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Not at all, you only live once, do it however you want and however feels good to you! I don’t think anyone has ever said life has too much romance.


Fuck no! It's sweet and cute, love it! My wife and I couldn't afford a honeymoon when we got married. I put money in a honeymoon account every paycheck and our plan is when our youngest graduates high school.....we'll finally get our honeymoon.


It's your relationship! No one else gets to tell you what's weird and what's not!


I think it is kinda humorous. It will definitely be an interesting story to tell later with people. More interesting than mine, getting married in one country, and about 6 months later the reception in another country. It is your story you are now writing! Good Luck and enjoy


I think it’s cute! Every story is different. My spouse and I have been together for 13 years, had three kids, been engaged for 10 years, and in May our family members very randomly decided for us that we were having a wedding this summer lol. So now we are getting married in August and I love that for us.


Not weird. I LOVE that and think it's super sweet 🥰


Not at all, I think that's adorable


She probably REALLY wants and dreams of that moment. Think about how incredibly happy you will make her by making her dreams come true. Thats all that matters.


Not weird. I ask my wife to marry me all the time. For our 20th Anniversary, I got down on one knee and popped the question all over again with a bigger diamond (it had previously belonged to my grandmother). We've never had a 2nd wedding. But certainly additional proposals.