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The Exiles. Now that everyone is going all-in on Multiverse stuff it would be a perfect time to feature the concept again.


They kind of already did it to some degree in the what if series, but I agree I'd love an actual Exiles production.


I’ve been saying they could easily get a back door pilot via X-Men ‘97. Have them just show up and do some Exiling and if they’re popular, you’ve got a show/film.


I was not expecting the Exiles to be the first comment, but wow, I’m glad they were. I’m always happy when they’re mentioned. AoA Blink is my favorite Marvel character. I think Deadpool and Wolverine is absolutely the perfect time to introduce them. I could totally see them being a TVA-sanctioned team of mutants each plucked from pruned timelines. Blink is from a timeline where Apocalypse came back during the DoFP timeline and started ruling the world. Nocturne is from a timeline where Magneto actually was the father of Wanda and Pietro, and as time went on, Wanda met Nightcrawler and they had a daughter. Morph is from a seemingly normal timeline where the only thing that was really wrong was a very slight difference. Mimic is from a timeline where he simply exists. Input Thunderbird, Sunfire, Sasquatch, Magnus, any two others, and you got the Exiles. If they don’t play a role in Deadpool and Wolverine, I can’t think of another movie pre-Secret Wars that could really feature them, which is sad.


i read Exiles last year for the first time and ever since i've been obsessed with the idea of an MCU exiles, kinda like the What If? guardians of the multiverse, but it's more of a continuous thing with the same team, sometimes changing the roster up the same way they do in the comics you could make gold with an animated show like that, especially if you build up competition between the main cast and an alternate, evil team of other Exiles


also, the idea is great because it just takes familiar characters and gives you variants of them with a plot that has zero consequences canon-wise. so for the MCU you could bring in a Tony or Steve, maybe make their personalities different etc; but you draw from the MCU roster the same way the comics did with the X-men and others i'd love an old Tony Stark with crappy, aged armor leading an Exiles team recruited by the Watcher: adult Ms Marvel, an old Quicksilver variant that lost his Wanda, a Namor that conquered Wakanda and uses vibranium tech, and a teenage Deadpool from the same apocalyptic world as Stark (you do the anti-MCU thing where he fuckin hates Stark instead of being mentored by him like Spidey)


Stingray, always loved him so much


Yeah he's too underrated


Didn’t Namor kill him off awhile back?


They said in a later issue that he survived. Idk if it was a back-pedal or if they just wanted to keep people on the edge of their seats.


He was recently in Giant-Sized Fantastic Four, where he teamed up with the FF as they faced off against an ancient Atlantean king.


What is the point of Giant Sized? I see Giant Sized X-Men, now Giant Sized FF.


They're just oversized one-shot mostly standalone stories that also feature reprints. It's something Marvel used to do in the 70s, and Marvel brought them back for the 50th anniversary of Giant-Sized.


Songbird. Add in MACH-X while you're at it.


Songbird being so underused feels insane. With her backstory and power set, get Daniel Warren Johnson to do a solo book. Boom, bestseller.


True, I am convinced that not enough actual writers and editors know about her.




I'm so glad Exodus has had time to shine these last few years. I hope he doesn't disappear with the new X-stories.


I'd love to see Forge as a strong leader of a team, with him using both his technology mutant powers and his magical abilities.


I'm hoping the upcoming X-Force run does him justice. He'd also be awesome as a lead for an Uncanny Iron Man book.


Blue Marvel


We need him in the MCU before a half a dozen other characters.


Quasar! He's been left in Limbo for far too long! Give the man a book! A spot on a team! Hell give him a buddy cop book with Nova called "Space Cops". I don't care, something. Also, someone needs to straighten out the mess he's in with Avril.


Jubilee. I want someone to love jubilee as much as Bendis loved kitty pryde and give her something real to do.


Jessica jones, especially in the comics since she prob will be in born again. In the comics it’s mainly in the 2000s and then some minor stuff.


She gets a miniseries here and there but she deserves to be in more.


Annihilus ! That big bug is too much of a problem to not be showin more face in the books !


Yes! and Blastarr as his toady always trying to backstab him.


In the comics, Anya Corazon and Kaine Parker


Kaine is back fighting with Ben soon


I guess you could say, you want him to have more of a Presence Also, Presence does have a major appearance in one of the first few levels of LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2


I'm cheating because it's not one character. It is The Inhumans. Time to stop treating them as step children.


They’re clearly okay with being segregated from the human race as they do NOT have to live among us.


Agreed. The pendulum has swung a long way since they were slated to replace the X-men. Even Black Bolt is mostly a jobber now.


I love Black Bolt but outside Inhuman books and spots he shows up when he is used as a secret weapon they mostly used him as a jobber. Which is a shame because both as a powerhouse and as a King who the concept is seems so ripe. But no one to harvest.


Other than the Terrigen Mist stuff what sets them apart from the x-men?


The royalty aspect. That is if you focus on the only in humans that matter. Other than that, basically nothing sets them apart.


Also their caste system. If that's still a thing but they had the equivalent of a worker/slave caste before.


I want to say they have freed the remaining Alpha primitives but also stopped cloning them. But even without bringing them into it, the whole Inhuman society is based on how your Terrigen Mist mutation performs. They have touched on it slightly before but the weird genetic politics could make for good stories


Royalty politics. Black Bolt is married to 4 other alien inhumans. The family dynamics and the conflicts between are very different from mutants. Mutants are all alone against humans. There is no governance or authority for mutants. Inhumans have a king, they are not alone.


The only Inhuman characters I know are Blackbolt, Medusa the redhead hair girl and the dog.


That should be Medusa’s title. “Behold human, I am Medusa the Redhead Hair Girl, Queen of all Inhumans!”


This is my loyal companion, Lockjaw, The Dog!


Always and forever Nextwave, Agents of HATE.


Goddamn Frank Castle. You give him back Marvel, or I'm going to find you and put rocks in your *shoes.*


get fury is coming out now


Give me a good Ultron story again, dang it. He’s not underused per se, he’s… at least *shown up* in a decent number of stories. But with the exception of a very few (Uncanny Avengers was pretty decent & Secret Empire had a beautiful Ultron-Pym issue), he’s certainly been under-utilized in almost all of his recent outings, serving more as a plot device who gets beaten by himself as soon as he does what the story needs. Especially now that he doesn’t have the added mental conflict / instability of pretending to also be Hank Pym, he should be an event-level villain. ~~But no, we need a third Symbiote event, alongside the 3 movies & AAA video game, in a 6-year span…~~ This is the kind of villain who scares the pants off even the most veteran heroes, so I hope that they’ll actually let him be that scary again.


I'm ashamed and embarrassed that I don't know who this is


Apparently it is Sergey Krylov aka The Presence [https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Sergei_Krylov_(Earth-616)](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Sergei_Krylov_(Earth-616))


Nothing to be ashamed of, Is a villain with nuclear powers


I’d love to see Hyperstorm used again, Franklin Richards and Rachel Summers child from an alternate reality, haven’t seen him used since the 90’s, and he has a lot of potential as a character Also would like to see Aztek the Ultimate Man appear again, always liked the design,


Aztek was DC right? Or is there another I'm unaware of?


I do think everyone should know that he was the final villain in the original FF run before hero’s reborn and I will always find that funny


I know, right? Hyperstorm would be a perfect villain for an X-Men multiversal story or an FF crossover.


Iron Fist


Immortal Iron Fist was epic. But Danny is seriously not given enough love.


Abomination. He needs to be an avengers level threat Like hulk is. Put more respect on the Hulk rogues.


Yeah, it's actually been over a decade since the Hulk and Emil Blonsky have actually fought in the comics.


I'd love an arc where he just dominates everyone with a gamma upgrade and kidnaps Harpy Betty for a big showdown with Banner and some other heavy hitters.


I'd like to see a Champions thing, Miles newfound popularity could help bring his friend Nova into the spotlight and give more deserved fame to Kamala


I would be really happy to see more Gwenpool and Weapon H in comics


Angela was pretty dope.


The Wall. Other than a bad origin story, he has one of the best possible powers to use in New York. Think sandman in a desert but with walls in New york.






The Young Avengers, it’s time for a reunion and maybe a rebrand as they’re not so young anymore. Maybe as the Astonishing Avengers? Morph, either the Exiles version or use the fact that Krakoan resurrection put every character back on the table to reintroduce and redevelop 616 “Changeling” as Morph. Also Gwenpool, Hercules, Blink, Mimic, Armor, and Jeff the Land Shark. New Exiles when?


I typed this out and realized all my suggestions are for younger characters to become more developed and follow up on old plot-lines. Franklin Storm and Val. I want Franklin’s powers explored more. He used to create universes, even if he can’t create them anymore we could get more insight into what that was like. He has these alternate future versions of himself who could potentially return. Both Val and Franklin were around at the death of the universe and are some of the few who know what happened. There’s plot lines potential for them both to be this child star of the super hero community. All the Young Avengers, especially Wiccan and America Chavez. I want them to explore Chavez’s Utopian Parallel backstory and the prophecy of Wiccan becoming the Utopian’s maker/leader. It can be a government experiment and a real parallel dimension- maybe Wiccan does create the Utopian parallel but through some government intervention/conspiracy. I also want more Hulkling for the Space Lore and more Iron Lady for the Kang lore. Anya Corazon as Araña and May Parker as Spider-Girl. Instead of making new spider people every minute flesh out the ones that are already here. Also have Spider-Girl and the broader spider-verse be involved in some plot where they find out about Mephisto’s “One More Day” marriage erasure thing. They don’t need to undo it (but they could), there’s just a lot of story potential for Spider-Verse to address the fact a potential timeline was erased by a demon. More Gwen Poole! I swear it felt like West Coast Avengers was going to explore the less comedic ramifications of Gwen Poole being aware she’s in a comic book with Kid Omega, but it got canceled too soon. That’s all to say: Explore these characters in a new Champions run, and keep the Champions running consistently as the new “New Warriors” / “Young Avengers” to follow the younger characters


I've always thought maelstrom is a cool.character. basically the same but better powers as sebastain shaw. Super geneticist on pare with high evolutionary( maelstroms dad was the guy that gave HE the key to speed up evolution) and sinister. Half inhuman and deviant. Became the avatar of Oblivion and stole quasars quantum bands.


Arcade. I’ve always liked him since he debuted in one of the first books I picked from a “Hey Kids! Comics!” spinner rack myself, as opposed to ones I got at random when Mom bought me a three-pack when she went grocery shopping.


Cypher and Warlock.


Ka-Zar and Shanna the She-Devil




Jamie Maddox, the x factor investigation one, I love the character so much…..I feel like his powers should almost fall into the omega level….the take of him being kinda a slacker/indecisive leader because he could go in any direction at once was great


I would watch the hell out of a miniseries featuring Jamie Maddox.


The Sentry and his battle with the Void


Fuck yes, the Presence. Massively underrated villain.


Hickman's Hyperion.


Volcana. After she received the two other forms (Super strong Rock-like form & a Sand-like form (can pull off the same stuff Sandman can)) in addition to her Plasma form I was really hoping this would be the start of a superhero career for her or possibly even joining the Avengers, but nothing ever came of it. She deserves more than being known as ex-girlfriend to Molecule Man.


Snow Flame


Stryfe. My boy gets little representation.




Michael Korvac. An extremely powerful character who deserves a lot more attention, he's one of my favorite characters.


Kaine the scarlet spider, Dr.voodoo, and Blue Marvel.


Darkhawk. They started a story with the new guy and setup that something had happened with Chris, and they’ve just forgotten all about both the new darkhawk and Chris again




Blue marvel,


The Phalanx. Race of Robots that can do body snatcher conquests.


Wanda and Vision. Both are underrated and often suffer from fanon misconceptions or disingenuous takes on them. I would love more stories like WandaVision that show who these characters really are and what they can do, show how they see themselves in this world, and their viewpoints on it. With Wanda it's also a tricky case lol since WandaVision is about her at lowest point, so I'd love a mix of her characteristics in Civil War/Infinity War and WandaVision where for every positive trait she has she also unfortunately has some negative ones as well. But that's also what it is to be human, to be flawed.


Onslaught and yes 90% of it is because of his design


Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan), given how much she's been put aside.


I love all the villains they used in Lang Dynasty, even though some of it just seems like stuff the writer wanted to use more but did not have enough time


Who’s this guy?




Darkoth the Death Demon ! #old Amazed he didn't get more time, cool look and powers (he kept adding them). Tragic back story, FF tie in. Was perfect for 80s Defenders.


Generation x 🥲 the world needs to experience the magic of chamber and skin's friendship


We have been teased The Leader twice now I think, please just do it




Presence looks so much more compelling than he did in the initial Defenders issues. I kind of liked that phase of Keith Giffen’s costume designs, which is also evident in Red Rajah and the LMD Zodiac that he did during his Defenders stint.


Man-Thing. He got a little love with the Werewolf by Night special, but I want more. I wanna see him mix it up with Howard the Duck or Dr Strange.




I want more hunters moon content, just give him a solo series and I’ll buy every issue put out


RICK JONES not only contributed to the Hulk even existing, but is a close friend of Banner’s, got to be a hulk of his own and has even been the host to some Vells




Quasar and Wundaar w the infinity cube Thing story


Domino. My favorite mutant with powers and skill level that change depending on writer


Man I wanna see what’s up with those infinity stone people, the people that where infused with the stones or whatever after the end of infinity wars (2019), pretty sure last we saw of them was in Black cat infinity score. I want an eventual team up between the 6 infinity beings, I want the most powerful superhero team ever (side note, pretty sure we’ve only seen 5/6 of them, mind having yet to reappear) (other side note, it’s crazy that those stones/gems where sent to wherever they wanted to go throughout the whole universe and 4 of them went to fucking earth, cause why the fuck not)


I just wanted a place to rant about these crazy super beings that marvel seems to have forgot about, for those interested Quasar is space, Star is Reality, Overtime is time (duh), Ward is soul, and finally Prince Otherone (the prince of power, like Hercules), look em up on the wiki of you wanna hunt down what comics they’ve been in (it’s not many), personally I really wanna see alot more from ward cause his power is super fucking cool, but also I need to know where that dang mind stone is


Sleepwalker and Black Knight.


Blue Marvel


More polka dot man, that mom stuff and,,,he died but I don't know backstory stuff would probably suck everyone is sick of that shit.


Comic: Tigra MCU: Grey Hulk. But if ones that’s already been introduced, ghost rider (shield)


Jessica Drew




ROM the space knight


Hyperion. Played by Henry Cavill.


Karnak but with a symbiote


Karnak, just so people stop asking who he is.

