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Honestly just variants at this point since most gold bundles suck and aren’t worth it.


Variants I want, but never see in the shop, because its riddled with album trash.


Yuuuupp, Wasn’t too fond of the Hipp and chibi takeover recently, Wish the take overs could be player specific based of what they buy


I really like Hipp designed cards, but chibi style is just meh..


Need to save up for the hipp movers album


Chibi Ghost is pretty solid


Even getting a specific album variant is harder and harder with each album. 


I mentioned this on the sub the other day, but one of the featured "Dev Picks" was a pixel Vulture. Like, fr? Who's that dev? I mean, to each their I guess but still..


Hey ! Don't touch my pixel variants !


Same boat, though I'm focusing on getting the resources in some albums (usually the reward at variant #6), and also keeping some gold in reserve in the hopes that Mastery comes out in the next patch or two. They haven't said much about it, other than that variants will be the best way to gain mastery points (with splits being the easier, though less effective way).


Exactly what i’m doing, Been trying to finish the artgerm album so I can get the “Talk to the hand” storm emote bc I really want it when people thumb up me


My favorite use of it.


I only need Jane Foster for this album. But she's an ultimate variant.


I think she was one of my first if not my only ultimate variant, Think i’m missing only Captain Marvel, Ghost spider, She hulk, White queen. Do think it’s kinda shitty to put Ultimates in albums though


Essentially just tokens. The most I can get through bundles or Token Tuesday is always my goal. I basically only care about getting new cards.


This 100%. Whenever I hit 1500g I buy a token Tuesday. Would much rather buy new cards than variants for cards I already have.


I think there's some math that some of the variant purchases mean more efficient tokens from the albums but I don't have a link handy to that.


Definitely variants. Not necessarily trying to build an album or anything. Just variants I think are cool and cards I don’t have a good one for are generally what I target.


I'm at 17.6k CL and idk how much longer I'm gonna be playing the game so I just buy variants I like at this point


Are you uninterested in the new cards at this point?


Variants I like, regardless if they are popular or part of albums


Credits until I complete pool 3.


Variants. I like to get the currency album rewards, plus the 2000 tokens every 10 store purchases is nice too. The 25 credit upgrade option is also quicker for progression, so the more variants I have, the more I can use it.




Token bundles. I have over 7000 atm. The exception was when i spent 1400 on two max grecke variants so that i could get the 2000 tokens from the album


Rian Gonzalez variants


Hipp variants.


I'm suprised this many people buy variants, I would say save for bundles that include tokens or token Tuesdays so you can get series 4 and 5 cards


That's what I do.


Eh, I'm collection complete with a healthy supply of tokens and keys. Variants keep the game fun, hoarding for that "optimal" currency bundle with the garbage variant is not the play for me.


Oh yea, I’m only CL 1000 so I don’t have any luxuries haha


Emotes and variants…


I put it in a big vault and express shares of it as currency.


Symbiote cards or gold borders now for specific cards


I just save up gold till there’s a cool variant and then buy it. I target stuff from albums that are cool though, cause it’s like bonus gifts. Like I’m super close to finishing vemomized, artgerm and jim lee


For now, I'm only buying album variants


These days I'm using them on variants. I want to customize my favorite deck since I just realized that about half the cards I use happen to have Chibi variants, and the other half mostly have Dan Hipp or other cartoony variants, so I can just make the cutest little murder deck. Before I used to spend them on tokens, but after a while I felt like the 2 extra S5 cards a year you can get from buying tokens just doesn't "spark joy," y'know?


Where do you get two extra cards per year from? The tokens thursdays are either 1200 tokens or 500 tokens, so you get 1700 tokens after two weeks, so you can get one series 5 cards after 7-8 weeks, not adding the other progression that comes naturally. So how is it only 2 per year??


Oooh, I love the chance to do some math. So while you're absolutely right that you COULD get 1700 tokens after two weeks, that's only IF you have the gold. I was working on the assumption of earning 1500 gold a month, times 12 months is 18,000 gold. You can use token tuesdays to convert gold to tokens at about a 7:5 rate, so 18,000 gold becomes 12,850 tokens, or two cards. But, let's take this as an opportunity to reevaluate that 1500 a month figure. All these numbers are for Free to Play players. Every week you get 200 gold from weekly missions, X 52 is 10,400 a year. This season you get 300 gold from the season pass, extrapolated out to a year gets you 3600 Conquest gives you 200 gold a season, so that's another 2400 a year. So that's 16,400 a year for just doing your dailies. That does not take into account season caches beyond 50, or hitting level 90 (which is not a guarantee). Let's pretend you can earn 200 gold from the season pass after 50 and you get the 500 every month. That would increase the 16,400 by 8,400 up to a reasonable maximum of 24,800. That changes my initial estimate of 1500 a month to 1360 to 2060 a month. At the 7:5 ratio, that would get you between 11,700 and 17,700 tokens a year, so between 2 and 3 cards. If you only spent them on good bundles, like April's Jane Foster bundle, the ratio becomes 7:6, upping those numbers to 13,650 to 20,650 tokens a year, which is still 2 to 3 cards. Long story short. If you hit rank 90 every month and do your dailies, you could get 3 cards a year, but if you can't hit 90, you're looking at 2 cards instead. Heaven forbid you buy a variant or an emote. As a person who is rank 84 right now, 2 cards seems right to me.


You did the math, what can I reply to that. Hats off to you. Guess regarding gold the season pass and the gold pass are the best deals there are for low spenders


Season pass offers 900 gold for $10, the shop offers 700 gold for $10, and the gold pass offers 1800 gold for $5. So the gold pass is by far the best deal if you're not swayed by the custom emotes and whatnot that are in the season pass. If you bought that gold pass every month that'd get you another 3 S5 cards a year, or about $20 per card. Meanwhile the season pass would get you 1.5 cards per year if you bought it all the time, plus all the season pass cards, so that's 13.5 cards a year or about $9 per card.


Mostly gold bundles, but, only if they're above-rate. What's annoying is the next two datamined bundles are *technically* above-rate, but like, at pennies on the dollar. Compare this to various albums I could put that gold towards getting the 6-card reward which give a much more prominent return for my gold. Waiting to pick up Knull (Jacinto) to get that spotlight key and 200 collector tokens, for example. I could also pick up any Max Grecke variant, 2 more Cosmic Companions, 2 more DESTROY pixels, and 2 All-Star Pixels to get those rewards as well. ...But the albums are going nowhere, so, I guess I should spend 'em on the bundles since they *are* time-delimited.


Wait, are you saying that spending gold on album variants is more worthwhile than spending gold on gold bundles?


It can be if you already have some of the cards and only need a couple for the unlock. For example, you wouldn't want to go out and spend 7200 on artgerm variants for a single spotlight key. But if you've already got 4 of them, then 2400 gold towards 1 key is probably worth it, especially since you also net 400 tokens from the shop bonus once you hit 10 purchases. Value differs based on individual albums, what rewards are offered, the cost of the cards and how many cards in them you started with vs are left to bit that tier. Albums with 700g variants are better value than ones with only 1200g variants if they also contain comparable rewards. 


Ah, you just mean if the albums are almost complete lol. Makes sense. I'm very far from ever being in those convos so I just won't think about it lol.


Variants for collections mostly


I completed the Staying Hipp variant album today by saving gold and waiting for onslaught. Now I can Cosmo emote. 😂




Tokens and only tokens


i'm going for variant & complete some albums. Some of them give you free credits or tokens.


Pixel variants, only.


I just bought some pretty borders for cards I no longer need to upgrade. It's been so long since a variant I want has been in my store.


I’m a sucker for a mystery box so I just save up 800’s and get the mystery variants.


It could be anything! Even a boat!


I just buy Variants I really really want and plan to use regularly. I may have lost it at the chibi album and bought them all... Wanted a useable Iron lad variant way too badly.


Variants, when I get satisfied I'll start buying tokens


Variants to fill the albums. Mainly Hipps


I use them to get Collector Tokens. That's how I got High Evolutionary and it's how I got Loki. Next will be Kitty Pryde, then I'll back to saving for another 3-4 months for another archetype-definint card 🙄


save for high end variants. people point out that they do this rarely, but honestly doing so i've amassed a solid arsenal of tokens, and still have plenty of Gold for when the next big one drops. its all a time thing anyway, just keep your ear to the ground and you will hear when a good one (or one at least "above rate") is dropping.


I always try to keep up to 6000G just in case there are good bundle drops. Above that amount, I'll spend on album variants here and there. The bundles I target should be above my following formula: (credit / 2) + Token > ------------------------------- > 0.83 Gold price > If the Token/Gold is below 0.83, I'll pass.


Always used them for variants in the shop. Think I’ve only bought one gold bundle.


Getting the variants for albums that have spotlight keys in them. When I get the key I move to the next album


Same here !




Bundles, when I get close to a reward in a collection I'll probably buy a card to get it. I might start doing token Tuesdays occasionally again. It's getting to the point where I have every card but the new card many weeks. I'm good on keys for now, but it might get to the point when I'll want a bigger rainy day token fund.


I don’t think it has any significant use except for buying variants


Variants to unlock cards.  Got She Hulk that way and I'm close to Captain Marvel 


Variants. Don’t remember the last time Token Tuesday was worth spending on


variants lol they cool


also my spotlight keys have more value if i have more cards I don't own so there's that. just this patch i got nocturne with selene and caiera and then proceeded to get namora with skaar and black knight


Now I only spend for borders cause I like collecting them for my best varients and decks :)


I’m buying a lot of variants, I really like when my deck is full with fantastically designed cards. It doesn’t matter if it’s 700 or 1200 gold if it looks cool.


It variants.


It variants.


Variants and sometimes token thursday


Variants and sometimes token thursday


Variants that can help me unlock spotlight keys


Did the same.


Variants that can help me unlock spotlight keys


I do buy some bundles that has a good amount of gold or credits that seem worth it. I can't bring myself to buy $30 bundles though. Today I just got the gold mystery card bundle that had 1000 gold for $10? Wanted to grab the baby varient for doctor doom so it made sense to grab that bundle


Honestly idk anymore. I have more than 12k gold rn, been sitting on it for so long because all the recent bundles sucked ans all the albums i want are ridiculously expensive. I think i'll problably wait a bit longer but i'm planning to use it to complete albums eventually.


Random variants


Before I was mainly interested in variants, up until a few weeks ago I was 7 cards from being collection complete with only a few of them really being important to have. But I've had some bad luck in caches so now I'm back up to being 11 from collection complete, so for now I'm focusing on getting tokens built back up.


I use them on the variant albums


I hoard them because i think someday SD release a game mode that require Gold to play


Splits first and then variants. Always chasing the god splits haha


buying credits. anything else i lose out on potential cards. y'know how minmaxing everything goes.


Token Tuesday


Used to be bundles that cost gold by gave good tokens and credits. SD obviously saw how little money that made them so hit those bundles hard. Now I just get variants I like/work slowly on completing albums


I just save up gold till there’s a cool variant and then buy it. I target stuff from albums that are cool though, cause it’s like bonus gifts. Like I’m super close to finishing vemomized, artgerm and jim lee


Only Token


Every time i break myself and spend the gold ive been saving up, without a doubt, the next day.....there's the sick ass variant i really wanted. I swear the game knows, its just trying to get me to drop some cash on gold.


I stoppes minmaxing quite some time ago and now spend it on varianta I like.


Everytime i break myself and spend my gold on a variant, without a doubt ,the next day that one sick ass variant ive been waiting for pops up in the store. Its uncanny. The game KNOWS.....


Dan Hipp variants.


My gold is used EXCLUSIVELY for buying pixel variants.


I use it for the 1500 gold for 1200 token Token Tuesdays and any bundle that has better value than that baseline. I do hold back a good chunk of gold for a potential good value gold bundle that may come again someday.


700 gold album variants, if buying them gets me closer to one of the album milestones that has tokens (or other desirable rewards).


Gamble the 800 premium variant


I just hoard them for Token Tuesdays.


Variants. I love me some variants.


I was buying variants for albums, but I've finished all the ones I was interested in. I plan to save enough for a big bundle and then start buying Token Tuesdays, but that "plan" will almost certainly collapse when I see the Next Thing, whatever that turns out to be.


Buying Chibis


I'm gunnin' for a full Pixel collection. Every time a pixel hits the store, I buy it.


Midnight Suns variants.


Baby variants


Grecke variants.


I’ve been waiting for the damn vulture variant for almost a year since I missed it. I have them all except that one stupid card. I even smiled customer support and asked them to add it lol


Took me about that long for the Deadpool one. Besides the takeover I haven't had one in my shop since picking him up.


It's wild! There was this huge gap then a few for the album, then nothing again. Like come on already. Swap a couple in instead of constantly through Dan or Chibis in there.


Variants trying to get one I like for each card but I probably wouldn't do it without the bonus 2k tokens every 10 purchases.


My goal at the beginning was to collect Artgerm variants, it payed off when the album was released. Now I'm thinking to collect Rian non-chibi variants


When I first started the game my friend who was already playing told me the best way to spend gold was to refresh quests so you can get credits faster..


It used to be the correct play pre-token Tuesday.


It's not bad. Same rate of gold to credits that is normally the best available (without special bundles), plus whatever extra resources you get out of pass exp. Getting more credits is the fastest way to increase card collection when starting out. When looking at amount of cards. It lacks ability to choose the cards. --- The weekly rewards from completing 25 quests (out of max 42 available) are very back-loaded so it's extra worth spending gold to refresh if it makes the difference in completing those in any circumstances.


Gold bundles are good again. The ratio dropped tho. Wait for a 1 on 1 ratio of gold v token for prime coolness there appears to be one each two months.


Pixel variants, nothing else


Dan Hipp and Peach Momoko get all of my gold


I use my gold every week to buy missions to get me to 25 as fast as possible. The spend rest of week letting it build back up to repeat process on the next Tuesday.


always buy variants. That's why I have 11 Artgerm as F2P.




I prolly shouldn't use my gold for daily quests, but that's typically what I use gold for. Simply to get keys for spotlight caches.


The item shop, never tickets, miss me with that. I may be a whale sometimes, but never a DISGUSTING conquest whale, yuck


I'm working towards getting the spotlight key from the dan hipp album as I love the art. I'm being quite selective as I dont have a lot of gold, but at only 6 buys to get it feels worth the cost


Variants mainly. The only variant collection item I really wanted was the tarot card back. Love those variants.


Dan Hipp Variants, currently have 134 of these fuckers


I’m currently buying 6 Max Grecke and 6 Jim Lee variants because it’s worth the 6000 tokens you get from the rewards (2x2000 for the albums + 2000 for buying 10 variants). I already had a couple so it was even more worth it. Yesterday I got my sixth Jim Lee and I only need one more Max Grecke. Next I think I will spend gold on mystery variants because I enjoy the gambling/chaos aspect and because among the cards I don’t have there isn’t really one that I want that bad to continue spending in tokens


Dan hip album variants, I want that cosmo variant and am a few cards away


Almost exclusively Jim Lee and Peach Momoko variants