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nothing says 4th of july like fireworks in scopelys server room


Seriously all the convoluted ideas to fix the open all orbs mess are not needed. All they need to do is buy a few servers but no can't be bothered to reinvest whale money


It can be even simpler than that. Just have your orbs open async while you're AFK. When you log in, you just collect your rewards. But on a fundamental level, many orbs don't even make sense anymore. They are a remnant from hoarding days (another artificial problem created by tying milestone points to opening orbs) and there is little reason to not have fragment-based orbs present your with the rewards automatically instead. Why not have blue/purple/orange/teal/red orbs give you the gear automatically? There's creative ways to solve this even without extra servers.


This man is cooking.


What’s async?


Probably short for asynchronous. Wouldn’t need to stress the servers because not all orbs would need to open at the same time


Yes, exactly. Orb opening doesn't have to necessarily be triggered by player action. It can happen as we are away from the game. On the server side, devs can schedule different tasks to run on a convenient schedule so that the actual load on severs is distributed throughout the day.


My god this is a phenomenal idea. I would LOVE to have every single one of my orbs open automatically over the night, wake up in the AM and reap the rewards. As it stands right now I have a near-infinite amount of rewards sitting unclaimed. Probably the way they like it.


Lmao the amount of effort responding to every single person complaining about your post is inspiring OP


But I'm replying to everyone, happy or pissed about my initiative. I just want to see this game in a better place.


You know that not all the players are American right lol


As italian i want to do this seems funny 😏😏😏


Feel free to join the party! Grazie mille!






The 5th of November is too far away tho.


He's from the time line where the movie Independence Day took place. So it's independence Day for everyone where he comes from.


Yeah but no one organizes anger and frustration like America Edit : along with petty revenge


Idk man those French farmers are showing us a thing or two right now.


Everyone can join the orb opening festivities !


Then go ahead and schedule a time for our fellow commanders on the world!! Independence Day isn't just our day this year; find a time that works for people and organize your own round of fireworks to send to Scopely.


Yes, of course, which is why I'm suggesting a time that's convenient enough for both Americans and Europeans. My apologies to our Australian and Asian friends reading this thread, but feel free to participate if you're up late/early. Let's get those fireworks going! Yee-haw, Am-Can!


I'm totally in buddy


I'll be your buddy, pal!


It's likely to kill the last 2 hamsters that keep the server running.


Cyber guerilla warfare ? Absolutely nothing to win out of it ? Possibility to lose my gain ? Brother, I'm in !


but it's going to take me all day


Listen, enjoy your day wherever you are. But do try to chime in for a few minutes. Me? I'm getting that orb counter to zero, and so is everyone else who truly appreciates the devs listening to what we've been asking for lately.


I am adding to calendar


Don't worry, I'll remind you about this the day before, anyway. Thanks for your support, Commander!


I feel like I’m a little behind here what was the issue with the open all option and why is it such a problem reinstating it


I am lost as well 🤷


I think they mentioned it's overloading their servers. I think it's just lazy coding.


Bold of you to assume that the entire player base is American, OP 🤣 4th of July is just another day for many of us. For me, it's a day to annoy my American friends by saying "Happy Treason Day!" To them 🤣


It only treason if you lose :)


Oh, no, I'm aware not everyone is American. But I'm suggesting a date convenient for Americans, and a time convenient enough for most of Europe as well. I believe in a big orb opening party that day!


Perhaps we should log onto MSF on a cheap device and throw it into Boston Harbour? 😄


Time to get together, regardless of nation, race, color, gender, or TCP. Could the MSF 4th of July Orb Opening Party be just the thing to pull us all together?


The world stood united, however briefly, by their displeasure towards a Mobile game. Stranger things have definitely happened 🤣


they get mad because treason day is December 20th


Coincidentally, the same day the first Captain America comic book was released back in 1940.


Wasn't it January 6?


While this sounds fun, the only outcome I see is extreme lag and constant anomaly detected errors. After a few of those, I'm fucking done.


cool I’m in French and it’s 18:00 for me, just good time to join the party


I’m French, I’ll be working but honestly, I’m in 😂


Fraternité! 🎩


Oh what the hell, why not. I’m in ✌🏻


I'll wake up just to do it (I work overnight on the EST)


Thank you, Commander! Avengers, assemble!


Count me in too. It's on my calendar!


You crazy bastard im in, if got a few thousand blues orbs just waiting to show my appreciation :)


If by my life or ban I can bring back the Open All button, I will. You have my sword, And my bow, And my axe, And my \~24,560 orbs of all colors\*. ^(\*Except teal and red, yeah, I've been opening those.)


I have way more then that, I shall join this event Sounds like fun.


Even armory 16 orbs? Cuz I’ve got an insane amount of those (but no other teal or reds)


Just put something on the tv and open your orbs, it’s not as bad as everyone is crying about


Yes, exactly! We're putting the 4th of July parade on TV and spamming that Open x10 button aaaaall day long. Be there or be square!


Is supposed to be a game, not a chore. They chose to build it into a chore. They choose to keep it that way. That’s shitty game design, shitty development, and laziness in not implementing a simple solution. And fixing it is totally within their power to do if they weren’t too busy frantically focused on more more more rather than quality gameplay & experience for their broad player base.


Idk I consider a chore spending like an hour doing dishes or laundry or tidying up.. I can open hundreds of orbs in like a minute.. It’s not that serious


“Hey guys, let’s sabotage the game for everyone on a holiday so it won’t get fixed. That’ll surely fix all the problems in the game!” Sometimes I think this sub doesn’t think before speaking. 


In online multiplayer games, players sometimes get together for raids, events, and in this case, opening orbs. These are all mechanics embedded in the game. Nothing should happen if you use the game as intended. In general, if a bug impacts the gaming experience, studios release patches to fix it. That is the worst case scenario. It's all very well thought out, thank you.


It isn’t well thought out, at all.  You want to break the game going into a holiday weekend because you’re mad you can’t do something slightly easier than you can now. This isn’t a spending strike. This isn’t protesting the game by not playing it or sandbagging all the modes. It’s deliberately breaking it because you want to act like a child.  The open all orbs button being gone isn’t a bug. It’s a feature that isn’t there yet.  What about those that play the game that don’t care about the open all orb being gone? What about those that want to play the game but not participate in this child’s temper tantrum? This sub freaks out if shit isn’t handed out to them and this post 100% proves that. 


And this accomplishes what?


It'll bog down their servers. They had to remove the open all orbs feature as it was causing issues with their servers.


So this is a coordinated attack on the servers? Not the “good cause” OP is attempting to lie about to not get banned?


Relax, it's just a community-driven event.


Or, maybe, it'll encourage Scopely to invest in their game.  But we wouldn't want that would we? 


Oh no, we don't want that for a game we've invested WAY too many hours into...nope. lmao


Lol. Right?! I honestly don't know what's up with this sub. You ask for something reasonable like having Scopely invest though in their servers to handle opening an in-game function and accounts will argue with you. Scopely has minmaxed their investment into the game which I understand is the point of a business, but, even then there should be some quality of experience features that get focus.


Screwing over the players. lol. All it’ll do is overload their servers, meaning on a day where most of us are off work and free to play the game, it’ll most likely be crashed.


Why do yall flood us with g16 orbs but hold out on g17s then double up on g18s


Ooh turn their servers into fireworks


I’m In I’ll keep saving


10-15 minutes would hardly make a dent lol.


You monster I’m in!


The more the merrier!




Only a small portion on players are on reddit


Hey, who knows, maybe MobileGamer will help spread the message via YouTube as well. He reads through Reddit posts from time to time. One can only dream.




Yes, exactly. That's why I'm counting on his support if he sees this thread.




See, you're thinking very pessimistically about this. Why? It's a good opportunity for everyone holding onto orbs to finally get rid of them. Don't you want to get rid of us orb-holder toddlers? Have another 5 shards of Mr. Negative, Commander, you'll feel better alright.




Sorry, how is this any different from WoW players joining raids at the same time back in the day? It's a game mechanic that's implemented in the actual game. But it took us all a while to get organized and join a party at the same time. I really don't get why you have to be so pessimistic, not to mention rude...


Their servers were designed specifically for processing mass events on PC's with high processing needs, there's a difference in processing needs when moving freely through a world with lots of polygons and data on a PC or even a game console and using a fairly static interface with limited data on a mobile device. Forget comparing apples and oranges, you're comparing a grape to a watermelon.


We're talking about logging and processing events on a server. Rolling loot in one game vs rolling orbs in another game is an apple to apple comparison. Your graphics processing anecdote is quite strange. That happens entirely client-side, so it's entirely besides the point here.


Oh, I'm not a part of this, I just responded to a question while cruising the comments.


July 5 Scopely announces 10 new resource types!!!


Nothing says American like a post mentioning everyone who plays the game will be off July 4th…


I'm not American. Not everyone will be off. But enough people will be. And the time is selected so that most players can chime in if they want to. Sorry of you can't make it, it's hard to accommodate everyone!


I find it odd then that you would suggest July 4th as the day since it’s just a normal day for you. Americans tend to forget the rest of the world exists, but you’re not American.


It's festive enough, most people know about its significance, and therefore it's easy to remember the date! :D


Cool, now they're gonna remove the x10 feature. :|


You're living in fear, my friend. That's why Independence Day is so important! Don't be afraid, and when the time comes, tap that button like there's no tomorrow.


Nah not up for doing that I'll wait for open all, or open pro re nata.


Go away


I'm sorry, were you talking about the "Open All" button?


4 of July is just a regular thursday my guy.


Not this year, my buddy. This year, it's the MSF Orb Opening Party on the 4th of July. Remember to mark it in your calendar ;)


Ah yes, the standard "everyone gets July 4 off to celebrate how great the USA is" post.


Only this year, we're all celebrating how great MSF is instead. So it's a truly international event. Come join us!


So becuase your playtoy broke, you wanna break it for everybody else aswell..... Sane and healthy logic, as always provided by yours truly MURICA.... Idiotic idea, sure we want "open all" back, you're not alone, if they could fix it with a snap of their fingers they would, but they can't... So instead of just accepting this until they get around to fixing it, you decide that everybody else should be as miserable as you, by attempting a coordinated gamecrash... Also were not all americans, but i guess you caught onto that memo by now...


>if they could fix it with a snap of their fingers they would, but they can't We about to find out, innit? [https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExN282b3Ezb3dmcmpmb3Brbzd3dDg1MmpxdGt4MjUxbjdraGQ0MDJsYyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/ie76dJeem4xBDcf83e/giphy.gif](https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExN282b3Ezb3dmcmpmb3Brbzd3dDg1MmpxdGt4MjUxbjdraGQ0MDJsYyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/ie76dJeem4xBDcf83e/giphy.gif)


You sound like you’re a fucking blast at parties.


I am, which is why i don't try to ruin the parties for others, just because I got a sweet lemon in my tequila...


At this point if you can't open your orbs you're just whining to whine.


I can. I will. Next week, on July 4.


Good luck coordinating your 3 minutes lol.


Thank you, my good fellow. Considering my 25K+ orbs, and an average of 3 seconds between tap-claim-tap again, that will be a good 2 hours of fun, but regardless, thank you for your good thoughts! Cheers


I guess that's what happens when you spend months throwing tantrums instead of opening them as needed lol.


oh great. a player run internal ddos. im in. 12 est j4


Sorry my man, we're just trying to play the game as the devs intended.


why are you guys butthurt this time?


Yeah, I don't get it either. I mean, it's a good initiative...


Speak for yourself. I enjoy having hoarded orbs and thus resources/gold/mats/character shards on demand. When folks in this subreddit complain about being short on mats but having gold and gear, or some other combination of the above, some of that pain could be solved through just a little bit of hoarding. 🤷 This game is primarily a resource management game. Orbs, and hoarding them, are a perfectly fine mechanism.


Brother Smaug, is that you?


Hahaha fair point 😆


Lol what efforts has $copley done . I don't see anything they are doing to improve lol


I dunno man, the number of orbs in my account has been steadily going up. Isn't that an improvement?




If you're in the USA, you're most likely off. If you're in Europe, you're probably in between GMT+1 and GMT+3, so between 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock in the afternoon. Again, off work - not everyone, but hey, we're trying to maximize event attendance here.


You said in another comment that you are not American, so this is purely an assumption on your part that Americans will likely be not working. Aside from banks and non-essential government facilities, most people in the US have to work on the 4th of July unless they either request it off, it falls on a weekend and they are fortunate enough to have a job that does not require them to work weekends or their days off in their work rotation happen to fall in line with the holiday. Also, and I'm sure you are well aware of this, orbs being opened enmasse in the game was destabilizing it and causing crashes and that was just people opening them at random times, it was what led directly to the removal of the open all feature. So organizing a group to open all their orbs at the same, be they 10 at a time or not, is likely to have the same effect by putting a sudden large load on the servers. If your goal is to break the game, just say so.


It's indeed an assumption that at least some people would not be working on a bank holiday. It's also a fair assumption. If the issue is that maybe we should have picked Christmas Day instead, let me remind you that not everyone celebrates Christmas. We're not all globally on the same page for New Year's Eve, either. If the problem is that *not enough* people are off that day, then you need not worry about the game breaking, so that makes no sense either. In fact, I'm not sure why you're saying we want to break the game at all. We want to all play the game together at the same time, and solve our excess orbs problem once and for all. Cheer up 🤗




Yes, yes, Commanders are spread across the globe, but most of them are in US & EU anyway. And you don't have to be home to play the game, surely? You could be on your commute. You could be on a well-deserved ciggy break. Heck, you might even be blitzing under your desk at the time, that's a possibility with this game anyway. Just pause for a moment and open a few orbs.




Right, since you can't let go of the "world population" metric that is not representative of the actual player base, let's have it your way instead. Time zones cover meridians (roughly), so whenever we talk about the US, we actually can extend to North America and South America. Likewise, Europe timezones cover Africa as well. A logic that escapes some, so maybe worth pointing it out. So we have: 1B people in north America and South America combined. 745m people in Europe. 1.2B people in Africa. Then, the time proposed also covers quite a bit of Asia as well. But let's not count them, just to help you out here. There's 3B people combined in those areas. Out of 8B people. So roughly 37.5%. Anyway, enough for the combined logic, math, and time zones schooling. Thing is, *most* players are in the US and Europe. Most meaning a majority. Like 50%+, you know. The bigger group. Not sure how else to explain this to you. Hope you get the point. Good luck! 🤗




My angry, angry pal, you are one click away from the truth: [https://appmagic.rocks/blog/scopely](https://appmagic.rocks/blog/scopely) >Geographically, the lion's share of Scopely's user spending hails from Tier-1 Western countries. The **USA alone contributes 74%, followed by the UK (5%), Canada (4%), and Germany (4%)**. In terms of store distribution, 52% is from Google Play, while 48% is from the App Store. It's okay to be mad from time to time, but it's important to pick the things you're mad about. Sending you hugs and good wishes, wherever you are in this beautiful world!




Fella, I'm not here to argue with you. You're uncivil and too thick to be interesting to talk to, so I hope you enjoy the game, your day and, frankly, your life. Au revoir, Shoshana! 🤗


When man babies of reddit and MSF become one, you get crying over 1st world problems and morons hoarding! 


Man-babies of the world, unite and take over!