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Focus on cheap characters (natural tier-1’s), craft better cards (P-cards you get 2 free per month), and watch Cynicalex on YouTube for all kinds of tips/tricks


thank you Guided Quest, is it worth doing or should I skip it?


It is good. You get rewards for upgrading your char which you were gonna do anyways. Just choose right characters.


where do u get 2 free P-cards per month?




Everyday farm Dimension mission and buy biometrics and level up characters to get crystals.


Follow [this](https://thanosvibs.money/beginners) guide to a tee if you're a beginner. If you want general tips just try and get vibranium minimum in TL every week, play Otherworld and try and rank high. Level up every character to lvl. 60 then slowly 70+. Always log in and do your dailies. Never buy any uniforms older than a year except support/dark Phoenix Jean Only buy uniforms for current DPS characters being used, don't over buy for characters that aren't built. NEVER buy a uniform if it's not on sale. Try and wait for 50% sale on BF and anniversary. Never gamble with crystals. Never buy anything with crystals except a uniform or BF bingo. If you can do the FB achievements for crystals.


Yes build this pvp team - Void Knight, Hulk (fear itself), Dark phoenix. If you get high enough in timeline battle ranks you get 3000 crystals a week


Void Knight and Jean Grey are too expensive for F2P (6600 crystals for the epic quest for Jean Grey+building her and Void Knight is a native T3). Timeline battle is not really a F2P mode.


Void knight is native T2 but yea the cheaper options would be Spider-Man and Sersi


Hulk yes, but only bc he’s f2p for PvP. If you can build the native T2/3’s then Hulk isn’t meta for PvP. Also Jean isn’t really good for PvP anymore, she’s very good for PVE tho