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MOD NOTE: Rahul clarified on Instagram today that **he was not in the running for the role of Reed.** Rather than take it down, we thought it would be better to leave the post up with a sticky note debunking it. Link to screenshot: https://x.com/alexfromcc/status/1794767122012463495


He would’ve been a far more interesting and fitting choice than Pedro IMO. Love Pedro but his casting as Mr Fantastic makes me scratch my head.


In defense of M*rvel Studios, they were obviously going with a 60s retrofuturistic Jetsons-esque family aesthetic with the F4, and obviously, Pedro is much more fitting in that regard as he's older and he can better give off middle-class dad vibes But outside of that context, Rahul is literally perfect in every other aspect: he looks like reed, he has the acting chops, he's a fan-favorite pick, and he's so tall and lanky that bro already looks elongated like a rubberband, HE WAS BORN TO STRETCH GODDAMMIT. Hope he makes it to the Council of Reeds tho


Is there any particular reason behind censoring "Marvel" here?


Chronically online


Probably a weird 4chan thing, on that site its common to dcensor the name of things you hate like that.


No it isn't lmao, on a site that hates censorship. More like a twitter or tumblr thing.


Don't you know Marvel is considered a hate crime in some parts of the internet? /s


Brother you are on the Marvel Studios leak subreddit, why are you censoring the word “Marvel” like it’s a slur


Pedro sells science nerd dad, very well


Tbh, idk about that, I've seen in him in so many roles where he plays rugged adventurers or charmers that it's hard for me to imagine him as the Bill Nye-esque nerdy dad with noodly limbs. But that's just me, and I'm sure that the actual movie will prove me wrong, one can only hope


Actors can act, who knew


The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent! Pedro literally plays a nerd in that, cool movie too, and he's great. I think he'll nail Reed. Not being mean, genuinely just recommending a movie.


It's so wierd. Pedro is legitimately an amazing actor. He's a goofball in real life but plays some intense roles which shows he's capable of playing against type yet for some reason people think he's incapable of playing reed richards just because he smashed last of us out of the park when people said he wouldn't be able to do that when he was cast.


I wasn't a fan of the casting too but I can see why they would want his current star power and someone that will embrace being in a franchise without turning their nose up at it later.


Agreed 100 percent. MCU is at a low point right now and they want to rejuvinate it. They are most likely choosing someone who can be their next RDJ. And Pascal currently has the star power to do so.  I'm keeping the casting choice open minded right now. There have been a lot of actors that proved me wrong. 


Agreed choice for Council of Reeds. But, let Marvel Studios decide what to do with the Council of Kangs first.


Somehow, the Council of Kangs died on the way to their home timeline. Has to do with Loki, I think.


Pretend it never happened. Like many other cutscenes/teasers that lead nowhere.


I’m fine with “Loki solved all that. Movin on…”


Many? 🤔


I view myself as a casual marvel fan so I could be missing some but here are some off the top of my head: 1)The Symbiote in the MCU 2)The Sinister Six 3) Old Guardians in Vol 2 4)Mordo wanting sorcerers dead in DS 5)Ebony Blade 6) Thano’s Brother


1) happening in venom 3 or the next Spiderman and that was only a few years ago 2) not sure what that reference is 3) was that not just a bit? 4) yea for sure we need follow up 5 yes So 2 and both from eternals lol tho the ebony blade maybe we are lucky and it comes up in blade. We do also need Hercules from Thor follow up but that is pretty recent too


Thank you for bearing with my mobile formatting 😅. Yeah it’s quite possible they will be in future projects. The Sinister Six was hinted at when Vulture met Scorpion in prison.


u/AlgerianTrash just wanted to tell you that your comments are funny, even though they're getting downvoted


Thank you so much, but i promise I'm not even doing that on purpose, so i don't understand why everyone is jumping me over an asterisk💀💀


I am fucking DYING, theyre funny af


I saw so many negative comments about mcu but never a "M*rvel"


God’s last name isn’t Dammit. Praised be the Name of the Lord!


>Love Pedro but his casting as Mr Fantastic makes me scratch my head. Don't get why everyone and their grandmother keeps saying this. Pedro as Reed actually makes a whole lot of sense. He's old enough to be able to pull off grey hair but also not too old to be the face of a franchise for a while, he's a great actor with a ton of range, he's extremely popular right now, he's literally been given the nickname "the internet's daddy" due to how many times he's played familial characters, and he has ridiculous amounts of chemistry with everyone he interacts with. If anything Rahul Kohli as Reed is the real head-scratcher here. Don't know how he ever got into that conversation besides the weird fancasts.


It's confusing to me. This isn't a slight to Rahul Kohli as I like him as an actor (Excellent in Midnight Mass and a favourite series of mine) and have nothing against him as Reed Richards but it's strange to hear people say that he looks just like Reed Richards. To me he doesn't look any closer to Reed than Pedro does or any less or more range than Pascal. Is it the beard and "lankiness"? I feel like that's everyone's inclination to cast Reed. Jack Kirby's designs for Richards and Alex Ross' designs are square jawed. Depends on the artist just like it depends on the casting director/director and vision. I won't lie, I still think Ioan Graffudd was a real good Reed Richards casting. Regardless, I think Pedro's going to kill it. Just because he hasn't played a brainy nerd before doesn't mean he can't play a brainy nerd. I'm surprised, from every casting we've gotten in the MCU that *this* is that casting that people have an issue with. It's silly.


He DOES look a lot like John Krasinski when both have a beard, though, so alt Reed Richards would have felt like a nice call back to Krasinski. Plus, I’ve loved Rahul since iZombie, and in all of the Flanaverse projects. I love Pedro as well, though, and am sure he will do an amazing job. Krasinski was an excellent cast as well.


John didn't convince me when I saw him in Multiverse of Madness but I'm happy his fans were able to see him as Reed even if it was temporary. Rahul and him do resemble each other. I forgot about iZombie! I didn't watch the entire series but I think I had seen a couple of episodes of the first season. But yeah, I wasn't aboard the Krasinski hype train but I'm glad you were able to experience him in the role. But I don't know, I think the whole bearded Richards thing has kind of skewed the casting a bit. We'll just have to wait and see! Pedro's a good actor and a super likable individual so I'm excited.


John did a good job but I’ve heard the reason he wasn’t brought back was because he wanted to direct the movie + sequels and other MCU films if he was going to make a long term franchise commitment and Feige said no. His wife also didn’t want to commit to the franchise.


That makes sense. He’s doing lot behind & in front of the camera now & Emily Blunt is a megawatt star. I can see them not e wanting to be tied to long contracts or wanting more creative input/freedom.


I don't rellay believe that. She would have been, and was excited about being, Black Widow if it weren't for being under contract for another film. Marvel was also doing long multi year contracts then and she was willing. Krasinski has been talking about wanting to do a Marvel role for a long time so I doubt he'd say meet all these demands and only then will I do it. Also, they both have said they value family time so working on a project where they both are together and can bring their kids with them would seem like an ideal job for them.


Yeah, they all seem like really nice fellows IRL. I’m a bit biased as I’m a big fan of beards. 😉 We watched the first season or 2 of iZombie (Rahul & Malcolm Goodwin who played Clive Babineaux were big reasons to keep watching), but the writing kept going downhill, so we “broke up” with the show.


That's fair! Everyone's got their favourite look for a particular character. Oh, I didn't know Goodwin was in that. Yeah, he's good. And isn't that the tragedy of the CW lol. Sometimes they'd start off really fun, super cheesy and engaging and would just progressively get worse. Superman & Lois suffered from that substantial dip in season 2 but came back with a bang for season 3 (arguably the best season to me quality wise).


True on the CW shows for sure!


Because Reed Richards has always, at least to my knowledge, been depicted as a very waspy, Rockwell painting looking guy. To be clear, I’m not saying that they have to stick with that. But that’s what most people are probably struggling with whether they want to admit it or not. 


Marvel Studios used to not cast A-listers for mainline protagonist roles based on twitter trends. Those were the days.


Pascal isn't A-list from a movie studio perspective. He's never headlined a movie of this scope before.


Pedro Pascal is an A list celebrity. *Especially* compared to the likes of which Marvel Studios used to cast, such as Tom Hiddleston and Chris Helmsworth, effectively no names, smaller, less household names at the time like Chris Evans, Chadwick Boseman, etc. These roles used to be for people to be made in, and completely engulf the character. Now Joel from TLOU and The Mandalorian are headlining Marvel’s first family.


RDJ, Norton, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Rudd, Brie Larson were all well established movie actors when they were cast. And I'll stress, a *movie* studio isn't going to consider this casting as a lateral move for an actor primarily known for TV roles. Carrying a big budget movie for the first time, there's more stakes.


Cumberpatch I will give you, one of those perfect castings that the character was begging to be played by, one degree off of Ultimate Universe Fury being based off SLJ and then played by him. Rudd too, although Ant-Man is a comedic character, and also much smaller in the MCU, so his casting never bothered me. RDJ and Larson were well established celebrities but not really household names. This would be like if RDJ totally attached himself as a titular character in Breaking Bad and also Mad Men (both 2007), and then did Iron Man. I don’t know, I simply dislike it and wish MS casted less household names as often as they used to. Anthony Mackie, Elizabeth Olsen, these people’s careers have been cultivated by their presence in the MCU even if they would have still been wildly successful otherwise. Tom Holland, another massive no name to play the ginormous Spider-Man. I dislike Pedro as the main star of the (supposed) future of the MCU, coming right off of the internet’s spotlight.


I have no issue with Pascal but the case you're making is quite superficial. He can have gray hair and he's the internet 's daddy.


I hope you know people call him daddy not because of that…


NGL I'm kinda sick of seeing Pedro in everything lol. I hope he does well though


I appreciate that you're not lying about this.


I mean I’m sick of seeing Chris Pratt in everything but he seems to be doing fine. I hope the role works out for Pedro though and that he doesn’t get overexposed.


I still believe It was a popularity casting because no other actor wanted to commit to a possible long-term role as Reed Richards.


Why would he be more interesting or fitting?


You haven’t seen him in the role yet you can’t judge it yet.


RDJ as Tony also made people scratch their heads when mentioned in 2007. The only thought was that he’s be perfect if they adapted Demon in the Bottle storyline, due to his personal struggles.


Probably had a really good chemistry screen test with Vanessa Kirby.


I feel like marvel just picked a handful of currently popular actors for the roles and that’s why we have Joseph Quinn as Johnny and Pedro as Reed.


Especially the face shape


It does kind of come off more as getting an actor who’s a hot commodity and super popular than getting one that is best suited for the character.


He’s a great actor and he’ll probably be great but it’s just so hard for me to see I don’t think I’ll ever be fully comfortable with it until we get a trailer


He would have been a really interesting choice. Need him in more projects, though, particularly in movies. He was fantastic in Midnight Mass.


….Say that again.


He’s fantastic?


What are we some kinda fantastic four


It’s fantastic time


Loved the part in fantastic four where Reed says “it’s fantastic’ing time” and then foured all over the place


Is there a lore reason the thing and human torch always butt fucking each other in the background




I'm just gonna assume Pedro had better chemistry with the rest of the cast.


Pedro is a rising A list celebrity. Look at the box office today. They need ass into seats


I wouldn’t even use “rising”. I’d say he’s easily one of the most famous actors in the planet rn, and his status is still just growing and growing


I think we just have too many actors now for anyone to have a true "A list" status like they used to, but I agree than in terms of overall popularity, Pascal is hitting his stride right now


Totally agree - which is insane because despite being a big star on multiple tv shows, I don’t think I’ve ever seen any movies where he’s been more than a side character outside of unbearable weight of massive talent. He’s so insanely popular but never really led any movies himself


Yeah but he’s largely a Tv actor, even if it’s prestige projects. The Mandalorian, The Last of Us, Narcos, GoT. His film career has yet to really take off in that he hasn’t been the lead of a major movie yet.


I mean arguably TV is bigger than cinema nowadays


I mean, you could argue TV is bigger than film this days. There’s a “tv event” pretty much every couple months, yet the only events movie wise I can remember right now from the past 2 years are Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and Barbenheimer. Maybe spiderverse and dune 2


Pedro has chemistry with just about everybody


I would love to see him and Keanu for a movie.


I am also assuming, based on the art in the posters, that this Fantastic 4 is from an alternate universe and may not be our main MCU group.


Word is they come into the MCU from another universe and become mainstays that way.


Hmm. I like Joseph Quinn and Moss-Bachrach, but nervous about Reeds age. I wanna see the first family a lot, for a long time.


What exactly makes you nervous about reads age? Pedro Pascal can play a character anywhere from mid-40s to Mid 60s.


Yeah and I kinda wish Reed started out mid-30's so he could grow into the role. MCU just takes so long between movies sometimes, it worries me what kind of longevity we'll get out of an older Reed actor.


I think that's why they are starting him out older. So that they can show him as a family man. Without a major time skip or magic, you'd never realistically see any children from Sue and Reed in the MCU at the pace they're releasing movies.


They're our main MCU group, they're just not from the universe we usually watch. They wouldn't make a movie with this cast and then just side line that.


Pedro would have chemistry with a ball on a stick, he's one of the sweetest guys in Hollywood.


Hollywood's Bad Boy as Mister Fantastic would've been great


[Hollywoods Bad Boy](https://x.com/FunhausArchive/status/1765498858195333342) 


Man I miss OG funhaus sooo much, why does people have to be shitty and ruin all good they have


Scrobbles is still ingrained into my brain till this day.


Yup that, jimmy Hollywood, mothers be aware, ska king, rule 34 all will always be remembered


Well, considering funhaus no longer exists, imma just go with I miss funhaus. The latter years were some of the highest quality stuff they put out tbh. And this is from an inside gaming enjoyer.


Baby Jacob as Herbie!!! What could have been.


Jon Smiff as The Thing please and thanks


Not gonna lie, Jacobs voice could work* fixed


Co-starring the Brick




![gif](giphy|cLYofyLxn0W1zifk10|downsized) S/


This is the crossover I needed to see today.


I feel like if the last few films weren’t struggling critically and/or financially Marvel would have taken a chance on Kohli instead of a name like Pascal. Oh well…


Guardians 3 and No Way Home were hits critically and financially. Marvel Studios can put out a hit movie once In a while when they aren’t so controlling. Here’s hoping F4 is like NWH/Vol.3 where the audience loves it 🙏🏻


>Here’s hoping F4 is like NWH https://i.redd.it/5ugt4i8r2n2d1.gif


What’s wrong with NWH? We all loved it when it came out and I still think it holds up regardless what people say. It was a crowd pleaser and one of the only post Endgame wins for a reason


>What’s wrong with NWH? We all loved it when it came out and I still think it holds up regardless what people say. We loved it because of nostalgia. Now if we look at the movie itself we will see tons of wrong things, like the plot who's just a Pokémon : Catch'Em All, or some weird direction like Sorcerer Ned. I dont wanna see a FF movie with a bad plot. The movie started since May's death for me, because it's where it's good, everything before was... meh. Even with the Peter's revealed identity story they dont really use it, it was the main problem 10min and after that it is replaced by the Multiverse storyline, sometimes it comeback, but we clearly can make something better.


I remember that coming out at the height of all the rumors last year, I was really rooting for him. I had just watched all the Flanagan series on Netflix and I was so impressed by him, especially in Midnight Mass. I'm bummed he didn't get the role, but I'm hoping the Marvel door isn't completely closed for him.


My wife and I are rewatching Midnight Mass right now! Mike Flanagan just has such good casting in his shows. I love see all of the ways that the same actors can portray vastly different roles. I would love to see Rahul Kohli and other Flanagan reoccurring actors in the MCU!


I recently watched all Flanagan shows and I am obsessed. He is so good. He got Tom Hiddleston and Karen Gillan (her second time with him) for his new movie. I am anxiously expecting a trailer 


I'm assuming you meant Tom Hiddleston? Lol


Yeah I fixed it immediately  :D Auto correct is the least useful tool ever  :D


Goteem Hiddleston is still funny though lol


I am not even sure why it came up with such word. It does not even mean anything  :D


Android or iPhone auto correct?




Ahh. I find when I type on my wife's Apple phone that I'm more prone to errors. But then again on my Gboard it will often remember the conglomerate words that I accidentally typed once and try to insert them sometimes...so yeah autocorrect for both Android and Apple are sometimes pretty bad lol.


Flanagan's casting is using the same actors over and over again. Not complaining though because those are terrific actors. And you can never get tired of looking and hearing Carla Gugino.


I just love seeing all of the different roles the actors portray! Like Samantha Sloyan, I think she's done some of the best and vastly different portrayals: Shasta, Bev Keane, Tamerlane, Sarah (from Hush).


I wonder if this was another Tom Holland vs Charlie Rowe situation. They were the finalists for Spider-Man and Rowe just [**screamed**](https://d26oc3sg82pgk3.cloudfront.net/files/media/edit/image/4442/article_full%403x.jpg) Peter Parker but Holland ultimately won because of his chemistry with the others. Kohli looks a lot more like Reed than Pascal but the latter probably had more chemistry with Kirby & co which is fundamental for the group.


Wasn’t the Holland vs Rowe thing ultimately a Sony vs Marvel Studios thing where Sony got their way? And I find it hard to believe that Kohli wouldn’t have chemistry with someone. He’s Rahul Kohli 😭


My favourite scenes of Kohli were actually in iZombie when he was playing Halo (?) with the other actor, guessing they were both gamers because that scene was so immersive.


I follow Kohli and he’s a big warhammer and gaming nerd so that checks out


He’s a gamer in real life and even pitched the idea of them playing video games in the show 


Rumor has it that Marvel wanted Rowe and Sony wanted Holland but the latter got the role for the reason above.


It would have been funny if Charlie Rowe had gotten the role because he played a younger version of Andrew Garfield's character in Never Let Me Go. ^(Well, I would have found it funny.)


I'm trying to figure out what exactly about that pic suggests he would have been a better peter parker lol


I’m saying *physically* he screams Peter to me. Much more than Holland.


This makes me pretty sad. He deserves the visibility, and the age gap with the rest of the cast would've been less glaring.


Rahul was my biggest fancast 😭 https://i.redd.it/avigfldixm2d1.gif


Would be great to have seen [Hollywoods Bad Boy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7qWUyX0Azyc) 


Look, Pedro is tied for my favourite male actor working. But he has never fully clicked as me fantastic for me. I'm sure he will eventually but for now it feels like a mismatch. Rahul I can ENVISION


I feel like a few years ago marvel would have gone with him but now the MCU is too at risk and they are playing it safe.


Take this with a grain of salt. It could be true, but I love me some Rahul and one of the reasons I love him as an actor is that he is a god tier social media troll 😅


Man, this guy has been great in every role I've seen him in. admittedly they've all been Flanagan projects but still he's killed each time. I can easily see him as Reed. I think Pedro is a great choice too. I'd be happy with either. Not a missed opportunity but a fun what if.


Just came to say... Who?


Unrelated but those mods were right. This server is so boring right now with no sccopers. Just let all the scoopers come on so we can make this a fun place


This sub is always dead on weekends. It’ll pick up Monday.


Its worse right now because scooper leaks are not allowed right now because people on Twitter are pretending to leak their pay wall leaks but are instead just saying they leaked something they didn’t even say.


It is, I think stuff will pick up on Tuesday due to Monday being holiday




well your first problem is this isn't a server lmao


I mean’t to say Sub


Fantastic actor, deserves more/bigger roles


His acting blew me away in Midnight Mass, first saw him in the I Zombie TV show. He would have been a good choice.


I feel like I would’ve it if they cast another actor who isn’t exactly mainstream and has an opportunity to really boost their career. It just seems almost obvious that they went with Pedro now that he’s an A-list star


they are both awesome, but i really think Rahul would be a better Reed Richards


MTTS apparently has a "huge scoop" for their subs, so if anyone can divulge what that is, we'd be super grateful


I would've been fine living my life thinking they just never considered him, but now I have to watch this movie knowing what could have been!!


Been a fan since he featured on Funhaus. Loved his sense of humour!


I am sorry but Pedro is a star they don’t need The Marvels BO right now plus youtube and twitter will be so goddamn toxic




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Oh damn, that could have been great. I'm so torn because I love both of them.


I’m in the minority that feels neither Pedro nor Rahul are the right fit. Remember they went for Adam Driver first. While I can deal with Pedro having been cast, I wished Driver had accepted... Kohli is a great actor and I’d love for him to board the MCU train eventually but I personally don’t think Reed would be the right role for him. Those saying he’s a better fit than Pedro are clearly just choosing between two less than fitting choices.


Would have been interested to see this


My take on this is that people would be saying they'd have preferred Pascal if roles were swapped. I'd bet some of the same people who say they'd have preferred Kohli would say they'd have that about Pascal. Script matters more, both great actors.




Dude legit looks like an Indian Krazinski Would’ve been a much more interesting choice for sure


I dont think race swapping Reed would have done Marvel's reputation with the fans any good after everything else they've done recently 🤦😅 Probably safer bet going with Pedro.


Ah yes, the famously Chilean Reed Richards.


He's white passing enough to get away with it though for most normies. This chap would have brought more culture war drama to their doorstep and overshadowed the film further 🤷‍♂️


I want him for Doctor Who


Raoul for Norrin Rad?


That's a shame but I hope he shows up in the DCU or the MCU someday. I've loved him in everything I've seen him in. I low-key want to see him as a serious Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow.


I was hoping for Danny Pudi (would have been especially hilarious given his cameo in TWS) but I'm fine with Pedro as well.


The Star Boy himself.....




This man is one of the most good looking human beings in the world


his girlfriend is equally good looking talk about a power couple lol


He would’ve been way, way more interesting and I could see him in the role for much longer. Pedro Pascal is great, but at this point he is just Pedro Pascal whenever his face is visible on screen. We’ll be lucky you get more than 2-3 films out of him as Mr. Fantastic at his age and the pace they make these movies at also


Now I wanna see Rahul Kohli as The Maker.


he would've been more fitting than pedro pascal for this role.


Apparently Pedro needs the work?


that would've been really cool *cool ah' rahul playing mr fantastic the plastic man*


The general audience does not know the name Rahul Kohli and I’m sure that had much to do with why he did not land the role.


What a shame, he would have been such a refreshing choice. 


He was running along with a lot of other people but was never going to be Reed


As much as I like Pedro, he is in too much movies/shows now. Always when a actor gets popular sometimes they are in everything (same as with Chris Pratt and others).


We got robbed…


I’m 100 percent certain that Dev Patel was offered the role but he turned it down because he was focused on Monkey Man. He even said in an interview that he turned down offers the are career changing to focus on his film.


Yes and and he is also kind of know for turning down big studio roles and has said that he doesn't really want to do them


Rahul Kohli looks way too much like a brown John Krasinski. Reed should look more ordinary and not too conventionally handsome. Pedro fits that better.


I, too, was in the running.


Rahul Kohli for Captain Britain


As much as I love Pedro, Rahul would have killed that role, damn


he’s so hot side note


How was this guy in the running, yet Krasinski wasn’t given the chance to return is beyond me. Feige knew and still knows the fans wanted him. Krasinski was and still is the best choice for Reed. Another fail for Marvel Studios


John Krasinski himself turned down the possibility to return as Mr. Fantastic long-term. It wasn't the right time in his career for the time investment and long-term involvement when he wants to make his own projects. Many fans assume that every actor will automatically accept an MCU role if wanted but John is making big-budget movies these days and they're a huge investment in time commitment.


John wanted to keep playing Reed. They even interviewed Emily Blunt about it and she also admitted that John would like to keep playing him, but at the time of the interview, he hadn’t heard anything about returning.


He's played it vague from Day 1. He's always said he's a fan of Marvel and would love to work with them. Other than almost making Captain American years ago, he's never specified what exactly he would do and for what duration now that he's a successful director getting 100 million + budgets to make movies. He's 44, not in his early 30s anymore and has different career goals. Emily has always been down on superhero movies and even when asked about it in recent interviews has sounded negative and hasn't really wanted to talk about it. She never said John wanted to keep doing it, only that he enjoyed that time when he cameoed in Dr. Strange. Even in John's recent interviews if you listen to them, he's very specific that he enjoyed his cameo and that he always knew it would be a fun one-shot and that he had fun. He's never alluded even once to not understanding why he's not continuing in the role and he seems more than satisfied about it. He was the one who rejected returning on a fully committed, long-term basis.