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How long were you away?


My man asking the real question.


I was away for 15 or 16 months and they didn't give me anything lol. I should have waited longer I guess.


I went away from Kitty pride release up to last month and got nothing.


Ya I stopped when nebula release and came back last month. What the fuck


My guess is OP simply spent more money on the game lmao


Yeah, I only just came back 2 weeks ago after a year away. Would have loved to get this bundle.


Thank you time for me to disappear


It wasn’t OP.


same, I just want to not the play for some time but still not miss out on resources when I decide to come back, the greedy spotlight cache rotation + almost non existent series drop is what is making me lose interest with the game...


This game badly needs catchup mechanisms for the long-term health of the game, so I feel this is a small step in the right direction. Players come and go as their interest in the game wax and wane. 3k token is nothing, it's one Series-4 cards in a game that has 70+ Series 4/5 card.


I’ve been away 6 months and I feel like coming back now is too daunting


I play every day and coming back every day is daunting.


I'm honestly not sure how this is possible. Don't get me wrong, the game needs better ways of obtaining cards but i also play everyday and I'm always able to get the cards I want. Does that mean I have every card? No. There's plenty I don't have but also don't really care about not having. I'm free to play mostly apart from a couple of season passes. I have way too many decks and cards that I don't really have the time to build decks for all of them. I've been having a lot of fun with Sersi recently and now getting ready for Ashem. Again, not trying to defend SD but sometimes I feel like I'm playing a different game from what others do on here. Maybe it's because I don't care about being collation complete? Or I don't really have fomo. I just play game the game every day, get the cards I want and ignore the ones I don't want.


There are 2 things that a lot of players are usually referring to when they say catching up is a problem. 1. They are focusing too much on being collection complete. It is a CCG after all and there are a lot of people who feel like they have to take every swing possible at new cards. Causing people to go in on Spotlights with only 2 keys banked and missing the new card entirely, completely blowing their resources. 2. They are focusing too much on meta decks that have S4/S5 cards and don't know how to find meaningful replacements. Its easier to look up a deck online and complain that you're behind and can't play that deck because you don't have Red Hulk instead of playing the same deck with green Hulk and it working the exact same in most situations. A lot of people only want to play the meta deck because it has the highest winrate and they are having the most fun when winning. The meta deck frequently revolves around new card. Whether it's a new card introducing a new archetype or a new card giving life to an old one.


You say you can replace cards, and search online. I'm at 7.7k CL. I've looked up decks with cards like helicarrier I want to run. You know the decks I found? 43% win rate decks with my collection. Meanwhile cards I don't have like corvus would open up many decks. Or red hulk, black widow, nebula, or countless other meta cards. They aren't slept on for a reason. They increase your win rate by 10%. I get not having a completed collection. But being able to target cards you want would be helpful. And collector tokens is not the answer. I've bought 1 card in 2 months with collector tokens and am still short 3k for another one. That is not a realistic way to target cards. Then we have this awful spotlight gimmick to waste resources. I still need nebula but I have galactus and don't care about hydra bob. I either have to save 3 keys, or take a chance of wasting them. It's a scam of a strategy.


Yeah I feel you, I played religiously until the last two months. I stopped during that time cause of life and I come back seeing blink, nocturne, red guardian etc. I have all of series 1-3 and most of 4 and even then just missing a few months feels awful in terms of building decks. I'm always missing one or two. I couldn't even imagine how others who still haven't really caught up yet. It definitely targets you in a way you either keep up and play all the time or you fall behind.


10% seems like a stretch. If you replace Red hulk with Magneto or Green hulk and your winrate is 10% lower than a deck with Red hulk, that feels like the problem is not the cards in the deck. Same thing if you replace Corvus with Sif. Between Nebula, White Widow, and Red Hulk is the only card you mention that has decks where they cannot be replaced is Nebula. And that is only in lockdown decks where you need the card to grow in flooded locations or under Professor X. The other 2 are absolutely replaceable. Red hulk rarely gets above 16 power and the 4 power difference from that to green hulk does not equate to a 10% less win rate. White widow is either used for clog or gaining priority early. If the deck needs to clog more, Green Goblin and Debrii are viable replacements. If the deck needs priority more, Medusa, Lizard, and Maximus are options. Are some decks less efficient with these replacements? Yes. But less efficient does not immediately equal unplayable. And I did not say to look online. I believe that is the part of the problem for a lot of people. They are looking at stats but don't understand the larger context behind those stats. The best version of a deck is going to have the most games played. And people using deck trackers are the self selecting group of people most likely to have access to most of the cards in the game. Meaning those people are not going to play a version of the deck with a smaller win rate so those decks have way less representation. Some people don't want to brew their own decks. I understand that. But doing that can make you blind to what the individual cards in a deck are actually trying to do. I makes a person not understand how Polaris can be a replacement for Gladiator because they are too focused on the 3 power difference between the cards and not the role the card is fulfilling.


I buy the season passes, usually complete the daily quests.  I'm missing Annihilus, Gladiator, Lady Deathstrike, Makkari, Miek, Nocturne, Proxima Midnight, Sersi, Thena, and USAgent.  This problem is getting worse over time, not better, with Collector's Caches unreliably hitting variants and duplicates.  Most major meta decks I'm missing one or two cards. It's getting to the point I always feel like I'm playing catch-up and chasing a card. Can't imagine how it is for people who don't play regularly or buy Season Passes or are returning.


Out of those cards you listed, Annihilus, Gladiator and Nocturne are probably the best to grab but honestly you don't need to follow the meta. If you have every other card there's a looooooot of decks you can have fun with.


You really need to expand your conception of the meta if that short list of missing cards leaves you with so few options. Except for Nocturne, all the cards you listed appear in 1 major archetype, and besides Annihilus, Thena, and Sersi, those cards are replaceable in their archetypes.


I hit Infinite every season and have four Conquest avatars. I check the meta environment about once a week.  Yeah, I can and necessarily *do* substitute cards I have for cards I don't, throw in a Sage or Red Guardian to replace a Nocturne or Thena.  The point is the gap between acquisition and card release widens with every month rather than lessens and the number of cards missing becomes more and more prevalent as time goes on. 


I want every card though :/ It's fun to come up with new decks, sure I can put something together that'll *work* but it's not fun to be so limited.


how long have you been playing tho? most of the people who say there are a lot of other decks to play are those that only play casually...


Since Miles Morales season pass.


How do you play the game for this to be your experience?


The same as everyone else I imagine? My spending decreased from quite a bit to practically nothing now. My biggest gripe from the list at the moment: The past four cards I've pulled from spotlights has taken the maximum of sixteen keys to get. Just "unlucky" I guess...


I kind of want to take a break but I know I'm gonna wanna come back eventually and don't want to be lost.


Unfortunately, I think this is a feeling a lot of games like this want to cultivate, which is why a lot of them have daily rewards/mechanics. Gotta keep people coming back. And, of course, that means if people *do* take a break, it's harder to get them to come back. Snap, in particular, seems pretty bad in this regard given how frequently they add new cards. There's really no easy way for someone to get caught up without investing a lot of money in a game they already didn't stick with once.




It doesn’t help that they’ve recently been putting out extremely strong cards behind either a paywall or a lootbox system ((spotlight)). Shits mad annoying grinding out a key and getting tokens back to back on each spotlight.


I started fresh a couple months ago. Yeah, I'm missing a lot of cards, but it's still fun with the basics.




I literally just took a 6 months break too. I haven't really looked into new cards or decks and just went back to my old reliables and have been having fun. Having my rank go all the way back to 0 is nice


I just want to play discard with the new pieces. I wish there was an easier way to target cards you want


For what it's worth, there is a real catchup mechanic. The smaller your collection is, the more your spotlight keys are worth. As long as you don't open boxes with fewer than 4 keys, you'll eventually catch up.  It's definitely implemented in a way that feels bad, and could definitely stand to be faster, but at least it's something. 


You will never earn keys at a rate fast enough to "catch up" when 5 new cards are released every month, you can hit duplicates on any cache, and variants for the cards you've already acquired.      Like there is mathematically, provably no way. Players who play regularly are not collection complete and missing many cards.  You'll always be behind and it will get worse with the rate of acquisition over the rate of release


You misunderstood me. When I say "catch up" I don't mean you'll have a complete collection. I mean you'll have the same number of cards as everyone else that spends the same amount of money as you.  Like I said, it's because your keys are more valuable the fewer cards you have. Let's say two players earn keys at the same rate (i.e. spend the same amount of money), but one player has 75% of the s4/s5 cards and the other player only has 25%. The 75% player will very few weeks with multiple cards they want in the spotlight, and the random slot will usually contain tokens. But the 25% player will have a lot of weeks with 2+ cards they want and their random slot will be more likely to contain a missing card. So the 25% player will get cards much faster than the 75% player, which closes the gap. But as the gap closes, the rate slows down, and eventually they reach the same % completion.  An extremely detailed article, including the % that everyone is pulled to, can be found [here](https://marvelsnapzone.com/marvel-snap-economy-pt-1-four-ways-card-acquisition-is-changing/). 


I definitely get it but I guess it depends on how you approach it and what you want to get out of the game. You could come back and say wow, look at all these new cards. Awesome! You could play your old favorite decks and /or update with a couple new cards. They may be optimal or they may not but you could still have fun and do reasonably well with most shells. Now if you come in and say I want to have every card and play every meta deck after dipping out for 6 months, that's going to be tough. Second Dinner has stated before that they want players to have unique collections. So outside of major whales and content creators, most of us will not have every card. The spotlight cache system is somewhat designed to help people with less cards catch up faster but it's far from perfect and requires accumulating keys and tokens to really take advantage of. Apparently they are employing some methods to welcome back new players and help but idk how accurate this post is.


So what I really hate is how hard it is to get token and target cards you actually want. There’s no sure fire way to just hop back in and get a card or two you want to fill out a list you used to like. I had mostly a complete collection when I quit and I stopped around Blob era. So it just feels like if I want to just get back into it I don’t have a way to get cards for destroy or discard


I haven't played for a month and I relate


A pure pvp game that doesn't have a great new player experience and good catch up mechanics/features for new players will never last as long as one that does, no matter how good the gameplay is.


This comment and it's upvotes make me think this game is blessed with it community. I used to read the similar thread about the idea of welcome back rewards in Hearthstone but all I could see was veteran was disagreeing angrily that anyone who had left the game shouldn't get anything when they decide to came back.


Yeah, boosters and credits dont do much for a player thats missing most of the new cards, enough to get at least a series 5 and lower currency could be better to help those players get at least some new cards to play


I would like daily login tickets for conquest 😭


But why you need daily tickets? Don't we have proving grounds free tickets?


That was the joke but I forgot how serious you guys take free stuff 😂


As someone who plays every day, I think this is a *fantastic* idea. The Spotlight system technically helps people catch back up but isn't enough in practice. We want people to be able to return to the game after a spell and feel like they can get back into it. Those rewards look like they'll do a decent job of that while still paling in comparison to what you get for playing consistently. Players aren't encouraged to leave for the rewards, but they also won't feel quite so hopeless when they return. Good balance.


Except for the fact that this bundle gives you just enough to not actually do anything with. Get a series 4 card I guess? It does nothing to help someone that feels incredibly behind compared to when they left.


It gets you halfway to the Series 6 card on your choice, plus a decent chunk of other free currencies. Considering you didn't do anything to get these resources, that's not half-bad. It puts you within striking distance of a new card.


Halfway to one card. Exciting.  Don't mention how long it takes for accumulate the second half.  A key would be better. 


A key would be much worse. The point is to help them get closer to picking up a card they'd missed. Give them a key and they might have to wait a long time for the card they want to come up in a Spotlight.


I think we are slowly coming to realization that both systems are not that great. 


They have their pros and cons. The Spotlight system has grown on me, and honestly it's better than the old system where nobody bought new cards on release. Really, my only criticism of the current system is that we need a philosophical distinction between S3, S4, and S5. If series drops aren't going to be so regular that every new card lands in S3 after 6 months, then each pool needs to mean something.


Besides the tokens which are a decent amount, the rest of it is a complete joke actually


I'm honestly shocked they gave that many tokens with how stingy they are with them


The spotlight system doesn't help to catch up, it helps to slow down people who have almost every card turning a key into a variant or a dupe


If you have almost every card, you are caught up. You don’t need help catching up.


No, it does help people catch up. I have most of the cards in the game that I want, so most Spotlights are just new card + 2 variants + 1k tokens for me. Meanwhile, someone with a smaller collection might pull four new cards from a Spotlight. That helps them catch up to me. Now this isn't enough catch-up on its own, but it *is* a catch-up mechanic.


Or, you end up with 3 pulls you don't want to get the 1 that you do want... twice... back to back...


Yes, that happens sometimes. You need to consider each card you want to cost 4 keys with some extra goodies thrown in, then every time you get a particular card for less than that is a lucky draw.


Imagine getting upset over this. It gets more people to play more. Lol Same people probably get upset when they pay full price for a game and then others get it 30% off 5 months later.


Seriously, this is an insane thing to be upset about. In fact, I’m upset they’re not giving new players *significantly more.* There’s zero catchup mechanics in this game outside of this new reward, and then when they introduce one it’s HALF of ONE series 5 card? If a person is gone for 90 days they’ve missed ~15 cards.


"What's the point of playing the game if the rewards for not playing are this good?" ... having fun? Actually playing the freaking game and enjoy?


There are constantly posts about how hard it is to "catch up" as a returning player this helps with that. If you've actually been playing you've gotten more than these rewards. Every mobile game does this to cushion returning players.


Damn.. 3k tokens.


I think this is great! Hearthstone does this too and as someone who took years off that game and came back, logging in and getting catch up card packs really helped. Glad to see Snap trying out something similar


This isn't even remotely close nor comparable to Hearthstone's catchup packs, because those actually help players get relatively caught up (i.e. you could return after years and be in a decent place). But in that screenshot, here you get 3k tokens which you can use to get ONE series 4 card or contribute to just HALF of ONE series 6 card (which is laughable considering the ever increasing pool of series 6 cards). Then you have 1k credits and 500 gold which by themselves won't even move up your collection track halfway toward a single spotlight key. SD: "Here ya go buddy, you've been gone 10 months, now you're all caught up." Yeah not even close. It's maybe a step in the right direction, but SD needs to do a lot more if they think what's posted in that screenshot will get returning players caught up. If you wanna argue it's better than nothing, sure, i don't think anyone's gonna disagree. But is it helping returning players enough? Hardly. They're going to need to do better.


So it really depends how long someone's been away. If we're talking just a month, then yeah, those rewards would be good. Anything more, 3+ months away, then this is a joke.


I never said it was good enough, just that it was similar and I'm glad they're doing something. I agree, compared to hearthstone it's not even close, but hopefully with positive feedback to things like this they'll improve what they offer to returning players in the future.


Nowadays, HS gives you entire meta decks as a returning mechanism.


True yeah, I completely forgot about that too


Let's break this down. 1000 credits is two days worth of credits. 500 gold is about two weeks worth of gold. 155 boosters is meaningless. No one cares about boosters. Between season pass rewards and Conquest rewards, you can get 2 or more premium mystery variants per month. So, 1 is ~ 1/2 a month's worth. None of that is crazy. The tokens are pretty good, though. I average about 3000 tokens a month, and that's with 1 Spotlight duplicate for 1000 of them. So the real question is how long were you away? If you're getting 1+ month's worth of tokens after only being away for a month or two... that's a hell of a welcome back. If you've been gone 6 or more months, that feels OK to me.


3000 tokens a month is already above curve from F2P perspective. Most F2P is about 2400-2600 tokens including 1 spotlight duplicate and average 2 new cards weekend missions.


This would be "above curve" if that was what you got after being gone for one month, but a commenter above mentions not getting anything despite being absent for 15-16 montha


The question might be more is this for somebody who bought something in-game and that's why the player who was gone for 15-16 didn't get the same offer?


Why say boosters are meaningless when they are one of the core components to split a card into something amazing?


Because they don’t help players progress their collection which is tied directly to the decks they can make. Splitting a card is not as important as getting a new one. You can earn boosters by constantly playing. Gold, credits and tokens are more limited currencies. They are what is used to get spotlight keys for new cards. Boosters are not rare or special


That I can agree on. But I still dont mind boosters for cards that I need them for. So if we could choose which cards we could get those 155 boosters for I would like it more. Now it's just an extra bonus that might or might not help you. Either way, I wouldn't say no to it


There's this widespread misconception that EVERYONE is low on credits and loaded with credits. This is true for most people on this subreddit, but for most casual players, the opposite is actually true. If you play just to complete your daily missions, you'll be inundated with more credits than you know what to do with. I've fluctuated between 10,000 credits and 0 credits multiple times, depending on how active I am. Any player that quits was likely doing the bare minimum already and could absolutely use those boosters


This used to be true, but with the booster-free fast upgrades in the shop (which refresh every 8 hours), you can easily spend 1-3k or so credits per day. The need for boosters is pretty minimal for progress. The only thing about this system is that returning players need to know it exists, since the old version of it was pretty bad and not worth it.


This was true in the past, but now you can upgrade 3 cards a day with partial or no boosters at no additional credit cost, so boosters aren't really a progression obstacle anymore


That doesn’t make sense. If you do the bare minimum, you’d still have a shit ton of boosters. The boosters would be spread across characters you may not care about, but they’d be there. You only feel a shortage of boosters when you’re new and constantly upgrading cards to unlock caches.


Let's do some quick math. The credit to booster ratio is 10-1. You get roughly 600 credits a day. You can generally finish your daily missions in 4-6 games. Assuming worst case and all the games go to round 6 and it still takes you all 6 games, your looking at 36 boosters. This means that you can spend at maximum 360 of your 600 credits each day, but only if they all somehow break an upgrade threshold. Make sense now?


nobody’s booster poor i think is what he’s getting at


Completely depends on what card. I just can't get boosters for the cards i want to split. And I don't want to use gold to buy boosters... So random can be good sometimes too. Right?


yeah absolutely if you could pick the card i’d be all over it but it’s just super unlikely it’s for anything you’d actually use idk why you’re getting downvoted though lol


People tend to down vote for the strangest reasons. Funny I wrote the exact same thing just now. If we could choose it would be way better


They are pretty much useless with how improved the fast upgrade section is


Completely depends on the fact if you have enough boosters for all the cards to be excluded from the daily reset section of free boosters. But I get what you mean,


You can manipulate that fairly easily though, just go to proving grounds with a deck full of cards you don't want to see in the upgrade shop and booster farm. I only have 2 cards I actually want to upgrade appear in my shop and I upgrade them every 8 hours.


Oh I do the same. I rotate 3 cards till I hit infinite with them, then switch to another three. It's quite easy to do for sure. But you need to have all the other cards with at least 5 boosters to them and not having them upgraded. There are a lot of people who just bring them up to green border due to the 1 point for 25 credits to progress the CL which can make it a bit more troublesome


I personally think this is great for returning players, just that there's this rumor that some active players accidentally received this bundle and if that's true then it feels kinda unfair. And I hope SD can make announcements about these things and states the corresponding rules, instead of making us uninformed.


I literally just returned to the game 2 weeks ago after like not opening the app for 4 months, shoulda waited longer 😭


That’s sad bro, but if u see a lot people didn’t get it, seems like players that are active got it and also couple players that took a break


Honestly, do this more. The people like us who log in every day need more opponents and returning or eventually the game dies


Like it


I was away for one year, got back 2 weeks ago and got nothing. Shit


This is the first time I’ve heard of this, sounds great but OP not answering questions about how long they were away makes me think this might be fake. No content creator mentioned this, anyone hear about this on the snap discord?


OP is posting splits since a couple of months. Definitely something smells here. Idk if it's completely false but surely it's not from his account.


Everyone slow down. Don’t take everything you see first at face value. Assume everything is fake until proven fact. Innocent until proven guilty. Tru


Got em


You've earned waaaaay more than that by actively playing. This is a good thing in every way that matters.


The worst thing that can happen to a game like this is to lose the playerbase. I'm fine with these sorts of enticements. I doubt they reel many people back, but it's a nice package.


where is mine? I didn't play for 8 hours. Where is mine second dinner????


Catchup mechanics...here is a variant! Also, 1k credits? They should at least include a Spotlight Key....


Exactly. Surprised to see most of the comments are from daily players upset they didn't get this themselves. More surprising, they seem to think this would be enough for a returning player. The real question is, how long were they gone before they qualify to receive this? If it's more than just a month, it's not actually making a dent in helping them (sure, it's free, but it doesn't do anything to really help them get caught up or motivate them to stay).


I bet its more than 3 months...


Maybe 6000? Só you can grab a meta defining card. And build a deck. Like Loki/Thanos etc


I wish I got this. I didn't play for about 1.5 years and got jack shit.


Damn that’s sucks hope u get some


Is this real? I took a 6 month break from the game and returned towards the end of last season to a whole lot of nothing. From that perspective, 3k tokens to get an instant Series 4 card goes a LONG way in helping returning players put together a functional deck, so overall this is great.


You think getting 3k tokens after a 6 month break goes a "long way" in helping you put together a functional deck? As you're aware 3k tokens gets you ONE series 4 cards, with the vast majority (and all newly released cards) all being series 6. If you think this is enough for someone that took 6 months off, there's probably no discussion that can be had here.


I can't imagine being upset by this. It's cool for people who get it, and takes nothing at all away from those of us that don't. Not to mention how it's good for the long-term health of the game to encourage returning players - don't we all benefit from that? Envy is an ugly emotion - wanting others to lose out, not even for your own gain put purely from the mentality of "if I can't have it, nobody should."


I don't want others to lose out. I simply want everyone to be treated equally. Everyone should get this bundle added to their account. It's that simple.


Sure, we all want more free resources from Second Dinner, but it's still nice that they're giving stuff to returning players.


The point is to allow returning players to be slightly more competitive when returning. If everyone gets the boost, returning players are still treading water and probably leave again. Low player base is bad


This is probably for someone who has dropped the game for several months. And this is nowhere NEAR as many resources as you would get normally just by playing everyday and hitting all the challenges.


Pretty standard practice in games


Seems like they started doing it


We missed you! Here's half a card!


My thoughts are that they should treat the customer right *before* they bail and hence avoid this entirely.


I just need to know how long I need to step away from the game from


The welcome back system in Pokemon Unite is my favorite thing about the game, it saved me from probably dropping the game entirely when I was feeling burnt out. Here's why it's great. 1. Only requires not logging in for two weeks, enough to get over that burnout feeling, but not totally forget about the game. 2. Gives very generous rewards, actually better than you could get from two weeks of playing. 3. Requires logging in for two weeks after you come back to get all the rewards, so not that abusable, and I think it has a timeout of like a month or something. If Second Dinner is willing to lower the requirement for this to less than a month, and reward enough that you don't miss out on many resources, I think it can actually be a big help towards keeping players who are starting to burn out from leaving the game entirely.


Tokens are nice, but they could bump up the rest. We want players to return, and I doubt this is enough.


I think they are finally doing something for the long term health of the game instead of their wallets


Give them 6k tokens so they can at least buy any one card they want upon returning. They've missed dozens. I assume. How long is the timer for this? I'm legitimately worried about SD killing this game with their greed. I have *no complaints* with their generosity. I hope this system helps returning players.


It’s fine, plying every week you get way more rewards then this welcome back bundle. It’s the right thing to do for returning players.


Not worth taking a break for, but nice if you did for other reason


They should allow your missions to accumulate 3 or 4 times what they are now.


I'm just here to play a card game. Not have a war room corporate meeting


I'm fine with it, especially when you consider that the resources shown there aren't going to go very far. 


I bounced for 8 months, came back and got jack shit!


Seem like not everyone got it and players that are actually active got it, I saw this from a content creator, hope the give to those those who came back


I was away for like 3weeks and it felt like I was way behind the meta. I missed out on proxima, Corvus, red guardian, and white widow I feel like they all are awesome it sucks.


A lot of nice cards came out


I'm not sure what I think, It's always nice? I guess that they give to returning, but let's not pretend it's nothing more than a way for them to try and make returning stay longer and then increase chance that they are spending. Wouldn't mind them giving them out in intervals for people logging daily or whatnot but doubt that's going to happen


Yeah definitely not


Hearthstone did this(still does?) also.


3k tokens aint shit. Thats not even a series 5 card, right?




so I need to stop playing huh because this is a load of dog shit


Its not OP. Looks Ok for me. 3k tokens wont cover it. All good cards you missed pulling from keys are series 5s.


Thoughts on what? You didn't provide the most vital information, how long the player was away. Without that, there's nothing to consider.


What’s the time frame on this?? I didn’t play for 7 months and got nothing so a little salty I guess.


Looks like I’m done playing for a while


I left for 4 months and didn't get this!


Man I just came back a couple weeks ago after a 8 month break and I didn't get shit so this must be recent.


This doesn’t bother me. 3,000 tokens isn’t enough to purchase even a single card. If someone has been away for a long time this bundle won’t even get them close to catching up with missed cards.


I've been back for like 2 months now after a 6 month break it would've been nice to get this


Hope u get it bro


Damn 15 months is a minute lol


lol kinda funny


Jeez I was gone for a year and I ain't get this.


Not much. Why does returning player need Premium mystery variant lol Returning players need the freakin cards. Give them 1 card pool 4, 1 card pool 5, 2 keys, 3k tokens and that would be ok package


Competitive pay rate


If I stopped playing this game for 6 months I would never return. There is no good catch-up mechanic and not having some key meta cards cripples you too much. If I had not played the last 6 months I would have missed Mockingbird, Hope Summers, Red Hulk, Thena, Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian, Nocturne, and Sersi. This also incentivizes you to put money into the game to catch up, but the money-to-card ratio is abysmal. So yeah, those 3000 tokens are nowhere near enough.


1000 credits? lol the 3k tokens isn’t even good


Marvel Future Fight (another mobile game) has had a similar system for a long time, where you get returning rewards if you haven’t logged in for ~6 months(?). I think it’s healthy for returning players, not a huge amount of rewards if you think about it.


Not even close to enough of an enticement to come back. This is nothing. They should double this and offer opportunities to purchase missed season pass cards


I've honestly been looking for an excuse to take a brake. If this is for any less then 90 days I might just do that.


Time for a hiatus boys.


How long do we not play for a bundle?


Putting them on blast lol


Damn I just came back last season after like 7 months and didn't get this. I should've waited lol


Nice to see them give something to returning players but they need a system for thus like pokemon unite have


Ahh as usual, u pay Battlepass every month and buy shit in the store with $ - u get nothing. Dont play the non fun seasons and u get pixels in the caches and depressions from the meta. Thanks SD !


Great idea to help with catchup




Wait it's real?


I haven’t opened the game since probably January


OP, have you heard of sentences?


I just dropped the game, I'm literally done of playing every day and still not catching up to card releases, every top deck seems to include a recently released S5 card, the anti pay to win merch was just a lie.


If they really wanted to welcome me back, I’d need more than a shitty 3000 tokens not even enough for a single brand new series 5 lol


I was gone for more than 6 months and just came back like 2 weeks ago, where did you find this at? Should I have stayed away for a couple more days lmao


If you have been gone for awhile that bundle won't stop the feel bads, being so far behind. That bundle is what? One varient and a card? Maybe?


Of course it’s ok. What I care about as a player of this game is having enough people to play against. People who haven’t played in a while would have to spend a fortune to catch up, if anything, that bundle is not enough as it doesn’t provide nearly enough resources to get an enjoyable experience for returning players.


I can’t believe everyone fell for this took it as real and has spawned into this. Meta on the pic.


Anything would be good tbh Game will end up cannibalising itself like netrunner as it grows where you can never start nor stop playing for any length of time I’d be a bit sad cos I took a 8 month break and it was a real struggle but I wouldn’t be mad about anyone coming back now getting it 😎


I was gone for a year and a half and got nothing, therefore no one else should get anything. However, it is probably good for the game, personally I struggled a lot with the keys especially when I first came back. Getting a few free keys and *any* character of your own choice (or maybe just any tier 3) would probably be a good idea. What I needed was not Boosters and Gold etc., but rather help catching up in terms of missed characters (although other stuff is also welcome).


How long do I have to uninstall to get this? It’s so stupidly hard to get 3k tokens I‘d take a summer vacation for those Especially considering how frustrated Iam with the „progression“ system that’s in place. I would really need some tokens but can only get 100 every 10 caches but I get buried in gold tickets, pixel avatars and variants or shitty titles I‘ll never use


On average, you get 2500 tokens each month. If you're already S3 complete. 1100-1200 from CL, 400 tokens from 2 new cards weekend missions (average gain each month), 1000 token from spotlight duplicate. And if you spend your gold wisely, F2P gets 2000G each month. If you spent on good token bundles when they come up, that's about 1700 tokens. Therefore theoretically, on average you could get 4000-4200 tokens each month.


What do you get for staying loyal?


👏👏👏 congrats hahaha golden ticket


reward the people who play every day and work for the challenges ❌ reward the people who play once a month ✅


Honestly, I play every day, and if I wasn't able to get those tokens I'd feel kinda shitty. Like, maybe they should just give all players more resources? Is an improvement geared towards all players not better than an improvement toward a percentage that leaves and returns?


People cry endlessly about no rewards for returning players making it impossible to be competitive. So they do that and now the cry babies (specifically, you) will complain because they *are* doing it. Do everyone a favor and fuck off. 🤙


Why is improving card acquisition for everyone a bad thing?


This is not what he is saying at all. If everyone gets the free stuff, then new players aren't catching up. They're just as behind as before. Nowhere did he say free stuff is bad.


Why does there need to be a catchup mechanic if card acquisition is made easier as a whole? Why fixate on players that have already quit the game instead of the whole playerbase? Improving card acquisition for everyone is an improvement for everyone—experienced, new, casual, and everyone in-between.


The actual answer is that there is a sweet spot for every player to be. That *exact* spot is different on a person to person basis, but it's somewhere between, on the low end, "The amount of progression remaining for me is daunting so I downgrade my engagement" and on the high end "The amount of progression remaining for me is trivial so I downgrade my engagement." Downgrading engagement can mean you might have otherwise paid, but now won't. Or it might mean you quit; both cases are to be avoided. Giving people too little means more people fall to the bottom of the curve; giving people too much means they fall off the top of the curve. Since Second Dinner can never know where the individual point of that curve is where each player falls off, the best they can do is apply statistics and give *more* to people who are trending toward the bottom and *slow down* the people who are trending toward the top. The spotlight key mechanic handles the top end (ie stops people from churning because they progress too fast for their engagement preferences), which to Second Dinner is probably the more important one anyway since those are the high value players. With that in place, they can focus on the low end. What you're seeing in this post is called a winback campaign and every online game you've ever played in your entire life runs them with regularity to recapture or prevent people falling off the bottom of the curve. The amount of value the game operators give to these players is significantly lower than the amount they would have gained in the time since they were gone.


Why should we as players care about engagement statistics for SD? If the game is fun, then players won't quit because they earn more than enough cards. Like jesus the corporate speak is fucking annoying at this point.


ok; behold the pile of thousands of games who believed that, held to it, and went out of business for it. Here was my favorite: https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetFighter/comments/8do8bg/puzzle_fighter_mobile_game_terminated_the_app/ That was easily the best mobile game I ever played, and they went out of business because their monetization was weak. Weak monetization meant every dollar their corporate overlords put in to maintain it (salaries, advertising, servers, electricity, software, etc) cost them money because that could have been put toward something else — at bare minimum they could put it into the market and gain a cool 5%. More realistically they had internal projects of dozens of other things they could be doing with that money. Every game is trying to outrun that line on a spreadsheet — the line that says “the money put into running this game is better spent somewhere else”. You either do what you need to outrun that line, or you die. That’s all it is.


That's a pretty big indirect fuck-you to the players who actually give their time daily \*Shields from downvotes\*


I mean people judge too much man, I just got 2 happy dudes saying that I’m jealous or envy those people that got it, when I don’t… I don’t know for u but that’s not what I’m saying


I think its great, if you play this game frequently and do the missions you're guaranteed at least: 200 gold and 1350 credits thats not counting the experience that gets you rewards, the credits you get from the missions, the 50 credits that are given for free daily at the shop, and the stuff you can get at the colection levels, which can be variants, gold, tokens, keys, etc we are VERY well fed, I've never played a game that rewards players as much as snap does, we are extremely lucky


Yeah I used to play Zooba and it was extremely pay to win I’m really happy with marvel snap used to be cheaper but still cool


Seems like regulars are getting shafted


Idk, I thinking paying people get shifted hardest. I'm regular free player and feel this is fine for catching up