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It got even worse with the fucking introduction of albums. For instance, there are a couple of Grecke variants I’d like to purchase, but all I’m seeing are his album ones.


haha, I'm trying to catch the album scarlet witch from ✏️️ Max Greke for the second month


And the fact that most of the cards to fill albums cost 1200 gold. It used to be a better mix of 700 and 1200 gold cost cards for albums, but any of the 700 gold cards I see in the shop aren’t post of any albums. I just want Pixel Gambit so I can close the Pixel Discarder album out. I’ve been waiting for months.


I do wonder if we're long past the point where Super Rare cards are more plentiful than Rare cards. probably not, because of the number of Chibis, pixels, Hipps and Greckes. But still, it might be close?


I'm pretty sure all of the newer Rian Gonzales chibis are Super Rare, while most (but not quite all) of the original G-Angle chibis are Rare. They haven't added any new G-Angle chibis in a looong time (I think we're only still waiting on Galactus).


oh, I hadn't noticed! I slightly prefer the G-Angle chibis. Don't get me wrong, LOVE Rian's non-chibis. But what I LOVE are 700g variants :p


I've been aiming for the 6 variant = 2k tokens albums, and just got 6 Greckes for it. So I was pretty glad to get it in less than a week! 🙏


So true. Thankfully I just finished that album but there are a lot of stuff I’m still missing.


Developers, please double or triple the number of variants in the shop. Don't reset it multiple times a day. Right now the chances of there being anything in there I want is too low to motivate me to go to the shop unless I'm collecting my daily free credits.


They now need to add a feature where you can just browse cards and their artworks and then just purchase them through that. Otherwise you never get what you actually want.


Can't have fomo and daily habits this way, they would never


Yeah they said if you could do this it would cost even more gold - that was their response to purchasing directly from the albums


SD really has SD by the balls on that one.


Must be afraid of the bad press /s


So where's the problem? Make variant purchases available directly from the album for 50% more gold. Hell, make it double the gold. People will do it. You can keep the current variant shop where it is and gain extra from the fomo of people who want to grab those last 2-3 cards to complete the album


I totally get why they want to do FOMO etc. However, at this point they're probably losing money given the way the incredible long times before cards show up because people either farm gold free or lose interest. Let's say I REALLY want the Maria Wolf Onslaught variant. I missed it when it released last month or I didn't have Tribunal so I wasn't interested in it. It's super Rare/1200 gold. Under the current system, I'm going to have to potentially wait MONTHS until it shows up in the shop because it's NOT in any current album. Album and "new cards" take up a huge portion of the shop so an individual card showing up is rare. So let's say it doesn't show up until October or something. At that point I'm either A) Still invested in buying it and have saved up 1200 free to play gold B) Lost interest and not going to purchase it. Wouldn't it be better for Second Dinner if I'm likely to see that card in the next month? And if I'm still hot on it I'm liable to buy some gold with real money so that I can have it right then? That's actual money in their pocket.


I could maybe see this if they converted the Variant shop to a discount system and raised the price of selectable Variants by 50%. Want something specific? Pay a premium. Want to take a chance at the shop? Same system as we have now. Am I saying that's the most player friendly option? No way in hell. Is it one they could justify to the MBAs they report to? Perhaps.


My entire shop rotations the last 4 days have been album Variants and new variant releases. It’s so boring, I started playing last July and there used to be so much variety and unique card art. Now it’s all the same album variants rotated in and out I’ve had venomized Hela in my shop at least 4 times over the last 3 weeks


I don’t even want a *specific* variant, I just want any Sentinel variant. Haven’t had one appear in the 6+ months I’ve been waiting, and probably won’t until one is added to an album.


I know this pain. I’ve had base Bast forever in my c3 deck. I stupidly didn’t get the conquest one a season or two ago, as I was way to busy with real life to try squeeze in enough conquest games to earn it. None of the base bast variants have ever shown for me either


The Dan hipp one is in an album so you might have some luck there


I've been dying for lack of a morbius variant, finally had one show up in my shop but it was a baby variant and I don't care for those. Now I feel like I'm not going to see another variant for months.


I started playing last October & don’t think I’ve ever seen a variant for Sentinel, or one played against me.


To be fair not many people are interested in sentinel he’s rarely played outside early pools. 


Sure, but it would be nice to have the option. I’ve seen the variants on Marvel Snap Zone, they look cool.


There was exactly one I've seen and that was a bundle variant where you had to spend real money and I've been playing for almost a year now. Haven't seen a single Sentinel variant in the daily shop I don't think.


The only sentinel variant I have is the one from the season pass in March 2023


I bought the season pass just for the Sentinal varient.


I've never seen a Hellfire Gala variant in 3 months that I play the game. I've seen Rogue once, and that's the one card out of the series that I didn't want 🫠


I saw two Doctor Doom Hellfires in 10 days. Now your shop is RNG too....


Or just let people but what they want, when they want. Jfc, what a stupid system


I've been waiting for female loki to return since it came out. I have counted biker red hulk 4 times ( not counting his release ) My shop is constant albums with no variety. Maybe 1-2 non album cards if I'm lucky.


I’m waiting for the same one. Just need an ArtGerm takeover and a bit of luck. But it’s very annoying.


Seriously, I've been waiting for the peach Daredevil forever!! The one time it conveniently showed up was the day after I finally gave in and used my gold for a variant I liked, the day before...


This is what the developers want in the hope you spend cash to buy gold for the daredevil variant 


I picked up her DD and Strange variants immediately when I saw them. They are so cool. Wish I had more opportunity to play them.


Nah, it was even atrocious back then. I waited almost 2 years for 3099 Dracula, the variant I wanted the most, to appear in my shop and he only did a few months ago, because there was a 3099 shop take over going on.


Same but with Alex Horley Drac. Been checking daily since Modok season.


I used to play Mario Kart mobile, and I would love if they had a shop like that one. They had two sections, one for the new/spotlight/special stuff, and a "normal" section that had RANDOM stuff in it. You could earn/buy tickets (with currency or real $) that allowed you to reroll the normal shop up to 3 times a day. It was awesome if you were looking for a specific thing.


Dude, I'm waiting for a specific AVATAR to drop.


Variants need to rotate more frequently. This seems like a no brainer and will only increase spending


I know she’s relatively new but I still don’t have a Namora variant. Ones never popped by in the shop either 🤷‍♂️


Unfortunately she doesn't have another variant, only one right now is the spotlight variant she came with. https://snap.fan/cards/Namora/


That’s a nuisance. Hopefully she gets one soon.


It's kinda crazy how slow they've been to add normal variants to new cards compared to how it used to be. Mockingbird, one of the most popular cards in the game, has the one (very good) variant everybody bought and her spotlight variant currently.


I think they should definitely let people set a favorite variant artist and have those variants show up like 40% more or something. 2 ship resets sounds good too, or at least like 10 gold to refresh the shop.


Free reset once every 24 hours and any additional resets cost 10g


I hate it when the Devs Pick is a freaking pixel or Hipp. (except pixel MODOK)


I just need two more hellfire gala variants to get Captain Marvel yet I haven't seen one in over 2 months 😔 I haven't even seen the She-Hulk variant once...


I just want to finish my future villains album but can’t because they don’t show up in my shop


Thank you!! Holy shit everyday is just disappointment after disappointment. I've been waiting for Skottie Young Angela, Groot, & Nebula since they've released. They've never appeared in my shop. When is the Skottie Young shop takeover? That would be one I'd actually be interested in.


They should create a second shop focused just on variants so people who want them can go there while people who don’t can ignore them instead of force feeding everyone more stuff to navigate through the shop. 


I haven’t seen a doc oc skin in literal months. I have waited and waited and waited and checked every damn day to never see one… single… doc oc skin. Like… let us have some agency here


I think you should be able to favorite one card, and you’re guaranteed to see one of its variants in the shop each day. Would make it much easier to target getting what you want.


I've been waiting on that new Carnage variant to come back since it came out but it hasn't returned to my shop since it's initial release but I've seen the same Blue Marvel variant three times, lol


I don’t understand how the pixel all star variants never show up despite being part of an album.


I'm starting to think Luca variants aren't even possible in the shop or glitched out. The last time I got one was for Omega in a CL cache lol Luckily a Luca album was datamined so I'm saving gold for that lol


all I want is Hipp Man-Thing give it to me


They should make it so you buy album variants from the album page only and not in the shop. That way they are always purchase-able anyway


Took forever for me to get dan hipp iron man. And I only want to ever get dan hipp cards.


I've kind of given up on variants. Like you said, way too hard to get something you want to pop up in the shop between RNG and SD pushing the cards in albums. I've been playing since launch and have a ton of variants, so I'm just starting to spend my gold on borders for the cards I have to make them cooler looking. There's just never a variant I want, anymore.


I'd have -1200 gold if I could've bought the Skan Darkhawk at any point between obtaining it and it being nerfed along with Zabu but never seen in the shop at all. The bias thing is really bad too. My shop is frequently filled with pixels, Scottie Young and Dan Hipp because that's about all I get out of the free variants. They're only making sure I ***don't*** get what I want. They even know the pixels are bad because of the "no pixels guaranteed" promise on bundles, so why fill my shop with them? Doesn't make any sense to include free items as part of the shop bias if I'm not using them. I'm using 0/17 pixel variants, 1/8 Scottie Young (Shuri) and 1/7 Hipp (Venom, which isn't even favored) so you'd think they'd know.


New Feature! Spend 500 gold to reset your Variants!


I’ve been waiting for Dan Hipp Wave for like a year lmao


This has made me hate Albums because at least half of my shop is album variants, and half of those are Hipp since he has like 3 albums now. It's annoying. And I swear if you dont get a newly released album on the day it drops, you'll never see it again.


I get that they want people coming to the shop everyday to shove bundles/"deals" down their throats but why can't you just add a system where a player could "pin" a few variants and they are guaranteed to show up that week, month, etc. So the players get the variant they want, and it still pushes them to the shop each day?


SD won't do that. It would ruin the fomo


There is no fear of missing out if missing out is a certainty.


I disagree. Fomo’s intent is to encourage people to spend money. If you never get the chance to buy what you want then how can you spend money?


You'd think but you have to keep people desperate for what they want. If there were a reasonable chance to see what you wanted then there would be no fomo.


There's no longer fomo if players feel like it's an impossibility. Eventually people will absolutely give up, if nothing else is keeping them invested.


Oh bullshit. If waiting 3 years for a specific variant is needed to maximise fomo, then why did they expand the shop from 6 to 8 variants last year, back when you only had to wait around 4 months in average for a specific card? It has nothing to do with fomo, they are either just too lazy to fix the store, or albums are making them so much money they don't care about the other variants


Id argue that more frequent rotations would create more fomo. Checking the store once a day and seeing what i want is not there just has me to hoard my gold.. til the next day... which wont also be there. So ill wait until the next day... which also wont be there. So ill wait until the next day. Oh look at that a week passed. At no point did i feel fomo because throughout the whole day i knew my card wasnt there. An 8 hour rotation however... thats 21 rotations of 8 cards in the same amount of time and you gotta be checking often or else you'll miss out possible on what you want.. however now theres bigger chances you see a card you didn't know you want, and holy crap you got 4 and half hours to figure if you want it or not cause u were at work and your dumbass boss doesnt let u use your phone. Will you bite the bullet for this card or hope that maybe youll see the card you want... but you might not see this card for a good while. But oh wait you come back to reality and realize that card will be there for 14 more hours because it resets once a day. You got time. The only fomo created by this system is new card variants. Which could still be done by having new variants up 24 hours (lesser time would create more fomo again tho?) and just rotate everything else every 8 or hell 12 hours. Everything else is just a boring chore to check daily. I really feel they set up this system that worked with the few variants they had in the past, but now they're too lazy to upgrade it. There are better ways to produce fomo now and still have players checking and finding what they want sooner. Unless, of course... they just dont want to.


No reset during the day. Plenty of us only pop on once a day.


Well that’s up to you. Lots of things reset a few times a day so you’re already choosing to miss out on those.


What resets a few times a day in Marvel Snap? I’m missing out on absolutely eff all, so go on and explain what you’re on about.


The Token Shop, Bonus Boosters & Cosmetics all rotate three times a day.


Those don’t have nearly as many items in them, and I’m sure fewer players actually buy them. Bonus boosters being the exception, I’d assume, as they don’t cost anything, really. And cards for tokens can be pinned… so not the same.


Happily. The Ultimate Variant, the card available for tokens, and the avatars/borders all update at the same time as missions every 8 hours. It would make sense for the variant shop to update at the same rate.


And yet more people buy the variants. Sorry, no. They could give the option for folks like you to spend a nominal amount of gold for your reset instead of causing problems for the entire player population because of what you think makes sense.


What problem do you think more variety causes?


Leaving people who enjoy casually logging in once a day feeling like they should log in multiple times a day because if the variant they want shows up once in the three rotations, they’re screwed. There’s no reason for that. Either the folks like you who want rotations can pay a minimal gold amount when you want the switch to go through (it’s the variety you want, yet not screwing over the population at large), or SD can do what they should do and let variants that aren’t new to be bought at any time through the character screen.


A variant? I can understand aiming for a card cuz you want to brew a deck or whatnot, but a variant? So you are getting frustrated over the card not looking in a specific way... Power to the people i guess


You play it your way and we’ll play it ours. Thanks.


Exactly, that's what power to the people means...