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That's a lot of wacky colours, haha


yes indeed, the classic "makes sense to me" approach haha.


There was a stretch back in Oct./Nov./Dec. where I used 4 keys 6 consecutive times. That felt pretty bad. Took a long time to regress back to the mean, but my average is now pretty much spot on 2.5 keys per week.


I am currently in that spot. Last 5 times I’ve opened keys it took 4. It feels bad.


ooof. yeah that really stings. luckily math says it will all even out just like it did for Ko0kz!


Yikes, 24 keys for 1.5 seasons was rough.


Oh my favorite is Valantina


nice! yeah she was right on the cusp for me. i'll be happy if i get her randomly, or as a side along in the spotlights, or if she drops to S4 i'll pay 3k for her i think.


Cannonball released alongside Ms Marvel, she and Ghost Spider got switched I believe


yeah that sounds right, as i wasn't interested in Cannonball at the time and i was buying Mockingbird with Tokens i didn't ever change it but you are correct i should!


I’ve been keeping track of mine since it launched last year, my average for pulling the new card has been around 2.5.


don't you love it when Math just Maths correctly!?


Cool! I've also kept a record of my pulls. I've used 58 keys. * 45 new cards, 3 of which just dropped to S3 (Echo, Silver Samurai and Mirage), 24 currently S5 * 8 spotlight variants, 2 of which I wanted and chased (Mack Echo and Momoko Nico) * 4 dupes -> 1k tokens * 1 dupe -.> premium variant (before dupes became tokens) * 6 new cards pulled from the random cache (Living Tribunal, Caiera, Mockingbird, Blob, Black Knight, Red Guardian) * So overall I hit random box 11/58 keys, and pulled a new card 6/11 random boxes. I figure around 12-16 keys I regret spending in hindsight


Amazing! also yes that Peach Momoko Nico was one of my few "i need this variant!" cards and i was supremely lucky to pull it first and White Widow second that week (i don't know if i would have had the nerve to pull for it specifically). I now use it exclusively and have the infinite avatar for her as well haha.


Note 3: i'd encourage anyone who cares enough to track your pulls as well, it really helps my mental landscape when i get a "Bad draw" to look at the big picture. its human nature for us to remember the bad things stronger than the good (evolutionarily we learn to "stay away from that bad feeling") so doing this can help the bad to sting less


I track mine as well. For the same time frame as you I’m averaging 2.52 keys. From July 23-dec 23 I averaged 1.45 keys (very lucky) This year from January 24-June 24 I averaged 2.93 keys( slightly unlucky) For the entire time frame July 23-June 24 I’m averaging 2.25 (slightly lucky). Anyways I love tracking things lol.


Love the organization here, and I'm glad that math has your back.