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At one point I had heard about the experiment where the psychologist discovered that couples who don’t “look at the birds” together, have a much higher rate of divorce. I forget the name of the study, but essentially it said if your spouse is looking out the window and says “oh look at the pretty bird” if you don’t respond by acknowledging your spouse, and looking at the bird with them, you’re essentially rejecting them and the more you do that the higher likelihood you will end up divorced. I don’t know why this stuck with me, but it did and I remember being incredibly attracted to my husband when we were dating because he did always look at the birds with me. It’s been 7 years together and he still ALWAYS looks at the birds with me. Doesn’t matter how silly or insignificant of a bird it is. He will stop what he’s doing to respond and acknowledge me.


https://preview.redd.it/3stej1fauv1d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=40b976c63d14bf1948b58e00aa81acd309605167 I’ve had this screenshot favorited in my camera roll since 2021 :)


This is so interesting!! My husband is very quick to point out beautiful birds he sees from our window and I am always running to see them, lol!


It’s gottmans research on emotional bids for connection


"Bids for attention." That's what those are called these days :)


Oh weird, my husband and I literally always point out birds to each other. I thought that was just our adhd and shared singular brain cell when we’re together lmfao. Didn’t realize we were cultivating our relationship.


Does this work for pointing out cool rocks??


I think so. My honey brings me pretty rocks and pebbles. Not because he cares so much for them. But he knows the joy I get from looking at the different rocks.


That’s cool…I just like finding different ones and imagining how it formed…usually on hikes and toss it back


Yup! We go hiking and find really cool rocks. Some come home. Some I make into little towers in the woods lol.


That’s beautiful


I love this♥️ I’m like this with sunsets and flowers, while my husband is like this with animal videos and food porn 🤣


That’s great that you both have separate interests but engage with one another across those interests. That’s the whole point! A “bird” can be anything.


My wife is honest to a fault and could NEVER cheat.


I like how your nice thing \*still\* says "to a fault". even when we're good we're bad! /jk


I love this! My husband is very nurturing, attentive, sweet, confident, strong, a hard worker, a great dad, and extremely selfless. I definitely lucked out.


I lucked out too! I didn’t find my husband until I was 40! On AOL chat. Best guy I EVER met! He takes care of me and I take care of him. We are best friends too! I’m so blessed.


Edit: I met my wife on IRC in 1996! We’ve been happily married for almost 27 years. She met me when she was 40, she will turn 68 this year and I will turn 52.




My wife cares for me more than I thought anyone could.


Same. It's so healing. I hit the husband jackpot!


He's a wonderful husband and a devoted father. I always tell him that if I had to start my life all over again, I'd make exactly the same choices just to be able to be where I am today with him.


My husband and I found each other later in life after failed marriages. We had to go through what we did to appreciate each other. I wouldn’t change a thing!


My husband is a loyal friend, is fantastic at getting projects done, with all the necessary phone calls, and is in general a pretty optimistic, happy guy. Just don't be a fuckwit in the carpool lane during commute hours 😆


has never lied to me and never betrayed me, 10 years and going strong!


I really love the connection my wife has with our kids, especially our 14 yr old son (the eldest) but she has such a bond with all 3 of them (the other 2 boys are 10 and 2) I also really love the way she has made the house we brought 5 yrs ago into our home (and garden) she has such a creative mind, unlike me who struggles to draw a stick man 🤣


Can your wife help me pick out paint for my house? I accidentally painted my living room Green Screen Green lol my husband is color blind and I might be too at this point haha


My husband's eyes are perfectly complemented by his freckles.


My husband is a true treasure. He loves our children and I selflessly, is forever faithful, has a stellar work ethic, never talks badly about *anyone*, adores all animals and is just a wonderful human. He is my favorite 🥹


My wife is extremely kind. Like to a fault. She's also one of those people who is overly concerned about the wellbeing of people around her


Grandchildren softened my husband so much, it is a real joy to see him turn to silly putty in their hands.


My husband is truly one of the best humans I’ve ever known in my entire life. He cares so much, he’s so selfless & loving especially when it comes to me & our sons, he’s the kind of Husband & Dad that other women & kids would kill to have. He’s also an amazing friend to me & his other friends as well. If our boys grow up to be just half the man their Dad is I will consider that we’ve done a damn good job raising them. My husband is just the best, I’ve always been so proud to call him mine 😍.


I'm from the south, where it's a woman's "place," to fix her man a plate of food and bring it to him. After a long day, my husband will fix and bring me a plate of food, which is super sweet, and with my upbringing, it makes it that much more special to me!


Not only is he sweet and handsome, my husband is truly supportive and caring!


Two decades together- and her smile still melts my heart. It makes me feel that everything is right, just the way it ought to be.


My husband will dig down deep to make sure I am fully supported. Whether that be buying me a tripod to film stupid tiktoks on (its a school project) or putting up with my mother, he’s there for me


He’s the smartest most sweetest person I know.


My husband is a wonderful parent, an equal partner in our household and parenting, and an amazing husband. Reading some of these posts in Reddit has really made me appreciate him more.


She puts up with my shit. ;) 


Haha ok this is my answer too. Bless these patient partners lmao




My husband has dedicated his life to taking care of me and our daughter—he cooks for me, cleans all the time, is affectionate, sweet, and is my best friend. I would do anything for this man because he does everything for us.


Tonight in the hot tub we just talked about how nice it was to just BE. Enjoying the trees, the birds, boats going by on the river. Since we are both retired, the only time we are apart is when one of us is doing chores. We go everywhere together , and just enjoy each others presence.


He’s extremely kindhearted, funny, seriously lights up our home with laughter and fun. He is the best father to our little boys and sets such a wonderful example of nurturing strength for them. He’s my favorite person and I feel so grateful every day that we found each other.


My husband is fucking hilarious. Our dates always involve both of us laughing to the point of tears.


My wife is the most caring and generous person i know. My wife is loyal to a fault. With all my mental health issues, she could have walked away 10 yrs ago when I was at my worst. But she didn't. In sickness and in health means what it says to her.


He’s very patient and kind - despite some of our issues in the past (both past trauma, substance use, mental illness, and infidelity). Incredibly sharp, great thinker, and the cutest freaking nerd - a true lifelong learner and probably should be a writer because of these pondering thoughts and creativity. Resourceful and creative. Humble. My party guy, best friend, the shoulder I can ugly cry on with no judgment. My protector from my narc mom. I love him even more for supporting me at my worst, forgiving me at my worst, and just being my best friend regardless of both our past trauma/baggage. We’ve been together 8 years and married over a year now. It’s been a wild ride but I’m so grateful for him and blessed we have this commitment. Nothing is ever perfect but you’ve always gotta keep trying. I love this post - thank you for focusing on the good :)


My wife of 40 years is the most awesome person alive.  She's beautiful, respects me, communicates with me, and makes me a better person.   I like who I am, and she's the one responsible for helping me grow in understanding, in love for her and the kids and grandkids, and being a helpful and respectful person.  Oh, yeah, and humility.    She helps me grow in humility. 🙄


My wife is my Angel. Literally saved me from myself and empowered me to be the man I am today.


My husband takes wonderful care of not only me but my children that are not biologically his. I can be really hard to deal with at times due to my ptsd and ocd but he still wakes up and chooses to love me every day and i don’t think he knows how much i really do appreciate and love him. 💙💙💙


My husband is a fucking rockstar. Not literally, but kind of literally. He doesn't sell out concerts, but he is so ambitious to make a difference in public health policy. I'm incredibly proud of the work he has done since we met, in school, professionally, and in volunteering. It's incredible what he's achieved and the awards and recognition he's received for his work. He's an amazing human being, and I'm proud that he's my husband every single day. And with ALLLLL that...we still have an amazingly solid and happy marriage. We make time and space for each other. We have fun together. I'm building a creative portfolio supporting some of his projects that I'm going to turn into a graphic design side business that I'm really excited about.


My husband is a really great dad. He's attentive and super involved with the kids and their interests. He plays with them. He cares for them. He's there for them. He's also a super hard worker and would do anything to provide for his family.


My wife is a uniquely kind & happy & caring soul, she always really connects with everyone she meets. People remember her. I constantly feel like I married up and that I am so very lucky that she’s *my* wife and the mom to our three kids. I just feel lucky. I don’t know how I got so fortunate to end up with a woman like her. It doesn’t make any sense. And I think me being in awe of her every day is a pretty good way for me to feel :)


He is honest even if he knows it will get him in trouble, he is attentive, loves Jesus, GREAT Dad and Husband, super smart, so fun!


When there is a choice, my husband always chooses the kindest choice, even when it isn't the easy or safe choice. I admire the heck out of him.


Only say 1! That’s that’s the challenge for me. Ok. My spouse is legit one of the best people I know. He’s loyal, he’s kind, he’s funny, he’s sincere, he’s honest and trustworthy, he’s dependable. I honestly adore my husband and the person that he is, I’m fortunate to have a good partner. Bonus, he’s hot and excellent in bed!


My husband excells at what i call practical love. His love language must be taking care of me. Something around the house or my vehicles need done or fixed like tires... done. I never lift a finger on outside chores. He won't let me wrangle heavy objects. He pays the bills and is a wonderful provider. Most people think he's gruff and not very emotional, but with me, he's my teddy bear. He treats me like precious glass.


Anything I show even the slightest interest in, my husband enthusiastically says “you should get it!”’or “you should do it!” I love that.


She caries our medical insurance.


Just now, he noticed I was pulling the roller bag and he was pushing the easier spinner. He offered and did switch me.


My partner is to be admired for so many reasons and I am also very much in love with him ❤💕


I just took an hour long nap, nursed the baby, then my husband took the baby and is snuggling her while she sleeps. He’s a great dad and great husband. My daughter and I love him very much.


My husband puts up with me and doesnt expect me to be perfect He is a sweethearted person with a strong moral compass and I know he'd never hurt me He is a wonderful father He's my best friend He makes me feel loved everyday I can talk to him about anything and everything


My husband helps me babysit our kids


My husband is incredible. He’s a hard worker, an amazing father and helps any way he can with the kids. He knows my morning workout routine and will either make my preworkout for me or coffee on my rest days. He helps with anything around the house. He’s involved with the kids as much as possible. He loves me unconditionally as much as I love him. Struck gold with him


He’s got the best laugh and smile and can light up a room when he wants to.


She is the kindest, most competent mother ever. Super great tits too.


My husband is a sweet gentle soul. He can be big and scary (6'5 trucker) but loves kids and animals and is so gentle and loving.


I’ll give you 3 today: My husband is so handsome when he’s sleeping. Sometimes I watch him sleep until he catches me and calls me a weirdo. My husband is the most nurturing man I know. My husband is an amazing cook.


My husband is faithful and makes me feel beautiful and loved every single day. He cooks 95% of our meals and is one of the hardest workers I know. He’s very affectionate w our children.


My husband is the kindest, purest soul I have ever met . His ability to forgive is almost otherworldly. There is literally no one else in the world like him. He is the most unique individual I’ve ever known in my almost 50 years. One of my biggest fears in life is someone hurting him . It also helps that he is handsome and he gives me amazing massages a couple times a week


Oh man! This is my favorite thing to talk about. I'm going to preface this with, I am not delusional. I know full well that my wife is human like the rest of us, and she, in fact, CAN do wrong. Back to the nice thing though, my wife is my complete and utter peace. She is the solid ground in this crazy world full of empty promises and boobie-traps. She handles everything with so much grace, compassion and understanding, that it sometimes makes me wonder if she fell out of the pages of a classic fairytale.


Last night, after he had given me two great orgasms, we were watching a show. There was a mark on the TV, it was annoying me but i didn't say anything. He got up and went into the kitchen (I wondered what he was doing) he came back with a cloth and cleaned the TV. I was sat there thinking wow, a guy that can fuck and clean (without being asked)! I'm so lucky.


My husband is wonderful it has been the best 40 years together.


My husband loves his mom and dad so greatly that his goals for success often are to thank them for their effort.


no other to compares to her.


My husband is the best person I know. I’ve never once felt any worry about him crossing a boundary with someone else, cheating on me, or betraying my trust because his integrity is so high he won’t even open the door for me to *feel* worried about it, let alone actually hurt me. Those aren’t things it even registers in my mind to feel “thankful” for because it’s such a constant in our relationship. He is a phenomenal partner. He’s funny, kind, attentive, hardworking, and really allows me to just be myself. While no one is perfect; he is just really *great* as a human. When he’s hurt me, which is inevitable in a relationship, he’s owned his mistakes, sat in the discomfort of evaluating why they happened, and really done the work to grow and to repair our relationship. He’s the kind of person who makes a lifelong commitment and really means it, and it shows in how he approaches hardships and how he treats me. He really considers me and my feelings and he is incredibly kind. He supports me in the big things, and never forgets the little things like putting gas in my car or getting a blanket for me if I fall asleep. He’s an imperfect person, but a person phenomenal partner and I really admire that about him. He’s also exceptionally generous and will give you the clothes off his back (this has actually literally happened many times.) He is incredibly smart but very humble about it. He makes me laugh so hard my cheeks get numb. He is kind, loyal, hardworking, and just an all around standup person who makes me want to be a better version of myself. My life is infinitely better because he’s in it.


My boyfriend is sweet and caring and supportive beyond what I could hope for 🥰


My husband made me realize how deeply a person can love. He's been with me at my absolute lowest and just keeps making every day better


My husband is the last person on earth who would ever hurt me.


This is easy. My wife is the sweetest, kindest, sexiest and most fun woman I’ve ever met. I am so glad she accepted my proposal!


Easy: my wife is the most selfless and caring person I've ever met in my life and it makes me wanna be the better person she thinks I am


I thought that I loved my husband as much as anyone could love another human being and then I watched him become a father. I get the pleasure to watch him love and nurture our son and I realize that the love I had for him is nothing compared to the love and gratitude that I have for him now.


My husband is also amazing with the kitties! He is a kitty whisperer.


She’s got a hear of gold


My husband is very reliable and knows how to do a lot around the house. He’s also really funny and makes me laugh more than anyone I know ever has.


My wife has decent taste in men.


He is silently generous, never seeking attention or gratitude for his acts of kindness. He thinks things through so intentionally, even the things that may seem insignificant in the long run-he’ll make sure that if he’s going to do something, he’s going to do it correctly. I also love how much he expects of me and trusts me, he knows my potential and he both helps and pushes me towards that.


My husband is such a sweet man. He takes good care of me now that I am pregnant. He is kind and generous, sometimes people try to take advantage of him because of this. I love him so much. Even when our dog is a pain in the ass the calles him “sweetie” in the most loving way, like trying to make him understand that barking too much is bad.


I cried the other day cause I hate where we live and he started to plan a move. I told him I would work again to make money faster and he tried really hard to take a second job to not have me work. He’s still going to that second job interview… I love him.


My husband and I have the weirdest things in common. We are wildly different but the things we have in common are very entertaining.


My husband never makes me doubt his immense love for me. He always makes sure I'm comfortable first and takes care of my every need without expectation or complaints.


My husband meets me where I am. I don't want to cook? Takeout. I can't summon the energy for the bedtime routine? He'll cover it. I have a terrible sleep and want to sit on the couch all day? We can postpone the house clean. I'm working on getting better at this one, but he is good at it already. Also, this is more one we do for each other, but he does whatever he can to not say 'no' to me, even when he probably should. There's a cool concert a city over I want to go do? We can stretch the budget to cover that. I need X thing for my new hobby? Sure, go for it. We do weekly dinners with my aging parents that I am sure he would rather not do, but he knows it's important to me, so he puts down the controller, puts on a smile, and helps me entertain for 4 hours each week. in return, he goes on road trips with his friends, buys things for his hobbies, and we see his family whenever he wants, but I love that these are discussions we have.


My husband sometimes just gives me this look, he knows what he's doing, and it just melts my heart. His eyes are so full of love and his cute smile just barely hides the dozen I-love-you's waiting to spill out. It's my favorite thing in the world. 


She is an amazing, caring, attentive and truly incredible mother and wife. We do have our challenges like all couples do, but despite those hard times she is still attentive and caring and it makes me so happy to see how she treats our kids. I also know that despite any limits or challenges she may have that she is always trying her hardest and doing the best she can. No matter how we are doing in life or how much we have changed I know she is going to continue being that amazing woman I fell in love with back in high school and even in the hard times we will always come back to things with love for each other and trying to be the best we can be for each other and our kids. Also it doesn't hurt that she is incredibly beautiful with a smile that melts me inside.


My husband is THE funniest man in my orbit. He makes me laugh to the point that I get asthma attacks from the wheezing. I absolutely love his sense of humor. Of course he is kind, intelligent, and generous, too, but it’s his humor that is what strikes me the most.


My husband has to be the nicest man on the planet.


Easy. My wife is loyal. I can say many nice things about her but this is the most important for me.


I laugh all day because my husband. He is so funny and goofy and will do anything to make me happy.


My husband is an incredible father, he is very supportive, he loves with his whole heart, he is resourceful, and if I may, he is nice to look at and knows how to rock my world every single time.


He always makes me laugh. Even when I’m seething with anger lol. I have to turn my head because I don’t want him to see me smile but he already knows.


My husband has been consistently stepping up his house husband game since I switched gears to working a corporate gig instead of the web design business I've had for the past 14 years. (mostly from home) When he saw the kids were falling behind in homeschooling because they realize while my attention is taken at the computer screen they can sit there and pretend to work... He established a whole new accountability system and told them it's not mom's job to make sure they're doing their work anymore. He's got a schedule for them and he's in charge of who gets breaks. I love it Ps. He's starting his business now, working from home as well. He's at the hasn't grown enough potatoes for the famine stage of his business, but I believe in him!


My husband has worked so hard on himself as a person thru out our marriage. He’s a wonderful dad. He works so hard for us. He has the biggest heart. He’s kind to strangers. He’s honest. I could go on forever. I’m not gonna lie, I needed to be reminded of this today.


Easy: He's a phenomenal off-the-cuff cook. He can turn a random assortment of ingredients into a tasty meal with relative ease. And no, he's not a chef or in any related profession. An extra: He's supportive even when he doesn't know *how* to be supportive. He might fumble or be confused about how to help support me, but he *wants* to help and that means a lot.


My wife loves me and gave me two beautiful girls


My husband is extremely active when it comes to cleaning and doing projects


My husband is extremely reliable and responsible. I never ever have to worry that he’s spending money on stupid things, driving irresponsibly, or doing anything that would endanger myself or our kids. He’s probably the funniest person I know. We’ve been together 21 years (hs sweethearts) and he still makes me laugh. He also makes me feel appreciated. He makes a point of thanking me for dinner every night, even if it’s leftovers or something frozen. I also find him extremely attractive.


My husband is the best! He is my best friend and takes great care of me. I married him at 40 and I love him with all my heart!!


My wife is an incredibly caring woman who has always believed in me since we became friends online almost 29 years ago. I met my wife on IRC in 1996! We’ve been happily married for almost 27 years. She met me when she was 40, I turned 51 last year. She’s an incredible mother to our kids from her previous marriage, the way she talked about them helped me fall in love with her.


My husband loves me so passionately and holds me tightly every day. He is compassionate and strong. I feel so safe with him physically and emotionally. I’m crazy in love with him!


I dunno I just think she's neat


He’s the most considerate person I’ve ever met. He makes me laugh every day and I love spending time together.


My husband is a great father, and when I was sick he was taking care of us all and being loving and caring too…


My wife has tried to support me as much as possible through the death of my father. My mom has been gone for years and I am an only child so handling his passing and estate continues to be a massive undertaking.


She’s sexy on rollerskates. And a million other good things :)


My husband has the most integrity of anyone I know.


As soon as I lay eyes on my husband I feel like I am home- and we don't have to be home. I feel like nothing can harm me; complete safety. He is loving, self-sacrificing and everything he touches in our lives is improved from his care. He's funny as hell too. I'm his biggest fan


My husband communicates his needs clearly and makes sure he knows mine and fulfills them.


My husband is very attentive , patient , understanding and very loving /respectful I love him so much and I’m very fortunate to be married to such a man🥰❤️


He is the sweetest man on the planet, and seeing him with our grandkids just melts my heart.


The real challenge here would be to say a not nice thing about my spouse. He's the best person I know and I love him so much.


My husband is hot and is incredibly good in bed❤️


I keep track of his amazing behavior in my notes app. I recently rediscovered this list. I could write a book but I'll stick to practical stuff other men can copy: He listens to my stories from work and asks questions, keeps up to date with ongoing drama and knows my friends names. He gets me off first every time and isn't happy proceeding until I'm there. He parents with compassion and constantly doubts himself as a father, trying to course correct as he goes to make sure he's nothing like his father. He respects my work and speaks highly of me, constantly reassuring me my imposter syndrome is misguided. He does the laundry for the family of five. I do dishes and cooking for us. We both juggle full time jobs and three kids. He doesn't think anything is woman's work. He challenges me intellectually and shares his opinions about articles he's read. He is brutally honest and has this resting dick face which most people find unnerving, except with me he is goofy and tender and talks my ear off. Nobody ever believes he is the chatty one when we are at home because he's so reserved in the real world. He texts me a few hours into my shift asking how work is going or if I'm home with the kids he texts to ask if my morning with kids is hectic or fun or dull. He knows I'm too cheap so he noticed my knapsack drawstring cloth purse was broken recently, he found the order history and replaced it. He randomly brings home treats for me from a bakery he walks to on his lunch break. He takes feedback about problems and tries to adjust his behavior to help our relationship. He has never called me a single name, in 10 years. He encourages me to take time to write or pay for daycare so I can nap before nightshift. When I've been home with kids all day and he arrives home from work, we eat dinner and then I read in the bath tub for an hour while he does bedtime. He plays board games with me so we can still play and flirt and tease one another about poor Scrabble skills. He is fiercely protective of me, even from the kids guilt tripping me or taking advantage of my softness. He's listening to the audiobooks of my favorite book series and we have long ongoing discussions about the world and its characters. When we go out for dinner on a date, he looks over at me and says "want to go buy a plant?" I have over 50 plants already, but he knows it makes me happy. When he wants to initiate sex, he starts by lightly scratching my back and then drawing his fingers over my body, softly igniting every inch with need, slow and deliberate, for several minutes before even kissing me. Last night I told him I was working the next 3 nights in a row and he pulled me close and told me how much he misses having me in bed when I'm at work. This was after we discussed another couples squabbles in my friend group and he very bluntly told me he is more convinced than ever that we are soul mates but neither of us are religious so it doesn't make any damn sense to him. It was delivered in the least romantic analytic way but that somehow meant more because it wasn't lip service. He honestly can't figure out how we could be soul mates if all that spiritual shit is bull. He is my best friend and in 10 years, it has always just felt like the longest sleepover ever with my favorite person ever.


He works hard. He is my partner in all things. He makes me laugh. He loves me just the way I am.


He is one of the most intelligent people I’ve ever met. I’ve never met a man with a mind like him. He’s handsome in a boyish way. He can be attentive when he wants to be. Although he is quite forgetful he remembers what is important. He challenges me in difficult ways, but it forces me to be stronger. He shows me what I need to improve. He is a bit of a workaholic, but I admire his dedication to his career, and although at times it consumes him, I believe that he can one day balance work/life. He has a heart for those less fortunate, particularly children. Above all of these things he makes me laugh about the most bizarre things.




My husband is one of the smartest people i know. I never get bored of picking his brain. he’s also very hot.


My husband gets cuter everyday. I honestly don’t know how he does it


My husband is my best friend and though we may disagree from time to time and argue, he never makes me feel unsafe or unloved. He is literally the first person I want to tell anything and everything to. He saved me from myself.


He’s the other half of my brain. Loving him has always felt incredibly natural and easy. I admire how hard he works, and appreciate how we communicate with, and love, one another. He’s an amazing bonus dad to my son, and the sexiest man alive. I got so lucky when he chose me. I love him so much. * edited for typo.


He is honestly, without question, the best person I have ever met. He is so genuinely kind and caring. He’s honest. Hardworking. Loyal and patient. He loves his family more than anything he would ever want for himself. It’s straight from his soul. And he is also incredibly hot. Beautiful inside and out. He just does it for me.


My husband is a mensch and I love him for it. (Amongst other things).


This is a great post!! We hit 30 years married in August. My wife is an amazing compassionate and caring woman who essentially takes care of us and the whole neighborhood. Being lucky enough to be married to her makes me try and continuously improve myself.


My husband is the best supporter and motivator ever! I have lost 70 pounds since October of last year, done a 20 day gym streak, and made huge strides in my mental health. He has made me feel so good about myself that *I* finally felt I was worth my effort. We also earned our Master’s degrees together in 2022 while have three kids! He’s been my rock and is so loving. I am grateful for him and also for this post.


My wife is brilliant and the perfect supporter for my dreams and goals, and that of my family


He's a good caring dude.


My wife is the kindest and most patient person I have ever known.


He’s been a stand up guy. He is a good father and husband. He always has a positive attitude. He likes to laugh. It helps during hard times.


He's such a beautiful soul, inside and out, and I could never grow tired to be around him. He's my best friend and lover. I love him for all he's been and all he's yet to become


My wife is one of the most driven and intelligent people I have ever met. I seriously do not think there is anything she wouldnt become an expert at if it intrested her enough to devote time to it. Shes funny and creative. She doesnt like to sing in front of others (self-conscious) but every now and then Ill catch her singing a song and its just heaven. She is a champ in the kitchen, And I could not ask for a better woman to have a child with.


My spouse is such a straight shooter. They have this incredible and simple compass for doing the right thing and doing right by others. They also have become the most amazing parent in the last couple of years since our child came along. I'm so thrilled to see how they take on the challenge of parenting and always learn about new things we can do to parent better. Really inspiring!


My husband is very caring, thoughtful and loving. He puts me first and it really shows. He's the best husband for me.


My wife doesn't always share the same interests as me when it comes to sports and entertainment, but she always inquires about stuff if she sees me watching it. She'll even asks how stuff ends (she doesn't want to get too emotionally invested by actually watching the shows which is understandable because who wants to watch all of One Piece to understand a reference). In turn, I try to always ask about the romance books she often reads. Some actually sound interesting but it's also nice to see her like different things as we grow older.


My husband makes me laugh every day. We send each other silly texts, and I use the romantic silly emojis. Just so he can answer me with “Oh MY” as if he is surprised. We pass an old love note back and forth, for years now. He wrote on one side, and I wrote on the other. We hold on to it, and hide it for a while. And then we put it someplace where the other will find it eventually. Like in the toothpaste box, in the coffee cup, the air fryer…so it will be found later.


My hubby will build anything/fix any broken thing I ask him to. I asked for a chicken coop, he built one, I asked for a counter top above my washer and dryer and he built it, I asked for a shelf above my washer and dryer, he built it. He’s loving and he puts up with my random bursting into song due to him using a trigger word. He also puts up with my random and awful dancing. 😂😂


My husband is the straightest shooter I know. He’s also the most loyal human being I’ve ever met.


My husband is so sweet and snuggly to me. He kisses me on the cheek every single morning when he leaves our bed. He encourages my love for animals and helps me take care of new foster dogs without complaint.


He is nice enough to call on his way home from work to ask if we need anything from the store.


My husband is so sweet + he is hilarious, we laugh all the time. Not a challenge finding nice things to say about him. The world is a better place because of him.


She’s the nicest person I’ve ever met, never met anyone who’s got a bad word to say about her. Being with her makes me want to work harder at being a better person.


She takes on the world , she’s brave and hardworking, she’s beautiful and an amazing mother to our children


Lol I love that this is a challenge. Saying nice things about my husband is not challenging! My husband is the most loyal and caring friend I've ever known. I don't mean being my friend - I mean every single person he has ever befriended. He would do anything for the people he loves.


My husband is an amazing cook. Now that he’s retired he does the majority of the cooking and I am so appreciative.


My husband is extremely quick witted and intelligent, and HILARIOUS. Also, he has dance moves and rhythm like I’ve never seen in a grown man, it is so much fun. He is gentle and strong at the same time. And he is an incredible chef! And handsome, too.


The strongest person I’ve ever met. A true survivor.


He takes care of all the yard work and maintenance on the cars. Can fix pretty much anything around the house


My husband is incredibly kind, clever, funny, and empathetic. I love doing even mundane things like running errands with him, because he makes it so so fun. He’s the best friend I have ever had.


My husband always wants the best for me .


He's my 24/7


My husband is thoughtful and the most intentional man I’ve ever known. He consistently shows me nothing but love and support even on days when I’m at my worst. He is, to me, the most amazing father and husband.


She is incredibly motivated and capable. She's amazing with kids.


My husband is the most patient, kind person I have ever come across in my life.


My (29f) wife (32f) dyed her hair blonde again. Usually red in the fall and blonde in the summer. She made a joke that I just love her blonde. And I do, but I wasn’t sure why. Then I realized when it’s fall, the days are shorter and her smile framed in warm red makes me feel cozy and safe. But her smile framed in blonde hair reminds me of the sun, she looks happier and it lights up the room, literally.


He's a great storyteller. He's the kind of guy you want to take camping because he'll have the whole group enthralled with his ability to tell a tale. He's got a very appealing personality that, even when he's having a bad day, you still just wanna be with him. I'm looking forward to him trying some standup comedy on open mic night very soon (his idea, and he's gonna be great!).


My husband and I are each other’s own personal brand of crazy, stubborn and fun and we wouldn’t have it any other way. We’ve often joked that we’re the only two people who can stand to be around the other. Even our couples therapist said it doesn’t make sense how we’re together. We laughed, but I think she was serious. Dunno. We’re going on 15 years and he still makes me feel like the person who makes the earth spin.


My husband is a great father to our daughters. I grew up with an abusive father who scapegoated me so it's especially touching to see how much my husband loves our children. And how safe and loved they feel with him.


Not a challenge at all. She's the most amazing woman and completes me in every way


In her case, this challenge are not so challenging


My husband loves me despite all my flaws and faults (and there’s plenty of them).


My husband is amazing at helping out with anything, and going above and beyond with it. He will carry my purse for me anywhere. He changes diapers even if I found out it was dirty first. He will step in to take over with a chore without saying a word. And hardly ever complains about anything. It's like a switch went off in his brain after we had kids that makes it important to him to help out and do things to make my life easier, and he genuinely enjoys doing so for me. It makes me feel so loved and appreciated.


I love that he's always had my back when it comes to family.


Its been 10yrs and he still makes me a cup of tea :( That action alone is so powerful, he is an amazing guy truely


She's really great at organizing stuff. She's good at keeping track of household finances, she's got a great memory, she's great at helping our son plan his college classes, etc. Having said that, her approach to all these things is completely different than mine. I like to think that I would be pretty good at it but since my method is obviously "wrong", then she gets to handle it. Basically she's a pretty good office manager for our marriage. And that's about it


Everything, really, I can't narrow it down so can I just say he makes me really good ratatouille?


My husband has a huge heart. He's an incredible father to our child. He's my biggest cheerleader and I'm so God damn lucky he chose me to be his forever.


My husband is very well equipped. There’s more but mommy daddy time just occurred so someone has their mind set on it.


My husband is the kindest, fairest, most compassionate and caring human I’ve ever met. He helps people at every opportunity, and genuinely cares about treating other humans with respect. He says ‘thank you’ to me anytime he notices I’ve made an effort towards maintaining our home or cooking dinner, etc. He is exactly the man I thought he was when we first got to know each other, and I am grateful every day that I am lucky enough to call myself his wife.


My wife is the most beautiful person inside and outside, everything and more I could ever need or ask for. Wouldn’t swap her for anybody anywhere ❤️❤️. I hope that covers most of it 👍🏻😁.


My wife is just awesome, really cute, funny, mean (in a cute funny way), does so much for the family and me, and has grown so much since we first met! I love seeing the person she continues to become!


my husband is the kindest and most selfless person I’ve ever met :’)


He's the most open minded person I've ever met. A truly admirable quality this world needs heaps more of.


Always there in an emergency, works hard for our family, listens when I have a concern. I try my hardest to give back what he gives us.


My husband simply loves me. Multiple times, every single day, I am always told I'm loved and that I always will be. It's the one thing that will always ease my mind when I think about it.


Out of every person I have ever met, including the ones I’m related to, my husband is hands down the best man I have ever met on this planet. Not for any specific reason or virtue. He’s far from perfect, but he does his best, lives with integrity, and treats me with respect and consideration. We have tons of little differences and some important disagreements, but at his core he’s pure gold, and I trust him with my life, my child, my heart, my money, etc. For context, I’ve known him for about 17 years at this point, married for 11.


My husband is incredibly principled and unwavering in his beliefs. He's also incredibly confident and self assured I really admire that about him.


Im disabled andHe takes good care of me.


He is so gorgeous 💘❤


My husband is clingy and cuddly and loves being babied, he's just a whole softie and I love it.


He is super funny


My wife is the most loving, kind, sexy, sexual, funny, fun, grounded person.


I admire his genuine goofiness and how unashamed he is about it; his antics always get a massive laugh out of me.  He's currently been away for a year due to military. Not having him here with me has been awful and I've gone through terrible depressive episodes. The other day when I sat in silence thinking about him, suddenly a random text notification from him pops up. He sends me a video without context of him filming outside the window of his barracks during a severe thunderstorm. A flash of bright lightning hits the sky and right after, he started making loud "gorilla noises expressing approval" as he called it. It was completely random and so out of the blue I sat on my bed for a solid 3 minutes with tears in my eyes from laughing.


And he's very loving 💓💓


My spouse is extremely patient and supportive of me.


My husband cares for me. He cares for my children. He brings me flowers almost every time when he goes shopping. He is positive when I’m down


My husband can fix almost anything. He's great with his hands.


My wife really loves our wiener dogs


He makes me laugh so often, especially when I'm sad


My husband is really good at fixing things and being a handy man. Anything breaks in the house? He can fix it. I mean, literally. He has done wiring, electrical work, all the way to removing a cabinet and installing dishwasher.