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I don't think I've run into a bot post-90 this year.


This season I encountered a bot roughly every 6-7 games in the 90s. Quite a bit for me I’d say. Probably depends on MMR?


None for the last 7 or so seasons. Edit: CL 11k


Exactly the same. I have actually watched streamers play obvious bots as high as 99 though which is odd.


Same here. 90s are an absolute slog


One every four games I'm surprised how little other people are running into them in the comments


No bots this season. Also no bots last season. Only faced them on 90s in March and April


Second Dinner needs to start answering question on what's happening with tthe bots.


They have... \*\*"The only reason a player encounters a bot in the upper ranks of the ladder is if the matchmaking queue is taking too long to find them an appropriate match within their MMR band."\*\*




because casual players don't see bots and streamers (who always pay for season pass and get free gold) see plenty bots climbing to infinte.


And that's based on what exactly? Because that's not true.


I did, at a rate of maybe one every ten or fifteen matches. That was day two of the season. My partner has been in the nineties for the last week and has seen no bots she can swear to — a few in the “bot or player having a really weird day?” class.


So I’ve had this happen to me like 5 seasons straight no bots in the 90s and all of which I ended the previous season in the 100k+ rank in infinite. (Usually hit infinite then just play conquest rest of season) and for the passed 3 seasons where I’ve tried to actually rank up post Infinite ending up in 10k-20k ranks I’ve gotten bots again. So maybe it’s something to do with season ranks?


Yeah, I noticed there's significantly lesser bots this season, this has been the toughest climb so far. Either that or they have updated some bots and it's harder to spot them now


I was getting 1 bot every 7 matches or so at 90 to 100.


I never used to see them post 70 but I have the last two seasons


Every season for at least the last 3, even at levels 95-99


I think bots also heavily depends on your CL. I don't think I have seen much bots for a long while now. I'm around 10kCL and currently in the high 90s


It isn't CL level related. There are streamers in the 50k/60k/more that get a plethora of bots in the 90s.


I hardly ever encounter bots. Like maybe a few each season.


stoped seeing them after 4k CL


CL 13k, usually cross to Infinite with a score around 7,100. A lot of bots in the 90s this season but they clearly changed the skill level of the bots. Bots now play much better decks and a higher skill. I was at 99/5 and got absolutely destroyed by a bit that played a perfect match of a death destroy deck. Other than that they run a list with cloak as second card with other move cards, that is easy to beat. There is one more list but I forgot which one it is


I've had bots every season through every tier since I started over a year ago. Plopped in at top 300 infinite this season, 200 last season.


Never get to the 90s 😭


they exist just more rarer, I got a few this season to hit infinite


None for the past 2 seasons


I had bots in the 90ies, but those are a lot tougher then the bots in 70/80. Hard to even get more than two cubes out of them. Didn’t have a single 8 cuber till infinite and in the 70ies I hardly have a bot match that’s not for 8 cubes.


I do not see bots in 80s or 90s. High 13k CL. Only hit infinite twice. Started at launch.


Haven't seen any for the last 2 seasons.


I haven't had bots in the 90s for the last 3 seasons. I don't care about card backs, so I collect my 500 gold in the first week and then play some conquest with fun decks.


This is the first season I HAVE got bots in the 90s, quite a few. Weird, apparently everyone is the opposite


Depends on your mmr. High mmr players will get more bots, lower mmr players won't, pretty simple.


They are there, just fewer amounts it seems.


Around 1/5 of opponents were bots and even after hitting infinite I met a couple. I think it depends mostly on when you play, i.e. I play at odd hours and live in EU so there is a smaller pool of players. I am at CL 8k and ended up with ~800th rank when I hit past level 100.


Tonnes of bots 70-90, none from 90 to infinite as far as I could tell.


It would be interesting if one of the no bot people recorded their games.


Not many, but bots shouldn't be in the 90s anyway. The final bracket before Infinite should require you to compete against human beings to reach Infinite and earn the rank.


I think it's based on your mmr/snap points. I've gotten bots in the 90s every season, including this one, except for two. The first was the season after the reset error where I was "reset" down to 4k snap points. Then the second was last season because I had my fastest climb ever during zemo's season and entered infinite with around 1k less snap points than usual. I also generally don't play in infinite so whatever I enter with is what I end with. I could be mistaken but it seems odd that only the two season where I had significantly less snap points lead into the only two seasons where I don't fight bots in the 90s. That being said, after experiencing it I don't think it effects the climb length much if at all, or at least not a noticeable amount.


It absolutely affects the climb; vs. exclusively human players, you're rarely going to move up more than 1 or 2 cubes at a time. It becomes a significant grind because there's no "safety net" of bots you can count on to cancel out bad or risky snaps. That's not a huge complaint mind you, because I think it's ludicrous anyone should just expect to be handed Infinite courtesy of bots, but there is absolutely an ocean of difference between the bot and no-bot Infinite climbs. Source: my last 7-10 seasons of bot-less Infinites.


I would agree with you if you faced zero bots at all, though I've never season anyone claim that, however if it's just in the 90s where you only fight them every 7 games anyway, I really don't think it effects much. Both seasons where I had no 90s bots I still hit infinite day 2 after about 8-10 hours of play, which is the exact same as every season. It definitely felt a bit worse because of the loss of a couple free 8 cubers but in terms of time and games played it barely had an effect, you know maybe it took an extra 10-20 games over bot seasons.


Then you must have some absolutely brain dead pocket metas, or you haven't left pool 2.


I'm almost 10k cl and have a high enough mmr to face multiple content creators and high infinite players on my climb each month. Also before you claim I abused some high tier deck or something, excluding this month I exclusively used a junk galactus deck for every other infinite climb this year. Maybe you are just bad at retreating and are staying in games you shouldn't, thus massively prolonging your climb?


>and have a high enough mmr to face multiple content creators and high infinite players on my climb each month. Then you're also getting fed bots and apparently just don't realize it. But congrats on the hard earned achievements. No lifing Infinite on day 2 with bots is a super special accomplishment.


Can you even fucking read? I said I get bots, except for two seasons where my mmr got messed up, that was the whole point of my post. Stop looking for things to blame on your own poor plays.

