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Out of the bunch of new cards, Phastos seems like a perfect addition to a Surfer deck and fits easily to a lot of decks. I'm holding 4 keys for that week. The rest seem either niche or just eh. But again, these predictions could be completely off, meta can change, and so on.


He’s got Corvus with him too! Only card I’m missing for my hella deck. Definitely saving 4 keys for that week. Sadly I’ll need to save up to get the other surfer staples, but if I get phastos I just might prioritize it.


I’m torn because I need x-23 for my destroy deck but I also want Corvus for my discard. Decision decision


in a solid draw with a deadpool deck, X-23 would let you potentially play a big Knull, a big deadpool, and a free Death all on T6 (if you destroy X-23 on T5)


Hmm, turn 5... I need to look at this. I usually try to pop x23 early, since I have venom and kill monger around ..


Well x23 can be popped every turn


Yea that is true.. good look


X-23 is just a must. Corvus is excellent too don't get me wrong. You simply won't regret X-23 tho


Yea I need X23 as well which may force me to go for that weeks spotlight unfortunately


I'd recommend getting corvus, rn hela is the best deck in the meta and destroy is still a very good archetype but it's still very easily countered sooo I'd say corvus is the right pick


Same. I don't have Corvus or Spider-ham so it's a perfect week for me.


I'm sure to get new variants of them both plus a dupe, so I'm clutching five keys already. Surfer's my fav archetype.


I actually haven't played Surfer for a while so looking forward to getting stuck back in. I want/need so many cards coming from the end of June onwards so I'm saving keys too. Have 11 saved so far. Some of the Eternal ones sound like they could be fun but I'm ok waiting for them as they're in spotlights with cards I already have.


Good god I hope they nerf her before then.


Corvus is the best card I need out of the upcoming spotlights as well. Unless Hela is somehow nerfed in the interim.


pretty sure SD will assess and will switch corvus as both the new card and the others are sought after


All the contents for the upcoming season have been officially announced, they only switch spotlight cards from what has been datamined


thats an odd one as I remember last time during patch day they switched ms marvel, except if you did not update your game. Do they announce spotlight nowadays one week earlier than new season date/patch date?


Oh right, I completely forgot about this one I guess they’re not consistent even with their own announcements 🤷‍♂️


yeah I remember they announced Cull as S4, turns out in live it was s5, that was the last sliver of hope for s4 releases....


Phastos for me as well. I still don’t have spider ham or Corvus so that’s the primary motivation


Makkari might go well for surfer without Sera, an extra 3 for free is big.


Makkari seems ok for surfer too as just another three cost on the board


Surfer decks don't have a problem populating the board. Even more so with Brood and Absorbing Man combo. You're essentially giving away a draw for a 3 cost that doesn't enable any other cards.


Makkari just seems like a bad card to me? Am I missing something?


Could be decent in C3 but thats about all i can think of.


Hadn’t thought of C3, you generally have problems filling the board / playing all cards so I can see it. That’s very niche though!


I'm a C3 enjoyer, we have been treated well recently.


What would you replace though for makkari out of interest. C3 has such good options and some crucial there’s not too much flex. It would have to be quake or sentinel right?


I've been playing a bunch of C3 lately and the list is already so competitive with there already being multiple good 3 power cards that I can't make room for in the list. Trying to take another card out for Makari would be tough and the only real benefit is that he card is free, but personally I would rather have more tech options I can use to interact with my opponent than one more 3 power body for free.


C3 lists have always been a bit tight. I really don't see her staying on them.




Sersi is pretty underrated. I think people are mostly thinking about turning a 5 cost into Destroyer or clogging yourself with a goblin or something. Even just something as simple as Brood into Sersi is pretty wild. There aren't many bad hits there and some of the bad hits are still a massive power swing like Hellcow.


Sersi on the Void is going to win so many games. Just play the typical junk line and prof x your sentry lane to lock that lane down, then either cannonball the lane without the void or sersi the lane with the void to win.


Also the Hood


Sersi is definitely being slept on. There are enough goblins and widows running around that we will hear complaints on this subreddit in a week of her release. These players who like to mess up your gameplan simply get tilted when you mess them up even harder. But what makes sersi really strong are the broodling combos. You may think they could at best push 12 more power (with cerbro or surfer lists) by turn 6. Then Sersi comes out and they are pushing for on average 16+ on the broodlings alone. Sersi played in the correct lane is more powerful than red hulk.


Its not that good against a junk deck if they play around it, you just spread the junk instead of concentrating in one lane if you know they are playing. Also you can Clog them before turn 5 a lot of times


Changing 3 cost to 4 is the safest one. At worst it's Sentry or Typhoid Mary.


Arishem for the fun factor. Plus meets all conditions to be a "big bad", he will never go down to a cheaper series, no matter how useless he may be. I'm interesed in Phastos. He and Sebastian Shaw are gonna be fun And maybe Sersi if a manage to have enought keys and see what cards will be following season, mostly interesed in Wiccan


At this point, half of series 5 is considered “big bad”.


Unless they are nerfed, or newly released cards are meh at best (Martyr)


Martyr was series 4


The July season will be >!Deadpool!<-themed and August will be centered around>!Young Avengers!<


Wiccan should be August - I think only Kate Bishop on the Season Pass is confirmed but if it's Young Avengers season he should be there on a spotlight. July is Deadpool, so you got Ajax, Copycat, Cassandra and Bob at least before then anyway.


Kate Bishop, Wiccan, Speed, Hulking and Marvel Boy are all confirmed.


Phastos. Thea maybe. I really want Arishem for the means but I don’t want to gamble the keys


Thena - her condition is trickier than it looks and she's a poor draw after turn 2. Average card I think Sersi - lots of fun but too expensive to be competitive. A nice counter card to some junk decks if they ever take over the meta Makkari - trash. Giving up a draw for 3 random power is pretty bad Phastos - fantastic value if this comes out on turn 3, this will be a strong card. Arishem - another fun card that I will definitely get for the memes. Hard to say whether it will be competitive or not but I would say it's unlikely because of too much randomness. Ultimately Phastos is the only must have imo, could see him slotting into a few decks


Agree with your takes but not sure phastos will be that strong. In general though energy cheating cards are they ones to get and can grow in value over time. I'm thinking of skipping this season but will probably just get Arishem cause I want black swan. The season after looks great so saving keys for that.


Is there a link to the projected spotlights for the next season? Edit: Ignore that, I'm apparently already thinking August. I've seen July.


Playing Thena with a 1-cost on T3 fulfill her condition. Sersi might be too random, but random is still good enough against clogged lane. Makkari might be only viable for C3. 0/3 is always good. And Cerebro deck rarely cares where they get played. Phastos is very good on Curve, but lose a lot of value played off curve. Arishem no one knows how good or bad he will be


Couldn’t you use makkari in a surfer deck too?


Surfer decks don’t need a free card to fill lane and there are better options with better effects C3 only works bc it’s a struggle to fill the board sometimes


losing a draw for cerebro is worse tho


While getting a 0/3 is always good, Makkari does not necessarily play herself where we want it. This is more obvious in Surfer deck than in Cerebro.


Thena is not a poor draw after turn 2 at all. A properly built deck can and will buff her 4 times by turn 6 on turn 3 just as easily as playing her on 2. A 2 energy unit on turn 4 offering 10 total power by turn six is absurdly above rate. It is on turn 5 and 6 it is questionable to play her because it depends heavily on how the rest of the deck powers up the other lanes where feeding into her play pattern most likely isn't worth it. Thena can't be casually inserted in any deck but she is definitely a very powerful card with a ton of edge case quirks that counters cards like shadow king, valkyrie and shang-chi. Makkari isn't trash. I reserve that judgement for Ajax. Makkari isn't a good card but she isn't worthless. Free 3 power in a random lane is worth something if you play decks where you struggle to play all your cards by turn 6 already. I hope Arishem allows for a lot of creativity in deck building the same way Thanos used to.


I am fuming that this excellent Phoenix Force by David Mack is the same week as Sersi. I hope she will be surprisingly good or will get a buff. 


My thoughts exactly, although I am a little more optimistic or at least curious about Sersi. I will be pulling Arishem and Phastos with tokens because I don’t need any of the other cards in the spotlight and want to save keys for July.


Absolutely agreed and matching my thoughts. Sersi might, as most say, fix junks but actually a simple Carnage does as well. Random into +1 cost is actually not much better than full random, because there are quite a significant amount of low power cards and the effect won't be synergizing across multiple cards. This essentially means just random at most 3 other cards there, and that is hardly meaningful on T5/6. Phastos is a great T3 play at the announced state, but I think he would get a nerf, either way +1 power only or he has less power. Only Arishem is archetype level card, which regardless of strength would be worth to grab.


i don’t think sersi will be a good counter to junk, i think mysterio on t2, sentry t4 into sersi t5 gives you an unexpectedly big right lane, when they may fill early to avoid an expected annihilus. think of sersi as almost like a blink for void, illusions, hood. that’s my opinion anyways.




Happy cake day. Enjoy the bubble wrap 😄 >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


Same, she'll be on the spotlight on the 16th of this month


maybe this time I'll actually be able to pull her


Thena week - gladiator got removed, thena is iffy she could be really good or really annoying condition wise Sersi- sersi is just a pretty random high cost, miek and phoenix are decent for their arctype. Makari week - x-23 and gladiator now that's it's Phastos week- this is the week everyone is gunning for phastos seems good on first sight but it might not be just like how we thought grandmaster or war machine was gonna be amazing He will draw only three affected cards and magik will just ruin the moment. would be amazing if it was a 2 cost Personally I want corvus and spider pig is pretty good too. It's just a great week regardless of phastos viability Arishem - he seems fun but the other 2 cards are fodder not gonna gamble Bob - bob seems like pilot silk I have Galactus and will buy nebula Ajax- this might be an amazing week don't know how good darkhwak and bill are currently Nor about ajax but it's seems to be the highest rated spotlight on snap zone Copy cat week can give us info about which card they won't get to use as it's in the bottom It gives info and it is possible to get good keywords How good is Thanos since the rework? Might make it an amazing week Cassandra week - it has hope summers and the other 2 look good too 4 keys Thena week might pull Phastos week will pull for corvus maybe phastos Copy cat week - want to 4 key but how good is Thanos rn Cassandra- hope summers and 2 good cards?so maybe 4 keys?


Gladiator isn't in Thena week anymore they swapped with MODOK in Makari week.


Yeah gladiator is no longer in thena week.


Sersi, Phastos and Arishem. Sersi for chaotic games, Phastos for Silver Surfer, and Arishem for mega chaos


Saved for Thena, Phantos, & Arishem. Unlikely to get season pass this time.


I wanted Thema but it took me 4 keys to get sasquatch 😭 I guess I'll get her in 6 months when she is available again......


X23, Gladiator, Corvus, Galactus. Err... I mean... Makkari, Phastos, and Bob from Hydra. Really excited about the new cards, oh boy! Don't get me wrong, most of them are probably serviceable, but if i don't like the cards they're surrounded with, i'm wasting too many keys i don't have. Looking at you, Arishem, no matter how fun you look, i'm not going for Hercules and a season pass card.


Phastos, Hydra bob, Cassandra, Copycat, Ajax. Have 12 key. Need 8 more :P


or a little bit luck


Luck is not on my side in this game. Got two hit monkey in last two rotation i pulled as my first key




Don't know why i typed that :P . I ment ajax


Im sad there is no Ikaris.


I think Thena is gonna be gas and I do want Grandmaster. But man oh man there is some tasty stuff coming down the line and I only have 6 keys. My favorite of the new cards is Arishem, Copycat, and Cassa Nova. But I still need Hope Summers so I kinda need to pull whatever week SD actually puts her. And if we are getting Young Avengers in August then I kind of want to forget all of the above and save keys for all of them instead.


I currently have 12 keys, so all of em. This month was really dry for me so i kept them and i'll probably skip only the makkari week


Sersi and arishem, I love gambling in game so this cards are perfect for me, I love the randomness


Have 7 keys right now. I wanted Glad and Grandmaster with Thena as a extra. They screwed me over and now I might just save for Phastos cause I don't have Spider-Ham or Corvus plus going for Arishem.


Phastos, Grandmaster, and Beta Ray Bill because I really want to make a solid Thor style deck. That said, silver surfer gets a really big boost this season with some of these new cards so I may end up getting Gilgamesh and Makkari who will slot into SS decks nicely


IMO, you’re going to have many better options for Surfer than Makkari. I’m not sure what card you would cut for her.


Yeah fair point!


Phastos for the surfer deck, and Arishem for the meme deck


Arishem so I can get Hercules too even though it’s the second worst card in game


Phastos and Arishem are my main goals. Maybe with Arishem Adam Warlock will FINALLY be playable?


Arishem and sersi


Arishem! I already have Black Swan and Hercules so you know i’m gonna be needing 4 keys for him. The week after him is stacked too with Hydra Bob, Galactus and Nebula (I own none of them) so that’s another 4 keys for that week. I’ll be able to save up enough in time and if I don’t end up needing them all then I’ll try to snipe Ajax or Cassandra Nova or just wait to see what Wiccan and Hulkling’s abilities are and start saving for them.


Probably not the most original answer, but Phastos and Arishem are my top targets. Phastos I believe is going to be the best of the Eternals (except maybe Gilgamesh?), while Arishem is more of a "for fun" pick - although I do truly believe he's being underrated by a lot of people right now. I'm probably going to have to grab one of the two with Tokens though, as I feel like I need to pull on Sersi week as well - I don't own Miek or Phoenix Force, so it's a rare opportunity to guarantee three new cards from one Spotlight.


Phastos for 🏄‍♂️




I have a bunch of keys and tokens. I'll probably grab Phastos, Arishem, and Sersi. I'm also thinking of taking a break soon, so I may as well spend everything.


Wouldn't it be smarter to save tokens if you are planning on going on a break?


I've got 8 keys and 41k tokens. I can spare some. And when I say break, I don't know when I'll be back or if I will at all. Why deny myself fun right now for some hypothetical fun in the future that may not even occur?


Ah i see that kind of break o7 go have some fun


Thanks! I'm not even disappointed with the game, though I think there's a lot of room for improvement. I'm just getting bored.


All of them!


Arishem, he’s really fun


I’m opening spotlights for arishem but I’ll probably buy phastos with tokens


Thena - Tokens Sersi,Phastos and Arishem with keys I feel only Thena gonna be meta tho......


Phastos and Arishem


See him because that's the only week I need at least two cards. Not sure whether to spend tokens on Phastos or hold out for Gilgamesh... we shall see


Phastos out of this season. Out of next one, Hydra Bob seems fun, but I love move decks


Thena Variant 🥵 Then maybe phastos and Arishem


All of them. I love Eternals.


Easily Phastos is the stongest amongst them, excluding Arishem ofc lol


Phastos Sersi Arishem In that order


Arshihem by a long shot he looks so fun holy shit


X-23 and Gladiator.


Phastos by a mile, not to mention Corvus Glave being on his spotlight week


Who is even the season pass card?




Thx. In this case its just Gilgamesh and phastos


Sersi and Ashirem mainly as funny fuck around cards, I've been saving a while


Thena, Phastos and Arishem.


Phastos and sersi (nxt season) Copycat,Bob from Hydra


Phastos and athena


Phastos become he sounds broken as hell. Otherwise, I'm not opening until next month. Also just thinking of taking a break since no new cards really appeal to me so I'm just bored playing the same things.






Getting arishem with tokens then getting his spotlight variant.   I'm all in. 


I'm saving for Phastos since I don't have Corvus as well.


Arisham and sersi for me


I'm at 8 keys but don't like any of the new cards and there's no spotlight where I need more than the new card, so if anything becomes meta defining I'll just resort to tokens...




Honestly, the only one I like this month is Thena. Arishem is cool and unique, but not my cup of tea. I like playing MY cards.


All in for Arishem, I am considering sersi & miek tho. The others have terrible spotlights and don't seem very good imo. All of them have terrible spotlights tbh


Phastos and Arishem. Phastos will work perfectly in a Silver Surfer deck and Arishem is gonna be a fun one. Still contemplating if I should also go for Makkari.


Thena because of Grandmaster and I usually not opening for new cards, I have nothing more to get with them and everything else that comes with them.


I'm only excited for 2 weeks. It would be cool to obtain Galactus. If I had to spend 3 keys to get him hydra bob is sufficiently appealing enough to not feel like I lost anything. I want phastos. I need corvus glaive. Spider ham is an acceptable 1 drop. As for the other weeks I want both Sersi and Thena but I'm not interested in the other cards in the pool. But the cards that are there won't discourage me from making the attempt. Arishem has the worst spotlight cache I have ever seen. I will be spending tokens to get him instead.


Phastos and Sersi. I’m probably gonna use Tokens for Arishem. Sersi feels like an extra fun addition to an already random Arishem deck.


Missing all 3 of arishem week




Sersi, arishem. Wont pull thena because i already have gm and modok.


Phastos and makkari will pump up my surfer deck For arishem I have an entire deck already set aside and saved for him. I have a feeling that he will be better than people think, although not meta. Also gonna spend my tokens on gladiator when he drops series


Phastos and Arishem for sure just for fun factor. Thena maybe. All-in-all I don’t particularly think any of the cards this month are that great or will shake up the meta.


I could be wrong, but if you get the season pass (Gilgamesh) and phastos, you really aren’t missing out on a whole lot. Sersi has caught my eye but I’m not overly worried about her if I miss out.


If you think arishem for fun, fist bump me back when I beat yo a$$.🙏🏿


Dark hawk gonna be rampant once arisham comes out.


I‘m getting Thena and Phastos as I see them as the best cards of the upcoming Seasons. Whether I get Sersi depends on whether she is played in Annihilus decks. In this deck she has a good synergy with the Void after all


I feel like people are over rating Phastos a bit. Idk any card thats cares about +2 power besides shaw. He seems like he'll only be played in Silver surfer. The minus one cost could be good but it's also extremely luck based so it's hard to say.


F*ck this game, I just returned back after a year of not playing (the pool 3 grind was extremely boring). Now I’ve leveled up like 100-200 and in the cache boxes all I get is frickin profile pictures or variants of the cards I alr have. What i think in 200 levels, I got like a singular new card which is ridiculous.


I'm a 100% F2P and I'm always saving 4 keys to open spotlight caches that have a card I want, after my Nebula fiasco (I had 3 keys and did not get her). So, I'll probably be getting phastos. I'm not a meta player (even if I wanted to, I don't have the cards) and I love lower cost decks, like kazoo and other I build myself (mostly bad decks but always fun).


The sub is all-in on Phastos and Sersi and trashes Thena and Makkari. So Obviously Thena and Makkari will be good and Sersi is unplayable. Phastos still looking kinda cool


Phantos in a Surfer Sera deck! Now I’m debating who to replace… probably Gladiator


Makkari is prolly gonna be a sleeper out of all the Eternals.


Thena is interesting, but not worth targeting for me, because I have the other two cards that week. Siersi looks good, but I'm not targeting because I have the other two that week. I might go for Makkari, since I don't have X23. I think she's probably good, maybe even broken, but it's kind of hard to tell. I'm skipping Phastos. I think it's going to be a bad card and I have the other two that week. I'll go for Arishem, probably. I think he's going to be bad, but fun. I want him and Black Swan. I already have Hercules, though. I want Bob From Hydra, but I already have the other two keys that week. I might buy him with tokens, idk. I enjoy move though. I wouldn't mind owning Ajax, and I want Beta Ray Bill, so depending on how my keys are looking I might open for them. Copycat seems bad, I'll probably just skip this week. Cassandra Nova is probably really good in Darkhawk, but will have to see what the new keyword means first.


I'm going for every card for the next 2 months except Arashem and Makkari.


>!Anti-Venom, Misery, Scorn, Scream, Agent Venom, Toxin!< <- I´m so hype for next season theme


Probably the whole phastos week or I go for arishem still haven't decided.


Paaaaaass the whole month except if some fun decks are enabled with a card


I was so stoked to use my keys on Thena because I also wanted Gladiator and GM variants but yet another MODOK variant is like a poison pill and now there are no weeks I'm excited for. And I probably won't get the Gladiator variant at all now because he's not worth a potential 4 keys when Makari seems very niche and I already have a good X-23 variant.


Phastos week is all new for me. Arishem and Sersi could be fun and are released alongside move variants.


I always buy the pass and I actually think it might be the best card this month just because of how easy its ability is to trigger. I will be opening the Thena & Phastos weeks and potentially Sersi not sure yet but has high potential. Thena will be extremely strong in kitty pride decks and it's a very easy card to get above rate stats with. Phastos is Interesting card which could open up new deck building options. Sersi is very RNG but as shown by the Devs will be an easy way to counter any junk/clog decks. I will be skipping Arishem & Makkari because Arishem is just a novelty and Makkari seems to only be viable in a C3 or surfer deck


Ill throw one key at Phastos and Arishen just for maybe getting lucky. My keys are saved for july, Ill go all out on Ajax week and I have an intrest on the other cards as well


Phastos is a must have for me personally but I also like Thena for Hope decks


Arishem week.


Next week: Grand Master and Thena Future: Phastos and Arishem


Arishem baby let's fucking go largest deck in the game here we come


You guys are saving keys…?


hydra bob. i don't even care if he is bad


Honestly saving them all for July, as I really like the Pandart variants of the new cards. So gonna be double dipping on those weeks mostly for the variants.


Phastos Arishem No further questions.


Im spending tokens en Sersi, and using keys for Phastos and Arishem


I liked this month and the next so I saved 12 keys. Phastos and Arishem look fun, copycat as an extra punch for mill and cassandra, plus a few surprises. If they happen


None of these tbh


What the FUCK happened to ikaris 🤨


All of them....except makkari


Getting Sersi because she seems fun to me and then I will save for Ajax and Copycat since they both have a card in their spotlight I am missing.


Imo, it's another skippable month. If I end up using keys, I'd go for value, Thena and GM, Arishem and Hercules. There are more interesting cards coming in July, and I read somewhere here in the sub that we may have symbiotes in the near future.


Phastos for sure. I was gonna get Thena as well until they neutered her caches. Now I'll probably get Arishem, which I was sad to miss out on anyway.


Not spending any keys this month, as no weeks have especially tantalizing spotlight variants, nor do they have 2+ cards I'm missing. So, anything I get will be with tokens. I'm thinking I'll pick up Thena; she seems pretty gross in any deck that takes advantage of Kitty Pryde. The only issue is I've no clue what to drop for her, thinking Vision, but *damn* has that android put in some work for me (plus I don't wanna put away my gold/gold split). Phastos seems pretty solid, but one of those "great if drawn on-curve" cards. He won't slot into any deck I really like though, but I can see him being a card I regret not picking up. I'll have to mull it over and see how he performs the week he comes out. Everything else is pretty "eh" and I can wait. Sersi is interesting, but I hate RNG cards, and wouldn't wanna gamble transforming my Void or Broodlings into something bigger, when Void's already a pretty simple lane to contest, and if people see a Brood lane, they're already prepping to either avoid that lane or tech it.


I think I'll be saving my keys until Phastos. Everyone else seems like super eh or niche so far


Arishem seems most fun to me


Phastos and Arishem, everything else is a skip for now.


Phastos for sure because I'm also missing corvus. Might try to get Thena or X-23 aswell


None, nice skip season to save up for some good cards.


I really want to get arishem. He might not be the best but looks like a lot of fun


None this season! I’m saving everything I can for Gwenpool month!


All of them this is my Pokémon and I’m collecting them all


I like the random ones, phastos, sersi and arishem 


phastos and arishem. One is a new archetype the other has fits in surfer and maybe thanos


Makkari and Phastos. Some others if I am lucky enough. It’s months since my last « opening the New card with 1 chest ». Those days it’s more 3 to 4 to get the card. Some stats would be interesting.


Phastos. I'll wait to see if Makkari is good in surfer, if not I'll probably pick up Arishem.


On top of the “automatic” Gilgamesh, I think I’m gonna do Arishem, Sersi, and Phastos. I’ve been saving for awhile…these 3 seem the most value imo.


None they are boring cards. Arishem could be fun for 20 games


Phastos and Corvus. None of the other weeks have nearly the same value for me. I have the David Nakayama Ham spotlight, so the variant is wasted, but whatever. Would've been a passed over season for spotlights if it weren't for that week. Sandwiched between 2 seasons that carry cards and variants I'd like is kinda brutal.


Didn't get any this month so I could get all of them.


I have 12 keys so i am taking all of them hehehe


I'm planning on getting all of them except for makkari


phastos maybe thena if i have the keys


the only weeks where I don't own any of the cards is sersi week and arishem week. So I'll burn some of my 17 keys during those weeks. I refuse to spend spotlight caches during weeks I own cards in.


Phastos looks pretty solid.


Going to save like 25 keys until December and then splurge on whatever is dominating the meta Take the key hoarding-pill


I am saving 4 keys for Sersi week as I don’t have Mike as well, so that’s a given. And I also have enough tokens to buy both Phastos and Arishem for sure (and maybe I won’t even have to spend tokens as I already have 4 keys for Sersi, so I may be able to get one of them for keys as well, both if extremely lucky).


I really would like to get Grandmaster


Arishem 100%. I have no idea if it'll actually be good or not, but the ability is so wild that I anticipate a significant change after release, so I want a chance to play it before that happens. Maybe I'll be wrong and there's no significant change, but the chance is enough for me to put it as a priority.


Miek, Hercules, Proxima are the only non-new card that I don’t have. I currently have 6 keys and 12400 tokens, CL 10,282. I feel like most of these cards are pretty much meh cards or cards that can be replaced. The exception being Sersi and Arishem, who seem Boom or Bust cards due to the uncontrollable nature for them. With Sersi you could at best, get basically 3 random new cards. Just envisioning getting 3x cards; at least one of them has to have a good effect. Already a better Shana and better Valentina. Atishem just seems fun and the only card that will do that (welcoming the Darkhawk meta). The fact that both weeks have Miek and Hercules only makes it more compelling. Is it weird to hope for Blink, Cannonball, or White Widow more than anything. That’s what the 12k tokens are for, though I’m not sure which one?? This past season I got really lucky getting Nocturne, Namora, Sasquatch on the first key, so no Havok or Skaar.


Thena Phastos Arishem


arishem for sure. It's gonna be pure chaos with that guy.