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Yep and give me more. I’ll take a free silver and whatever I wanted to try out in PG I just go do in Silver. No issue on my end.


Honestly, just concede and leave. Leaving costs you nothing and is faster than someone dragging things out in PG. If they don't snap back on turn one, I just concede and move on to the next one. I will get someone snapping back faster than if I slog it out with someone either needlessly sweating or farming, even if I have to queue a few times in a row.


Yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing too! Eventually found a someone who fistbumped and snapped on the first turn, felt good!


Conquest is already way too sweaty for my taste, no need to Gate keep proving grounds of all things lmao. Most of the community agrees to just get that shit over with so it's usually not too hard to find someone that will snap back turn one. I even honestly play silver pretty similarly and only start sweating in gold. I don't even bother with infinite.