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Wouldn't voting "Markiplier" be a waste anyway since that's not his legal name?


I see ballots voting for Mickey Mouse and Kermit the Frog, among other things Deleted other comment, same thing but posted twice for some reason


This. I helped with the elections last cycle in my small town and someone wrote Joan of Arc down. what an absolute waste. Also: thank you for this post. I was thinking the other day like…god, it was funny to begin with, but for the love of god don’t actually do it.


I was a person that wrote in Mickey Mouse my first time voting and now I just don’t put anything down if I’m not going to pick someone that’s on the ballot. I live in a red state and refuse to vote red at all so when I only have one choice and it’s red I just don’t put anything down on that “choice” but those tend to be in the state/county stuff since I’m also in a rural area


Spoiling your vote is a better protest than leaving a vote blank or not voting just coming from someone who votes in the UK and Ireland. Idk about the US but spoiled ballots have to be counted where I live, they go in a separate count and if it's sizeable it shows the candidate there is gonna have built in opposition among their constituents that aren't loyal to the other party which means that opposition is perhaps more dangerous to them. Spoiling your vote is legitimate protest, don't listen to snarky people telling you "what a waste", it's MUCH better than leaving it blank or not voting at all because it registers active displeasure. which sounds mild but again if many do it it's significant. If you're not gonna vote for any candidate, don't just stay home and don't leave it blank. Spoil it.


This would work in theory, if the Democrats here in the USA had any survival insticts at all. They are terrible campaigners.


They are 100% absolutely terrible at this campaign I agree. I can link a comment I made about this yesterday if you wanted, but they have been COMPLETELY ineffectual in opposing the literal fascism the right is offering, and when it should be an easy win for Social Democratic candidates they're running someone who has alienated the entire anti-genocide block of voters, the entire young vote, and has shown himself to be utterly and completely unable to convince swing voters and reassure people about his age. And look, I'm an outsider, but I have an intimate view of US politics as a political scientist. I'm not saying don't vote in the presidential, or always spoil your vote, but in ANY election, local, state level whatever. It's always worth more to spoil than to stay home if you remain unconvinced. If I were in the US, for the presidential I would vote biden. In conjunction with organizing for actual good policies ofc, but I still would. But if someone isn't going to vote for him, I'd still rather they spoiled and registered that they think the choice is bad enough that they made actual effort to protest it.


You're a fool if you believe the right is the fascist ones


Voting in the UK and the USA are very different, a big part why it had no meaningful effect in the USA is because it isn't mandatory to vote in the USA as it is in the UK, so while in the UK it does actually have some form of significance, in the USA it does not


It's not mandatory to vote in the UK. You're thinking of Australia. And spoiling your vote ALWAYS has significance because they count every ballot to make sure that it is not for a candidate.


In some states, candidates can actually use nicknames, but not in all states though.


Can you not use someone’s monicker? I thought you could use your legal name or a name you are widely associated with.


You can write in whatever you want. If that's the majority it would be figured out by the election officials. Just vote Biden and any other Democrat to get rid of this MAGA corruption


I was kinda surprised how many people learned about proj 2025 after the debates. 🙃 It's scary. I haven't been excited to vote in 2 cycles but I know enough to go out and do it anyway.


Somebody living outside of the USA here, just looked into project 2025, and that... oh my god


Yes, quite possibly the best thing to hear about since the debate


YES! i wish i could like this a hundred times! i believe his birthday message was satire, but i'm afraid some do not get that. and for real, this election is one of the most important ones...especially for African Americans and Women. Thanks for this PSA! it was needed. Peace.


Hell, any minority, really. If you're not white, straight, christian, old, and male (note: being rich can substitute for two of these), you should be *very* concerned about this upcoming election.


Don’t forget cisgender and right leaning. I’m genuinely convinced we might have another civil war and I’m honestly trying to flee the country.


Hey what did I do? 😔 (cis, definitely not right wing.)


Just saying that cis people are a majority and are therefore not attacked by rightwingers(on average.) as far as I can tell you did nothing wrong.


Even if you're white, straight, or male this election is a significant risk for you. All but an Elite and inner circle will suffer. Decisions made in the 80s still affect the lives of Americans today, imagine 40 years of repercussions from allowing this to go the wrong way due to apathy or memes.


+ able-bodied + neurotypical. (edited to fix a dumb mistake)


*neurotypical Nerodivergent refers to (among MANY others) things such as ADHD


Umm even white people are very much concerned. And males too....


I'm a white male, trust me, I get it. The key part is that unless you're ALL of those things I listed (and a few others that other folks brought up), you should probably be concerned. But even those people who are all of them *should* be concerned.


Love the fear mongering after 4 years where nothing happened to literally any of the categories you listed above. Well, except for straight, white, Christians. Violence has skyrocketed against them. And the black community, but that's black on black crime amd inept leftist policy and not the fear mongering you're suggesting. It's just interesting to see who's foolish enough to still believe the doom and gloom emotional blackmail for the 2nd time around.


You're absolutely right, not to mention the mention of black on black crime and rampant anti-whiteism.


Remember: people who want to vote for Trump won't vote someone else as a joke.


Meanwhile OP is openly voting for a third party candidate 95% of the population don’t even know is running. The brain rot is real.


They are an actual candidate though which I think is the main thing


With 0% chance of winning. I’d love an independent making it to the end as much as the next guy, but voting for one in our current political climate is literally throwing your vote your vote away, as much as that sucks.


Won't happen under our current voting method. A third party candidate would have better luck if we switched over to at least some form of ranked ballot.


If people wanted to vote for either Trump or Biden though, why would they vote for Markiplier instead?


Because a lot of far left progressives don’t want *any* liberal politicians. Total reform is the goal; UBI, nationalized healthcare, housing, education and transportation. Socialism isn’t being a democrat like most say, it’s a complete reform away from capitalism that puts the means of production in all our hands. No more making things or creating jobs just to stimulate economic markets, everyone gets the basics to live, eat, and be treated regardless of their job, even those who don’t work at all, even if they are capable. Democratic socialists are closer to alt right conservatives than they are to actual socialists and communists, but at least they don’t force children to give birth and outlaw being poor, a minority or openly support fascist ideology. But both parties work for the rich. The country is ran by companies, not ideals or the benefits of its people. Profit drives all politicians, and in lower levels of government, it’s a necessary evil because you literally need money to do things for free. If the right people don’t get paid in favors or money, you do not exist. For the right, it’s not at all the same landscape. Trump has a personality cult surrounding him as the hero to fix all the problems, and even those who heavily disagree with him will still vote full red ticket because of the false narrative that the American left party supports actual socialism and the dismantling of capitalism.


If you want to change the system, you need to have the power to make that change happen in the first place. In this election, one party will allow you to keep your voting power, while the other will try to make it so this one jackass gets to be president-for-life and persecute anyone he deems an enemy at will. And if you’re of the opinion that voting isn’t a path to reform and you need a revolution instead… consider which half of the country has all the guns. You gotta be realistic about what’s in your grasp, or we could lose everything.


I am realistic. I’m voting blue ticket. I just wish I didn’t have to.


I know this gets brought up a bunch, but I’m seriously still confused on how our votes matter with something like the electoral college process. Also screw the two party system. Also why don’t we have ranked choice voting? 😕


One catch is that you're supposed to vote for all the elections you have available to you, but too many people only vote in presidential elections. Make your voice known for everything from school budgets to governor.


I agree and vote in my local elections, but still it would be much nicer with ranked choice.


Given the fact that I live in CA and my singular vote doesn't get alot of traction in the Presidential election, I happen to be in the other camp, and I make sure to get out to vote in all of the minot elections. I want a say on my Local and State legislature, budget assignments, tax increases, and who takes on my local gov't positions. The smaller elections are about the only ones where my vote really means anything in the grand scheme of things based on where I live.


It’s hard to see in our society but even if your vote doesn’t directly show in the grand scheme of things it does still count. Like if you see talking heads talk about issues your vote is shown in their statistics. Just because you don’t get a high five and can see direct impact doesn’t mean it doesn’t count. Like seeing polls of things, like, 55% of people voted for pro choice politicians (made up statistic) can be comforting for a young person to know when they’re feeling like the world is against them.


I would love to have ranked choice voting, as well as doing away with the electoral college. The system is designed to play favorites with those already in power. The system needs to be dismantled and rebuilt from the ground up to be the most fair for the most amount of people. I'm voting third party


Not that my opinion matters, but voting third party is functionally the same as writing Mark in. They won't win, and the only message you are sending is an easier path to project 2025, a Republican hellscape. Anyone who doesn't want convicted felon Donald Trump as president better vote for the other serious candidate running for office. Say what you will about Biden, but he isn't insane, his policies have been pretty solid, and he can actually win, unlike any other 3rd party vote.


I am not a fan of Biden but he is 1000x better than the other option. I admit Biden made decisions I kinda agree with.


If everyone says don’t vote for third party because no one will vote for it, isn’t that kind of causing the whole problem? If we all just say fuck it, and vote third party (assuming our votes are legitimate, which who knows anymore) wouldn’t that be enough to at least have a chance to surpass the other parties?


The idea is to work our way back to a safer option election, where voting for a party with a low-to-none chance to win doesn't mean the end of democracy and human rights.


So how many people would actually stick to the third party vote when push comes to shove? Where people hit the polls and say 'yeah, i'm in for the libertarian green party guy', write it down, and take the chance of winning seriously when you hardly see campaigns for this person who has zero chance. People drop out of the race cuz running for president is expensive and tiresome, and the parties have to unify behind one candidate to even have a CHANCE of winning on election day. Voting for a third party doesn't *cause* the problem, its a symptom we have to deal with because that's the precedent. the US's entire political system is built on two parties. This kind of thing would need to be changed from within the political system as a politician, not as a voter. Especially when they make voting difficult for minorities and the disabled, people living in rural areas, and generally people with long hours at their jobs.


So if the voting system is so heavily geared towards republican vs. democrat and there’s absolutely no way for the voters to actually get the third party to win, then why even have the party on the ballot in the first place? That just doesn’t really make a lot of sense to me


That's the point. Yes, ideally, we'd have about 5 or so viable parties with a healthy ecosystem of ideas to choose from. Unfortunately, we don't. You have two options with your vote: vote for a major party person (R or D) or waste it.


The illusion of choice


I know my party has a slim chance at winning, but I can not vote for biden without sacrificing my morals. I will not vote for anyone who funds genocide, especially with my tax dollars


Out of genuine curiosity, do you believe that voting third party against biden will bode well if that causes a trump presidency? I 100% understand voting third party in any other scenario but I can’t morally vote third party this election knowing that the alternative is someone who is already dangerously close to taking so many peoples’ rights away.


THIS. Trump will undoubtadely be worse. Not to mention, Biden has been campaigning for a cease fire, but Israel and Hamas won't agree to it. Trump means no NATO and likely a 3rd World War. A Trump presidency could easily see US troops fighting on the side of Putin. Also, do you really think Trump won't start chuking US bombs at the Middle East the first chance he gets?


So your post is pretty meaningless since what you’re doing is the same as voting for Markiplier. It’s Biden or Trump, those are the choices. Not voting for Biden is the same as voting for Trump.


It’s not a slim chance it’s a mathematical impossibility. I respect your decision and beliefs but you should be realistic about 3rd parties in our current state of affairs.


By not voting for Biden, you are helping Trump win. By voting third party, you are ensuring that Project 2025 happens. And you are contributing to the genocide yourself, indirectly, because Trump will make it *worse*.


I really hate framing it like this but your morals won't matter if Project 2025 is implmented.


I got you, but given that Biden is refusing to play dirty given the recent Supreme Court decision (even though he totally could at this point), I think we can make an educated guess as to who will adhere to the rule of law, which, at a federal government level, is critical; if even generally level headed people who aren't on team Democrat are getting worried (including those whose professions are in law), I think the fear is probably at least somewhat merited. I politically lean left but I did NOT see the concern over the state of democracy itself with McCain or Romney-- I generally tend to view such narratives as fearmongering, but looking at Project 2025 itself and things Trump has actually said, I think being concerned is rational response. I know Biden is not a "great" (or even "good") candidate, and he's not as sharp as he was in 2012, but I'd vote for an actual corpse before Trump if that was his main opponent. Also, FWIW, Trump plans to be much more ghoulish when it comes to supporting Israel, so that's something to consider on a practical level when voting. I don't like the two party system either, but whether we like it or not doesn't change that it exists as of now.


> but I can not vote for biden without sacrificing my morals. Congratulations, you've just discovered what the trolley problem is about. Refusing to compromise on your own morals by pulling the lever makes you responsible for the five dying instead of just the one.


Facts oh my god. Also it gets worse when you think about how the people who will be suffering during a second 4 years of trump are more likely to be your friends and family. Re: the coronavirus.


Your party doesn’t have a “slim chance” of winning, it has a 0% chance of winning. I understand what you’re saying, I do, but voting 3rd party at this point in time is as good as not voting at all.


Project 25 outlines the ground work for the genocide of trans Americans, how about those morals?


It's your vote to do with as you please. But please...I implore you, please don't vote 3rd party. At least not for this year's presidential election. We need as many blue votes as possible in order to even have a chance at stopping P2025


Voting third party doesn't mean much if there's no ranked choice, or some form of multi-party rep. At the end of the day, I am mailed only two ballots, red or blue.


> I'm voting third party That's just throwing your vote away.


How do we the people change the system, because it doesn’t seem that politicians want to?


I fear that at this point physical measures might have to be taken by we the people. But this is neither the time not the subreddit to discuss this


To my understanding, our votes matter because the electors in the electoral college are supposed to vote for whoever has the most votes in the district that they represent, and while they could deviate from that, and vote for whoever they prefer, they usually don't, and they usually vote for whoever their district prefers. In other words, our votes contribute to the members of the electoral college deciding who to vote for. The two party system and electoral college suck, but there's not much that we as individuals can do to get rid of either of them.


Cool. Thanks for the insight. How do we the people change the system, because it doesn’t seem that politicians want to?


I'm not sure how, or if, we can change the system. I think we'd need politicians who are willing to change it, and while I think that they do exist, they seem to be a minority. Most of them are seemingly fine with the system as it currently stands.


Well yeah, whatever keeps them in power, right? Ha the status quo is better for them in that sense.


Do everything you can to make your voice heard by your representatives. Put the work in and utilize the system and tools at our disposal


vote for politicians that oppose first past the poll, and annoy the ones who do get elected, and have power to do anything about it.


Honestly, local and state elections are the way. These folk are the closest representatives to us, and slowly but surely, we will get candidates that align closer to our voices. The other thing is to keep yourself reasonably informed. From what’s going on in your school districts, all the way to what are our congressmen doing, is good stuff to keep an ear and eye on. You don’t need to spend hours reading up on it and if it begins to wear at your mental health step away, which is why I’m saying reasonable. But keeping informed matters. This will help you to make good decisions for your town, county, state, and nation. Lastly — play video games! Video games push us to use creative problem solving and critical thinking, two things that are under attack right now in schools, so the younger you are the weaker these muscles might be due to whatever your local right wing chapters have done to education. Mark would approve more games for all of us, haha.


You vote in local/state elections for people that do want to change the system


In 2016, Clinton lost to Trump by 0.6% in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. She lost by 0.3% in Michigan, which is only 10,000 votes. In Michigan, 33,000 people wrote in someone not on the ballot. In a room full of 100 people, Hillary Clinton lost the election by 2. That's why your vote matters. Apathy from progressive and moderate voters is how conservatives and fascists win elections. Even with an electoral college, there are swing states and states that flip. **If you want something actionable to do to fix this, join a canvassing group like progressive victory and help get the politicians who actually want to make a difference elected** If you care about a specific cause like ranked choice voting, find a candidate in a close race for this upcoming election that also cares (not presidential, do this for state and local politics) and canvas for them. Incremental change is better than no change.


Thanks for your insight. Actually meaningful feedback.


Of course! Politics can be daunting and discouraging, but they're also very important. As long as people put in the effort, there's hope for a better future. Good luck!


In some states it matters far more. I happen to live in CA so my vote is like 1/20th the power of someone in Rural Ohio. My vote basically doesn't matter since CA votes blue no matter what. I focus on Policies when it comes to these elections, and my Congressional Representatives, because thats where my vote has the most value. I'll still vote for who I believe is the best choice for President but since I live in CA overall "My" vote goes to the Blue team. I also feel its important to note here, that I don't believe in either of the 2 candidates we have as options. I think they are both miserably bad the the US, and I will be voting for a 3rd party. Who that is I just don't know yet. I don't care if its seen as throwing my vote away, I still need to vote for what I believe in.


You have to win the current game to change the rules for the better. So every vote against Trump is important. Don't throw up your hands in the air and give up.


just vote ffs


I do. Doesn’t mean I don’t have criticism about the system.


Tbf, I live in a county that just doesn’t sway the vote of my state ever. My vote is quite literally worthless.


Same, but I'm still going to vote. I want trump to lose by as many votes as possible even if my individual vote isn't going to change anything. Popular vote might be meaningless but you know losing it, especially by a lot, must still hurt his ego.


Maine, Alaska, and soon Nevada use RCV in elections RCV did seriously change the outcome of elections in 2018 election 2nd Maine, and both House and Senate in Alaska


Your votes are cast for electors. Those electors are pledged to the person who won the popular vote in your state. **Electors aren’t random people, they’re chosen by the campaign they’re pledged to.** A vote for Biden is a vote for Biden. If Biden wins the popular vote in your state, your states’ electors go to Biden.


> I know this gets brought up a bunch, but I’m seriously still confused on how our votes matter with something like the electoral college process. > > Because the results of a state are based on the popular vote within the state itself. The winner of the popular vote on a state by state basis gets the electoral votes of the state.


It is mathematically impossible for any system of ranked choice voting (with more than 1 voter) to eliminate the spoiler effect. Via Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrow%27s_impossibility_theorem


that doesn't mean that fptp isn't one of the worst ways of doing things 


I fully agree with this. Even if Mark did register as a candidate, it'd be pointless to vote for him if he was a third-party candidate because the system is rigged in favor of our two main political parties. If he ever runs for president officially as a democrat , I'd vote for him. In that situation, he'd be my ideal candidate, on account of being younger than any other candidate, and more progressive. But I don't think he'd do that, because he always talks about how much he loves making stuff, like his Adventures with Markiplier videos, Unus Annus, the momiplier documentary, and the upcoming Iron Lung movie. Running for president would mean 4-8 years where he couldn't work on any projects like that.


Also can we please take this election seriously? Like is Biden the best? No. But he's a hell of a lot better than Trump. Like look at Project 2025.


I'm sorry, but I'm not voting for either of the dementia ridden genocideers.


>Also can we please take this election seriously? Like is Biden the best? No. But he's a hell of a lot better than Trump. Like look at Project 2025. The thing that he has never once endorsed, or said he supports, or said he plans to use as his Presidential platform? I get that project 2025 is big bad boogieman doomsday sky is falling buzzword, but the guy has his own presidential platform that he won't shut up about called Agenda 47.


> The thing that he has never once endorsed, or said he supports, or said he plans to use as his Presidential platform? Except when he [took their recommendations the entire time he was president and had them write policy for him as he followed their "Mandate for Leadership"](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations), right?


And yet, he is not doing that this time. Why would he have his own Presidential platform if theirs already exists? Why would he be advertising his platform, if he was going to just follow theirs?


> Why would he have his own Presidential platform if theirs already exists? Same reason he had his own platform the first time he ran. *Republicans lie to your face* and people like you go along with it. >Why would he be advertising his platform, if he was going to just follow theirs? Maybe you should take a look at the amount of overlap between his campaign platform and the platform of the heritage foundation.


Why would he need to lie about not supporting one platform if there's as much overlap as you claim? Did you even look at Agenda 47 before you made that statement? >and people like you go along with it. Oh I'm a Biden voter. I just think 99% of you hyperbolic dipshits are as delusional as Trump supporters when you act like the sky is falling 24/7.


> Did you even look at Agenda 47 Yes. It's nicely in line with Project 2025. You're trying to engage in misdirection to defend trump. He has made no statement that he does not support project 2025 or make use of the heritage foundation. Reply here since they blocked me like a coward, guess I hurt the covfefes despite me being "not exactly very convincing" > If it's as in line as you claim it is, then why does he not just endorse project 2025? So morons like you will defend him on it saying he doesn't endorse it. > I get tbat making conspiracy theories makes you feel important, but you're not exactly very convincing. 1) that* 2) Not a theory, it's in plain sight between the involved parties. I'm not here to convince someone like you, I'm here to provide information and context to people still grounded in reality.


If it's as in line as you claim it is, then why does he not just endorse project 2025? I get that making conspiracy theories makes you feel important, but you're not exactly very convincing. >You're trying to engage in misdirection to defend trump. ? Do you have brain damage?


Remember, a non-vote, be it a fake vote or not voting at all, is as good as voting for the person you *don't* want in office!


This election is far too important for anyone to be messing around. Do we love Mark? Of course. Would he make a good leader? We already know he would. Would he want us to throw away votes during one of the most crucial elections our democracy has ever had? **ABSOLUTELY NOT.** I’m not gonna endorse a candidate here (though one can easily find my affiliation by going through my comment history). But engaging in democracy is how we make ourselves heard. Don’t throw that away — even on someone as amazing as Mark.


As someone that worked elections, they are very VERY particular about what counts for a vote. We had to discard a vote because they scribbled out other candidates and circled the one they wanted (which would have been fine) but then they added writing to it (sentence that was bashing a different candidate) and we weren't able to accept it as a vote Adding a different name that isn't listed, will automatically count as a discard. Just fill in the bubble of who you want to vote for clearly, that's it's that's all. I understand wanting to be haha for the joke, and if you are alright with your vote being thrown away, then you do you. But the people that actually count the votes afterwards have to follow very specific rules for what counts as a proper vote lol


Please vote for real, unless youre gonna vote trump then go ahead and vote for markiplier


Yes, *thats* why you shouldn’t waste a vote this year.


If someone is old enough to vote and genuinely thinks they can elect someone who isn't running by writing in their name, then they're too dangerously stupid to have voting in an important election anyway and you should just let them do their thing.


More importantly, mark probably shouldn’t be president. Love the man but I just don’t see it realistically, and I’m inclined to think he would agree


> it is literally throwing your vote away So is voting third-party, FYI


It's a real shame. The way I see it, America isn't really a free country if you can't vote for someone to represent your beliefs, if there are only too choices and neither are desirable, knowing that there's someone you agree with, but can't in good faith vote for, is a real gut-punch.


Not a total waste for 3rd party. 3 times in American history a 3rd party has won. Also yes the chance of 3rd party winning in modern America maybe slim but getting a 3rd party on the debate stage is needed again.


If Biden loses this election, it's a very slim chance that there will be another one after. So yes, voting 3rd party is a waste of a vote this election.


I’ve seen the posts about him becoming president and really really really hope ppl are just kidding lol. But I appreciate you making this post just in case they are not because ya never know with some of his fan base lol.


I wish I could upvote this a thousand times. This election is somehow even crazier than 2020's, and I can't bear to see so many people saying they're going to write Mark's (or anyone else's) name in on their ballot - jokes or not. Please for the love of whatever you believe in, do not fucking write anyone else's name in on your ballot. This isn't a fucking game. They're both awful choices, I can't stand either one of them, but I'd rather deal with another four years of Biden than Trump.


Yeah, let’s not make this the reason America collapses in on itself.


Mark wouldn't want the job even if he won. Please don't waste your vote, even if this election feels like a joke in itself.


I was going to think most people weren't going to do that, but at the same time, I remember people who unironically wrote "Harambe" on their ballots. The system's stupid af, and I've lost faith in quite a lot of folks. I liked it better knowing people didn't do much before voting. Knowing people are deliberate with throwing their votes away is somehow a terrible revelation to have. That said, yeah, don't vote for Mark Fischbach or Markiplier for president. I'd rather he *not* be associated with the war criminal position.


YES YES YES THANK YOU, I get the joke is funny and what not and we’re all stressed asf about the election, but I’ve seen too many people that seem way too serious about voting for Mark (I’m hoping they aren’t serious ofc but you never know)


Please vote for the Party that Mark would approve of!


Which is most likely democrat


I appreciate you starting this discussion! If you are voting, please do your research and vote for the candidate for you! Consider visiting https://www.votelikeabeast.com/ (hosted by GMM) for a whole bunch of information about candidates and the upcoming election!


I am definitely going to vote Mark in the 2024 ballot I will not be eligible to vote in the 2024 election, but I’m committing election fraud just cus Mark is worth it


I don’t think Mark would enjoy being president anyway. Seems like he would find it miserable


Agreed. I know people are probably joking, but still, waste of a ballot, ya know?


We need to vote Biden, even if you don't like him wholly, it's a race to stop Project 2025.


Project 2025 will just become project 2029 if Biden wins. Plus, why vote for someone committing genocide? Protest, Both candidates. Neither are fit for the job.


That is how we got Trump in office last time. Protesting during voting hurts no one but yourself. They lose nothing by it, we gain nothing from it. Don't be dumb.


No, Trump got into office because the Democratic party apparatus decided to do everything in its power to shoot down the incredibly popular Social Democratic campaign of Bernie Sanders in favor of a more "moderate" Neo-Liberal candidate like Hillary Clinton.


That is to say it was the Democrats who ALLOWED Trump to get into office because they refuse positive change. They prefer this unholy Yin and Yang between Fascists like Trump and Neo-Liberals like Biden because it maintains the current Socio-Economic order which benefits this dictatorship of the Rich we have in this country. Nothing will change unless we oppose this system.


I think the point is that they are throwing it away on purpose. If I go to a ballot, and there is no one running I agree with for that position, I'm not going to vote "the lesser of two evils" I'm not going to give either of them a vote that could sway it one way or the other, and continue voting the rest of my picks.


I refuse to believe anyone old enough to vote would seriously consider doing this…it’s crazy that you even have to warn folks


Wait a minute. Only registered candidates can be written in? But wouldn’t registered candidates already be on the ballot?


I don't know for sure. Could be a few reasons that I mentioned in another comment. Might be worth a google


Don’t worry, most of us were joking. Although, I was accused of being a fascist and a trump supporter for joking. Politics aren’t even safe satirically 😅


Honestly an amazing take thank you


Reminded me of sticking my early voting ballot. I'll most likely be trucking by Nov 2nd


So off topic but are spoiled ballots not counted in the USA? Some countries do count them as a way to see the population who don’t support any party


When we get ballots that just have a message but no votes, it gets set aside without being tabulated. When we get ones that have votes as well as messages, we ignore the messages and tabulate the ballot. Then, in adjudication, their votes get verified by a team of two. It has to be verified because the computer detected something that shouldn't be there, like writing.


I mean I live in california so my vote already doesn't matter lol


I will definitely not be wasting my vote on Markiplier this election, however it still feels like a joke no matter who I vote for…


You can just register him to make the votes count. I registered Kanye West since he never got around to it. 


Lets be real here, people who would write a youtuber in on a ballot weren't gonna be voting either way...


You think people who want to do this are people who care about their vote?


Um, I dont think people voting for markiplier have any intention of casting a genuine vote so idk who you are talking to here lol


In UK we just tick a box, it must be so much hassle to go through all the names


Isn't that the point though?


If people actually did this, they would be idiots.


I understand what you're saying OP. But on the other hand.... MARK FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!


It'd be basically like everyone during 2016 voting for Harambe instead of Trump or Hillary. Your vote gets thrown away, and it doesn't count.


Have you seen our official jokes for candidates?


Thought of this as a funny “haha” while showering yesterday. Sorry for bringing it into reality everyone.


I hope people are joking


We cannot afford go waste a single vote on a joke when we have a certain orange joke running for president again... he will end us pun intended


Sorry but putting a write in that does not matter is not a thrown away vote. It is a vote not to vote because some polling locations do not allow you to leave a candidate blank.


Side note, I'm tired of every presidential election being "the most important election in history". I will take two boring candidates that actually care about the country, instead of their corporate donors.


God are people actually voting this innocent guy for president because they want to be quirky 😭 we’re cooked


The fact this has become anything more than a joke is concerning


Oh god please for the sake of so many people’s freedoms and rights to do what they want with their lives please don’t add Mark on your ballots!


>So I better not see any ballots that say "Markiplier" unless you're willing to waste your vote on a joke. Well, to be fair I'll be wasting my vote on a joke no matter who I vote for, at this point. Whether the candidate themself is a joke or that the joke is thinking a non-major party could actually finally win for once. But yes, writing in Markiplier is a bad idea.


Honestly? That’s the point. I don’t care to vote in this election (assuming it’s Trump vs. Biden - if Biden ends up dropping, maybe I’ll vote for whoever replaces him.) I don’t like either of them at all, and if my vote matters, then I’m not going to just “settle” again for something I don’t believe in. I know it’s minor - but view it as a form of protest. Both of the candidates are terrible in my eyes, therefore I will not be voting for either of them. I’m writing in “Mark Fishback” because it’s funny, stupid, and it’ll make my friends laugh. Also because the candidates suck. Whether it counts or not doesn’t matter to me.


I won't tell you who to vote for, but there's still third party candidates. You can protest the two party system while showing support for an alternative


Makes total sense especially since they presidential candidate has to be registered practically in every state there are some presidential candidates that are only registered in certain States those normally get weeded out by the primaries


Better a wasted vote than any of the presidential candidates


If you like not having a gift shop in the office next to the oval office. Vote blue. Time to get serious.


you should at least put his real name, John Donald trump


I dont care about politics I would vote markiplier as a joke even if it gets thrown out idc about anyone in office do what they want it isnt my problem I gave up a long time ago on politics and I can say the same thing for the people who put in joke votes bc they most likely dont care either


"Better not," Brother, you better tell me what to do unless you want me to spite you.


I’m gonna do it anyway!! Idc


I mean, our votes barely count as is seeing as how our electorate votes are outdated 😂


He could be a good protest vote though. Remember folks, a protest vote means something. Not voting at all means nothing. Go vote.


A protest vote won't change the outcome of a presidential election, millions of protest votes wouldn't change the outcome, not the way things are set up.


Protest vote your rights away, good idea.


US really should count spoiled ballots


Vote is not valid thus vote doesn't count if everyone does this that's basically protesting the election


Well im sure as hell not voting for 2 senile old coots who dont know what the world needs. Every option sucks. We are doomed. I am writing in WHO I WANT. THAT IS NOT TOSSING A VOTE ITS MAKING A STAND AGAINST DOUCHEBAGS.


Don't tell me what to do, I'll write goofy in if I want to.


I've seen those too


Tis'my right!


Instructions unclear. Voting “Mark Edward Fischbach” on all ballots, from county/city level to federal government level.