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Biggest tip, your infinite rank is meaningless. Your MMR is already locked for next season and you’ve gained all possible ladder rewards. So don’t sweat it.


Thank you, this was what I needed to hear probably.


This is it right here. The number go higher for those wanting a feeling of accomplishment after getting to the goal line. Could run Conquest, but it's just for a border and easier on PC. Shop has some rewards for basically just a bit of a grind with time.


Why easier on pc?


The trackers help keep track of what's in decks. Not to mention, they show if facing a potential bot in ranked.


Wait is that how it works? Only your matches before infinite affects your MMR?


Best tip: everything's made up and the cubes don't matter. Screw around, have fun, and get into Conquest.


I have a related question. I seem to be wildly over ranked. I just hit infinite after playing two weeks with a minimal collection. How is this possible? Did I just hit a crazy lucky streak? I feel a little bit like I’m taking crazy pills since all the decks I’m playing now have cards I’ve not seen and better synergies.


If you are low Collection Level (ie you just started playing), you've probably faced many bots on the way to Infinite, and deliberately only been faced off against Series/Pool 1 cards. However in Infinite, you face ALL the cards, because it isn't divided by Pool. You're stuck now, and you'll probably lose most of your matches (this is deliberate, to incentivise you to spend huge sums of money). To avoid it again next month, try not to get to Infinite until towards the end of the season.


Yeah, I feel the change. I peaked at number 21 but have been on a losing streak since then


>this is deliberate, to incentivise you to spend huge sums of money That's pure nonsense. Post infinite is a simple ladder where everyone is ranked in one pile regardless of collection level. Most competitive games have such a ladder. If you want to be matched with people with your collection level go to conquest.


Keep playing (and losing) until you hit a pocket of players at your collection and skill level. Or just play Conquest.


Unless you are trying to reach high rank in infinite, highly not recommended, just have fun! That's why I try to get to infinite as quickly as possible in the season, then I get to enjoy playing new decks, new cards, etc. the rest of the season.


farm conquest until next season


Currently on rank 51 and had huge losses for me I’m trying to reach at least rank 60 but idk i feel like i’m doing something wrong the decks i’m using had me win big so i understand you on that been trying to reach infinite for a while but i can’t seem to reach it


That’s the joy of infinite. Lose as much as you want. Play wacky combos and cool decks that almost never work


Thank you, that’s really nicely put