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There's a McDonald's that's pretty good, Applebee's bar is nice and all the beaches here suck.


Thanks for the real answer


Culver's is the best burger spot in town


Been to Lakers??


That's the new spot right? I haven't, but I've been meaning to


That may be our busiest week of the year so be ready for that! Lagniappe, port side, 231 west are my recommendations. Jilberts dairy for ice cream. Nice beach just before Presque isle park.


That's great to hear, there will always be something to do!


There are some fantastic restaurants downtown. Check out Iron Bay, The Lagniappe, The Portside, Bodega, Delft Bistro, to name a few. I really only drink beer but love The Ore Dock, Blackrocks and Drifa. Many of the restaurants I mentioned have great cocktails. I love the beaches - good mix of sand and rocks, great for walking and cold water swims.


Thank you for the actual reply. I'll check some of them out, iron bay for sure!


No problem. I just hope these grumpy folks don't leave you with a negative first impression. The people in Marquette are incredibly genuine and kind and want visitors to appreciate the area as much as they do. P.S. I'm not a tater tot lover, but the white fish tater tots at Iron Bay are amazing!


Yeah it seems people are just not enjoying life there. I'm from Chicago and it seems like a great quiet place to get away and relax


Seems like I'm seeing this all over social media the past year- Trip Advisor, FB forums, Reddit, etc. I've decided there are a lot of bored people who are trying to be funny but don't realize how they just come off as unhappy. These snarky people truly don't represent the majority of folks in Marquette, who are too busy enjoying their beautiful spot on earth to waste time trolling on a subreddit.


Or maybe people who have been born and raised here hate the fact that outsider like you and OP have made summers up here unbearable.  We liked it much better when we didn't have to wait 2 hours for a table at our favorite restaurants or have our favorite spots in nature overrun by assholes.   But yes, let's make sure the Chicagoans have a good time up here at the detriment of the locals. Also, there's this thing called Google that will give every piece of information you just gave.  


no, see, he's right. lived here half my life, and only recently had to move bc rent got too high and when I tried to buy a house, the prices shot up almost overnight, but hey at least there are 1000 banks for no fucking reason and obnoxious million dollar condos popping up all over what was once a beautiful view of the lake, next to the same obnoxious hotels doing the same shit. Here's what I see: everyone coming here from someplace shitty so they can "find themselves" or "finally retire from the rat race" are fine and dandy with MORE people from janky areas joining them in shitting up the place. Those are the nice positive folk that are so genuine or whatever she said. But the locals? The real people who work here and have lived here long before whatever advertisement made you believe you should, too? They're not happy and the reason for it is because we've seen our unknown oasis of tranquility overrun by people that THINK they want to get away from the city, only to get here and find they're bored quickly and start asking why things here aren't more like where they come from. so now it's hell just to get down the fucking road bc some half-blind retired boomer decides going 25 in the fast lane on 41 is the proper way to drive and even after being here a couple years still doesn't know how a roundabout works. But you can have it. Fuck it up all you want. Hell, tell all your friends. We don't give a shit. Marquette is no longer the charming town it was not even a decade ago. All the locals got booted out of here after covid, anyway, and live on the outskirts. call us bitter, call us sad, call us jealous, whatever. but the increased interest in what was once a great little town has benefitted the 10 rich fuckers that own Marquette and the realtors that are controlling the housing market. Real people that keep everything running and cook your meals and clean your houses and basically ensure everything doesn't fall to shit are being fucked over so you can "summer" here and then Airbnb your empty house the other 8 months of the year it's too cold or snowy for you. like everything else in the world, it's less cut and dry than "oh Mr Krinkle (which is an awesome nod to Primus, but of course no one itt knows that) is just a grumpy Gus." He's NOT alone, I can guarantee you that. we're ALL a little grumpy in our Gus, and while it's not specifically YOUR fault, per se, I think it's more than a little gauche to think our opinions on the matter are less valid than those from people that have been here less than a couple years.


So what are the reason for the hotels? For locals to not sleep at home? I didn't think a 3 day vacation to the lake would trigger so many people


I'm sorry you're feeling that way Mr. Krinkle. Sounds like you might have some good stories to share about being born and raised in such a beautiful part of Michigan. I hope you have a good weekend and if we ever meet in person, I'd love to hear about what it was like growing up there.


To be real - the Reddit vibe is way more toxic than the actual experience. Check out Third Bass Bar. Delft is our favorite restaurant. The food trucks are all amazing. Kognision has great beer Enjoy your visit


Thank you for the suggestions! I'll check them out later




Oh I wasn't expecting it to compare. I just want to know what's decent and not horrible


Check out the Vierling for food, on Front Street...in addition to the other restaurants posted. Sorry people are being assholes in this thread. The 4th in Marquette is great. You'll have a great time.


Thanks for the advice! I'll maybe check them out Tuesday or the evening I come in


Stay Off Mr Krinkles lawn. That dude is bitter and mad at the world. Good thing he doesn’t own the city. Best 4th in the north. Go almost every year.


I'm glad I get to see the fireworks show on the 3rd since I'll be leaving on the 4th lol but I'll stay away from Mr. Krinkle


This is the way


Lol I just read his comment I get it now. What a jerk


It’s important you call him names and not why dude became like that.


Hahaha! I was thinking exactly this! I love the contrast of his name that is so endearing but his mood so grumpy. The picture of the guy coming out on his porch, wearing boxers and a robe to yell at kids on his lawn is exactly where my imagination went.


Yes. Spot on. Usually these types are angry and mad at the world. The tell tale was his commentary toward tourists even though many businesses and economy thrive on tourism. I wonder if he’s aware, he can move to Engadine or somewhere else where he won’t be bothered.


You’ll be here July 1st- 4th?? I’m that’s so awesome, what a relief!