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OP, you might as well be honest: you’re wondering if she got the UTI from cheating and if her “excuse” is real. That’s what you’re really trying to ask, isn’t it?


Wow I posted this and stepped away and came back and this has *totally* went a different direction and now that I am re-reading with the implications in mind, I can see how I gave those vibes — *totally* not intended! I wasn’t thinking that at all because there is *zero* chance she cheated, that’s just not in her in any way / shape / form and I never worry about that stuff with her (which is especially nice when something like this happens). Also, we are both each other’s only partners — she’s never even seen another guy naked in real life.


Why did you say she “swears“ they are always brought on by stress? That’s what made it sound like a cheating accusation.


It’s so interesting to me sometimes on Reddit when I read back something I typed out (with what I had in my head versus what the sentences end up saying) with someone else telling me their perspective, and then it seems to change the intent of what I typed. But in this case, in hindsight, it would’ve been better if I substituted “swears” with the words “is fixated on”. Because she’s like “I think I have a stupid UTI! I hate this! I only get these when I’m stressed! I hate being stressed! It’s so stupid work did this to me! It’s so annoying to get these just from me being stressed! Ahhhh!!!”


OK I totally get it now. Sorry for even questioning. PS I love manatees.


Thanks for saying that but PLEASE no worries, it seems like many people got the same vibe as you from how I wrote it (which still makes my head spin) when really I was just putting it out there to share something about my married life that I was thinking about and curious to get more info on. But I think because this sub is what it is (cheating so commonly discussed) that so many posts can take on the connotation of cheating.


UTIs can't be caused purely by stress, but stress can compromise your immune system and weaken your ability to fight infection. So you might say, if you're under a lot of stress, you're more likely to get a UTI, but stress doesn't give you infections on it's own. Bacteria and viruses do that.


Thanks for this info, that definitely makes sense and I see several others commented here in a similar way. And now when I think back better on the last few days, she finished her period on Friday and we had sex that night and also the next morning (and she didn’t get up to pee after either time, as I mentioned above). And her GI system has also been messed up because she’s taking a new supplement her doctor suggested so she’s been in the bathroom more. So I guess it’s likely the combo of all that plus it sounds like her immune system being weakened from all the stress — that all those factors combined to give her the UTI — that all seems to fit together logically and helps me understand better. Thank you again for your input!


UTIs, especially recurrent UTI are often the same strain of bacteria that doesn't get eradicated, called biofilm. If she has this happen decently regularly, I really recommend taking something called D-mannose


When she stressed out, does she drink enough water or is she chugging coffee 


Yeah peeing after sex is actually good for helping prevent UTI. I go even when I don’t feel it just to try. All the sex fluids and sex organs touching everything may cause UTI, moreso if the immune system is compromised, and some meds can also make the situation worse as a natural side effect (like the suppress the immune system a bit and what not).


It seems like bodies have certain 'pet ailments' that crop up when stressed. I tend to break out, and my hair falls out when I'm super-stressed. (Not all of it, thank goodness, but there is always a significant amount of extra shedding, and then months later, I have the baby-hair flyaways as it growns back in. LOL) If it continues for a while, I'll inevitably come down with something. My husband tends to get sick when he's superstressed too. It's like the respiratory crud stalks him and pounces when he's superstressed! Bodies are just weird. And if your wife has a tendency toward UTIs (some of us do), then well-- there ya go. That said, your phrasing of "she always swears ...." also made me wonder if you were questioning the veracity of her statement too. I'm glad to hear you aren't worried about that. Do whatever you can to ease her stress at home during this time to try to help balance some things out. Just generally keep up the good work as the good husband you are. Hopefully she'll be better soon. Thank god we live in an era of antibiotics!


Just a thought but for years I had UTI symptoms when I was younger. The cultures and blood work however didn’t show positive results for said UTI. But they assumed that it must be based on symptoms. Turns out the entire time I had something called endometriosis. It was all over my bladder, colon, appendix, etc. I noticed that you said that she just ended her period too. So I find that interesting. Symptoms can be worse or flare during menstruation and/or ovulation. For some it’s all the time. Does your wife have painful periods as well?


Just want to say that her UTI could be because she’s having bathroom issues. I had a bad time of nonstop UTIs last year and was told that women with diarrhea or issues like IBS normally have a lot more UTIs (makes sense when you think about it). Wasn’t my issue but taking D mannose after sex fixed it for me so maybe ask your wife to try it. UTIs are very commonly caused by sex.


My brother, encourage your wife to go have a good pee after sex every time. It’s a bit of a buzzkill sometimes but when you’re done, hop up, go get her a warm washcloth, and then encourage her to go have a tinkle while you clean up any wet spots on the bed for when she comes back. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


If I start taking an unusual amount of Tylenol or Motrin it can mess me up. Tummy issues can sometimes set them off too for me.


Do you think that this isn't the reason? I'm trying to parse the reason for this post.


Do you not believe her or something? Can’t put my finger on why it seems that way lol


I felt the same way, and this sentence is where the feeling crystalized: >But then somehow stress is what causes these infections for her.


Are you looking to accuse her of cheating or something?


Stress isn't the literally cause. I currently have a severe uti and it because I have so many responsibilities that caring for myself comes last. I’ve been so busy taking care of my family that I haven't been able to eat enough or drink enough water. That’s straight from the doctors mouth.


As a chronic UTI sufferer, I sing the praises of D-mannose. It helps keep bacterial biofilm from attaching to your bladder. Great stuff


Stress, no. But that can lower your immunity. Changing hormones in your 40s? That will make her more prone than she was before. Frequent UTIs are common in pre/peri menopause. UTIs can also be caused by a tummy upset, poor wiping, scented soaps, even non breathable underwear trapping bacteria in. In other words, plenty of common causes that aren't sinister OP.


This is the best answer.


Stress doesn't give me UTIs, but it does give me other health issues that might be similar. I get pimples, stomach issues, I am more likely to get a cold. I think stress messes with your immune system which can make you more prone to infections.


She’s 44. She may be getting them from her estrogen levels dropping.


You’re on the money with this one. I’m in early perimenopause and do ivf, our wild hormone levels can make us susceptible to UTI’s so easily. I had one on and off for 6 months last time.


This is something I didn’t know could be related — very interesting. My brain kinda knows menopause and all the related body changes for her are likely not far off. But because she still gets her period very regularly every month, I rarely think about this. I don’t think she does much either. To me, she still seems young and beautiful and her cycle like it’s always been — so it doesn’t connect for me to think about her body internals (stuff like estrogen) maybe starting to change and affect things for her. I hope that makes sense.


She is 44 and likely in perimenopause it it can occur up to 10 years before actual menopause. “the decreasing levels of estrogen during perimenopause can lead to changes in the lining of the bladder, which can result in a change in the urogenital microbiome. This change in the microbiome reduces the natural defense mechanisms against UTIs.”


See *this* is the stuff I come to Reddit for — additional insight and knowledge and perspective into stuff that’s happening in my life, and stuff I’m thinking about. Thanks for this info!


Stress can increase the chance of an UTI.  I had them for years because of stress. When I had stress and drank to little water or was one minute late to the toilet it would happen immediately. 


Stress can weaken your immune system and your ability to fight infection. Plus, if her hygiene takes a hit when she’s stressed or rushed (hand washing, wearing underwear for 24 hrs+ instead of changing after hitting the gym, etc) then that can do it. When I’m sick with a cold I tend to get UTIs as well. It’s not uncommon.


I hadn’t even considered the potential decreased hygiene (because she’s been stressed and her mind has been on way more things than normal) — so this is a very good point, thanks for this.


Stress doesn’t *cause* a UTI but stress does weaken your body and its ability to fight off infections or make it harder for someone to properly care for themselves


I get UTIs when I forget to pee after sex, or when you wipe from back to front. If you poop and the water splashes your vagina, you can get it that way as well.


Wow I just had a UTI and I guarantee my man didn't run to reddit and ask why I got it or even speculate as to why he just got me some relief medicine some cranberry juice and some hugs. Thank goodness for my husband 💓


This question is wild, it's a UTI. If she got a fever from stress would you investigate this hard? 🙄


I have a friend who constantly has it. Even without having a partner. Now she has a partner who causes that even more often for her.


Sometimes the UTI will persist if you don’t wait for it to be completely gone before being intimate again


So, UTIs are caused by an infection, not stress. If she doesn’t pee after sex, then what likely happened is she encountered some bacterial agent during sex, and didn’t flush it out of the area by peeing. UTIs don’t just spontaneously happen because you don’t pee, some kind of bacteria has to be present too. So congrats, you clean yourself relatively well. Possibly her urethra is longer than average. But this time bacteria made its way where it shouldn’t. Maybe one of you didn’t wash your hands as thoroughly as you should. It could be anything. Who knows.


I'm pretty sure it's caused by bacteria.  It just happens sometimes.  


A UTI can be caused by so many things.. it’s like getting an Upper respiratory infection who cares where it came from I’m just glad she got it treated. Some women are prone to UTI’s and some aren’t. Some women have them after having issues with diarrhea. Really, a UTI doesn’t in anyway say anyone is having an affair. And it’s not caused by stressed. Like another poster said if she is so stressed her immunity is down she is open to infections. My suggestions, help your wife relax. Try to help with household responsibilities. Maybe do grocery delivery or pickup to make things easier at home. I hope your wife feels better. UTI’s can be miserable.


Stress doesn't cause a UTI. The main thing is stool going in her vagina.


I’ll be real with you my college professor would say women get UTIs if they even say the word, it’s that easy. He was a man so he was unafraid of verbalizing this information / was immune from this curse.


I'd say invest in a massage chair or device. We(women) carry our stress in the pelvic area. I've had chronic UTIs and to a point had chronic bladder pain until I did something about my pain. The best you can do is believe her and listen to her.


If her immune system is compromised by stress then she is certainly more susceptible to infections of all kinds.


As someone who gets UTIs from stress it is entirely possible and she really needs to focus on prevention. Peeing after sex, you washing your hands before foreplay, her washing her hands before masturbation, not holding her pee (this is how I get UTIs because of meetings), drinking enough fluids, and making sure to properly clean and sanitize toys before use. So yes stress can cause UTIs especially on top of not doing prevention.


Stress can have crazy effects on our bodies. If I’m extremely stressed, i’ll start my period or have random bleeding. Yes, a UTI could be possible


Stress does not cause a UTI. It's literally an infection. Caused by not peeing after sex


One time I was so busy I didn’t take time to pee all day. Got a UTI.


Chronic UTIs are a thing for some people, and stress can negatively affect the immune system overall. I know a woman who is about ready to go celibate because she’s tired of the near constant UTIs - her doc has left a standing order at the lab for lab work to check for UTI so the woman doesn’t even have to call the doc to request it any more, just go to the lab to get checked & when the results come in the doc can order the script.


Yup, definitely a thing. Also many women get more UTI's closer to/during menopause!


Yes I can 100% confirm you can get a UTI from stress, signed from a woman that has had multiple UTIs in her life.


I don’t necessarily think it’s stress, but I do think it very much could be. It’s not proven, but what I’ve noticed with myself is that in winter I can get UTIs a lot more, and there’s no explanation for it besides the fact that I’m generally more anxious and sad in winter. Or perhaps winter causes my immune system to be compromised, and stress could be doing that to your wife. Again, it’s not proven, but just something to keep in mind. Also, I hope you don’t mind, but I looked quickly at your post history (I do it with most users who post), and you seem to overthink a lot with how to show your wife care, etc. and maybe have anxiety. Just letting you know that even though your wife may not be amazing with showing love (because perhaps her love language isn’t the same as yours, or that perhaps she’s just not affectionate in general), she 100% appreciates it and loves you very much. Most women would be very grateful for someone who supports the family and constantly wants to find new ways to show love and care. You should let her know what your love languages are, or that you’d appreciate more words of affirmation or affection, etc. - but still tell her that you appreciate everything that she does, you’re just an overthinker and sometimes you need reassurance.


Thank you for taking the time to leave such a thoughtful and kind comment — I appreciate it ! :)


Yes. Stress can increase the risk of developing a UTI by affecting your immune system and urinary habits.


As a woman who suffers from uti’s, i have never heard of nor ever had a uti from stress. Uti’s develop from bacteria not from stress


None of mine have been stress related. Are you two sexually active?


Yes. It's Nirmal. A fantastic doctor told me.




Stir the pot 🍯