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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/thatstuffguyfromkc|Reddit: 3|01/13/2022 - 2 Years| | IGN: Dudewheresmy9|Discord: 0|Total: +3 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


Personally I’d suggest you keep it. It’s generally gone for high end apparel, but it’s a great weapon for low or high health builds and is very versatile.


I’m pretty sure this is the best fixer you can get but I could be wrong


Think q2525 is but for railway it would be but idk, i haven't traded for a while


Idk because if you have 25lvc might as well do more crit damage since your gonna be in vats it’s probably personal preference


I was just saying trade value wise


Oh yeah






Great roll worth a pile of loot nice job


Thanks! I couldn't believe it when I saw it, so I had to make sure I had the stats right!!


It’s in top 3 fixers prob about 2 mill trade value not sure how close XB and ps are for prices but worth a lot either way


Awesome! Thank you!! I guess I better run with it for a bit and see how I like it before I think about what goodies I could get lol. Since I still haven't managed to roll a quad Railway, this may have just become my main weapon!


Def use it that’s a grail fixer if it was me I’d run with it and keep running 🤣 it’s def a keeper


Sweet! Thanks again for the help!!


I have a Q2525 rail I rolled the other day ready to collect dust in my stash. I’m a heavy boy don’t plan on going commando


I don’t have as good of a roll as that and it’s my main. I love sneaking around and the 2x move speed is so nice.


The way crit damage scales makes this superior to the Q/25/25 tbh, in my eyes. Having said that, weapons are roughly 50% easier to roll than a basic armor piece but can always find someone in need who can pay a premium. 1, maybe 2 perfect armor pieces. you can also try trading up with Fasnacht masks, some people are so desperate for a mask that they are giving perfect weapons/armor and other people are so inundated by masks that they'll give 4-6 ultra-rares for this so you can end up going: Q/50c/25 - 4 masks - 4 perfect armor pieces of a desired armor set It's risky, every day fasnacht goes on these kind of deals get further and further away and masks will only depreciate with time so it could also be a situation where you are left with less value than your Q fixer. personally? I would say keep it, Im level 1500, been using this roll for 500 levels. It's so smooth and effective, it can also utilize non-meta builds and chunk bosses greatly.


For bosses, the extra fire rate translates into more DPS, cumulative dps. For everything else, crit DMG is better.


You have it backwards: bosses have near no resistance to criticals and crits can be buffed more than any other build in the game such as jugs, bloodied, exterminators etc. A simple fleshing out of a luck build nets you consistent +300 to 400% damage that bypasses 60-70% DR on bosses. However, in terms of raw dps the Q/25/25 will be higher because of the ffr at their base. It's misleading truthfully; a perk or two in the luck tree also nets at least a crit on every other shot and a Q/25/25 cant out damage the Q/50c/25 then surely. If both had a base damage of 5 and assuming they had the same base crit multipliers crit meter boosters so they crit every other shot at minimum 100% damage, in an 85 round clip that they have, the Q/25/25 will deal 425 base damage, assuming it crits once every 2 shots that'd go up to 637.5. For simplicity sake we'll say they both have a fire rate that empties the clip in 10s so in 7.5 for the Q/25/25. Dps: 85dmg per second but vs bosses, assuming 80% base damage reduction Dps: 39.66 Whereas the Q/50c/25: 425 base damage, 318.75 crit=743.75 which gives base dps: 74.37 and vs bosses: 40.375. At max crit damage bonuses, 400%, simplifying their base damage at 5 still: Q/25/25: Dps: 170 vs boss dps: 124.66 Q/50c/25: Dps: 170 vs. boss dps: 136 <-these are assuming the +50% is added to the 400% ie. 5x4=20 x50%=30, which is how I have it above, but idk how they calculate their damage cause it could just be: 50% of base damage=2.5 and 400% of base damage=20 totaling 22.5 which would put damage numbers at: dps: 138.12 and vs bosses dps: 129.62 Making Q/25/25


It...it has already been proven my dude ...




This is incredible for Vats/Crit build. If you enjoy playing it, I'd keep it unless you're eager to trade. Gratz!


Thank you!! That's kinda how I was built anyways and I was using a mutants railway, so going from 10 rounds to 80 was super nice! Gun Fu is sooo much better now too! Also, I can drop the bandolier perk now so I'm pretty happy with it so far!!


That's awesome and if you're using Ground Pounder you can drop it as you wont be reloading as often also. Frees up points for elsewhere. It was a big change for me also and had to get used to not reloading so often automatically lol.


That's me 100% Im out running around with it right now and have to keep telling myself I don't have to reload yet! 😂


That’s the one I just started using, I love it!! I just wish it shot a little faster to rip through vats in gunfu, so I could kinda understand why the 25FFR is better.


Yer same man, nice seeing high crit numbers but the FFR just melts mobs and E is good for tagging, AOE


I’ve been running a Q-E-50 RR for a while, that thing is disgusting. Melts everything. To to point where I had to change it up because the game felt too easy lol


Game: "Find the Overseer..." You: "GROLL!!!!" 😂 But yes, this is the second most valuable Fixer. (Worth more than red asylum and very close to TFJ if not equal) The 3 Quad + 50c/25ffr/Exp + 25lvc fixers are very similar in dps in my opinion, when ran properly. I swap between the three depending on what event I'm doing or what mood I'm in.


Trade only, although I Really wish they would add a trade feature where both items can exchange back and forth instantly like pokemon.


Rarely do I ever use the trade feature because guns like that go bye bye if you attempt to trade it


Second Best Fixer to Q2525


What's the best? Explosive?


Edited my comment and added Q2525


Nvm, figured it out, thanks!!


And what's the other 25?


Faster Fire aka Weapon Speed


For bosses yeah, everything else crit is better


I’ve had a BE25, B5015, and a QE25. By far the latter. When you have to kill everyone in the room accept no substitute.


I currently use a B/50c/25 and I will say it’s better than my q/50c/25 since im bloodied the damage is nuts and you can clear everyone in the room since it only takes 1-2 shots to kill each person


I ran a few tests and the difference between a bloodied and a Quad wasn’t actually that different. Obviously the bloodied has more alpha but it still ended up killing the opps in the same time or plus 1 to 2 additional rounds. I also tried a TSE25 and I was a lil salty that it was legit on the same level as a bloodied. Obviously slightly less accuracy in free aim. That being said I moved a at from the BE25 into the QE25 because reloading is stupid…


What about Q2515 (15 vat crit charge)? What value?


I traded mine for a glowing Alien and glowing robot


I bought this same role for 2500 at a player vendor. Love it.


Try it out and see if you like it, you really won't get much better than that, if any would be up to preferance or build really


I'll trade you a motorized butter churn plan for it Edit: someone just bought it lol


great gun but man a quad railway is ridiculous. i ran fixers til i bought a quad railway from someone and thought i'd just try it out for shits and giggles and MAN they are insta-kill machines


Dont Trade it!!! Have fun with it!!


If you wanna sell let me know. I’m on PC


I think it’s pretty good


Wanna swap it for a q2525 rail? Or a hm of the same rolls with an add?


I would do glowing blue devil +glowing honey Bee + hunters long coat + crazy Guy +buffoon + Brahman


Def the worst possible gun, scrip it immediately 😂


Correct me if I'm wrong guys. I'm pretty sure I heard angry turtle say that quad is better for bosses for the sustained damage.


I can do a glowing minotaur + usa mask for this


No , scrip it