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Not Angela


Is Angela meta right now?


lol is this a joke? I hope you’re joking.


I know the pride variant has gotten love/heat depending on each person but like mechanically is she good?


So if you’re not super high rank collection-wise you might not be seeing what’s going on in the meta. The five horsemen of the meta apocalypse right now is Kitty Pride, Thena, Angela, cannonball and Pro X. I’m slow playing this season and I have seen almost exclusively this deck for the past week.


Thena maxes out at 15 or 18 power kitty maybe gets to 8 if you play her every turn, I did run into a couple thena decks but when my draws are good I can make Darkhawk a 5/23 and then he gets copied, honestly what usually blew me out is Hela because if she gets out infinaut I just couldn’t keep up with that kind of power and the other huge drops.


It’s the combination, with Ravonna (forgot her in my ptsd) it reduces the cost of Angela, sage, havoc, prof x, anything with 1 power or less. This combo can lock down lanes and just blow you up on turn 6. I feel like I have to play the same deck just to compete with what’s going on. Hela is probably still the highest cross-board power player, assuming your hand plays out, outside of single lane Living Tribunal, but both of these are very predictable and tough to win 4 or more cubes with.


Yeah honestly my greatest advantage was using IW to blow people out on turn six when they think I can’t cover a spread of 10+ in two lanes on the last turn, so I had a decent amount of 8 cube games, wish there was a statistic somewhere tracked for that though, would be interesting to see.


A 2/15 or 2/18 is uhhh pretty okay I’d say


But cannonball did mess me up once because he moved my invisible woman and my mystique got flipped early


Surprise Backdoor Darkhawk


CL ?




Moldy Rocks. Or, Rocks and Bots.


Oh I like that! I started with Rock and Stone because I'm a DRG player, but wait... Rocks and Bots --> Rocks n Bots --> Rocks, Hawks, and Robots --> "ROCKIN' HAWKIN' ROBOTS!" lol


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


To the bone my man


>"ROCKIN' HAWKIN' ROBOTS!" That sounds like a hell of a party lol.


How does invisible woman help here?


I honestly credit her with why I got so many 8 cube wins, you tuck taskmaster or mystique under her and play Darkhawk or Ronan on the last turn (6 or 7) and then they will copy the power from the big 5 drops, also because the effects are ongoing I’ve stashed Kory’s and rockslide under her after mystique to get an end of game power boost, basically your losing the whole game until the end when you have a big blowout.


OK, thank you I'll be giving this deck a try


Interesting, is this also to try & keep Darkhawk below 10 power until the end?


If nothing were added to the opponents deck Darkhawk would be 9 power by turn 6, but we spend most of the game pumping the opponents deck full of cards so it's not likely to be under 10 power, I've found it usually averages 13 on a bad draw. but invisible woman can bypass Shang-Chi entirely because it reveals your cards after their Shang-chi has gone off, but even more often than that you are playing Darkhawk on turn 6 and hiding either mystique or taskmaster under Invisible Woman, so they don't really even know what threat is coming, unless they've seen a lot of Korg/RockSlide/Darkhawk decks and even though they won't knwo what lane you are putting them down on, and that's where cosmo comes in, I usually like to drop cosmo in a lane separate from invisible woman and drop darkhawk there.


Thanks for the explanation! At first read, I thought you were giving up the benefit of slowing down their draws with rocks, so that Rockslide and/or Korg get revealed at the end to boost up Darkhawk’s power as late as possible.


That's what I love about this deck, it has been really flexible, obviously plan A is to rock and Stone them to oblivion early on, but if they draw late you can tuck them under invisible woman after a mystique or taskmaster play, but the ideal line of play is usually: T1: Korg T2: Grand Master (on Korg)/Master Mold T3: Rock Slide/Black Widow T4: Absorbing Man T5a: Darkhawk/Ronan T5b: Invisible Woman & Mystique T6a: Taskmaster/Mystique T6b: Darkhawk or Ronan If there's a turn 7, spend turn six making more rocks or filling up your opponents hand so they can't draw, then do turn 6 on turn 7.


I’m going to try this!


I think you also helped me just come up with my Deck Name: Rock and Stone


I like it!


1. Korg & Rock Slide: Fill the enemy's deck with rocks (duh) 2. Master Mold and Black Widow: fill their hand and prevent draws so more rocks stay in their deck. 3. Grand Master and Absorbing Man: more of #1 and #2 as needed 4. Invisible Woman and Cosmo: can hide or protect your big dudes from Shang chi and other reveal effects 5. Mystique and Taskmaster: More Ronan or Darkhawk power 6. Darkhawk and Ronan: play these safely on Cosmo or on turn 6 or 7 after you hide a mystique or taskmaster under invisible woman, this is really how the deck wins, you aren't usually winning until the very last moment.


What for is invisible woman?


She causes taskmaster and mystique to trigger at end of game so you can drop Darkhawk or Ronan safely on turn 6 before the enemy knows they have to deal with them.


Cool, thanks


You can also hide a couple of the on reveal trigger under her to boost your ongoing cards after the game ends.


Any replacement for Grandmaster?


He’s like a cheaper absorbing man so it’s tough, because you won’t have another way to make more rocks or sentinels, but you can lean into Ronan more over Darkhawk by adding in Maximus maybe, he also plays well with taskmaster in a pinch. Personally if I didn’t have GM I would put in some kind of sneaky trick like quake, something that catches people off guard.


Oh try iron lad he’s way less predictable but he can copy the others’ effects and he might even be a turn 4 Darkhawk but use at your own risk. Only bad find will be mystique or absorbing man if the last thing you played doesn’t match.


Thanks, I didn't have GM either so giving us a couple of replacement cards is a big lifesaver.


I have a friend who doesn’t have Darkhawk who asked for the list so I made a version that is more centered around Ronan, but I love giving my opponents rocks and I’ve always felt Darkhawk has much higher potential than Ronan. # (2) Grand Master # (2) Master Mold # (2) Invisible Woman # (2) Maximus # (3) Mystique # (3) Black Widow # (3) Cosmo # (3) Crystal # (4) Absorbing Man # (5) Taskmaster # (5) Ronan the Accuser # (5) Sandman # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSW52aXNpYmxlV29tYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hc3Rlck1vbGQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsYWNrV2lkb3cifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFic29yYmluZ01hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29zbW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRhc2ttYXN0ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik15c3RpcXVlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHcmFuZE1hc3RlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUm9uYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlNhbmRtYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1heGltdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNyeXN0YWwifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Not sure why I didn’t think of this, it’s more clunky but Odin isn’t a bad way to throw more rocks or hand fillers either last minute, but it’s better for mystique than taskmaster though.


Gift giving. Because you're giving them rocks, Widow's bite and Sentinels, that's at least what I named my version of this deck


DarkHawk & Dem Bois


Now you post it I have every card except grand-master which was in cache last week. I was saving my keys.


GM only gives you extra triggers for rocks, and sometimes slips into locations that are hard to land on, but you can replace him with Maximus, that would help boost Ronan, and you can hide it under IW for a late game +4


SD purposefully withholding DarkHawk from me. I’ve had everything else for a good DH for months but, no DH in sight


How about the widow master


Ronny Hawk




Lot of cards with master in it...so infinite master?


Nice deck! What can grandmaster be changed to?


I keep hearing that. I’ve put a couple suggestions among the other comments but my best guess is either Maximus or iron lad.


“Rocks and Hawks”


"Here, have some shit"


Rock Hawk


Mr Featherstone


I’ve hit infinite a bunch now, and I have to say this is either the most difficult deck to pilot I’ve ever tried, or it’s a pile of cards set to annoy the opponent. Do you have any play lines specifically? Absorbing man seems pretty meh, gonna try Ms marvel there… Edit- congrats on the infinite! Definitely a testament to your skill in the game :)


The timing is definitely critical to the decks success.


Master of Rocks


I call my Darkhawk deck Murderbird.


I retreated against this deck yesterday. Thank goodness I didn’t stay in to see the Taskmaster.


Dark Mold


Double Time


Can't wait for arishem


Invisible Dark Master.


Rock Hawk Down


Rock Hawk Down


Seems neat! I'll give it a try later


rock solid


Name - "rocks and bots"


i have a very similar deck and named it 'fuckery'


Behold, my dark Masters. Say it in [Darth Vaders voice.](https://youtu.be/sCfkBKnhcBM?si=rWwc38N-BnrRhK6j)


lol “Get Rockblocked” or “Hawkblocked” or “Rock blocker” or something like that?




More op if include wong. Btw fat wong is the best wong. I like dan hipp variant version of wong.