount of camp build space they won’t update the game with quality of life updates they do the bare minimum to keep people playing and let’s be real they’re just sitting on these updates waiting for a date to drop them it’s not like they’re listening to the community and then releasing stuff based on the feedback they’re just milking everyone dry for their money. We need to take a stand and stop giving it to them maybe then they’ll listen I doubt that highly though games been out for years and still hasn’t really changed still a buggy mess that crashes all the time even on the newer consoles moral of the story is they make you pay $60 per game $120 for pre-order just to have to pay even more money to enjoy the game i’m going back to fallout four with my mods better yet I’m gonna go play new Vegas


Somehow, one period in this whole comment is worse than if you would have included none. Dude, this was a hard read. More so, it has nothing to do with the post, at all. Valid points nonetheless. Bethesda does have mechanisms in place to drag money out of everyone, but that’s every MMO. It’s not just another Fallout game. That’s why I think even those who are hardcore Fallout fans won’t ever like it if they can’t deal with the MMO mechanisms that are found across the industry. Your fandom won’t save you, even here. Luckily for me I love Fallout and I am familiar with MMOs - this game is awesome to me.


Anyone think that guy feels any pride in what he's doing or just really lonely and sad


What does being at that level do for your character


Does not fuck around, that one.


Saw him yesterday


Erm this is actually really sad


Pathetic in my opinion-all this to farm “rare” items to sell for useless caps or trade for other rare items to trade for other rare items….ad nauseam -I guess if this is fun for you then hav at it-not my thing at all-


Pretty sure people hack their stuff to get all these dudes on at once, there’s one guy on ps, darth something. He has like 5 on at once, all with the exact same base all in a row down the river on the left. He farms the new boss fight and his guys are already inside the arena waiting before it starts. I mean short of him having 5 ps4/5’s going at once how else would he do it?


Seen this dude a few times last year. Running 5 consoles parallel is 💯 a RMT


Its not 😢 i run 5 at fasnacht and 4 when i play to share 3 cards


Every rule has it’s exceptions 🤙🏻


You underestimate the lengths people will take for this game




There’s no hack . Just multiple accounts . I’ve got two accounts . One i play on my Xbox X and the other I run on my laptop via Xbox cloud gaming. If I wanted to run more I’d just have to buy 2 more fallout 76 versions and I could run one on my phone and one on my iPad, both via Xbox cloud. Play whatever event on your main account and just get you other accounts to stand around, passively getting XP and event rewards that you can pass to your main account . Easy as.


I got my two nieces and step-sister into fallout so when they decide they don’t want it anymore I can has their masks 😂 It evens out though because they took me dry on ammo and materials for building lol


What armor is he wearing?


I was wondering this also


There was a guy last fasnacht that afk-ed with like 6 accounts all sitting in the church lmao.


How so you even do this?


Running 3 consoles separately. Most of the time those are RMT


I have 3 separate accounts rocking the band 🤣🤣


I mean. So do I. When I updated from my Xbox One to my Xbox One X and then to my Series X. I kept them all.


Me who got bored after 3 runs and hasn't logged in since :( I want to farm, but I think the days are over where I care. Once you've already gotten the q50c25ap railway, there's no much more to want when you think the whole apparel trade is just dumb as shit.


You and me both. I grinded 76 for two or three weeks a few months back. Got Unyielding Secret Service and an OP Railway and just came back and reinstalled a few days ago and I can't find *anything* to keep playing for. I've got my build for life and I built a CAMP I'm decently happy with. I could try a new build, sure, but it'd be a downgrade... and doing a new character and going through all that Gold Bullion grinding and everything else was enough doing it once.


Steamdeck PC Steamdeck each with its own account. Alts each do separate things (like Atlantic City) and the other two join before one finishes to get xp and rewards.


Bro is working 3 jobs at the same time respek


What outfit is he wearing??


Damn.. i can only leech perhaps for an hour cause it logs off the game


Only 3?


I have 2, and a lot of times I can get 3 fasnachts done between them. So far 1 glowing mask. 🤦‍♂️


I bought 2 more accounts just so I can do the exact same 🤣🤣


Seen a player who's gt was buffalostar and had 7 accounts in the same area, so buffalostar1, 2 so on and so forth.


I’ve got two accounts . One i play on my Xbox X and the other I run on my laptop via Xbox cloud gaming. If I wanted to run more I’d just have to buy 2 more fallout 76 versions and I could run one on my phone and one on my iPad, both via Xbox cloud. Play whatever event on your main account and just get you other accounts to stand around, passively getting XP and event rewards that you can pass to your main account . Easy as. My main character on my pay account is level 1350. Played him since release. That account also has a 850,520,220 and a mule character. My second account has one character that is level 350 gained just from passive xp.


I can't manage to keep one on. Lol


What are they even asking for


Dont make me get my 3 account out also.


Oh my god


What is that outfit


How does this even work like another computer and another 40+$ for fallout 76? At that point give them whatever they want.


Dude even worse, this is on PlayStation. So he has 3 PlayStations and 3 monitors! LOL


I have 2 PS5s and 2 PS4 Pros.. in different rooms hooked up to different tvs.. its not hard to afk and once you make the one console your primary the others hooked up to that tv can also have access to your PS Plus and games. But funny story, I took a pic of that dude with his 3 accts the other night and thought hey not a bad idea lol 😆


Same guy?


Yup! https://ibb.co/9hVWsDh




JFC lol


maybe he bought the other accounts


I have found this guy before, he has a cool camp


I also do too lol


Someone posted on /r/fo76 about seeing someone with like 8 accounts in one server.


Jesus Christ theyre just masks


Are you positive it's one guy with different accounts? I joined a team earlier this year, and it was three people on mic. All dressed alike, with almost the same name. One dude was obviously the leader, or older brother maybe... but the other two were talking and playing. They would do stuff on their own, and come back and play together after a while.


Say "No Life", without saying "No Life."


Something tells me he was born 1967


That’s weaksauce man… mine are all in different servers. If you subscribe to seeded server theory it’s casts a wider net.


I have 3 accounts too... Unfunny story. 1st account was the super deluxe edition that they code was sent 3 weeks late. 2nd account (my current) was a run to Best Buy on release day to get a copy to play that day. 3rd was they were giving accounts away and aI grabbed one.


What a loser in life


3 accounts all above level 1000… Sorry but some people need to unplug the game for a bit.


Fr no life right there , needa touch grass


1967. So a 56 year old is doing this shit. If I came home and seen my father running 3 different consoles just to farm a 4 year old game…. Could I write myself out of the will?
