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I don’t really do much kissing. It’s a sensory thing mostly. My husband likes it so I work it in occasionally, but it’s really more like a 6x a year thing during sex.


Could always focus on the intimate aspect of the relationship. Focus on things like cuddling, maybe an intimate massage that doesn’t lead to sex. Making out. Kind of take the sex out of the equation. Maybe that’s what’s missing. From one couple to you.


Maybe her feelings about kissing are tied to emotions or changes in the relationship dynamics. Communicating openly about what feels good or awkward might help you both reconnect. Good luck finding that spark again!


Did you ask her why she doesn't like to kiss you? There's really no connection between kissing and receiving oral sex so I don't think it's particularly strange to be okay with one and not the other.


She says it feels weird. We will kiss hello and goodbye, but not make out during sex, if that makes sense.


I would push her a little more to give you a more specific answer than "weird".


Maybe your style is too slobbery?


Or teeth grindy? Do you have stubble or a beard. Stubble sucks. I.dont want a blister on my chin after sex. V embarrassing.


Nope, some stubble but have always had that


Definitely not it and hygiene is on point


How's ur breath?


Listerine breath. Teeth straight white and no cavities. Use tongue scraper everyday and floss


I don't really like making out with my husband. I love everything else, though. I don't like the feeling of saliva on my face or someone else's saliva going in my mouth. I feel like it's really common to not like it, like how people don't like sharing straws and eating utensils.


Does she go down on you? Maybe she just doesnt feel oral intimacy at all.


Nope never. I’m not the biggest fan of BJs. Don’t get me wrong they are good but I don’t push it since they aren’t that important to me


Huh. Maybe just notnher thing. Can't relate


I like kissing too, but my wife is not a big fan of it during sex . She also won’t let me kiss her after I go down on her . So I stopped going down . I try to sneak it in but I can tell she wants it to stop . People are just different I guess. She is the weirdest , most non- kinky, plain partner I’ve ever had and I married her? 🤔🤔🤔