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Removed because the OP wants to be rude to others. Keep the commentary civil, constructive, and remember the human.


My husband got a vasectomy because we were done with having children... why the hell should politics have anything do with it...


Because an accidental pregnancy can saddle you with another kid for 18 years, depending on the US state.


And? How is that a political issue?




Sadly, limiting women’s access to reproductive choice *does* lead to more abuse and even murder of the resulting children. I assume that knowing that will compel you to vote pro-choice, right? Because you care about the safety and well-being of children.


Of course not. It's about controlling and punishing women, nobody gives a shit about the children...


I don't know if you could say \*NOBODY\* gives a shit about the children. I bet at least one person does.


Being a bit pedantic here, imo


I struggle with 'always' and 'never' because I work with a lot of datasets that are more like 82% is the largest group I can ever assemble before the outliers start kicking in. I imagine its that way with most things but people arguing politics drop the outliers to make a point. And sometimes the outlier population is large enough to actually solve the problem. Like you could say that NO ONE recycles for our nation, but in reality it takes less than 1% of the population to process the 9% of plastics we really are recycling (which is 100% of what the nation can presently do). But saying no one does, or saying we don't at all is more common in political discussions because it's more fun to dunk on the competition than to talk with them honestly.


That’s actually really interesting and explains your comment in a way my simple brain can easily understand. I’m sorry for barging in but glad I did to gain this new insight.


There not pro life but pro birth, after the birth they don't give two f what happens. If they did you Yankees would actually have a decent welfare system, but you don't.........


Go back to Truth Social


Boooooooo 👎🏻


I agree. Booo to murdering your children


Nah fuck you buddy, I love murdering globs of blast cells that can’t perceive their environment 😍


better not let you near a special-ed class


The fact that people celebrate the right to kill humans because they cannot controll their sex drive shows how awful humans really are.


There have been an uptick in vasectomies since Roe was sent back to the states.


Respectfully, are you American?


What? politics are so much fun! Don't you want to jump into the swamp and play?


Personally no issue for me. I would get the snip.


Have you had kids?


I have a 24 year old and a 15 year old.


Why haven't you yet mate? As soon as kid 2 popped out I was booked in lol. Couldn't get it quick enough


lol because I have medical issues, I react badly to a lot of anaesthetic. Also I’m 50 now. And it isn’t an issue as sex isn’t even happening either . I was just answering the question.


all good mate, sorry, I didn't mean to come across as criticising you! Have a good rest of your night.


No worry’s mate. Totally understand that you didn’t know my situation. Also day here, Australian. You have a great night


Haha I'm Aussie too, little bit of US defaultism on my behalf lol. Have a nice Anzac day bud


You as well mate.




Would you have thought differently if you had no kids?


No not really .


I haven’t and I got a vasectomy. No kids for us.


Best $500 spent in my life. I (29m) have two kids with my wife. She pushed out two babies. With how painful childbirth is, it’s the least I can do. If she got her tubes tied, she’d be out of commission for six weeks. I get the snip, and I’m out of commission for one week, and it’s a cheaper procedure. Men, get the snip if you’re done having kids and still want to Creampie your wife. It’s 100% worth it.


Good on you for getting snipped for your wife! But are you thinking of a hysterectomy rather than a tubal? I got my tubes *removed* and was only on the couch for 3 days, not feeling 100% for a week, and reminding myself I wasn't back to normal by day 8.


I had always heard it was a 6 week for a full recovery. It is major abdominal surgery. Did you get yours down purely for sterilization or was some other medical procedure needed? It sounds like your was done via laparoscopy - which I had to look up as I didn’t know it existed. I don’t think it’s common or the standard yet, maybe most doctors aren’t trained on it?


I’m on the schedule to have my tubes removed in 3 weeks. According to my OBGYN who is also doing the surgery, it will be 2 weeks no sex and no heavy lifting then I can go on with my life. It’s also covered by my insurance since it’s “preventative”. I can’t wait


Yes, lapriscopricly. That's the way most surgeons do it now, as far as I'm aware. It was 6 weeks before I was allowed to lift anything more than 15lbs for the very slight chance of a hernia (I lifted my 30lbs dog without thinking and was fine). Otherwise, life back to complete normalcy after 2 weeks, and only couch-bound for a day or two. Done for sterilization purposes only, but I definitely don't mind the much-lower risk of ovarian cancer either. Read more info about experiences with lapriscopic bilateral salpingectomies on r/sterilization


Ok, I understand better (it’s good that that’s standard) but those 6 weeks still counts as recovery time, even if the restrictions were simple. Also keep in mind, many women considering this have babies or toddlers. The 15 lb lifting restriction would be a hug disrupt to daily life. I had a much more invasive pelvic floor surgery, and it was 6 weeks to heal, 12 weeks lifting restriction. While I felt good enough to walk around and drive and do things after the first 6 weeks, I still considered the latter six weeks with the lifting restriction as my healing time. And we had a one year old At the time so my husband needed to be present for all the child care until I hit the 12’week mark. If lifting a bag a grocery’s risks breaking you open, I don’t consider that being fully healed.


A week? Maybe I'm just stubborn but I was going about my normal business the next day, soreness be damned.


My husband offered to get one a few years ago when I was having a really hard time with my birth control causing a lot of physical and mental health issues. It meant so much to me, he didn't even hesitate. When everything started happening with roe v wade he was so relieved that he already had it done because then I would be at less risk. It's hard enough being a woman, I'm so glad I have a real man in my corner who prioritizes my safety and health. We both take care of each other and I know how lucky I am.


Does the fact that he likely won’t impregnate you have any negative impact on your attraction to him or desire to be intimate with him? I’ve read some weird claims regarding this.


Dafuk, that's not a thing lmao. My wife got way more comfortable with sex after my vasectomy


What weird claims are you talking about?


So, this is very odd and not sure where the claims come from. My wife's libido increased after my vasectomy. The fear of getting pregnant was gone and in many ways it was stepping up to me a man for our family, which is appealing. There are some people with a breeding fetish, but most couples tend to talk about family planning and decide what they want to do. The amount of men who have had a vasectomy is much higher than I used to think. Most of my married friends with 2-3 kids in their 30s-40s have had a vasectomy and all have shared it increased their sex life.


I’ve (37m) been with my wife for 21 years. We were always very cautious with sex. Either with a condom AND the pill. Or, the pill, and I’d always pull out. We NEVER had a scare once. I never came inside her bareback. No late periods. We conceived each of our kids in one ovulation cycle each. That is, a 100% strike rate. By the time our youngest was 1 year old. I had gotten a vasectomy. I now cum inside my wife all the time and we have no risk of pregnancy. We’re trying to enjoy as many of her menopause-free years as we can without the side effects of pill, condoms, and all the other stuff. It’s like our little treat to each other after all years of being responsible sexual partners. My loads on average are like… 10% smaller? But… I could throw an edge session in and cure that anyway. I will always champion the vasectomy. Get your kids. Get the snip. It’s a 10 minute procedure.


This is the way.... nothing beats raw dawg sex.


This was my experience, always super safe, no scares, took no chances. We had semi-planned, unprotected sex twice, and have two children. “Semi-planned” because we were ready but not “trying” and said hey why not this time. I got mine last year, and it is just wonderful. I have never been able to have sex without the background “what if..” stress. Now there’s no planning, no equipment. We can be spontaneous, messy, and adventurous without any worries.


Fuckin’ aye. The messy thing is where it’s at… well sometimes. If we just want to go to sleep after, I’ll pull out and bust on her. It’s at least an hour process to properly let all the cum out of her 🤪.




Does the fact that he likely won’t impregnate you have any negative impact on your attraction to him or desire to be intimate with him? I’ve read some weird claims regarding this.


I couldn’t wait to get mine


Did you have kids at that point?




Would you have thought differently if you didn’t have kids?


I never really wanted


I had a vasectomy within a year of having our 2nd child, because we were both confident that we didn’t want more. We don’t regret it at all, and we’ve had a lot of worry-free fun ever since. :)


I 100% support and recommend a vasectomy for people/couples who are sure they are done having kids (or don't want kids). That's before any type of political/legal aspect gets applied to the equation. With the current state of things it only makes me double down on that opinion. That conversation is more important than ever.


I plan on getting one once we're done having kids


Already did. Never wanted kids.


Only weak men watch their wives go through childbirth and all it's risks and pains and choose not to get a vasectomy when it's time. I'm happy I never once had to question whether my husband was strong enough to do that for our family.


Do you not want kids (or more kids), and know this for certain? Then get a vasectomy. Do you want (or possibly want) kids, and know this for certain? Then don't get a vasectomy. It's really not that complex.


The politics of this issue are stupid and the MAGA dipshits are bent on destroying the country. For the purposes of birth control, vasectomy is by far the best option if you do not want ANY more pregnancies (IMO). But it is surely not a one-to-replacement for abortion, which is a crucial component of comprehensive healthcare for women.


I’m currently in bed recovering. Politics had nothing to do with it. She doesn’t like condoms.


Any kids?


Two girls, five and two.


Once we are finished having children, my husband is comfortable getting a vasectomy and I’m fine with him doing so. But, not until after we are both certain we are finished having children.


Had vasectomy couple years back. Didn’t factor politics into it. We’re just 40 and too old. Procedure was quick and easy. Recovery was not bad


I got a vasectomy after my wife and I were done having kids in order to get her off of birth control pills. Politics had nothing to do with the decision.


My wife had a difficult birth with our now 12 year old. I got snipped shortly after that without hesitation. Politics didn’t matter in that decision but I would get snipped today knowing how politics is shoving their nose in it anyway.


My husband volunteered. We were done having kids. He said: I’ll call on Monday and make an appointment. You’ve given me (us) 2 handsome boys. Your body has been through enough. This is my responsibility.” The following Monday night when he got home from work, he had his appointment date confirmed.


If I hadn't already been planning to tying tubes during my next (and obviously last) c section then my husband would be getting a vasectomy. This mam HATES needles and feels incredibly uncomfortable in any health office setting (unless he's there to support me) and was still willing to get it done to ensure I wouldn't be on the pill the rest of my reproductive life


I’d happily get a vasectomy. Why should all of the pressure be placed on women? I also have two kids and I’m content.


my husband had one about 8-9years ago ...we were done having children..I said to him since his work health insurance covers it why not get done. it costs around $500 NZ to get it done which is cheap compared to having to raise a child and that was a big factor in my husband not having it done sooner as we didnt have that sort of money spare back then


I already spoke to my husband & he plans on getting a vasectomy as we don’t want kids & I don’t want to go through getting another iud


My husband got snipped about a decade ago, because we only wanted one kid. We're happy about it.


Got the snip, politics not required........


I got a vasectomy and my marriage didn't make it a year. So hindsight, probably a dumb move since I'm in my 30s and might have a second chapter


My husband offered and got a vasectomy. We do not have children nor do we want any. Because sterilization is generally less invasive for men, I was incredibly happy he did.


When I told my husband I wanted to get off of birth control and get my tubes tied he immediately said he doesn’t want me to go through an unnecessary surgery and offered to get a vasectomy instead. He booked it right away, got it done and healed quickly without any complications. We don’t want kids and I don’t want to have to deal with getting an abortion if I accidentally became pregnant. Best decision ever.


I’ve offered but my wife said it wasn’t necessary because she has to stay on birth control for health reasons. Would I have done it without kids, as that seems to be your next question, no. I would hope that my marriage had enough understanding and enough up front conversations on kids vs no kids.


I have 3 children and got snipped after the third. What do politics have to do with it? We didn’t want more kids, a vasectomy is much easier than a hysterectomy. It was a Friday, I was in and out in 30 minutes and we stopped to eat chipotle on the way home. I put bags of frozen peas on my nads periodically throughout the weekend, watched Netflix, relaxed, and I was at work Monday morning.


I had a vasectomy after our 8th child.


I was planning on it but need to make sure I'm not getting divorced first. I would prefer to get the snip vs divorce if it was up to me.


Im on birth control so he doesn't need to, we also want at least 1-2 kids. If he offered right now I'd be a little taken aback that he no longer wants kids. Once we're doneI'd appreciate him doing it though.


I plan to get it soon. We have one child and no interest in more. She has health issues anyway, so another pregnancy wouldn't be good. She's in process of getting her stuff done to get herself fixed as well. Personal choice all the way, both sides.


I had a vasectomy after my wife had 2 difficult pregnancies, it was easier for me to get it done rather than having her tubes tied.


If we got pregnant again, what a blessing. Political climates wouldn't change our views on that.


My wife is pro-life so the politics wouldn’t make a difference for her. That & we’re in a state where hell will freeze over before even the mildest restrictions would be placed on abortion. So politics still wouldn’t make a difference even if her views were different. That said, we don’t plan on having anymore kids so I we did research a vasectomy. About the time I was getting comfortable enough with the idea to do it, she told me to hold off because she’s considering bilateral Salpingectomy.


Whenever we decide we are done having kid(s), I will gladly get a vasectomy.


That depends. Are we done having kids and/or both absolutely sure of that? Is our marriage in a good place and neither of us have any doubts about our long term relationship? I think it should be something discussed together and not just outright asked of the husband, but if all those criteria are met, it seems reasonable to me. Is there any shadow of a doubt about whether or not either of you may want kids (in this or a future relationship)? Are you just not sure having kids in the future and just want him to get a vasectomy as a backup in case of failed birth control? Then I don't think it's fair to ask at all, unless you are also willing to have your tubes tied. I think, in either scenario, it's important to consider if you could answer a similar question from him with a confident, "yes."


still feel the same way out of the light of the politics


I got it without being asked.


My wife and I are both politically left leaning and in the US. The rollback of abortion has been a challenge for both of us. It's a right my wife never had used and wasn't likely to need, but it still felt horrible to have something taken away from her. That ruling happened in 2022. I had a vasectomy in 2020. We were done having our kids and a vasectomy is a much less invasive procedure than anything for her. Two days of *pain*, a week of discomfort, and three months until sex without condoms...and we havent been concerned in 4 years. In a monogamous relationship, a vasectomy is a very easy and minimally invasive procedure to ensure no future children. My wife had been on birth control from her teenage years until she stopped taking it after our second was born and we got my vasectomy scheduled. She's happier and feeling better off BC and we can have all the sex without any concern.


I offered to get a vasectomy after our second and my wife asked me not to (even though we were done). I never really understood why. Then she had some health issues / surgery and couldn't get pregnant again anyway.


My husband offered to get a vasectomy once we are done and it is appreciated. I’ve realized hormonal bc isn’t the best plan for me.


I'll get one when my wife no longer takes birth control.


After we found out we were getting our third child, My wife made an appointment for the vasectomy and drove me there. And honestly, it’s not that bad. Recovered within 3 days and the procedure was done within 15 min


Why do American politicize everything? Jesus. If you are done having kids and in a committed relationship, the easiest thing to do is for the man to get a vasectomy. It had nothing to do with fucking abortion laws or anything. Just common sense.


Got mine 41 years ago.didnt hurt that bad. I was 24 . Actually fucked that night, the doc had said shoot a batch as soon as you can. Yup I’m tha guy. Remarried 26vyears..since our early 40s. We agree if not fro the vas, we would have had one in our mid 40s phew.


Done, it was easy. No brainer. Women have to deal with too much.. think star ship troopers kid: “I’m doing my part”


What political atmosphere are you on about?  I’ve had the snip, but only we had all the children that we wanted to have. Getting the snip because of Gaza? Trump? They/thems? Russians? Would be bizarre 


Vasectomies have gone up since Roe was sent back to the states. To say it hasn’t had an impact would be intellectually dishonest.


Basing your reproductive future on politics is ridiculous.


The side effects scare me


Fear is the mind killer.


I just don’t want my dick to break


I am willing to wear condoms and do other things to mitigate the risk of pregnancy, but I am not willing to get a surgical procedure that is not necessary for health and I don't think anyone should need to. Additionally, no one should need to fuck with their hormones to avoid pregnancy. What I am really excited about is Vasalgel (or Plan A, as it will likely be called once it hits the market). I have been following the development of this non-surgical, non-hormonal male birth control for years and it is getting close to FDA approval. I think this will be as much of a watershed moment as the invention of "the pill" was. I highly recommend everyone look into this and support/promote this research as much as possible.