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Magneto has won me a bunch of games in my ramp deck because I can disrupt their Wong or move their patriot from their onslaught


lol true. People my level don’t expect him either


Fr, he's one of the most balanced cards in the game


Balanced like… a magnet?


Magneto boning a Wong setup is life-affirming


Oh, it’s you ruining my Wong plays 😡


Wong is *amazing* when he works, but he's also obvious and fragile. There are a lot of ways to counter him, and unless you're also playing Invisible Woman, the opponent can very easily see what you're trying to do.


^^^ Wong is very strong, and the only reason he's not just totally busted is because there are so many ways to counter him.


Hahaaa eat your heart out surfer playerrr


Also Thor and Beta Thor from Wish Also Venom Lovely card


Ha, had someone do that to me yesterday. It’s one of those plays where I can’t even be mad.


Cosmo. the amount of shenanigans shut down by that doggo is HIGH.


I never feel more rage when I feel I have 100% in the bag. Even play in a new lane and the doggo flips before and single handed wins the game


Everyone forgets about echo all the time. Crazy how many games are lost by giving your ongoing to a revealed echo.


I’m guilty of this. I see the card played and I think it’s some low power effect I don’t need to worry about. This is not the case


Yeah, i think its both the 1 cost and that echo as a character is also kind of forgettable.


Much to my surprise, I found the mini-series on Disney+ quite enjoyable


For me it's all about forgetting she doesn't just activate once. I'll feed her an irrelevant ongoing like Armor or Colossus, assume she's done, and proceed to play Tribunal in the same lane (not the actual cards, what kind of stupid deck would that be, but you het the idea)


For the longest time I thought she only disabled one ongoing card turns out it’s all ongoing cards. I only started playing her because I got a cool variant and was pleasantly surprised how many games she won me two ago.


*plays Cosmo* *hits end turn* *Cosmo reveals in a location with 3 enemy cards that haven’t revealed yet* *Opponent Retreated*


You say shenanigans, I say I'm going to fight your whole bloodline for stopping my Dr.Doom. potato tomato.


Same. That turn 6 Cosmo to shut down Hela or even better Zola on Venom. The chef’s fuckin’ kiss. Every time.


Shadow king shuts down big venom as well. I love seeing a 15+ venom get set back to 3 right before they want to Zola it lol *evil laugh*


I play into my Cosmo all the time and feel so dumb about it.


I recently had someone use the Thanos snap emote before they played Hela — right into my Cosmo lane. Felt so good.


I have Cosmo, Armor and Goose in a deck, and it literally shuts down destroy. I love it


You know... I've been toying with the idea of building a deck *entirely* centered around countering all the other common strategies. Only using cards that are good for interrupting whatever the opponent is trying to do, and whatever power ends up on the board is what ends up there. Not sure if it would actually get much success because it might not be putting down much power on my own side, but it *would* be hilarious and fun to be able to completely shut down almost every opponent's strategy.


That's what Spectrum and Blue Marvel are for


"Annoy" is my fav archetype to play in Proving Ground; if I win I win, if not whatever. Iceman, Yondu, Echo, Cable, Zemo, the Widows, you name it. Sometimes I just wanna watch the world burn


I've built this. It broke when they nerfed Zabu (as Shang Chi, Iron Lad, Enchantress, Super Skrull and some other 4 costs need to or should be in this described deck.


I might be mistaken but I think that was basically sera control a few months back


Killmonger on a turn 6 when you can smell the ultron coming


I run Kazoo. I would smash my phone if you did that to me lol 😂


Rogue. Hands down. Though LDS in an otherwise meta destroy deck has surprised a few iron man or wong plays


Your not wong there


Those damn Latter-day Saints


More like Long Distance Shwarma. They had a limited run during the '90s


Legion or quake


Don’t play quake much but when i do best fun troll deck to kill time


Quake is not just a troll card, she often wins you games on turn 3 by cleverly rug pulling the location for your opponent. If you draw Quake on a Nexus game,  it's a guaranteed win for example.


Don’t doubt that. I’m new and havnt a lot of cards so can’t make her work yet but I find her so fun I make troll decks with low win rate but if they pay off mind f the opponent it’s so funny


I came here to say this. I've done so much crazy stuff with Legion, it's my favorite card and has been for a while. Like, even leaving out removing Limbo, it feels like you can flip a lane with the location and win another with its power in like half the games. And while i rarely felt like Quake did what i needed it to do, i've lost a lot of games to it, so i see the appeal.


What deck you running Legion in?


Electro Ramp right now, but I've also played Legion in Loki, Zoo, and pretty much every deck that doesn't mind weaving in a 5-drop. Armor / Scarlet Witch / Electro / Wave / Namora / Blink / Legion / Sandman / Dr. Doom / Odin / Red Hulk / Magneto I'd replace a two-drop with Jeff if i had it, and i'm not sold on Namora because location variance screws her up way too often (but it's likely that you want to replace Odin too if you replace her.) The deck is decent, and it's the perfect shell for Legion shenanigans, but it's a bit "i summon large men so i can summon even larger men" obviously.


"i summon large men so i can summon even larger men" That's hot :D


Quake is sooo under used imo. With priority, she can be devastating. I will never tire of Legion’s chaotic fun. Those two along with NTW are the reason I love my control deck. (Edit: grammar)


One of my favorite Quake moves is hitting someone who just Shuri'd and moving the location her On Reveal is tied to. Screwed so many people over with it.


I like using her when bar with no name is revealed. It's surprising how often no one seems to suspect a thing when I start stacking power in there.


I run Electra in a meme Dan Hipp bounce deck sometimes. I'm routinely shocked at the value she can find. Black Knight? Sorry, no Ebony Blade today. Nebula? How about Nebu-nah! Sniping Kitty prides is also very fun.


My top two dopamine rushes with elektra is sunspot and ant-man I get so many emotes on those two lol 😂


I love sniping Sunspot!!


Sometimes I even risk the win by playing her at the end even if I know it’s more likely another one drop be there just to tilt them when they built him up lol 😂


That’s much better to do. Because you kill Sunspot early then they can do more with that energy. You want them to waste energy throughout the game and then steal it all at the end.


> Black Knight? Sorry, no Ebony Blade today Probably an aftershock of death meta, when Warmonger was in more than half of the games, but I see in general BK is often played together with some discard card, not a turn in advance.


Elektra is a good one, I use her way more than is “meta”. My main deck’s most pivotal card is actually Caiera. Everyone thinks of her as protecting zoo decks, but I use her to protect my 6-drops. She lets you do crazy stuff like Magneto on rickety bridge (very effective against surfer or wong decks especially), or dropping a huge card into Death’s Domain. She’s carried me to infinite twice (I have 4 kids, so that’s a LOT for me). Honorable mention: Magneto


Here to 2nd Caiera. I run a Hulks + Sunspot deck and she is key to me surviving. Rickety Bridge, Deaths Domain, heck just even beating some of the Shang-Chi players at their own game makes her worth the price of admission alone.


Deck code? Interested


This is my super secret non-meta deck, lol The goal is cheat out as much power as you can. Electro is the biggest risk, ideally you play him 3 and Blink 4. Also don’t forget that Caiera doesn’t protect Death! # (2) Psylocke # (3) Electro # (3) Caiera # (4) Jubilee # (5) Blink # (6) Blob # (6) Red Hulk # (6) She-Hulk # (6) Skaar # (6) Magneto # (6) The Infinaut # (8) Death # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2thYXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkluZmluYXV0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEZWF0aCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxvYiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUmVkSHVsayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hlSHVsayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FpZXJhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKdWJpbGVlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQc3lsb2NrZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmxpbmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVsZWN0cm8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ25ldG8ifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Valkyrie I'd say. Got her from conquest and built a Cer3bro with her. She's a dreadful turn five if your opponent has already put down like Death or some sorta WC.


This season, Cannonball has been my MVP.


Red guardian says no


M'baku. No I'm kidding, this mf is always the first in my hand in my C2 deck.


Mbaku is just a quicksilver variant


Isn’t that a bad thing. I never want to draw that m/f


Negasonic teenage warhead


Every time I use her, I end up going against a destroy deck player, and she only ends up helping the opponent. *Sigh*...


Echo. The amount of people who play ongoing cards into Echo lane like she doesn't even exist is astonishing.


She-Hulk. I play a fair amount of Moon Girl She-Hulk and I get the impression people don't really realize what's coming on turn 6. Slam slam slammy slam slam.


At my range missing turn 5 screams infinaught


Moon girl 4 skip 5 would definitely throw me off, as a fan of the Double DD move


White Widow + Debrii + Elektra is a sneaky play.


oh dang, is it worth it to slot her into a clog deck? The list seems so tight already.


I have in a weird control deck I saw someone else suggest on here. The combo is a cube stealer.


Not really. 3 card combos are hard to pull off. I've been playing that for much too long and rarely had the perfect play.


Last season wrap up it was Pig. Real answer is probably Dracula 


Spider pig?


No, just Pig.  Last season the Pig token was a lot of player's most played card, because Zemo decks wete popular and they ran Spider Pig.


Armor when facing destroy deck. Round 2 retreat.


Nothing like trapping Deadpool with Carnage and they just kinda sit there awkwardly


Cannonball and it's really not close


cannonball, prof x, clog?


Yup I've been infinite 13 seasons in a row and the majority have been playing prof x clog so cannonball has been like crack to me day 1


same, im running nebula, ravona, dd, shark, both widows, debris, green gob, red hulk, and then a flex spot of either shang or enchantress. anything different on your end?


Actually yeah a lot but your list sounds super interesting, I'm gonna give it a go. I'm running Hood, Titania, Carnage, White Widow, Quake, Storm, Debrii, Shang, Sentry, Prof x, Cannonball and Annihilus The quake spot I change all the time and Titania, carnage and debrii get shuffled depending on meta. The others are pretty consistent


nice, titania is tricky for me lol good luck next season. may you hit infinite quickly


Yeah she took a while to feel good playing lol I always say her and prof x share the same mind games and soul reads and prof x has been my favorite card since I got him lol Good luck to you too!


Ice man has lost me a lot of games ,but I don't think my opponent might relise. He's a top card .


As a Wong+Odin guy, I *really* fucking hate Ice Man. When he randomly hits White Tiger and gives her 6 cost, that absolutely *destroys* my main strategy ... often on turn 1 and my opponent doesn't even know it.


Ultron. It got me to infinite a few seasons back, and with the update he’s gotten me there again. All hail robot daddy. When paired with invisible woman, people keep thinking I’m playing discard.


Legion....and not just on the obvious locations like Bar With No Name


Storm player *cough*


I love Electra! Looks like I'm not the only one. She has won me so many games. I got my golden demon varient of her.


Kitty Pryde. I never gave up on her. Even when times were tough for the Angela she'll.


You'd be shocked how many times red guardian has won me games


Pair him with Wong + Odin to *also* afflict an enemy card with -18 power. Very nice.


Snowguard and quake equally Snowguard falcon turn 6 when Limbo is there is always my favorite move, there are HE players that just forgot or doesnt know that this works and are doing nothing in turn 6 for their infinaut she hulk combo And Quake just to f shit up Works suprisingly often for me


White Widow the location where the opponent plays his 1-cost and then Killmonger Turn 6.


White Widow in Sinister London has got to be one of my favorite plays. Shut the location down completely on turn 2, *and* win it at the same time, almost certainly while the opponent is still waiting for later turns to play something high-cost in there. And it just about guarantees you the win on that location once you've done it.


Killmonger on T6 if they have no Armour or Caira. Bye Bye T6 Deadpool, SunSpot, Nebula, Night Crawler (in an unplayable lane), Ultron Drones, etc.


Cosmo, current Alioth and Negasonic. I hope I can add Echo in this list when she drop to series 3 next month.


Armor saved my ass so many times


Rogue all day


Ebony Sword. Everyone tries to use Shang-Chi or Spider-Woman on it. Such a riot.


Shanna. I've been hitting infinite for these last 3 seasons running a homebrew zoo deck featuring the cheap big guys (Crossbones, Cull, Mockingbird). Played on curve, she's great at activating them all, but a lot of the time, a turn 6 Shanna is the winning move the opponent would probably never account for. I can drop her with Mockingbird if I played Squirrel Girl. I can drop her with Luke and steal cubes from Toxic players. If I get Sandman'd, Shanna can fill lanes when they think my Dazzler isn't going to get much bigger. Destroy killed my squirrels? Still have Shanna. Have priority on 6? Ever seen a surprise Echo slaps down a Knull or Cerebro? \*chef's kiss\* Very slept on, efficient card that's been enhanced by new and reworked cards.


I never put Shanna in deck because of randomness of the one drops … deck code? Curious


Beast. Started using him during the guardians' temp buff. Later, I used it with Medusa, Korg, Ice Man, Yondu, etc. Generally annoying cards.




Mf threw the most obvious pick


I’m always getting priority so he’s never worked well for me. Even had to put ghost in my deck at one point


The player who’s winning most locations, reveal first. If u have cards like shang try to play cards first which don’t win u the Lane. I realised this mechanic 1 freakn year after I started


I did realise that as was playing him (still new ish) but the deck I was playing (and only available viable at the time) counted on ramping up and generally being priority


Back before Alioth got nerfed, Elektra on turn 5 [was my MVP](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/18917x0/elektra_and_punisher_are_the_best_performing/) to steal prio for T6. [Snipe!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/181c7qx/elektra_mvp_craziest_snap_match_ive_ever_played/) [Snipe!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1bpc3xd/even_after_playing_this_deck_for_4_seasons_its/) When you see [this](https://preview.redd.it/my-momoko-yandere-elektra-avatar-looks-nice-in-game-v0-jtgsd9dpiz2d1.jpg?width=813&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5dab21db14e1dd986cf38a2d41bc1d0b8efa7c3) and [this](https://preview.redd.it/white-neon-gold-and-prismatic-showcase-v0-gutt59228pxc1.jpg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=207be0ecf744d4c270dd1ca8ddf69dea152030e4), be scared \^ \^


Dr Doom or Captain Marvel


Quake has absolutely wrecked people when I play galactus. Rogue and Shang-chi have also gone dummy as a combo when there is a turn 7 or I have sera.


Back when Thanos was common in the meta, a late play killmonger could completely change the board over. Caiera has made him less effective for getting the opponents cards destroyed , but he’s still good. Other than that, Enchantress and Lady Deathstrike are so good at shutting down a variety of decks, and can often surprise other people


Probably hasn't won me the most games (Juggernaut is probably the one there), but I love having Viper in my decks: Sending back my opponent's junk or a card just to clog their lane. But my favorite is sending someone like Maximus across the board when playing against a Cerebro deck. It's rare, but super satisfying.


Cosmo, Snow Hawk, Negasonic, Echo


Red Guardian. Nothing feels better than a depowered Wong.


War machine, I use him in a few decks and people don’t seem to understand that his effect also bypasses things like sandman or infonaut. He’s a card whose shenanigans constantly get me out of difficult situations.


Aw, man. I wish I had War Machine. I'd really love to try playing a War Machine + Infinaut deck. I guess it would end up also being a bit of a control deck, since that would also pair well with things like Storm or Professor X...


Hazmat. Yes it needs Cage but you're running him in this sort of deck anyway. Sucks power from exactly where you need it. Think about this, if all opponent lanes are full, a last turn Hazmat play can be 2 cost 14 power with 4 extra energy to play what you want.


So, this is going to sound like BS but I swear to everything that is holy it's true - recently everytime my opponent plays Magik I win the game by moving Nocturne to Limbo on T6...  And like... How? Why? That's not even a surprise play. But I get better results with her than with a surprise Scarlett Witch/Rhino/Storm/Legion Crazy


Rogue, can't tell you how many insta retreats I get when they play Wong and then next turn I play Rogue (with priority). Gives me a laugh because we all know just about every Wong combo and I can only imagine how they feel once they're shut down before they can even do anything crazy.


Snowguard hawk to shut down limbo. Also it doesn't work nearly as often but I've won with the Bear too, especially with the token add locations.


Mockingbird. People don’t expect an extra 0-9 when they’re mapping out what your turn 5/6/7 play is


If you like Elektra the Momoko variant is my fave. The animation on the snow falling is really nice.


Storm. 70% of decks I encounter have Majik. Punishing them for being greedy is always fun. Even against others, forcing them to play there on t4, and then swinging that lane away via t6 Killmonger (if they played t0 sunspot on that lane)/klaw/Ultron/magneto never gets old.


Magneto, that glorious bastard


Cannonball has a best of both worlds effect, and disrupts lanes. I love him in my Galactus deck, but he pairs well with a lot of 1 drops as a surprise T6 play in other archetypes as well.


Legion. It is hilarious when I throw him down on T6 on Bar With No Name or to just erase Limbo.


Used to be echo, but folks seem to finally be figuring her out


MORPH, dude has morphed into the opponents best card more times then I can count.


lol dude be begging for a high roll every game


I love The Hood. + Sent him across the board with Viper or Annihilus more times than I can count + Bounced him with Beast and Falcon multiple times in a single game. + Used Kamar Taj and Cloning Vats to make armies of Demons + Made him a virtual 2/9 when I used Bast on Hood and play the Demon out later. + In the days before X-23 and Nebula, he was the one drop du jour in Destroy and Sera Control. + He's singlehandedly won me Bar With No Name more times than I can count. Also, let's not forget that Hood was NERFED last year. He used to be 1/-2 that generated a 1/6 Demon and he was changed to a 1/-3 make it a little more punishing for any deck that couldn't easily get rid of The Hood. The Hood may not always be the game winning card, but he's been a major lynchpin in so many of my decks that I can't help but give him the nod.


Seems like more of a versatile card then I have it credit for … when I get it may play it a bit


U.S.Agent has been an incredible turn 6 play when someone is trying to get the iron man/onslaught play off


hate to say it, but shang. i hate him, but he is a necessary evil edit: dunno if shang breaks the OPs rules, so let me instead say **Grandmaster**, combined with shang/ Absman


High evo cyclops has won me so many games I didn’t deserve to win💀


Canonball all the way baby




Valkyrie is one hell of a card for c3




Armin Zola




As a Zoo player get off my comments ;)


Super Skrull and Rogue, sniping Luke Cage. The most satisfying win. 


Quake, nuff' said




For me its quake i got a sick quake variant and decided to try her out and she came so handy no one every expects the location switch definitely a huge cube stealer


Legion is THE cube scammer. Your opponent pretty much never plays around you having Legion unless you do the rookie mistake of boomer snapping






Strong guy, if I am able to get my hand empty he can turn out to be a big game changer


Absolutely Rouge, and on time play and the tables turn ♥️


Rogue served me extremely well!


Probably red hulk or something similar


Storm. Flipping Limbo on turn 6 when your opponent is gearing up for a big turn 7


Stegron. No one expect that guy.




Wong or blue marvel




Snowguard, more specifically the falcon but I like the bear for making a extra monster or extra - ninjas on sides




moon girl has been super clutch to me \^\^


Heimdal always got your back, then your front


Definitely Magneto, with Captain Marvel as runner-up.


Cannonball is surprisingly effective. No one expects him and his disruption is so effective.




Juggs. That guy always has my back


Magneto . . . No question.


White Tiger has come in clutch for me a bunch of times


Dracula, no question.


Right now it's Doom. I have both him and Red Hulk in my deck so my opponent watches the Red Hulk grow expecting me to only be able to plop power in one lane turn 6 only to get wiped in all 3. I'd say I only play Red Hulk like 1/5th of the time.


Shadow King There are a lot of decks with growth cards that don't run Luke Cage. It's also good to drop him in their Nebula/Sunspot/Blob/Red Hulk and watch the location change hands. Also, because he's a 2 cost, I can play him twice on turn 6 with Absorbing man or pair him with Shang-Chi to win two lanes.


Shadow King Before the recent ongoing renaissance, when everyone was bouncing or destroying or on-revealing, Shadow King would absolutely demolish lanes he was played in. My personal favourite was winning a match against a destroy deck that played the Venom/Zola combo into Bar Sinister. Fast forward, and they finished with a 300+ power Venom in one lane, a 400+ power Venom in a second lane, and Zola in the third lane. My Shadow King guess worked, wiping out one of the Venoms down to 3 power. I won that lane and the Zola lane for 8 cubes. He's also great for opponents that think the Armor will protect their Blob or Taskmaster.


Legion, but with an honorable mention to Reality Stone. I'm sad Thanos is in such a bad place now.


*handedly. And probably Legion


Watching someone retreat turn 2 because their double power niko with hulk buster was killed by Elektra made me appreciate Elektra.


Yondu and Moon Knight have made my opponent retreat on several occasions


Iron Lad. The number of times I drop him turn 6 to pseudo-play a card I didn’t get to draw is surprising. And then there are those weird games when he copies jubilee and then plays her and she gets to pull someone else. Ends up being some significant deck thinning to ensure I draw my win conditions.


Legion easy. He was pretty popular when he first dropped, then people stopped playing him. Ran a ramp deck with him last season and no one saw him coming


If I had a nickel for every game SW won me by changing to TVA, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice right?


Red Guardian, Rogue and Annihilus come in clutch at the end of matches sometimes


Rhino, I play him turn 6 after Magik. Ruins people.


I didn’t know that worked. Good to know


Legion. Love that card




Patriot and Blue Marvel


Probably Doom or Living Tribunal. People rarely expect an extra 5 points in all 3 lanes and faking people out so they stack too many points in one lane to just win the other 2 with the split will never not be satisfying.


Quake. She's such a versatile disruptor. Make people play into Death's Domain or Altar, make people accidently clog their Bar Sinister with a random 2-drop, make people rush Kyln, while you're building on a different lane. It's such a lovely rug pull, and noone ever expects it.  I personally have NEVER seen Quake be used against me, unless it's the one they got from me via Cable or Daily Bugle.


Shang-Chi. How could it be anything else.


Valk. C3 dynasty


I have valk in my Zoo deck. I would say easily valk is my 2# all time clutch plays. There is nothing funnier than opponent having like 30 points on board for me easily win the lane last turn


Mines gotta be US Agent in a zoo list. Zoo has a very predictable play pattern, so the opponent isn't really thinking much about what you're going to play and isn't really playing around anything as the deck doesnt often run a lot of offensive tech, which makes them play pretty carelessly and I'm just watching them stack a bunch of fours and higher in one lane licking my lips. You also don't need to give the game away with a Cage, because you just stick your BMs or whatever in a different lane, with 90 percent of your deck unaffected by Agent.


God I wish I had some series 4/5 cards lol


Easily Rogue. I'm still fairly low CL so the number of times I've Rogued an Iron Man, Devil Dino, or Knull is insane. Basically 3 mana to auto win the lane at that point.


Perhaps not as obvious or bombastic as some of the others, but Luke Cage has pulled me out of a hole more than once. A late game Hazmat, too.


Valkyrie or Magneto