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Gorr. We didn't even see him butcher any gods. So disappointing.


To be fair, I think Bale did a great job with him. Just wasted potential


That seems to be the general consensus. Bale did a fantastic job and it was completely wasted not butchering any gods, as the god butcher.


God damn right sir.


It was a movie with a scene of a colosseum packed with gods and the main antagonist was called the god butcher with a god killing sword and they managed to not put the two together. How the fuck didn’t anyone mention this before they started filming.


I think you’ve just illustrated a good chunk of the reason why Hemsworth wants to continue to be Thor, but only if Waititi is no longer directing…


To be fair it was likely a Sony thing that ruined that movie. They were clearly setting up symbiotes and hard turned away


Knull wasn't even a thing when Gorr first God butchered.


This. Was not a fan of any of the Knull additions. It was bad enough they made all the symbiotes look like reflections of Venom. The only reason he even looks the way he does is because the symbiote was trying to mimic his costume.


Yeah, in the comics, All-Black the Necrosword was the first symbiote.


And they killed Knull without even giving him a proper intro. Sometimes it feels like Marvel Studios hates the audience and comics with how much they butcher the characters


It wasn’t even knull in love and thunder MCU don’t own the rights to him


What else could it have been? It was a shadow that wielded the necrosword, which is basically a vague description of Knull


You have to remember that knull was retconned to be that guy 5-6 after gorr eas introduced




I worked on T:L&T, we knew end of week one it would be a disappointing outcome. Sony had nothing to do with it, Disney had the reigns real tight, Taika seemed exhausted from the get go.


I think that was two different movies crammed into one and that's why the tone and general atmosphere sucked SO bad. Bale was giving us a Captain America and the Winter Soldier / Black Panther level performance with a fantastic and emotionally weighty climax. ...while the movie felt like a Harold and Kumar level buddy road trip.


Having Taiki direct/write that film was a huge mistake. He turned it into a bunch of idiocy for the most part.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he say at one point during an interview that he didn't care about the character or the story and just wanted the money?


He talks a lot. He can’t stop himself. He didn’t say he didn’t care about the character though, he said he lost sight of the character and just had too much fun. He admits that he fucked it up, which I respect. But he also adopted this “if you don’t like it fuck off” mentality that’s just confusing. The remarks from Hemsworth definitely shed more light on it. Genuinely sounds like a bunch of friends made a movie and kept forgetting it’s an MCU movie about Thor. Which is really really dumb. But out of that slog we now have a Thor 5 committed to by Hemsworth, and supposedly the director of The Norseman is attached to the project. So… hopefully we’ll get a redemption film.


I don't even really blame Taika. It was Marvel and their lack of oversight that caused the problem. Ragnarok was a hit, so I'm sure they told him to just do more of what he had already done and didn't rein him in when it went too far. Every time they try to replicate their success with something, it usually doesn't go as well as they think it's going to.


That is **exactly** what I think happened as well. They told Taika to do his magic, he said “okay guys!” and then he delivered Love & Thunder. No heavy hand to guide the narrative, just Taika taking these characters and playing with them like a kid playing with action figures. I love Taika. Truly. He made something amazing with Ragnarok, but he can’t play in a structured universe. He does **great** with his own projects when he has full creative freedom. A big part of me is hoping his supposed Star Wars trilogy never happens. Unless it is completely cut off from the mainline eras or exists in a canon bubble like Tartakovsky’s Clone Wars series.


When Iger first left, Chapek opened the spigot full throttle for content and we got too many lackluster movies and Disney+ shows which ended up watering down the brand sadly. And Sony's non-Spidey shitshow made it worse. Now most casual fans I talk to are kinda "meh" on Marvel movies outside of Deadpool or GOTG.


>But he also adopted this “if you don’t like it fuck off” mentality that’s just confusing. I don't think this is all that confusing from a creator. He might accept that he messed it up, but what can you do about it? It is what it is, and if he's moved on from it I think the mentality is somewhat natural.


I respect the attitude ”If you don’t like it, fuck off”. I wish more moviemakers thought like that.


Sounds about right.


Yeah, I saw that he wrote and directed. I assume he just directed the Ragnorok movie?


No he was a writer on that as well. By Love and Thunder however he was believing his own press and thinking he could do no wrong.


He didn't write Ragnarok. It was written primarily by Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost, aka the duo who were the showrunners/head writers for the excellent Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes cartoon. Taika has writing credit for changes he made like Korg.


Ah thanks for the correction.


People say this as if Taika doesn’t have a pretty good resume. Hunt For the Wilderpeople and What We Do In The Shadows are both great film. Then Ragnarok was incredible. Why wouldn’t they have gone with him?


He did kill that one god at the beginning, The scene in like godcity i was with my gf im like sweet Gorr is gonna bust in and murder everybody this is gonna be awesome. But the god killing never came, the god killing never came


They treated Gorr about the same as they treat every villain in this cinematic universe: Like a joke who is no threat to any of the characters who actually matter


But why did thanos hit so well, and winter soldier, loki? I was really thinkn they were gonna bring in the masters of evil at the end of age of ultron, like a negative shwarma scene, sadly also didnt happen


Yeah Gorr was great he was just in the wrong movie


They just plucked him from a different movie into whatever love and thunder was


Having him appear in Omnipotence City, butchering gods left and right would've been great and very fitting considering how self-indulgent the deities were there


I'm pretty sure they filmed and cut this, if not filmed-filmed they storyboarded and test filmed scenes from the aftermath of this. Apparently Taika filmed a 4.5 or 5 hour masterpiece that literally everyone would have loved if he kept everything that he cut and cut everything he kept, but he decided to do the opposite of that. Like the literal picture collage of Gods that Gorr killed conveniently off-screen? We were apparently gonna get all that but dude just, decided to cut it.


So you're saying we should start a release the taika cut social media campaign




This 100% The God Butcher is a top modern series. Give it to your friend who doesn't like Thor. They'll like thor now. And getting christian bale to sign on? Holy shit that should have just been epic. Instead we got......that.


And screaming goats that stand out way more than Gorr. Love & Thunder was literally a joke movie.


Bale, Hemsworth, and Russel Crowe deserve better than that catastrophe.


To be fair, they got well paid, they had fun on set, and I don't think they care for superhero movies as much as the fans. So, from their pov they got exactly what they deserve :D


Yeah I wanna say taskmaster but it really was gorr.


Gorr the God Butcher who didn't butcher any gods. Taskmaster and Kang can still get better at least


And Kang at least got the "He Who Remains" variant from Loki, who was a great villain.


My biggest gripe about the movie imagine this: “Thor and company are in the god city. Thor glances at a shadow that looks like it moved but disregards it. While he’s talking to Zeus there’s suddenly screaming and panicking from all the gods. Cut to a scene of Gorr going absolutely ape shit on a whole bunch of gods slaughtering them, he’s gruesomely killing every god he comes across to get to Thor. Thor and company end up escaping how they did in the film” This is far from perfect but would have shown the actual threat Gorr posed.


>***What? Do you think families would go to see a superhero comedy with scenes like that?*** A Disney Executive.


Fuck yes. What family wants to watch the shit that was Thor 4? The main character was turned into an inconsiderate jerk, the villain was frankly an embarrassment proportionally to his comic alt, most of the side characters seemed pointless, and the screaming goats got tired after like 5 seconds


But it’s a comedy not a horror movie silly, no one wants to see a god killer kill gods that’s too scary and not funny at all. Shame on you for making a scary scenario for the god butcher /s


A god tier character that got so fucking robbed. No pun intended.


A lot of the gods that he killed in the comics were also just panels of the aftermath as well. There are only a couple of gods that they actually show the action of him killing them and even then most of the killing are done by his constructs.


Also his design in the comics is so fantastic, I was so disappointed when I learned they were just making him human looking. With modern technology, that could have made a really impactful design for the MCU...


Thor butchered more gods on screen.


We didn’t see that on the comics either, but the tone was more menacing.


Taskmaster lost all of their personality and just became a tool for the Red Room. I don’t mind the gender swap but, they should have left at least a shred of Tony Masters’s personality. Malekith is a waste of Christopher Eccelston. He isn’t even recognisable in the role. His EMH portrayal is heaps better. Similar to Taskmaster, all of his personality went down the drain. Gorr is a waste of Christian Bale. Putting a physical actor in front of a green screen is the wrong move. His is the biggest missed potential choice. Kang wasn’t a bad portrayal, but definitely isn’t my favourite version of Kang (that would be EMH). Ignoring the behind the scenes drama with Majors, he isn’t a bad actor and did the role well.


Unfortunately, Majors is a phenomenal actor. His dynamics and tone shifts are fucking menacing. He could have been one of the very good ones if his career wasn’t just guttered.


Well, he gutted it himself.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone’s star rise and fall so fucking fast. He was an overnight sensation and his career ended just as quickly.


Gorr, there is still a chance for Kang and Taskmaster to grow into closer to comic accuracy, but Gorr is dead.


No one in the multiverse is truly dead, unfortunately.


There is zero chance for Taskmaster what are you talking about That is the only character of these 4 that is fundamentally different in just about every conceivable way besides the power of “can do stuff they see other people do”


Literally the only time we see them they’re under mind control. Emotionless and without personality Marvel absolutely has the opportunity to make her more Taskmastery in Thunderbolts. If they don’t then that sucks, but if they do she might be a redeemable character. I’d wait till the film comes out though before dealing in absolutes like “there is zero chance”


u/aSpookyScarySkeleton is obviously a Sith.


I honestly just want them to kill her off and bring in the real Taskmaster at this point. Pull a Mandarin/Wenwu


Taskmaster. Zero personality. Nothing about what makes Taskmaster interesting or fun translated. He’s a 9-5 blue collar jerk. I don’t even care about the gender swap, but making Tasky some voiceless terminator is just…ugh. They should have used another character. One that maybe has a single tie to Black Widow or the Red Room? And don’t get started on making it all a cybernetics thing…Maybe Thunderbolts will make her fun, but it’s unlikely she’ll *be* Tasky.


Exactly! The gender swap was nothing, his character assassination hurt though.




Seriously. Put that adaptation with removing Deadpool’s ability to speak. Taskmaster is such an interesting and poignant character. Could of been a background ally/foe forever.


Taskmaster not shit talking as you're getting whooped, simply for a twist, is worse, though not by much, than barely seeing a single god be butchered by "the god butcher"


Seriously. Taskmaster is such a good character. He's so self aware and really at his best when outmatched


Gorr. Then Taskmaster. Then Malekith. Kang was fine.  Malekith was ok just because the character wasn't that prominent back when Thor 2 was coming out. Currently he's one of Thor's better villains but I wouldn't have said that back then.  Taskmaster was terrible.  Gorr was insultingly bad. What a waste of Chris Bale. 


>Kang was fine.  I know everyone hates Quantumania and I'm not going to defend it, but I think Majors did a fine job as the Conqueror. Maniacal, prideful tyrant. Soft-spoken, yet menacing. Goes from 0 to 100 in 5 seconds.




I think QM would’ve been fine if they had simply dropped MODOK. It took me out of the film. I was enjoying the fantastical world they had created. “Your buildings are alive!” “Your buildings are dead?!”


The correctest order, this is just factual.


I still can not believe they waste bales amazing skills


Taskmaster is largely awesome because his costume is bad ass. No one wants Skeletor the White coming to kick their ass. Why would they deviate so heavily from it?


I'd put Malekith at the top actually. I read the Walter Simonson Thor run from the 80s, which is an epic run with spaceships and wars between gods and gets into weird urban fantasy stuff with fae on Earth who can be defeated by forcing them to eat mundane food, and Malekith is a major villain, almost a Sauron-like figure, and the Casket of Ancient Winters is a major plot point. Overall the story is a massive sprawling epic, almost like Marvel doing Lord of the Rings. After reading that run, I thought "man it'd be awesome if they adapted this Malekith story in the MCU!" and then I realised that they had already, and I had watched it years ago, but it was done so poorly that it wasn't memorable or even recognisable as the same story.


I would say Malekith has always played a pretty prominent villain for Thor, at least since the 80s. He had a big role in Walter Simonson’s run (AKA the best Thor run) and he even appeared in the Earths Mightiest Heroes cartoon. The issue is his main deal was getting the casket of ancient winters and they already took that story and gave it to Loki in the first film. So when you’ve already given Malekiths biggest story (at the time) to Loki in the first movie it kinda limits what you can do with him in the second. They needed to come up with something new and interesting and they failed.


Kang was done dirty by his actor, but not as an actor but as a shitty human being.


Gorr. We didn’t get to see the “God butcher” butcher all of those gods he apparently killed. Hell, I would have taken getting to see Sif have her arm cut off. Give the guy some impact and reason for me to fear him.


But that’s definitely not the worst case on this list. The character himself was very well portrayed, and even though he didn’t look exactly like the comic, he was still very comic accurate. Taskmaster is way worse, not only could you make all the same complaints about her as Gorr, but they also pulled the Deadpool junk and made her a mindless zombie. The character was nothing like what made him awesome in the comics. I don’t even care that they gender switched the character, they also changed everything else. I wasn’t ever a big Malekith fan, but you could argue that one was just as bad as Gorr.


I’m not going to lie, that first fight with Taskmaster and Blackwidow is one of my favorites, if Taskmaster just did more of that I would be happy. But yea I didn’t like that they just made it seem like she was programmed and told what to do by the mask at all times; she still could have just had a photographic memory.


You literally only see Gorr fight Thor'sin the comics and some Vikings, you don't actually see him butcher any others just panels of the aftermath


At least in the comics he didn't kidnap a bunch of annoying kids


We didn't really even see the aftermath though. There was the quick on screen flick through of his victims without any of the horror and shock of actually seeing the carnage he leaves. The only time we see Thor actually come across a dead God is when he finds Falligar's corpse.


Taskmaster for me. I miss the glib Mercenary scared to death of Moon Knight.


Yeah, he can copy Marc’s skills, but copying Marc’s complete disregard for his own safety is just too much for the mercenary lol Like, even Deadpool couldn’t fool Taskmaster for long with his randomness.


Gorr. That original story was one of the best Thor runs ever. And it was NOT comedy. Ruined by trying to cram too many storylines into one movie. and not understanding the basic fundamentals of how to tell a cohesive story.


Malekith was the main villain of that run and he was portrayed badly as well


Oh well forget about his puppet mastering ways and the war of realms happening since they though it best to kill him off already.


Taskmaster is a completely different character, so I'm going to go with that.


At least the other 3 got to talk. Taskmaster wasn't allowed to quip or gloat or nothing. Taskmaster got done the dirtiest.


Taskmaster because of the four, he seemed the easiest to introduce and they still fucked it up. They had Crossbones out of the picture, so the Morally Gray Merc with no powers and an attitude spot was wide open. To me, Taskmaster was the farthest from their comic book personality. The other three may have underwhelming or poorly written but still felt closer to their comic book counterparts than Taskmaster, who was both underwhelming and poorly written. I really just wanted to see Taskmaster and he seemed the easiest to port without changing anything, and instead Marvel Studios changed everything and made it lame.


Taskmaster... It wasn't even Taskmaster. lol They slapped some colored Hockey Pads on a chick and said "YEAH! TASKMASTER!"


1. Taskmaster 2. Taskmaster 3. Gorr 4. Taskmaster That is not even remotely close to Taskmaster. No quips, no promos, no wit, nada. I am insulted by this abomination. This is mpithless Deadpool to me. Bale was great, the content was awful.


Taskmaster was done so dirty but you can make the argument for Gorr. Honestly it's a toss up for the both of them.


why’s Kang on here?


I mean he’s supposed to be the next Thanos level threat and he didn’t really show any reason to believe that in Quantumania


I'm going to go in the other direction and say Maliketh shouldn't even have been a main movie enemy. In Simonson's run, he's a servant to Surtur, who's the real villain that brings it home. In War of the Realms, he's a puppet master that undermines Asgard and builds his coalition as a slow build across a lot of comics. Neither are really the kinds of roles that lend themselves to primary film villains. If anything, he was made into something more than he should have been, not done dirty. For who was done dirtiest, I'd say Taskmaster. Kang was actually mostly good, and Gorr was at least the same character from the comics. Taskmaster was a completely different, far less interesting character that they gave the name and some of the abilities to. Honestly, "Guy that makes his living by training cannon fodder soldiers for HYDRA, AIM and similar orgs" is also something that doesn't really lend itself to a film, but could be great in a series.


My siblings in Christ, I don’t think people really understand the sheer level of a threat and the absolute extent of power Gorr possessed.


I mean, powerscaling isn't really the issue here, though. It's the adaptation of the said characters from comics to silverscreen, and how accurate (or rather, inaccurate) those adaptations were.




1. Taskmaster. Terrible character with not just a different personality to the comics, but not really a personality at all. Just a glorified henchmen with a predictable reveal. A story role that would've been much better suited for Yelena had Marvel wanted her relationship with Natasha to be (or at least start off) antagonistic. It also could've just been another Black Widow, or if it had have been set early enough in the timeline it could've been the Winter Soldier. 2. Malekith. Pretty forgettable. They dropped the more flamboyant personality and aesthetics from the comics, I guess because it wasn't as cool? At least if they kept his personality he could've been a dark mirror for Loki. 3. Gorr was great, but underused. We didn't really see the god butchering. 4. Kang was great. Movie was not. They should've gone the story route that the trailers showed, of Kang offering to put Scott back to when he was snapped to live those missed 5 years with Cassie. It would've made the whole movie and all of the characters more interesting.


Taskmaster. THAT was NOT even close to the original character at all. That would be closer to Trev calling himself The Mandarin. I hope at some point the real Taskmaster shows up.


Taakmaster. Destroyed the entire point of the characters skill and photographic memory by making it tech based. Made them an entirely different person with no related backstory or anything beyond an inspired suit.


Taskmaster. At least Gorr had *some* cool moments. But I was so excited to see how they portrayed Taskmaster and they butchered everything.


Taskmaster. The other villains at least still had personalities. Taskmaster was X-Men: Origin'd


Taskmaster isn't even the same character.


Gorr, but here's my Taskmaster rant: Instead of Taskmaster, who is a major personality on his own, they should've had the Crimson Dynamo. Crimson Dynamo is an identity used by multiple characters, so the switcheroo wouldn't have mattered as much. The rivalry between a Russian Cap and Russian Ironman would've mirrored the American version. Hell, they could've even had a different Crimson Dynamo in the beginning of the film and replace him with the daughter later on. The Crimson dynamo apparatus could be a life sustaining suit, again, reflecting the American counterpart.


Taskmaster. The elf guy was just forgettable, whereas Taskmaster was abhorrently handled. Gorr was at least memorable, even though we didn't get to see him butcher any gods. Kang the Conqueror does not even remotely belong on this list, I LOVED him in Quantumania.




Taskmaster how is this a question


Gorr, the God Butcher lived up to his damn name in the comics. A multiversal threat that took THREE Thors to stop


This is easy … They took one of the Avengers most formidable foes in one-on-one combat, and turned them into a bad joke. The Taskmaster.


Taskmaster for sure dudes awesome in the comics and TV shows


Taskmaster. At least the others ended up being watered down versions of their character. Taskmaster was just the actual bad guys puppet in addition to not doing…Taskmaster things.


Taskmaster deserves a redo.




Definitely Taskmaster. SUCH a badass in the comics and the version we got was crap


Taskmaster. That wasn’t even taskmaster


Taskmaster easily, not even for gender purposes I just hate that they made them have no personality because of being mute. Then Gorr, man was well acted but poorly portrayed by the scenes he was given.


It’s a tie between taskmaster and mandarin in iron man 3




Gorr should have massacred everyone in omnipotence city. Story had no bite.


I want to say Gorr. Gorr got done dirty... But goddamn if Taskmaster didn't hurt worse to see butchered. Love Tasky, it's a shame what they did. I don't even give a shit about the gender bend they fundamentally got the entire character wrong.




Marvel fcked up Taskmaster so bad, it wasn’t even the same character. An actual uninteresting made up bs that no one cares or remember. Such a waste potential of a cool iconic character. I agree with Gorr too, they fckd him up by putting him into that shitshow of a movie. At least Bale nailed it and gave us a good performance, I really love his design too.


Taskmaster was done horrifically. That's not Tony Masters in either name or spirit.


taskmater or gorr


Taskmaster and it is not even close to me. Seriously, I do not care she is portrayed by a woman, I care that this actress was given terrible material, I could feel the twist coming a mile away, and that she never really feels like a villain, at best she is an antagonist, or like Taskmaster. Like, there is almost some scenes that look cool and badass but she never feels like the imitation expert and mastermind that comic Taskmaster is, it is kind of amazing the animated show Ultimate Spider-Man portrayed him better, and her fights scenes never live up to the task, pun intended. I think even Daredevil from 2003 portrayed Bullseye better than how Taskmaster was portrayed in this movie. Unless they give her better material or give the mantle to another character, Taskmaster will probably be the most disappointing of the bunch for me seriously.


Taskmaster and Gorr. Gorr, absolutely no showings of his butchering skills, and I was hoping for a more direct look to his comic version. I wanted a complete alien looking Gorr. Taskmaster, again really disappointed. Absolutely bland take on the character. Everything that made him interesting gone.


I think Taskmaster was pretty bullshit too.


Taskmaster, that character has so much personality and charisma. They just threw that all in the bin.


Taskmaster. He's a fun and interesting villain with a morally grey streak, that they basically cut for a blank slate boring character whose entire purpose was to give character to the Black Widow. Worse than that, it made me pissed at an otherwise pretty good movie. Creative liberties with a character do not include ignoring the character and making your own. And worse than that, I know they'll never undo the damage because that would mean replacing a female character with a male character, which of course is never allowed, even though the opposite is totally fine.


Taskmaster. Like seriously?! They CGI'd a woman's head on top of a man's body when they could have just used a female stunt actor for this role.


Task Master was the furthest from comic book origins for me but Gorr being apart of Love & Thunder was truly wasted to me. Absolutely could, should have been a multi movie type villain tying into other marvel movies.


Task master for me.


Taskmaster is such a fun character in the comics and was nothing special in the movie. I don't mind the gender change. That's fine. But the comic character is cool and funny and there was nothing about that in the movie.


Taskmaster for sure. I could care less about the gender change, it's the fact they gave her absolutely ***no*** personality, they used a character mask and put it on a different character and then did nothing with the actual character, except using them as a twist, it's not Taskmaster, it's just "the bad guy". I get it was for some growth and character progression for Nat, but I just didn't care, cause we already went through that, wrapping it in a perfect bow with Endgame *(Honestly that's my problem with this whole movie, I think it should've been made around Phase 2)*, and she was added in retroactively, so I have no connection to her, I have no real ***reason*** to care, I'm just like "Oh noo...I guess".




Fuck probably the top 2. Taskmaster overall.


Gorr first, but man did they ever do Taskmaster dirty.


Y’all. Stop comparing the mcu to its comic counterparts. No one was wasted, except for taskmaster. Mother funker is supposed to be a smart ass.


Gorr the God Butcher? More like Gorr the Got-Butchered.' He's not here, but while Ultron wasn't butchered, I feel like he could have been a more prevalent villain.


Whoever that dude is on the top left.


That’s Taskmaster. And the character is a woman


Speaks volumes as which one was done dirtiest, doesn't it?


I like Taskmaster in comics so much it was a little heart breaking seeing how they pulled a “Deadpool from W: Origins” on them. I don’t mind the gender/nationality swap, but I really mind that they completely erased any personality the character had in the comics. I literally always smile when Taskmaster appears in comics and I think he would be so good as a recurring character in MCU but instead we got this dollar store brainwashed silent cyborg. My hopes are that they can bring her back but with personality this time. The character as it is now is so blank you can literally put anything on her and it will make her better.


Taskmaster had nothing to do, and wasn’t faithful in any way.


Reserving judgment on Taskmaster because we only saw her completely mind controlled through the entire movie. I'll wait to give a real reaction until after Thunderbolts. Gorr would have to be the biggest one. In a just world he would have been the villain across 2 movies, building up his threat and seeing a lot of gods butchered.


i have to say Taskmaster, the abused woman story worked without making HER taskmaster, the guy was just captain american with a skull mask that forgets everything every time makimg him Twice as tragic than a scarred black widow with an USB port


Taskmaster, it’s as bad as Deadpool in Wolverine Origins.


Gorr is sooooo good on the comics and was just absent in the film


Gorr, but my heart has never been filled with more hate than when I learned MCU Taskmaster was using tech to copy moves and not skill.


Gor for sure. Taskmaster wasn't a completely different character who they gave vague Taskmaster powers and look to. Kang was done dirty by the actor being a real life monster. Malekith is probably fine but Thor 2 puts me to sleep before they even get to him. Gor was Aslam dunk. They had the guy who deliver. It was all really to go and they fumbled it so they can make jokes about Thor having a relationship with his hammers. If they cut like 4-7 of minutes of non-sequitar "humour" and letThe God Butcher wreck house that movie would remembered as an all timer.


I think Kang is the objective answer with how important and menacing of a character he is and how far they strayed from it to make him goofy and impotent, but taskmaster being repurposed into a whole new character hurt me specifically as he’s a top 3 comic villain for me personally I love him


gorr is an honorable mention but my boy Taskmaster is think


Gorr, he’s crazy strong in the comics and in the MCU he essentially got beat by a bunch of kids


All of those but if I'm gonna choose 1 it's Malekith.


Despite Bale's extraordinary performance, Gorr, who seemed to be a weird insert from a Thor movie from an alternate reality in which source material is treated with considerably more respect than in ours.


Gorr and Christian Bale most definitely got fucked over extremely hard. He’s should’ve been a villain that stuck around longer. I hate when stories make 98% of Gods/deity figures fucking useless against one individual. The only one(s) to do anything was obviously Thor and Co, since the rat was dick around and hang out with their balls out BS’ing waiting to get killed by a god-hating, god-renouncing madman with a personal vendetta because the one thing he truly cared for in this life is dead


There hasn't been a good Dr. DOOM, either.


For me Malekith by far. Having read the Thor run with both all black and Malekith (war of the realms) and knowing comics always work on a different power level Thor at least was at his strongest against Gorr and doing time travel again after endgame would have been weird. So it wasn't good but the better compromise. My biggest issue was the destruction of the all black. Yes gorr was a strong wielder but by far not the strongest wielder of all black. I wanted to see it apear in a venom movie at least. Malekith on the other hand was done at a point where thor was comparably weak and being one of Thors archenemies he was done poorly. Not much trickery, not much sorcery, and no real backstory. I can't even remember dark world having big stakes or even Malekith's endgoals. He didnt have capable allies as far as I remember. Maybe I have to rewatch but I can't remember a good thing about this movie except loki.


Taskmaster in name only, veered severely from his character. Malekith, super forgettable and generic. Gorr the Butcher, not enough butchering, they were doing too much be serious with a few jokes, or be funny with moments of seriousness but don’t think you can do both at the same time. Kang, still felt like a threat. You got a good idea how dangerous he could be.


Gorr without a doubt. Wasted Bale too. Didn’t help myself by reading the God Butcher and Godbomb comics just before the film came out, I got my hopes stupidly high


I will never forgive Taika Waititi for Thor: Love & Thunder


Taskmaster. The first comic I saw him in was a deadpool comic. They teamed up and it was hilarious. I don't care about the gender swap, they kept the abilities about the same. But he's supposed to run his mouth like spidey and DP


Its Taskmaster. Controversially speaking, I think the MCU did a fine job at building up Kang as an antagonist. Not on the same level as EMH of course, but still pretty serviceable to say the least. Malekith and Gorr were just Generic Doomsday Villains which certainly was a waste of talent on the actors portraying them and entertaing antagonist, but at same time I can’t hate it too much for choosing that route. Taskmaster is just completely disappointing on the same level as Mandarin in Iron Man 3. Like the character was interesting in the comics and had their own sense of agency. In the movie they are just a blander version of Winter Soldier with none of the charismatic boxed crook aspect that made the character stand out. So yeah they did him the worst


Malekith no question


I think they were all done dirty. None of the live-action villains have been comics accurate but at least some like the High Evolutionary were able to chew the scenery "eight-NINE P! ONE-**THREE!**" or were otherwise pretty interesting and compelling. In fact, I think there was one exception: Jeff Goldblum was comics accurate as the Grandmaster. Not these 4, though Kang at least had some good moments in Loki Season 2. However, of the remaining 3, neither Malekith nor Taskmaster made much of a blip in the collective consciousness; both were just forgettable. Since the movie that Christian Bale signed up for was a good, serious movie that was trashed in production by Hemsworth and Waikiki improving and screwing around ( a fact that Hemsworth takes responsibility for and has apologized for), I guess I have to go with Gorr.


Gorr. Killed 1 god on screen would have been so much better if we saw goor turn up to the orgy 1st, Kill them all/most.. then thor turn up and see the aftermath. The kidnapp so pointless kids and the rest of the film bar the goats would have been good.


For me its Gorr by a long shot. The definition of the MCU turning an absolute badass into just another moustache-twirling idiot. It really could've been any cosmic villain and the movie would be exactly the same. That's terrible. What I would've given to see him crash the scene with all the gods and just start laying waste to them.


1. Gorr 2. Malekith 3. Taskmaster 4. Kang


Gorr. Bale did great but the character himself was just wasted potential. Gorr was arguably one of the best modern villains we’ve gotten and I was excited to see him in the MCU being played by Christian Bale. We could’ve gotten something incredible but we didn’t. Malikeith is another one where he had a great villains in the comics played by a great actor being done dirty. Like seriously, if I had a nickel for everything we had a great Thor villain played by a great actor that was done dirty in the end, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t really much but it’s weird that it happened twice.


Gorr is one of the coolest villains Marvel has ever made and they have him fucking 6 minutes of screen time. Killed one god. He could’ve been the next Thanos lmao


You mean why was Gor the God butcher possibly the best Thor runs ever turned into a husk of what made the character memorable.


I feel like Malekith was a waste of both character and actor, whereas the others here are either one or the other in my eyes. I found Malekith boring and forgettable when I first saw the movie, but now that I've seen Christopher Eccleston in Doctor Who and read some of Jason Aaron's Thor run, we were robbed.


Gorr and it’s not close imo


Tough call between Gorr and Tasky.


Malekieth (I have no idea how to spell his name) was such a fun Thor villain in the comics. Honestly one of my favorites. And they got a great actor to play him. And they made him do absolutely nothing and was horribly boring in the film.


Character? Gorr. Which actor was done dirty? Eccleston.


I’d say tied between Taskmaster and Malekith. Easily the most boring villains I’ve ever seen in a comic book movie. Literally nothing makes them stand out. And I don’t even know what the hell Malekith was trying to do. Of course, Malekith was probably just a victim of being a part of the most boring Marvel movie ever made, but frankly, I’m not going to bother trying to prove that as I have no intention of ever watching “Thor: The Dark World” again.


In about a year it’ll be Taskmaster but until then Gor no question.


All of them but Gorr got it the worst.


Gorr was robbed


Gorr the God But her killed 1 god. He’s more like Gorr the God of Self Defense (the god was trying to kill him)


Gorr had so much potential. Great story line and a great actor. That movie would have been a lot better if it had more Gorr.


Kurse, because he's not even mentioned


I would say Gorr, if you look at the comics compared to the MCU, Gorr was wasted potential. 1st. No Gods were slay 2nd. We didn’t really see how evil he was, felt like they leaned on us feeling compassionate for him so we fell in love with the daughter more at the end.


Gorr x 1000! Love and Thunder would have been a different much better movie if they gave him the attention he deserves


Ultron. My man James Spader deserved better. Really, REALLY hoping we see him again in Secret Wars, if what I've heard is true.


Malekith is like Thor’s Joker and they made him a boring billions-of-years-old nihilist


I want to say Malekith just because it felt like they cut Eccleston's acting legs out from under him. First, they put him under prosthetics so he couldn't emote. And then, the made him speak an alien language which made it had to convey anything with his voice.


Definely Gorr, had some of the best potential both in character and the actor they got to portray them and they somehow squandered it completely


Gorr. Also fuck Christian Bale


Miketh was sooo forgettable. That was a waste of potential


I hate that they didn't alter Gorr's face to look like the comics or even to look alien. The main reason they didn't do it was because his daughter is supposed to show up again to be a Young Avenger, and it would cost too much CGI wise