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I quit about 2 months ago and when I see posts like this it feels like I skipped a dinner that gave everyone food poisoning


This is one of the best and most accurate analogies for quitting I've ever heard.


Its like League of Legenda. Eventually he will be cheaper to get and or they will do a free event


I don't disagree with your viewpoint, but again the appeal for me was completing not necessarily competing. Heck I wouldn't be as salty if he was a free one-star unlock and the big spenders got him at 6-7. Obviously I couldn't compete with that, but that's the advantage spending can bring you. The game was in a good place of everything at least being available F2P, and they're backsliding hard into P2W.


The point is to satisfy the crybaby whales who weren’t getting easy Crucible wins. Crucible is now fully P2W just like Arena with Mephisto


I'm just going to keep playing like I always do. I'll get him eventually. I don't care if I get him on day 1.


This sub is not ready for a meaning of life post like this right now, give them the weekend to cool off


Bahaha true, very true, but in a week the next clusterfire will be alight and no one will remember.


I'm a non-spender, never have and never will for this game and as of late that position feels even better. I've been on this planet for a while and I've seen a lot of silly things and putting money into a game is effectively owning electronic wallpaper to me, useless. Do I want to see things change in this game yeah and I think it's a miscalculation on the part of scopely to do things like this pay only release. I think they forget the krackens are going to need people to play against. It's not fun beating up on people if there's no longer people to beat up. Now to be completely and utterly frank I rely on the outrage of others. If you all want to go and tilt at windmills like Don Quixote, that's fantastic I have more than enough things that frustrate me and are worthy of my outrage like how come the Buffalo bills have never won the super bowl. They succeed in failing me every year and I live in Canada with a socialist prime minister so I'm quite accustomed to general frustration to start with. So gents, mount your horses, and fight for the Love of dulcinea, go forth and get those windmills, teach them a lesson for me.