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I didn’t even use keys I went straight to tokens that’s how much I wanted him 💀


Had to use tokens, had the dreaded 0 for 3 pull with 87 levels to the 4th key.


I’ve been so unlucky of late with keys, but I got Herc->Cannonball->Arishem and dodged the Black Swan I already owned somehow…I’m glad I didn’t turn off Karmic Dice in *this* game, I guess!


I got black swan first and then Herc then arishem.. didn’t really want either of the other two but Arishem is worth the 3 keys, he’s been a lot of fun


Same dab luck pool, but I'm 95 levels to the 4th key. I have no clue if that's a doable thing.


It'll probably take until the weekend, but there's enough in the dailies to get you there.


That's good news, thanks for the info !


Can confirm. You get 5 keys a month, so if you ever go 0 for 3 day 1, you can always get it by the end of the week!


Damn, I thought I was gonna come up short. I could've snagged Arishem AND Mockingbird by the end of the week


F. Sorry for your key loss. Snagged him on my 1st key. Don't think I would have kept trying if I didn't


You probably could haven gotten the key by the end of the week. You get 120CL per week


Same, It's best to spend tokens on cards you know you won't regret having.


First key pull baybeeeeeee!!!! Now I have 2 saved!!


Turn 1 is much more fun with 2 power.


Only if you remember that you have 2 energy


The cards light up if you have energy


Surely you jest


I know but it's a habit. Play a 1 drop then end turn


Or pass cause you don’t have a one cost card even though you have a lit up 2 cost card…. Not that I’ve done that… surely haven’t done it more then once


I feel this. Cant hit the "undo turn" fast enough.


Turn 1 Psylocke, turn 2 Loki, played by Agatha. What could be more hilarious?


I’ve won 4/5 games with Arishem so far and had fun 5/5 games, great card.


I think I’ve played 10 in a row and haven’t lost. The extra power per turn allows you to do all sorts of high power silly shit with the rando cards you get. I had blob hit 19 on the location that adds power to top of deck and I drew a living tribunal with 28 power. Just random stuff like that. 8/10 of the people I go against just quit because they get overwhelmed by the nonsense.


What deck you using him in?


Arishem + 11 who-cares cards. Quinjet, blob, Mockingbird and Howard are all good....but the real prize was the random cards and +1 nrg we made along the way


From my testing, you want a mix of tech cards and strong 5/6 drops that are nearly impossible to beat when you play ahead of the curve. For tech, I like Rogue and Shang. They overlap a bit but you kind of want that since your chances of seeing any one card are small. Rogue can steal enemy DH or Quinjet/Skrull in the mirror (I think Skrull is a bad pick right now but tons run him anyway). Shang kills enemy DH or Blob. I also consider Loki and a small number of Loki supports (Coulson is the best) to be basically tech cards against bad Arishem RNG. Sersi can be that too. Strong 5/6 drops are things like Dark Hawk (best card in the game against Arishem mirror), Blob, Mystique (not a 5 drop but clones either DH or Blob), Prof X, Blink (Good synergy with Loki too), Mockingbird, Magneto, Red Hulk, maybe Doom. Things I'd avoid right now: Wave. Good in theory because Arishem can get a Wave out and be the only player who can use it but there are so many mirror matches that it doesn't pan out right now. Maybe Quinjet because I rarely find it making a big difference and the strength of Arishem is playing ahead of curve, QJ slows you down. Also because I play so many mirror matches I can usually just steal their QJ if I want to. Shells that fully need a key card or multiple cards, like Annihilus package or Elsa Kitty package. Extra energy - 1 is enough and you give up too much for a second and it's unlikely you'll use it consistently. HE - it's only a 50/50 to have them go off in the right order to work properly and apparently that's intended.


I played a turn 3 Professor X on Sinister London. I think I ended up losing that game but it was fun to try. I've also had surprise M'Baku jump out, which was a funny surprise considering I didn't know he was in the deck.


I’ve had so much fun with the card


I’m having a blast, but I’m concerned with the cards win rate. I’m undefeated so far in 6 games.


Ah, but I have lost 7 out of my last 10 games. RNGesus is not with me on these Arishem draws


The tables have turned on me lol. I will say, the cards don’t feel random. I’ve gotten Phastos like 3 or 4 times in less than 15 games. Same with silver surfer. It feels like that should be next to impossible?


True randomness doesn’t feel random. I’m at 3 wins and over 20 losses, feels like an absolute garbage card to me, but it may just be the volume of Darkhawk and other clear counter decks I’m hitting. Even if it’s not Darkhawk it’s all Shang all the time. Heck, I hit a Negative deck and I thought I had it sewn up and they played Shang Zola into Wong T6. It’s like every game I play they have the perfect counter, I’ve never felt so inclined to throw my phone across the room.


Besides the archetype working, you like the deck you’re using?? Still trying to figure out the best list beyond a few key cards like coulson/loki/quinn/shang/enchantress/blob/alioth maybe (and then may run an evo one separately), but yeah curious what works well right out of the gate.


Yeah, I only really lost once cause I didn't manage my cards very intelligently. I overflooded my board. Having too much energy has me playing a little too loosey goosey. Gotta learn to not just play cards cause I can. Lol.


I added Venom to my deck just for that reason, if I get a lot of low power cards I can clean them up.


This makes me feel that replacing my Electro in my destroy deck is actually viable.


Smart, never considered that.


So I tested the High Evo question I kept seeing when people were theorycrafting Arishem decks... and he will buff the cards Arishem adds into your deck; beginning of the game order is Arishem fires, then Evo ***EDIT: 50% of the time!***  EDIT: Forgot to mention, I have more proof than the animation: a Shocker that was not in my deck list did zap 1 energy off my leftmost card Edit edit: Now [with art ](https://imgur.com/a/IepAHi8)& decklist # (1) Quinjet # (2) Pixie # (3) Rogue # (3) Mobius M. Mobius # (3) Phastos # (3) Red Guardian # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Enchantress # (4) Loki # (4) High Evolutionary # (4) Nick Fury # (7) Arishem # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUXVpbmpldCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUm9ndWUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlBoYXN0b3MifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVuY2hhbnRyZXNzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMb2tpIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIaWdoRXZvbHV0aW9uYXJ5In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOaWNrRnVyeSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJpc2hlbSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9iaXVzTU1vYml1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlBpeGllIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSZWRHdWFyZGlhbiJ9XX0= #


Interesting, because someone else said otherwise. If he does work, I think I'll add him in.


It doesn’t always work for sure. I’ve had a shocker added to the deck and it didn’t have the evolved text.


I reckon it’s based on the shuffle. Whichever card is closer to the top of the deck triggers first.


It’s random if the Arishem or High Evo ability goes off before the other one. If Arishem goes off first, then Evo, if you have vanilla cards added then Evo should upgrade them


played a couple more rounds, and it seems to be 50/50. Haven't gotten more Evo-able cards to confirm, but the pre-round animations are 50/50 as to Arishem or Evo playing first. EDIT: The animations matter. High Evo only works if Arishem fires off first.


I wonder if it goes in order of the deck. When you enter a game Snap shuffles the deck, scans for cards with abilities like Thanos/Evo/Arishem etc then fires off in order of them in your deck?


That would make sense... so probably not :P


It’s random who activates first if it’s the same as HE/Thanos


I’m about to start a religion around this motherfucker. “Arishem giveth and Arishem taketh away.”


Arishem 3:16


and that's the bottom line cos Arishem said so


Praise be to Arishem!


A very fun card. I played a game where I thought I had lost before Arishem created M’Baku jumped in and won me it. One of the best games I had in a while


lol what a random win


Yeah, but it was so good. It was like a normal M’Baku win but leagues better. I added them to the deck afterwards as looking at it, they’re probably pretty good


dude same here! i was already getting pissed about how i lost by 1 pt, then m’baku jumped out. never thought i’d be happy to see that card 😂


My M'Baku jumped to the bonus energy to 1 cost space for the win.


I just got him, and I then went 6 games before losing 1. So far the best "fun" card of the year from SD. And by the way, he has the best base card art I've seen in a while.


Does anyone know who he is squishing in this variant? https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/arishem-02/


I think he is judging cyclops


What do you mean by judging? Is that arishems thing?


Yes. His name is Arishem, the Judge


Confirmed. Cover for UNCANNY X-MEN (2011) #3.


Looks like cyclops to me


Arishemnanigans are afoot!


Got him with 1 key only. I fear my luck has run out for the year.


Very very early testing, but he's working in top 10,000 infinite, and gold conquest. Blew a mill opponent out 10/0, Living tribunal 8/2, and a couple matches regular matches for 2 and 4 cubes so far. I'm not saying he's going to ultimately be strong or broken, but he's definitely not weak. Haven't played against Darkhawk yet, but so far my ability to draw or generate a Shang/Enchantress has been pretty consistent.


Imagine queueing mill the day Arishem drops.


I'm just glad mill has a hard counter now. It was getting annoying losing half my deck. I still win against it half the time anyway. Just stacking a million tech cards is not a winning strategy.


Climbed from 5k to 2k infinite but a lot of it was against arishem mirrors so who knows if he’s actually good.


I just won two infinite tickets in a row with Arishem. Ten wins in a row. Arishem is a powerhouse tbh.


Just played my third gold round, 8/2 win for my Arishem Sersi Blob Loki deck. I think Arishem shines in Conquest. Really hard to play around random nonsense. Cheap Random Nonsense at that.


He's a mill killer for sure. Hard to mill a deck with 20 cards in it.


Darkhawk is absolute cope. I played a DH deck that went undefeated against non Arishem decks and lost every single round against Arishem. The additional energy is just an insane upside.


Well he's seemed to make my deck completely pointless to play have had 13 games against him in conquest and have yet to take a single bar off of anyone accept for the guy that was up 10-2 and decided to retreat on turn 1 and then beat me the next game. Yea I know movement decks are low on the meta but even against the highest meta decks I would have close games against them and beat them around the same rate they would beat me.


Got him with my second key. Played a handful of games. Loki is a must. And the games have been fun! Just the fun factor alone is worth it


Had to use all 4 keys, but he's still hella fun. Put Thanos in my deck for extra bullshittery.


I would say blob is a must him with mystique is just a guaranteed win unless you obviously get enchantress.




Why mystique? So she can copy blob’s ability to not move at all?


She actually copy the on reveal as well.


Wait seriously?


She copies all the text, as long as that text includes ongoing.


Would she copy Spectrum as well? Or Echo? This is a legitemate question, since that would not make a lot of sense to me, but would fulfill your definition.


She won't copy them. It can't just have the word on-going in the text. The card needs to have an actual on-going ability to copy, and if it does, she'll copy it all then.


That makes more sense to me, thank you.


I wouldn't say Loki is a must. Arishem Loki is just Loki with more steps. I think there's a lot of versatility with Arishem. Which is crazy for an archetype in of himself type of card. High Evo, Loki, and Thanos are archetype cards, but are in more of a deck building box. Arishem has a lot of freedom. Quinjet is overkill too imo.


I’m having fun with him and Sersi together. Turn the trash I get into high power cards. Of course it’s a gamble though. First game I played Sersi to fill out The Raft only for one of my 2 cost cards to turn into Sword Master, which then proceeded to discard the card I got from the raft. Lmao luckily it was just a 0 powered knull.


My darkhawk says .. thank you!


Arishem gave me dark hawk against an arishem lol


Arishem giveth and Arishem taketh away


"I used the Arishem to destroy the Arishem"


I just played someone who’s Arishem gave them TWO Buckies… and two Agathas 💀


You have 2 types of people … 


Haha yep! That's the risk you run with Arishem! Unless, of course, Arishem gives you an Enchantress...


I'm FTP and when Sersi came out I felt her only counter was Cosmo. But then I felt I was ruining everyone's first day experience with their new card. So I decided to play a different game that day. Darkhawk isn't nearly as oppressive to Arishem, but I kind of feel the same way


40+ hawk into mistyque is pretty good on arishem , so far only lost to a wild enchantres.


Basically all these decks are running Shang & Enchantress. Who knows whether they’ll draw them, but they seem to be at least running those cards


How did I never think of running Mystique with DH - I always used Taskmaster but Mystique gets you the same with less energy


If you want to be cheeky, someone on here laid out the dirtiest Darkhawk Mystique combo: Korg on 1 or 2, Mystique on the same location on 3 (copying nothing), Rockslide on the same location on 4, Darkhawk elsewhere on 5, Odin on the Korg+Mystique+Rockslide location on 6 and since Odin hasn’t been “played” yet, Mystique will now copy Dark Hawk. Super dirty and really goes under the radar!


I can’t grasp how that actually works but goddamn that is EVIL


When Mystique is activated, she copies the card played most recently before her activation, and in this play, that's Darkhawk.


So it’s reset by Odin but Odin himself is still ‘playing its turn’. Genius.


So far the knockout combo to Arishem decks (for me) has been Sera on T5 which allows you to do both Dark Hawk and Mystique on T6. They are busy dropping much more power than you since they are ahead on curve, meaning you don't have to worry about Shang, Enchantress, or Rogue since they have priority and you can drop 2x 40+ power cards wherever you'd like. The only counter so far has been Alioth. But I haven't seen more than 1 that I thankfully dodged.


My Blob says "tastes like chicken"


In my experience so far, Blob doesn't even put a dent in it. Usually eats like 3 cards, so Darkhawk should still be 27 power.


I've only done 4 games and he's been eating about 4 cards average. Absorbing Man is probably cope, but hilarious.


Nice! I snagged him on my 1st key. Been fun so far! Well worth the key


He’s absurdly fun; the chaos is what makes the spice!


Oh my god yes it is


same i used all 4 of my keys, and ofc i got arishem last


Got him with my first key (had four banked). I don't have Hercules yet, and with his recent changes thought it would be a good chance to pick him up! Three more keys later... 😅


They made me use all 4 keys but this is a fun time


What cards are you building with? Dark Hawk? Phastos? Blob?


Not op but here's mine # (1) Quinjet # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Phastos # (3) Agent Coulson # (3) Wave # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Enchantress # (4) Loki # (5) Sersi # (5) Mockingbird # (6) Blob # (7) Arishem # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUXVpbmpldCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUGhhc3RvcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTG9raSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2Vyc2kifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1vY2tpbmdiaXJkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTaGFuZ0NoaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRW5jaGFudHJlc3MifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldhdmUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkplZmZUaGVCYWJ5TGFuZFNoYXJrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCbG9iIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBZ2VudENvdWxzb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFyaXNoZW0ifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. Haven't drawn Quinn Jet a single time, but it might get swapped out for another 2 drop or Nick Fury or even White Queen.


I forgot Phastos. And I need to add Magik. Also finding success with Adam warlock. Easy to be winning a lane when you're ahead 1 energy


So far he has really held his own against other post-infinite Arishem decks


what if you don't own Blob?


What are people running him in? Just like Loki/Agent/Collector decks or anything really?


So much fun. Now I need to know if phastos is worth getting with arishem. I’ve been saving for nocturne but I’ll pick him up if he’s worth it


Get Nocturne. Easy choice.


Arishem doesnt give his border effects to generated cards?


He's fun and stronger than I thought but also not reliable. I don't see myself playing Arishem on ladder but I do see myself playing him in infinite where I can shrug off loses due to bad RNG. I also think he's good in conquest since they cannot possibly learn your deck and know what to play around.


My darkhawk deck is 10-0 against arishem. Thanks Arishem!!! Knew you’d be useful


Thou must share thy deck


I just throw him in with random cards I want boosters for. I’m not sure I’d recommend the card to someone wanting to climb, he’s served up some stinkers of hands to me so it’ll be really hard to know when to snap and when to quit when you’re fighting for cubes, but he makes conquest fun; every round is like a new match for you, except you know your opponents deck.


hes genuinely the most fun card in the game and it's not even close


I tried and got that stupid swan. I’ll try for another key — or tokens.


I had to use four Spotlight Keys to get him - and I figured I would - but I didn't have Hercules or Black Swan & I got Cannonball from the other pull whom I also didn't have yet. So four keys, which is a lot, but I got four cards I didn't have & two that I really wanted/needed, so I'm happy. Bonus that next week I already have Galactus & Nebula & don't care about Hydra Bob, & the week after is Ajax & Darkhawk (whom I have) & I don't care about Beta Ray Bill, so I can save for a couple of weeks.


I had 9 keys saved up and got it the first one I used. Immediately put him in a deck with Agatha, because what's more dumb than a deck that builds itself and plays itself?


want to get him but I don't have Mockingbird, Loki, or Blob which seem to be essential for playing him. 


What’s the strategy and deck you run with him?


I had 4 keys saved up and got him in 1, feels good.


Had two keys, took a gamble, got him on the first try thank god.


I got Arishem with my first and only key, so i used my tokens to buy Annihilus.


OH, I thought it SWITCHED your deck for 12 random cards


Literally have won 2 infinity conquests with random Arishem bullshit. The only games that gave me any kind of hassle of the 5 opponents in my last one were mirrors. Against the surfer deck, a destroy deck and a high evo deck I only list 1 cube as a result of Agatha. Insane card. Genuinely don't know how they can nerf him.


Only just released but playing 'normal' decks feel very sluggish without the extra energy now, he feels very strong imo, did two infinity keys easily with loki and him


I got him and kept losing. I played Darkhawk on a whim (just as a change of pace) and made an Arishem deck eat dirt. Felt good after the awful games I tried with Arishem last night.


he’s fun, only reason you should get him. but if you’re not infinite yet, and trying to get there, he isn’t a must. fun? yes , trying to climb? dont expect to win alot of games with him


You say that, but the Ramp Arishem deck variant took me from 86 to 93. It's really hard to snap into him as it turns out because of the bullshit he can pull out of his ass.


it’s interesting all those that are racking up wins. i have played a lot of arishem decks and have only lost once or twice and even those were really close. fun card to mess around with but so far doesn’t seem much a threat.


I've been running Darkhawk all day and feasting 😂


Pass for me dawg


I made a darkhawk deck called Hawk Tuah and I haven’t been paired with one since :(


snap on that thang!


However random your deck is, having 6 extra energy even without playing any card is kinda unfair to your opponent. I foresee a nerf in this card.


Seriously the most fun I’ve had with the game in a loooooong time


So much fun so far no regrets dropping 6,000


Blob also seems to underwhelm in this deck, would've been much more interesting before he got soft capped at 15


My very first Arishem game I got my own Blob, Weirdworld gave me their Blob, and then I drew an Arishem-generated third Blob. Big fan of all of three of them.


Had 4 keys for him and was able to snag Hercules which was new for me and Arishem with the next key, very happy.


I need 550 more tokens / how possible is this to get in a week? Miles off the 2k for shop variants so that’s not an option …. I haven’t got the season pass this month / would that get me there from rewards??


Can you buy the token Tuesday today? Then possible


Arishem is an awesome card been winning all afternoon!


I had to use 4 keys, but I didn't have Hercules or Black Swan, and got Cannonball for the random which I didn't have either. So overall I'm pretty happy. Oh and Ari is super fun to play with. Been switching around cards to see what "feels" good, and it's been cool so far.


I got Kang the Conq :(


I'm loving it so far. Surprisingly, Arishem actually feels very competitive. I've only lost one game and it was due to an early Prof X locking down Mojoworld then an Alioth sniping my Blob. Every other game I've been able to scratch out a win, although there's been a ton of mirrors.


First time since this dreaded spotlight system came I got a card I wanted with a single key and not the traditional 4.


- I got Black Swan (who I'm honestly not mad about I think she'll have a place in a new Zoo build along with Marvel Boy). - Werewolf By Night (Who icl I was kinda hyped to get maybe also has a place in a 1-drop on reveal deck with Black Swan, Beast and Falcon) - And then finally Arishem who has been a blast so far I don't even have Loki or Blob who, I think, are ultimately necessary but I've sort of scrambled together a build with Nick Fury, She-Hulk and Skaar which has been decent. In one game I played Nick, got Skaar, drew into the Skaar that was already in my deck and then, drew a Skaar that was generated by Arishem.


I pulled him in 1 key, with only 2 in the bank.


Been winning a lot with him tbh. Constantly filling all my lanes it's such a weird fun way to play. The immediate extra energy just makes it such a joy


I got on first pull but trying to decide to spend more for Hercules


Took 4 keys, totally worth it. Lots of fun interactions like Blob on Kamar Taj on turn 5 and still having plenty of cards in deck for the Blob that was randomly generated by Arishem.


I guess I've been fortunate to not run in to the Enchantress issue yet (I run armor and Cosmo to negate Shang). I slid Darkhawk in to my Sersi deck when I began playing this afternoon and I've gone from 97 to 99 in 3 games. I'd love for this to continue to infinite, then I'll likely start playing around with the big guy.


Interesting thing is, if he add agatha to your deck she doesn't appear in ur hand you need to draw her then she begin to play your cards, had the most "random" game ever.


Had a key stored, tried my luck. Got High Evo. Already had him. RIP


Getting Hercules early for the upcoming move season is also good.


This card is gonna make the best content ever


He's the final nail in Electro's grave.


I was scared of Darkhawk but honestly I ran into a few Darkhawk decks and it didn't feel that punishing


Took me 4 keys, but I got him!


1 key, 1 Arishem, baby!


I got him within like a minute of him being out using my Tokens. I've waited months for him.


Had 4 keys loaded to go and got him on my first. Last 2 new card pulls require all 4 keys so I guess it balances out. I’m probably 50/50 in games, but he is SO FUN. There are massive Darkhawks in every game. Doesn’t even make me mad. Lots of power going down every game on both sides.


Took 3 keys. But I didn't have Herc, so I guess that isn't the worst. Now do I use 6k on Phastios?


Man.. I was gonna skip because I don't want or need the other cards this week but ya'll tempting me


Thank you Arishem. Got my first infinite border with my Surfer deck on the first try.


I got 3 for 3 with new cards


I put Darkhawk in most of my decks. And yes Arishem is hella fun. I also put Darkhawk in that deck lol.


Got it on the first key, finally my luck is back. It's nice, won a few games though it was on proving grounds/silver conquest


Made a deck with hope and got 10power sheeesh!!!


playing with adam warlock is good


Took 4 keys, but I got him. Not too bothered because this is one of the only weeks since spotlights started that I had none of the cards. Ben winning with him a lot. Definitely worth carrying those Darkhawk counters though.


Took four keys for me to get him, but yes. (Fortunately, I also didn't have the other two.)


Saved up 6k since they revealed him. And omg. Yes. I love this. Even get screwed because I drew two 1 drops, but I also had a coulson... Ya.... my favorite damn card lol. Idk the future is looking realllly bright imo lol


Arishem mirror matches are the most fun I've had in a while Just me and my opponent chucking random bullshit on the board seeing what sticks Make sure to pack either rogue or enchantress for the inevitable Darkhawk counter


Got him with one key, He’s definitely fun to mess with


I forgot that he came out and was so confused when someone played quake on turn 1


Worth the keys even if I have the other two?


I used a key like an hour after arishem was available and got gladiator


Already got 2 infinity tickets with Arishem he’s cracked


I like him but now everyone is just playing dark hawk, and that's an easy 25 power darkhawk


Got it on the 2nd pull. Awesome card


Only if you can really deal with the RNG. So far the matchups I’ve had that run Arishem have zero idea what to do when plan A gets blown out the water. Easy wins.


Got him and herc with my last 2 keys, EXACTLY what I wanted. :)


To all the people who are running a darkhawk deck to counter arishem, can you guys just have fun for once, like forreal you are the people that each time we have a new cards start to run a counter deck just to get some ranks, like it is something important on snap, enjoy your number while people have fun


Yeah guys, would you please stop winning so that other people can have fun winning?


I wasn’t huge on the other Spotlight variants this week so went tokens as well. Next to buying Jeff on release, best 6k I ever spent. I’ve been counting the weeks for this card. So much fun. RANDOM BS GO!!!


I don't know what decks you guys are playing but I'm having an incredibly frustrating experience running Arishem. My lose rate went way up with him.