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There's a lot of Indians








The running joke is that it's brampton that they're moving to. But it's everywhere


Seeing a lot of them sitting on the grass waiting for the 68B bus southbound at highway 7 warden every evening during my run. Used to be a pretty empty route.


I was in Trenton Ontario yesterday if you know where that is… Indians everywhere


Its the universities in the area


What university is in Trenton?


Area, loyalist etc


A lot of diploma mills


Go check out the Costco on markham road north of steeles for your answer lol






If we’re lucky, it will be just as good as India soon.


You forgot the /s




























































I’m not but ai


Funny.. and ironic. You wouldn’t believe looking at the comments in this sub that this place is full of immigrants..but as Mr Orwell said “all Animals are equal but some are more equal than others “




Yep, I used to live in Markham. Some just never learn English and never assimilated in the decades of being here.


Basically Asians from all over Asian are xenophobic and most racist to their “own” in some cases


So all the same problems - we accuse Indians of and the same reasons for not liking them?


I live in Markham, and I went to Surrey, BC, and I did not meet a single person who is not Indian there.


east of Middlefield is like 75% brown






yeah markham’s living it up with the ccp police stations right clearly much better than some brown people moving in 🤦






Our data , behaviour, and habits are being monitored online regardless. On a personal level, I don't care if they know if I like to eat pizza on Thursday, or talk shit about CCP on Reddit. Having a physical "police station" does not affect 95% of the population, but where as new "regular people " as you refer to, they are causing inconvenience to some which I assume it'll be greater than 95% of the population, so here are the 2 poison, pick the one that is less lethal.


We are taking in refugees in Vancouver. We are still fine in the city of Vancouver, Richmond, BC, and Burnaby, BC.






Bro look at the immigration numbers, they are out of wack! There's no balance, we are bringing in millions of people in such a short period of time and more than 50% of these people are from one country. That's disastrous




The difference nowadays is we let in sooo many international students and guess where the majority of them come from? So not only are we letting in proper immigrants who went through the proper channels, we are bringing more students, migrants and people on work visas. The majority of these are from one country only. When was the last time you stepped in a Canadian school? Look at the demographics!






















Lol. Markham is predominantly Chinese. If more Indians or any other race goes there, it will be more diverse. Not less. Unless you only measure diversity among the new people, not the current residents.


Is that bad? I moved to Markham a year ago. From Scboro. Just trying to live a normal life, maintaining my little backyard, sending kid to a good school, safer locality, clean, mostly empty roads, nice ppl, no weedshops... What is the reason u ask this question in your post?


Still not as many as Chinese


Yes it's not just Chinese anymore


Indians are Asians


He said chinese, not Asian. What's the argument here? Clearly chinese have passed on the torch




If you're afraid of people who don't look like you living near you, please leave this country, we don't want YOU here


Are we the subject of an influence operation here in this sub? I think a part of the sentiment in this thread is based on astroturfing and disinformation campaigns. The rate is downvotes to comments, and in favour of one certain point of view is concerning. I’m going to guess the Russian, Chinese, and Indian disinformation corps and their bots are out in full force. Not all of it though. Considering some of my recent experiences in person with people not being afraid to voice their repugnant views (including racism and LGBTQ+ equity). Which is funny to me because I’m Chinese - do they seriously think they are going to get sympathy talking to me about how immigrants are ruining the country? I mean, I get it. There’s a lot of stuff going on in the world, and certain POC are at the forefront of things in Canada right now, especially given the student visa / immigration / etc stuff. But when we start blaming people based on how they look… we’re making it easy for foreign interests to pick us apart piece by piece.




Yea I've noticed the racism too. Just a bunch of losers that wouldn't have the balls to say these things to people's faces










Back a while ago in the 2000s Indians were doing jobs that no one wanted to do. Now look at them, they are becoming doctors and lawyers and other healthy contributors to society. In another 20 years who knows what they can do.






Weird that you asked the doctors and lawyers to make you a coffee...







