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Proving grounds became so sweaty 2 or 3 seasons ago. I don’t know why


Yesterday I thought I’d play a quick round—we both snapped and I got the 8 cubes. Cool, just in time for me to attend a meeting at work. Dude not only stayed in, but clawed his way back to 2-2. He probably should have won, I was experimenting with a Thanos deck and had a bad matchup against him, but I got lucky in the first and last round. the whole thing took like 20 minutes and I have no idea what the point of that was. for him or for me.


If they stay after an 8 cuber in PG I drop the Morph deflated emote then concede


I'll never give them that satisfaction


Generally I agree with you, but if I got a meeting to get to then I'd probably just leave lol


I'm with you, I will intentionally rope every single turn if they wanna draw it out I will make them suffer.


I only rope if they Ms Marvel thumbs up me when I'm literally about to click the concede button.


Haaaaaa guilty; it’s like “hey I don’t generally wanna be toxic or petty but absolutely don’t TEMPT me to 😅 “


When I see the ms marvel emote I can feel my pettiness rising


Can confirm, have done this


Haha yeah same I do the fist bump snap and then if them start the bm after a win when I am about to conced, I will hold them hostage as long as I can. Only got a full comeback once but it was so satisfying.


It's really the best, and then hitting them with the same spam they neglected me to is even better 😂


I hit them with Sweaty Red Guardian emote and rope the fuck out of them


Rope = draw the timer out? I legit haven't heard the term until this thread, but if they snap T1, fist bump back and then lose 8 but won't concede? It's 100% what I do.


Exactly. At that point I rope every single second. They wanted to drag shit out? Well I'll give them what they want and perhaps more


So your way of punishing them is doing what they wanted to do anyway, and what you aren't enjoying? lol


Ya'll have way too much spare time. Surely you have better things to do than waste half an hour of your life being spiteful of some arbitrary username you will never likely never see again.


Let em win back to 2 and crush em if you know you will statistically win. 


Currently saving up 2200 gold to get the beast emote just for this reason


You just said you were experimenting with a new deck, isn't that "the point" for you?


Many people would rather play multiple PG matches against different opponents to maximize ticket/medal gain. 15 medals per PG can add up when you just want some small rewards to get to the variant. You only lose like 20 seconds re-queueing.


So then concede the match and re-que. it only takes 20 seconds.


There are benefits to staying if you’re farming booster or dailys. Especially with someone who seems impatient and will keep the games moving.


So rare to get requed in only 20 seconds. It's usually at least a minute, sometimes 5 for me. The only time I stay in is if I'm just trying to complete missions that require a deck I don't like and I don't want to have to wait a few minutes to reque. Even then I'm not staying in after losing an 8 snap...


I’m on your side. People complain when the first round loser doesn’t instantly concede, like it’s not a big deal to start another match. But then they can’t take their own advice.


My favourite is when people get "MAD" because you wasted their time by not conceding to their imaginary rule, then proceed to rope the rest of the matches wasting even more time, then just playing the game the way it was designed. I just fist bump em and load a bong and youtube video and play along.


> the whole thing took like 20 minutes and I have no idea what the point of that was. for him or for me. I know this is a wild idea but maybe he was playing the game for fun.


Who the fuck does that?


If you're playing the game for fun, you should still concede so you can play more matches and get mode medals. Then play your heart out on the silver+ tickets. There's no reason to sweat that hard in PG.


That might have been me, sorry. 😅


He took the game serious, you didn’t. That was the point.


Don't do me like that man: did you attend the meeting or not???


Clearly winning a free entry proving ground took precedence




Saaaaame thing happened to me BUT the person also apparently got salty af bc he decided to take every second of every round and drag it out as long as possible. Aaand he had an infinity border so it makes me think, hmmmm so is THIS how you got your infinity border?


Yep, some people are REALLY in it for that silver ticket


I might have been that other guy lmao this sounds too familiar


I stayed in one where the other guy didn't snap and neither did I just because I was using it to complete missions that the deck I prefer playing right now wouldn't satisfy and you don't have to wait to match up with another player if you stay in. (It sucks sometimes when it takes 3-5 minutes to just get a match) Ended up being 5 rounds and I completed all my missions right away. If it had double snapped and I lost I just would have conceded. It is annoying when I'm playing it for silver tickets or shop tokens. I had another one where it double-snapped. I won and he stayed in, I was thinking Bro, it's just proving grounds...


What could be the reason tho? AFAIK there are still no drawbacks from losing in proving grounds (unless some hidden MMR dunno.) I hop on proving grounds to grab a quick ticket, not to waste 20 minutes on it.


My guess is either people wanting to play all out conquest games to see how their new deck performs or people who really care about their deck analytics and win% on Untapped.gg. I miss being able to run a proving grounds match in 5 minutes.


Yea I used to farm like 20 silver tickets before going for gold in order not to have to start from the beginning. Loosing in infinite nowadays must be horrible lol


I can’t really comment as I almost never play proving grounds. I still snap T1 game 1 but I only play if i’m testing a new deck. With gold tickets in reserves that generally provides me with what I need to play with way fewer proving ground runs. So my guess is a lot of people that would snap t1 are probably playing less proving grounds, and it’s left with bots and those just viewing it like any other level


There was a drawback for a time during the leagues trial. And that'll come back and rollout to everyone eventually, so say goodbye to quick Proving Grounds


There are bots that always retreat on turn 3, it’s infuriating.


They likely are not bots. It's people leaving on turn three to achieve certain mission criteria. One of the main ones being 'win a lane with one card'. So if they're winning a lane, or better yet MULTIPLE lanes on turn 3 then they concede so they get credit for those lanes in a single go.


I take your point, but every time I’ve stuck around, it happens for a full 5 rounds which is more times than needed for those missions.


In those instances it's def people farming season pass XP that you get for winning lanes. :/


Yeah, it’s not fun to grind through as an opponent not looking to do the same.


Isn’t there something where people are using it to farm season pass XP? I don’t really understand it, but I’m sure I’ve seen it mentioned around here.


That is when people play a ton of 1-drops then concede before turn 3 finishes revealing. They get season pass xp for each lane they won even if they lost the match. If I see yellowjacked and any other 1 drop on turn 1 I just concede and move on. I don't have time to watch someone play with themselves


>yellowjacked I formally move that this be the new name of this character from here on. I'm off to make a ripped, yellow-clad, stinging superhero now with AI art. Introducing: *YellowJacked!*


Later in the series he gets turned into S.W.O.L.D.O.K


Villains include TestosTyrone, Knobgoblin, and Chadpocalypse.


I do NOT want to see the sketches for Knobgoblin.


Just snap round 1 each game to make it end quickly


WAY too sweaty


I snap and fist bump. If they don't snap back I concede. I usually get over half of opponents willing to snap back and it works pretty smoothly. If they fist bump but don't snap I sometimes stick in and play it out as they seem cool.


You sounds like a nice person. Thanks for being cool


If I win the first match for 4 cubes and they stay, I just concede and move on to the next. Not worth the 15 credits


You Snap first round: I snap first round. You snap second round: I snap second round.* You snap third round: we are locked in combat to the end. *if Deaths Domain reveals and you are playing Deadpool destruction, or Shuri’s lab w/ kitty pride, mulligan.


It's been like that for a while, people are more liable to snap in the other tiers of conquest before they snap in proving grounds lol.


I’ve observed that too. People almost always snap on turn 1 in gold. Possibly because they are already tired from proving grounds lol


That's exactly what I do, but still snap in proving grounds, hell I snap as much as I can because I want it to be over.


More likely because they got the gold ticket from their collection track and are only playing Conquest out of a sense of obligation for the rewards, so they want to get it over with as quickly as possible.


Also because you get gold tickets from the cache but maybe some people don't care so they just want to spend them fast.


What’s crazier is people wanna drag on after losing 8 after the first game in proving grounds 😭


PG should be one match only, no life bar, does not make sense.


2 life max, so if you snap and win its over, but they can concede to get at least 1 more try. but thats it. 2 matches tops.


There's broadly-speaking three kinds of players in PG: \* The booster farmers, who hopefully the devs will do something about (they say they're working on it). I have never seen anyone defend the really awful ones, the "all one-costs" decks. The Agatha Idlers are also sometimes annoying but mostly fine. \* People who view PG as a way to get Silver Tickets. These people (like me!) view Proving Grounds as fundamentally annoying. Some of them would rather be playing on ladder but want to get the Conquest rewards for the month, some of them are trying to get Infinity Tickets so they can play Infinity Conquest and get an Infinity Avatar. To these people, the no-stakes nature of Proving Grounds is a bug, not a feature -- they want to get their silver tickets and go on to do something they enjoy more. \* People who view PG as the game's missing casual mode. They want to work on daily missions without risking their ladder rank, they want to try decks they're worried will get toasted on ladder, etc. To them, the no-stakes nature of PG is the point: they want to play Snap without the stress of being somewhere else. And "playing Snap" means snapping and retreating like a real game, not just YOLO snapping T1 and playing cards out. The second and third groups don't see eye to eye. The second group thinks that if everyone agreed to treat PG as one-and-done, everyone would have more Silver Tickets, we'd all be better off. And because they view basically every other game mode as Real Snap and PG as a nuisance, they don't understand why anyone would want to stretch it out past that. The disconnect comes in a lot of how it's discussed. The third group will say things like they're "testing decks." The group two people think that answer is not really useful; in order to see how a deck really performs, you need to play it in Real Snap, results from Proving Grounds don't tell you how good a deck is. But what the group three people mean is more like -- something like getting comfortable with a deck. Not "is this deck good," but "what are my playlines, how well do I draw." They know the win-loss results are of limited value, but they can still learn the playlines, get comfortable with the deck, etc. I think the casuals say a lot of things that are true but not really the reason they play the way they do -- I don't really think queuing in for a new PG match takes all that long, normally, and they act like it takes roughly forever. I think the casuals are discouraged from saying "I want to play casually and not have my casual play space treated as nothing more than a ticket farm, and if you don't like that you can quit and find someone else who agrees with you," or maybe they don't quite think of it in those terms. But that's what I think is the subtext to a lot of the discussion that rarely gets said in quite so clear of terms.


I fit in both group 1 and group 3 for most of the month then group 2 when Infinity rank opens. I'm either playing decks full of cards that I'm close to splitting or trying new combos. Rarely do I snap... but if I do and lose an 8 cuber, I'll concede. I know, for the most part, my decks (especially my booster decks) are not competitive. I get both sides of the argument. Personally, I feel there should be a grace period to fuck around and play casually but like... that final week (or final 2 weeks), let the competitors play and farm their tickets.


Well I can’t speak for the others but in my case it’s simple, *I started in December and was never informed of this unwritten rule.*


People referring to it as a, "rule," are a little off-base. Really, it's an emergent property of the rules of the game mode. Since the mode is free to enter, there are no consequences to leaving other than losing your progress in that specific match. You're at a disadvantage for the rest of the match after losing a game, but you can immediately regain those lost cubes simply be leaving and starting a new match. We can also think about this another way: let's have two sets of players play against each other for an hour. These players are evenly matched, so they will each win about 50% of the time, and three of the players are hyper-competetive while the last player will concede whenever they lose a game. Players A and B, both hyper-competetive, take about 15 minutes per match, so they've played 4 games over the course of an hour and each has won 2 Silver tickets. For Players C and D, on the other hand, matches only take about 5 minutes because Player D concedes whenever they lose. This means Player D only wins matches about 25% of the time. However, since this pair is able to play 12 matches over the course of the hour instead of the 4 that the first pair played, Player D still walks away with 4 tickets while Player C wins 8. Even though Player D conceded aggressively and their opponent did not do the same, they still received twice the reward they would have received had they played competitively in the same amount of time. (Also, if Player C also decided to start conceding aggressively, matches between the two could take 2.5 minutes each, allowing them to earn 12 tickets each.) As a result, both players are better off if the loser concedes and rerolls a new match, at least in a white-room thought experiment like this. It might make sense to stay in if your deck is unfavored against most decks in the meta and you've been paired against the rare deck you're favored against, but then something unlikely happens that screws you over (maybe a location discards your key synergy piece while discarding your opponent's Swarm or something). That's a fairly uncommon scenario, however, so it mostly makes sense for players to just concede. All that said, do whatever you want and don't let people bully you about it. Conceding is a better use of your time, but if you also just want to play the game at low stakes or you just enjoy playing against the same opponent several times in a row, go ahead and play it out. Getting sweaty in Proving Grounds isn't rude or anything, it's just inefficient, but you're allowed to play inefficiently if you want.


Nah, it's not your fault. It's Second Dinner's fault for making this absolute bog of a mode.


That's totally fair. It's easy to forget that a LOT of the people who play Snap aren't involved in this subreddit, on discord, etc. All of us think it's a given that people know you snap on turn 1 in PG and then concede if you lose, but a lot of people, including you, have no idea that's what's going on. I can't be upset at them for it, but I do love it when people DO follow the unwritten rule and we don't waste each other's time.


It’s not. People have been trying to make it a “rule” to fit their playstyle, completely discounting all the reasons people may have for playing differently. Just play how you want. If your opponent doesn’t like it, THEY can concede.


I use proving grounds to farm boosters so I don't mind a long match. But if my opponent snaps I always snap back. I don't want to waste people's time.


Wouldn't it make more sense to always snap even for you? That way you get almost the exact same number of boosters (minus a small amount from queue times but they aren't too long) but with a higher ticket rate, leading to a higher medal rate which you can then spend on more boosters?


It makes some sense. The problem is I end up with dozens of silvers tickets in the end of the season cause I'm too bored to play silver conquest. I start silver conquest and gift wins to people that probably need them more than I do. Silver tickets are practically worthless when exchanged at the season end and the time spent playing silver conquest isn't really worth the medal rewards. Plus, proving grounds eliminates the stress and I can just have fun. Don't really care about winning


I thought round 5 doubles the boosters you get...


I’m sorry I’m just trying to get my dailies and log out proving grounds is the easiest method 😅


If you don't have long queue times, double-snapping makes that happen faster, because your opponent is less likely to concede (meaning you get to actually do things like play a 6 cost card).


If you have the "win lane with 4 cards" you will need more matches. Seeing the win or loss screen actually ends up taking more time not less. It's entirely dependent on the dailies, but double snapping is not always faster.


How so? If you're just doing that you play out 4 cards in one location and just say screw it to everything else. 4 of your biggest beefiest chonkiest boys. Doesn't matter if you win the match, only that you won the lane. Unless you're not actually just doing dailies and that's an excuse


Sorry this is way late... Loading times. Let's say I have the "win with 4 cards in lane" two times. If I play an entire match I'll get more options to win the entire lane without having to see the win or lose screen. It's 100% faster than just snapping, playing out one turn, then going through all the screens. If I win, I have to wait for the whole thing to play out showing me the silver ticket etc. If I lose, I may not have even got the chance to get it at all in the first match. What if locations prohibit my completing the mission? I've now wasted that entire match without even getting 1.


Some people play to play the game rather than just the rewards. Some people might not know the unwritten rule (it's not written! New players every day). Some people use Conquest as a cheap way to do their dailies, too. Sometimes when there's a "win a location with 1 card" daily, people will play a card and retreat since that counts. Repeatedly.


First time I’ve seen this post not get downvoted into oblivion. The tides must be changing.


Sometimes I’m working out a new deck and could care less about winning or losing in PG. I’m just trying to figure out the rhythm without damaging my ladder position


Yea this is the main reason. Can’t believe it has to be explained lmao


Okay I was wondering about this. I was almost wanting to come here and ask if I was being the toxic one by just wanting to get PG games over with and farm the tickets. Just seems like a mutually beneficial way to do things as low as the stakes are tbh. Ideally SD would just tweak it and make proving grounds a standard game of snap- literally a proving ground that shows your deck is ready to move on to competitive round-based play.


It's too bad conquest wasn't designed so that if both players snap there is only one match, rather than the 2 cubes left over.


The worst people are the booster farmers


I mean I barely play silver and up, I just grind out tickets for the variants, but I mainly use conquest for learning how to pilot a new deck, so I usually go the full match.


Most of the time people will snap 8 cubes turn1 on proving grounds. The absolute bonkers thing to me is that, 95% of the player base have this insane and inflated ego and they think they’re the shit. So even if they snap and lose 8 cubes, they will keep playing.


There's definitely been an increase in XP farming, booster farming and mission completion.


Sometimes it's just "I wanna test a new deck and the guy who just 8-cubed me has the deck I wanna play against right now." Or you missed it by a hair and wanna prove your deck is better. The unwritten rule thing was just a meme anyway; you play how you wanna play. Whoever doesn't feel like hanging anymore can back out.


Mainly because i use it to try out funky decks


I legit just had a game where I snapped before I even saw my cards, played it out and the opponent retreats before I win. Then I left because I'm not gonna play a full conquest match in PG and I get Ms. Marvel emoted on for leaving... why are people like this?


Snap snap, concede. This is the way


The ones who spam Thanos emote at winning a silver ticket always baffles me.


I just started playing and had no idea there was “snap etiquette” lol


I snap immediately. If I lose, I concede. I actually do this for all not just proving grounds. I don’t want to play you seven games. If they don’t snap or they wait to snap until they have advantage, then I will play out the entire fucking game till the last breath.


Might be an unpopular opinion but I use proving ground to finish daily/weekly tasks and sometimes will go extra rounds just to finish missions


I am having the exact same experience! It started like a little more than a week ago. Some people don't snap back, which is expected. You just win/lose 1 game and move on. But now those who snap back lose their 8 cubes and STAY. So many players are doing this. All I can do is let the timer run out until turn 2 where I get booted. Sooometimes they concede, but most of the matches I end up losing. We've reached the point of maximum sweat. I know many players wanna try a deck, but isn't the point of testing a deck to play against as many different decks/archetypes as possible? And the emote spammers. Oh lord. Yesterday I was testing a crappy morbius apoc discard deck with the new silver samurai I got and unfortunately forgot to mute. This guy played the most cookie cutter hela tribunal deck ever. I got absolutely demolished, because ofc it's Hela, and the mf started spamming snap?snap?snap?. Dear lord, it's proving grounds, calm down.


I hate providing ground for that reason


I don't care about any "unwritten rules", I just want to have fun playing my cards against other players. If you can't have fun playing against a 2HP player it's not my fault nor my problem. Maybe you are the sweater.


That's how i feel. Don't like how i play, concede. Your expectations aren't my responsibility :) I play for fun, which means I'm not going to give up just because I lost most of my cubes. Comebacks of that nature are way more fun to me than winning in a single shot.


As someone that plays almost exclusively conquest, usually two reasons: 1. I'm doing missions and going all the way back to main is annyoing 2. I'm planning on leaving after the loss anyway, so why snap?


If you're leaving after a loss regardless you should always snap, as your risk is 0


The risk is playing against someone that wants to play Conquest and retreats because of the snap.


Why does it matter? It's irrelevant


Because if you don’t lose you’re getting more from your win…


This was never the rule. Some did it, most did not.


I'm trying to win tho


"Wah wah wah! Why are people playing the game mode as intended? Wah wah wah!"


Personally I do it for the boosters, you drag the game out and you get enough to upgrade a character


You know there is some dick head reading all the comments laughing because they enjoy thinking they are so awesome for wasting each other's time. Hate those types of losers.


It’s weird because those people are in here going “iF yOu DoNt LiKe iT, cOnCeDe” which is already what people are saying they do…


Life totals need to drop to 8, if both opponents snap in a game, so be it, the game will go 1 round. Then autosnap begins round 3 so even if the winner isn't snapping the game can't go six rounds.


It’s ridiculous. Just treat it like a 1 round match. No point dragging out the match for 15 conquest credits. If they retreat or don’t snap I’ll just leave the match.


I genuinely feel like people just don’t get the logic. Like you said, there is literally zero downside to losing a PG match. If the community could embrace this as a whole, we would literally all benefit.


I use proving grounds to try out a deck and Im guessing many people do to. So they wont snap on purpose so there’ll be a few games to see how the deck does.


But you aren't getting good data on how the deck actually works, since you are playing against a turn 1 yolo snapper. You should want to test it out against other thoughtful players who will stay in multiple rounds when if they lose as they learn your deck, no?


You can also say that the faster you cycle through different opponents the more different decks you will face and then your experience whenpiloting the deck will become better to understand if it is good against the meta. I'm not against your argument, just saying that there are multiple arguments to support each approach, the people on this thread are just focusing on speed and efficiency.


I suppose, but you probably didn't get useful data against the turn 1 all in snapper, so if you concede on a loss, you can go great your deck out against the next opponent faster. If you want a wide variety of meaning opportunities and data on how your deck functions, don't stay in against the player who snapped before they even saw their initial cards. At that point the only data you are getting is the RNG of who drew better cards and what locations showed up.


Just saying that higher amount of games per time used migh be a more appealing metric for some folks than 20minutes watching carnage blow shit up.


It was never a thing beyond this sub. Why are you people getting mad because others are playing the game?


You see that's the thing. It's my first time on this sub, in fact I ain't much of a redditor at all. So it definitely was a thing beyond this sub. When it comes to getting mad, I would say that's natural and happens in a lot of games, you don't need to like everyone's playstyles. I was just genuinely curious, because as I said, I'm an outsider when it comes to this sub, and it very much was a thing for me, and it suddenly isn't. So I thought there maybe was some kind of incentive to not snap that I'm missing or something.


I do it before my cards when show up in hand or location 1 reveals. Let's get this going gang! I don't mind if someone doesn't get what I'm doing, or maybe they live in an area where it takes over a minute to find a match and they hate queuing. But if they then snap on turn 6 while clearly ahead, they are dead to me. But for anyone who knows this is a thing, and has fairly fast queue times, come on buddy get on snap and yolo train. The stakes are non-existent, you can earn 2-3 tickets in the same time it takes to earn 1 the slow way, and then you can actually play things out in Silver (I actually snap turn 1 there too, but no worries if you don't).


I stopped playing proving grounds altogether because of this and just wait to get a couple golden tickets from the collection track


Honestly, you literally have nothing to lose. Just fukin snap


I dont often snap conquest. I'm just there to play or try out bad decks. However, if they snap and I lose, I retreat. If they don't snap I just keep playing unless I don't like their deck.


I insta-snap when I’m grinding for tickets and medals, but if I’m testing a deck or farming Missions it makes more sense to play every round.


I feel like most of the fun people left or turned into soulless addicted ones. I personally plan on quitting if Arishem is not actually fun


It’s the safest way to do daily missions, so people try to get their 6 missions done or harder missions done in proving grounds


There’s nothing to lose in proving grounds


Read this and went straight to play one. I snapped, he snapped right way and conceded when he Lost. There's still some real bros.


I always snap turn 1 on conquest, from proving ground to infinite, I don't fkin care really.


I always snap there just to get it over


The beginning of the season is like this, as the season goes on more people snap in PGs.


Honestly I assume proving grounds is full of bots that are there to prolong the game vs turn 1 snappers.


What drives me nuts are people getting their “win location with 1 card” goals by playing proving grounds and once they are winning a spot, they retreat.


Generally the first week or so of PG people stick around to try to win tickets. I definitely still snap T1, but I see it less so this first week.


I don’t like conquest so all I did was the T1 snap to move things along. People stopped snapping back so I gave up on the mode entirely lol.


PG became a lot of XP bot farmers.


Someone should really post these rules in the game. I had no idea..lol


99% of my time in proving grounds is clearing missions or testing deck curves. I'll snap back but I'm usually not snapping first. Two reasons 1. It probably doesn't matter. I'm likely to concede once I clear my missions anyway. I "accidentally" get enough silver tickets in a season. I'm not hanging around to cheese out a ticket. 2. My snapping overall isn't great. If I snap in ways different than how I'd play in ladder, it'll get worse


Proving Grounds is the worst for some reason. Yesterday someone got so tilted by me snapping turn 1. Round 1: They retreated losing a cube, then they spammed "snap?". Round 2: I snap again and they retreat losing a cube again. They stay in. Round 3: I snap again. They drag out the entire clock for each turn and play no cards. They lose 4 cubes. Round 4: Same as round 3 but they retreat before it ends so they only lose 2 cubes. Round 5: same as before, except the only card they play now is a turn 5 Magik. Then they stay and leave after turn 7. Like sure you can be upset with a turn one snap...but why waste all this time? Its obvious you're being a petty asshole but I am not gonna let you get the win now. They literally could have snapped back, played one game, and i lose, i leave. EVEN IF THEY DIDN'T SNAP BACK, if they played the first game, I would have left after a loss. Doesn't even need to be an 8 cuber.


That and people playing agatha decks with some kind of automation to end Turn/continue. Stopped playing conquest since then


I've noticed the same thing. As someone else brought up, I can only chalk it up to the gold tickets in reserves? Since you get those, I guess most people just don't play PG to grind tickets anymore, and the the only ones left in the mode are the sweaty try-hards and people "testing decks" or something. I'd say it's baffling how SD has left the proving grounds in this shitty state, but it's SD. So not surprising.


That Silver Ticket really matters to them! 😁 It's so much more efficient to get tickets by playing best of one and moving on.


The worst is winning the 8 cuber and them staying in with 2 cubes. I can understand that maybe in gold or something, but also, getting really tired of playing so many extra rounds 🥵


You still see it a lot, but it has become infested in people botting with a deck spamming one drops until turn 3 and retreating. That might be what you are running into. (This is done to grind XP for Season rewards past 50)


I almost never Snap, and it's pretty much 100% me being petty. I'm sick of the idea that we aren't here to play the game but just get boosters. I would absolutely rather have 10 good games that are tense and memorable over 100 games with a T1 retreat that basically just wasted any effort. When we started getting so many posts about how we "had to" Snap T1 I just stopped. IMO snapping is a strategy as part of the game, not just a resource collector.


yeah get used to it, the game has lost it's charm and is sweaty at all levels. game needs a shot in the arm, sorry this is not a AAA title or worth the hype anymore, just look at the cheesy artwork on the cards being released, LAAAAZZZZYYYYYY!


I spam the spiderman emote if I win the pg 8 cube and they still stay.


At this point, I'll snap on 1, but if they don't snap back, I treat it like it's a normal conquest. I'll never reward boomer snappers, even in PG.


I use proving grounds to mess around with new decks so the more I get to play against someone and learn their deck, the better I can see the holes in my own deck (in theory). It also helps me to practice my snapping and retreating. In that sense, it’s like a place to train for me. So that’s why I keep playing in PG. I had no idea about this unwritten rule personally but if someone snaps turn 1 I might follow suit to make things easier for everyone.


I use it to test out some decks


If I snap T1 in Proving Grounds, win or lose, I leave. Unless you Ms. Marvel me. Then it’s on.


Honestly, while I prefer the double snap, I don't mind playing it out. The people who just play one cost cards then concede turn four shit me though. I'm here to play a game, not fuck around watching you play cards then concede.


Bots now retreat smarter. Being they exist in proving grounds, that's probably your issue. If someone snaps and fist bumps, I always do the same. A few times, my opponent retreated on a 4 cube loss and kept going despite the bump, but that does not stop me from continuing. Granted a couple times I play not to win but just complete some stupid daily. In those cases I don't bump but just concede after t3


I give the benefit of the doubt that people who try hard in proving grounds are either young and inexperienced or not very smart. I move on after 1 round either way. If they really want that silver ticket that bad they can have it. Trying to complete challenges, testing new decks, or any other excuse can be dismissed because all that can be done in silver/gold conquest better and more efficiently.


Did some conquest last night and got lots of T1 snaps and fistbumps which i won some and lost some but everyone seemed to follow protocol and concede after the loss. One a-hole had other thoughts though. He didnt respond to my fistbump emotes but snapped on T2 instead. I thought maybe he just forgot, but when he pulled RG to ruin my dagger-destroy-PF line i knew he did it on purpose. So i retreated and then he rained me with thanos, snap and im losing emotes. With a bit of good fortune and focused rage I reeled successive victories and blanked him out, giving him the snap and ms marvel emotes on every victory. This guy had RG, nocturne, sage, thena and gilgamesh on his deck so im either dealing with somebody fairly new, willing to spend, or both. I guess maybe these guys are the ones who dont follow the snap at T1 unwritten rule. I dont really mind as its just personal preference, but when you do emotes and taunts after you win thats just a-hole behavior since most guys who do the T1 snap + fistbump usually do it regardless of a bad hand or unfavorable first location.


I saw one guy in conquest that not only didn’t give me the win after losing an 8-cuber, but also didn’t snap on Ego!


I love people that don’t snap turn one, on turn 6 when they have 100% win they snap. You let it go bc don’t care and they start to emote snap. Snap? Snap? *ms.marvel* Snap? *thanos*. Can’t imagine how miserable their real life is 😿😿😿


I haven’t done proving grounds in forever I just use gold tickets from caches


I swear to god I can't get anywhere in conquest because my cycle is constantly win 2 cubes, win 2 cubes, win 2 cubes, lose 8. Really goddamn frustrating.


I snap but if they don’t I’ll stick around. I only use PG to test out decks so the extra reps are useful


Bro just let us do the dailies in peace.


I saw many players here say they gonna rope the shit out of those who stayed after an 8-cube lost in a PG game, like who care man, they choose to stay to waste your time, and you choose to rope them a.k.a rope yourself too, your opponent might just played a card then do their thing (like watch TV, netflix, tik tok...) while you think you are roping them but instead roping yourself the whole time. You think you are wasting their time, NO you are wasting your own time (which is exactly what they want) while they are enjoy watching you wasting your own time. There's a saying: "Don't Wrestle With A Pig In The Mud, You both get dirty BUT the *pig* likes it." Just my 2 cent!!! As for game they opponent retreat after Turn 3, they might try to do the quests like win a location with 1 card/4 cards/10 or less power....


I mean, the top part of my phone's touchscreen was busted for a while, so I couldn't snap that whole time. Hope I didn't start this trend! 😜


Yeah I never got why proving grounds isn't just a normal game tbh. 1 round win / lose that's it. Getting into the "proper" part conquest takes soo long now


I mostly see various Agatha bros on proving grounds lately and they don't bother snapping most of the time.


I honestly forget to do this sometimes lol. I always did it before but at some point I stopped. Part of it is just not thinking of it much anymore. But I also started trying to get better at identifying snap scenarios and snapping when I should, retreating when I should, etc. Proving Grounds may bot be optimal for this, but it is a nice place to practice with low stakes when learning new decks and strategies, snap scenarios, etc.


Conquest ded


I'm so glad this is being discussed. It's been especially bad the beginning of this season. Absolute neckbeard sweat for no reason.


I'll be completely honest... I just forget to snap bc in distracted


I only snap if my opponent snaps cuz I don't wanna be "that guy" cuz I'm just there to farm boosters and chill


I've been wondering the same thing lately. When it goes more than two rounds even if you win it just feels like a complete waste of time


It’s me, I’m that guy. I stopped playing Conquest because it just didn’t appeal to me as much as ladder and I make it a personal goal to hit infinite before I do conquest to get all the rewards I can but I haven’t hit infinite as of recently and that’s a me issue. So yea, conquest is just kinda there for me, nothing special enough to participate.


If the rule is one round and retreat neither player needs to snap. I get plenty of games that still end in one round. I guess you are just being paired with sweats.


Its normal to hit 6/7 rounds it’s shitty


I would always go HI! SNAP? 🤜🤛 (Snap!) every time I play PG


Its been insanely sweaty, people using only meta decks, snapping only when theyre sure theyd win, retreating so they only lose one point, its crazy. I just want to relax and finish some quest, take that shit to gold


Not gonna lie a dude got me turn 4 Wong,5 seraph, turn 6 Odin gambit . I was so pissed that I played him all the way until I beat him because of how cheesed I felt.


To many retreats now hard to climb


I wish proving grounds was 8 total to win. If you wanna leave silver+ 10, whatever, but proving grounds should be 8. Then even if make it to the end it’s still 2 rounds max


Lol I already complained about this on the discord. Bumped into the most TOXIC player ever....waited out EVERY CLOCK. Emoting like a dick....all because he emoted me on an 8 cube and then when lost I did it back


I only snap turn 1 PG. There is no other way.


they really need to restructure conquest.. proving ground should have 2 life max. and then increase the life by 2 in each subsequent tier


Thank You. For some reason the proving grounds got filled with idiots. Its Litteraly Not Worth Your Time Playing