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Edited the post title to include the clarifications about character/nature of appearance - https://x.com/_CharlesMurphy/status/1796190965192864064 Murphy: "I never said "debut."; I'm not claiming scoopy exclusivity; I did not reveal the character; I mostly did next to nothing." Here is the tweet of him posting a "nope" GIF to someone mentioning the character could be Magneto/Doom/Osbourne - https://x.com/_CharlesMurphy/status/1796182984388694422


Hollywood studios try and cast Giancarlo Esposito as anyone other than a bad guy challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)




With a T


Right? I would've preferred he get a hero role for once Any ideas who he could be? Maybe someone related to Project X like William Stryker?




Yeah people keep confusing him with Dr. Abraham Cornelius


I confuse him with Ted Striker, we both have a drinking problem.


Donā€™t call me Shirley


I confuse him with Stryker from Mortal Kombat series


Ima keep it so real, because I trust you guys. But I get every government bad guy Xmen villain mixed up. I only remember Peter Dinkles


I recently realized that thereā€™s a character in Xmen 3 with only a few scenes also named Trask and that its meant to be the son of Peter Dinklageā€™s Trask from Days of Future Past, only hes played by a regular sized black man


It isn't "meant to be" anything. They obviously had no idea they were going to be adapting sentinels later. There is no where they canonically call him his son. Just like every other slip up in the FoX-Men movies, its a continuity error.


Little people can have regular size children


that's kinda good. Dinklage played the character who was the X-Men's *first* bigoted villain. If anyone was memorable, it should be Trask.


Real shit !




God Loves Man Kills is so fucking good


Doesnā€™t matter. He could absolutely be apart of that again for the MCU.


I'd rather not. I just read God Loves Man Kills the other day, and I want to see that version of Stryker. I'm sure X-Men '97 will do that story though.


Yo Gincarlo as Stryker would be fucking gnarly




Blue marvel? He gonna need to get jacked, but that shouldn't be too hard.


People have been advocating for him as Professor X a lot. I like Giancarlo for that and Denzel Washington for Magneto


I've seen people suggest that they could update Magneto's origin to the Rwandan genocide and have him be a surviving Tutsi. But I think they're probably going to keep his origin in the Holocaust and have him be Jewish. I think it is valuable to keep his origins as a Holocaust survivor, and (for once) cast a Jewish actor The problem is that one of the major reasons that character works is because he and Charles are the same age. And if you give Magneto some sort of mutant slowed ageing, you might have to give the same to Charles. Which doesn't work for a myriad of reasons, most prominently that it cheapens the value of other very very long-lived characters like Wolverine and Mister Sinister. They're in a very tricky situation with Magneto and I figure they'll get backlash whatever they do


Yeah I've heard make him a Bosniak or Rwandan. Its not a bad idea


Bro if the first X-Men related thing the MCU adapts is fucking Project X again I will scream


If only he could show his range like when he played Buggin Out in Do The Right Thing. Dude is great actor who deserves more than just being typecast as ā€œscary stoic bad guyā€


Maybe, he is a member of Ross cabinet


Well... I mean... He wasn't an *antagonist* in Better Call Saul lol. Maybe for Nacho's storyline, but that's it.


Uhm he was still a ruthless drug lord who killed Nacho while Mike begged him not to but sure not an antagonist lol


I never said he wasn't ruthless or wasn't a bad guy. Just not the *villain* of that particular series. ;)


Better Call Saul is not only about Saul yk


I don't think Giancarlo is typecast as Gus Fring. AntĆ³n Castillo and Moff Gideon are honestly very different to Gus Fring. I also wouldn't call Stan Edgar a villain necessarily. He is like Gus Fring but less of a psychopath and mainly concerned with bringing value to shareholders. I think you're right in that he's currently typecast generally as "a bad guy". I need to see him be a good guy in something.


Stan Edgar is 100% a villain though, obviously not as bad as Homelander but still a villain.


MY THEORY: Itā€™s Mephisto, heā€™s appearing in Agatha All Along before Captain America: BNW as it is the only live-action project before Captain America (excluding Deadpool & Wolverine). Sacha Baron Cohen likely got recast after the allegations.


Iā€™m thinking this or heā€™ll be playing the business man variant of Kang who runs Qeng Enterprises.


Ngl id like this a lot better, nothing against Mephisto tho


Wait....what if it's both? In the idea how they change stories and kill ppl quick, what if mephisto becomes another kang variant (highly unlikely i know)


Or maybe Mr Gryphon made a deal with Mephisto ?


You might be on to something here since I believe (could be wrong) there was something about multiple actors playing Kang variants


Id rather having him playing all variants, like Majors did. He's too good for an one time thing


While I agree with you that would be best cause heā€™s a great actor, 1. He might not be looking for long/multi deal contract (Iā€™d like to imagine heā€™s fine with it though) and 2. This is a chance for marvel to have a ton of variety with kang variants. My own counter argument is that it is just one person (kang) but eh not every hero looks the same across the multiverse (for example, spiderman)


It makes sense. They can't just axe Kang, so they have to figure out another way of doing it.


Make him the Primary Kang, Feige!


What allegations if I may ask?




This was only in the UK where the libel laws are totally fucked to protect the Rick and Royals.




The claims are public as is the evidence that supposedly proves it false. IMO opinion the evidence provided does not disprove the allegations. This was a press release, they had to give some reason for redacting the text in the UK. If there was actual proof then SBC's lawyers would have been filing lawsuits to have the book being released anywhere. The fact they are calling this total exoneration is extremely telling.


Also his wife divorced him within a few weeks of those allegations going live. They'd have been separated for a while before that, but dropping the news at that specific time feels like it's not a coincidence


Yeah pretty much the only thing that made me think maybe he isn't a total asshole was them still being married and then she dropped his ass within like a week lol.


So....going by your logic, it's only in the UK where provably false claims have to be redacted, while everywhere else, like in the US, they can stay up? And that's a bad thing in the UK.....*why*, exactly?


again, nothing they offered as "proof" proved the allegations are false. Literally zero percent was disproven.


Another weird wrinkle to the story is that Wilson's account of Cohen sexually assaulting her was very similar in details to Wilson's own account of how she sexually assaulted Tom Hardy.


And those two statements can co-exist. If Hardy wants to sue Wilson then power for him. It doesn't change the fact that Wilson is a victim of Cohen.


Yeah, I just meant to say that it's a really weird coincidence to read because it's a pretty specific thing to have someone stick their finger up their co-star's butt while filming a movie. It's just an oddity, like when lightning strikes twice up people's butts.


Why would Mephisto be in a Captain America movie lol


It's not any weirder than Abomination appearing in a Shang-Chi movie or Professor X appearing in a Doctor Strange movie tbh.


Those involve magic and the Multiverse to an extent, whereas the Captain America movies have been fairly grounded with a bit of science fiction thrown in.


The Leader and Red Hulk are the villains of the movie, this one won't be grounded lol


Hence why I didn't say fully grounded. One thing's radioactive comic book characters, which is par for the course for any MCU movie and isn't too far-fetched, and the other is the fucking Devil.Ā 


If he's playing Mephisto, he probably won't even be in his true form in the movie.


I mean Spiderman gotta deal with him all the time so idk


Rebel Wilson had to remove her allegations from her book so I doubt SBC got recast.


Would be funny if Mephisto is just played by a different big name actor everytime he appears Giancarlo in BNW, SBC in Ironheart, Bryan Cranston in Agatha, just wasting money for stunt casting lmao


I unironically would be down for this. And it'd make a lot of sense.


And every time he appears the actor says ā€œItā€™s me - Mephisto!ā€


"It's Mephin' time!"


Iā€™d like to step in here and contribute to spread the rumor that Mephisto will be played by Danny DeVito without any evidence to back it up.


Congratulations youā€™re now as legitimate as a majority of the scoopers we post here


He'll debut in the MCU as a Doctor... Dr. Mantis Toboggan


As long as he brings an egg for the trying times


He's a great choice for the role (though I'm sure Cohen's would have been fun too), so I kind of hope this is true. It would kind of line up with rumors suggesting he'd appear in a show as well.


I wonder how they would do Mephisto for the MCU If Giancarlo is going to play him probably with just a red suit


Henry Gyrich


Setting him up to be the villain of the mutants saga would be sick.


Heā€™ll be dead by the time they get Mutants on screen.


What are you talking about? He's not that old, and we literally just got news that they hired a writer for their X-Men movie


Patrick Stewart was 81 for Multiverse of Madness. Anthony Hopkins and Robert Duvall are still acting as of the last year or so. Giancarlo is a (ostensibly) VERY healthy 66 year old. He famously lives a very clean and healthy lifestyle. They could safely cast him for an age appropriate role and likely have him to play said role for the next 15, maybe 20, years.


Ooooh I like this call


I think you nailed it, that would be perfect for him


Yes, please!Ā 


This is genius that would be so cool


Ah ok.. Now that makes sense.


I never thought of this, but youā€™ve already won me over, he has ties to the Avengers and X-Men, heā€™d be a great bridge to the new ideas.


I wouldn't describe Gyrich as an 'agent of chaos' type character.Ā 


Oh man, that would be awesome


One idea could be maybe him as Achebe. Fits the ā€œagent of chaosā€ bit, has ties to the US government, and, since Esposito said he said heā€™s reappearing in another project, maybe it could be *Eyes of Wakanda* or BP3.


But isn't Eyes of Wakanda a prequel? Set in the past? Or did I have a vivid fever dream that has convinced me it was a prequel.


I think so but TBF, since itā€™s animated, itā€™s possible to have Esposito voicing the characterā€™s younger self. Probably depends how far back in the past the show takes place.


It would be really funny to see him cast alongside the guy who played his younger self in The Boys. Marvel would never want to risk the association but he REALLY looked like a younger Esposito.


Yeah thats a valid point, we dont know how far back in the past its set.


Achebe is definitely my pick.


He would CRUSH it as Achebe.


Stryker would make sense if itā€™s true that adamantium will be found in this film and play a role in the story. Also in FATWS they visited Madripoor- surely that was to softly introduce areas of X Men lore into the MCU.


This is probably unnecessarily pedantic of me but Stryker never had anything to do with Weapon X or Adamantium in the comics. its sort of funny that he's the most famous name associated with it now because of the movies but I hope the MCU uses that character differently if they ever do. either way your theory could be true because there's about a million identical Weapon X bureaucrats / scientists in the comics who Esposito could play excellently in his sleep.


I think in 2024 itā€™s important that heā€™s solely be a reverend


Very true, I only think thereā€™s a good chance that theyā€™d go that route with him again because most audiences are familiar with the movie portrayals of Stryker over the Reverend Stryker character in the comics


I think the fact that people are more familiar with the movie version of Stryker tells me that they're more likely to do the comics version. I think they're gonna want to be as distinct as possible from the Fox X-Men films


The funny thing is, Stryker is not even a terribly iconic villain. Donā€™t get me wrong, God Loves, Man Kills is an all time great story. But itā€™s not as if Stryker is this Magneto, Sinister, or some other recurring villain who is constantly weaving in and out of X-Men stories. Itā€™s pretty unlikely that they use Stryker at all (unless doing a direct adaptation of GLMK). Bryan Singer kept shoehorning him back into the X-Men movies but heā€™s really just not that big of a deal.


Heā€™s gonna be some random agent isnā€™t he? Someone like Olivia Colemanā€™s character on Secret Invasion. Disappointing


At least she was still the only good thing about it. I've never ***not*** seen Olivia Coleman knock it out of the park.


if it was sam, olivia, and ben in a room for 6 episodes I would be fine with that the whole emilia clarke story was so bad


Crackpot theory that Iā€™m actually pretty confident about: Heā€™s an evil Iron Patriot, and basically a ā€œMichelle Jonesā€ version of Norman Osborn in the MCU. Hear me out. I think the series he was talking about was actually YFN Spider-Man, in which he plays an identical multiversal variant thatā€™s actually named Norman Osborn. The difference is, in YFN Spidey, Osborn will become Green Goblin, while in the MCU, ā€œOsbornā€ will eventually don the Iron Patriot armor and is the mastermind behind the MCUā€™s Dark Reign, in which the Thunderbolts become the Dark Avengers. This way Marvel can still use ā€œOsbornā€ despite OsCorp not existing in the MCU. They wonā€™t have to worry about sharing the character with Sony since itā€™s an ā€œoriginal character.ā€ Yes, GE did say the series would come ā€œafterā€ BNW but Iā€™ll chalk that up to him not knowing the showā€™s actual release date (even the director of What If had no idea when Season 3 would drop). If Avengers 5 is indeed a standalone movie now, it could very well be *Avengers: Dark Reign* with Giancarlo Espositoā€™s Iron Patriot and the Dark Avengers as the villains. The asterisk to Thunderbolts may very well be due to the team actually being the Dark Avengers. BNW and Thunderbolts would then actually make sense to end Phase 5 as they would directly set up the next Avengers movie. This ā€œIron Patriotā€ would also make perfect sense to be the villain of Avengers 5, since the leads of the movie will be Sam and Peter. It makes Avengers 5 and Spider-Man 4 heavily connected, since Spider-Man 4 could have ā€œDevilā€™s Reignā€ being the repurcussions of Avengers 5 (although I doubt the movie will be called Devilā€™s Reign). Fisk could use the actions of the Dark Avengers as the reason to outlaw superheroes in NYC.


You say "crackpot" but this honestly sounds realistic and plausible, considering the MCU has done stuff exactly like this multiple times.


this is really smart and connects a lot of projects together, so thats why its not true. aint no way marvel thought of this they aint this smart


I think you're onto something


Could he be Bill Stryker? Is that wild


Stryker is a good idea. Heā€™s weirdly well known due to X2, Origins, DoFP, and Apocalypse, and heā€™s so easy to introduce before the X-Men, especially in something like Cap4.


If heā€™s Stryker, will he be a military official like in the Fox X-Men movies or do they try something different?


I hope it's the original televangelist version, which X-Men '97 is doing, but that might require a few extra steps to get that version into the movie.


Not that far off to be honest. If they wanted some ā€œbitingā€ commentary, the US having a crazed evangelical man in its cabinets doing wild shit seems like an easy way to write it in. Then your villain for whatever X-Men thing comes next is good to go. Maybe ā€˜97 is the testing ground for how far they can push that kind of story.


I really hope they repeat as little adaptational choices from the Fox X-Men movies as possible, just for the sake of feeling different. Making Stryker into a Weapon X guy again would just be lazy IMO, especially when there's so many similar characters who could fill that same role. If Esposito is playing a Weapon X official it would probably be Malcolm Colcord or Abraham Cornelius before William Stryker, but none of them really fit the "agent of chaos" description, and are moreso the opposite. I could see the crazed televangelist Stryker being a source of chaos on the other hand, but they probably wouldn't cast Esposito to play that version of the character.


Him playing William Stryker would be insane


It's actually my first thought as well.


Pretty sure adamantium will be a plot point in this movie if the leaks end up being true


Oooooh I'd love to see him as Stryker.


If they do I hope it's as the preacher and not weapon X stuff, let Wolverine be a less important member of the squad.


ā€œLetā€™s waste Giancarlo Esposito on some made for the movies character.ā€ - Bizarro Kevin Feige


Seems kinda pessimistic to assume he'll be wasted


Im so confused. Who on earth is it? No way hes some small characters. Hes one of the best actors out there. And if hes going to have his own series or atleast be a big profile in an upcoming series then he has to be a big role. I legit have 0 idea


His character in The Boys is an original character, but based on the original male version of Stillwell. It could be a similar situation.


This is what Iā€™m thinking. An original character based on some combination of existing characters from the comics.


are we sure they wouldn't cast him as a small character? i mean, we all remember when Ethan Hawke was cast as the iconic Moon Knight villain Arthur Harrow.


Ethan Hawke had to basically be lovingly seduced in to doing *anything* for Marvel, as he had no desire to be in a comic book property. It would make sense that he'd be partially convinced by the character he's being asked to play being one that's very unlikely to be desired / required to make return appearances. Giancarlo has publicly been exclaiming how much he wants to play a major Marvel comics character for years now.




Just saw AlexfromCC post a picture of Darrio Agger (not saying he was confirming it's who he is playing, just an option) and that would make SO much sense, Especially since we heard rumors about him I think last year? And iirc, it was the Ben Affleck rumors lmao.


Weren't there set photos showing the Roxxon Company too? This is making a lot of sense


Roxxon was in Loki in the future (and I think it's had sporadic cameos in the MCU outside of that but I'm not sure)


Ooh, Agger would make a lot of sense


Yo this would rule, my favorite call so far, I hope this turns out to be right somehow.


Make him some new MCU character or less known one


I wouldnā€™t mind seeing him as an antagonistic politician a la Gary Shandling. Having Rossā€™s conspiracy against heroes go deeply within branches the government would build more tension


Blorko, the Agent of Chaos.


"It's me, Blorko."


Maybe he is the new Kang!


A bit uninspiring choice for Kang tbh.


is he just going to be Sam's dad


Thatā€™s my guess, maybe high up in military or something.


Sam's parents were mentioned to have died in FATWS


Iā€™m gonna guess heā€™s an original character they use in place of Osborne to form the Dark Avengers. Separate from Vals Thunderbolts. Then in Secret Wars they have multiple teams šŸ¤·šŸ¾


I saw this news earlier today and i made a theory about it. Giancarlo Esposito will be playing Norman Osborn. He will appear as a cameo in Captain America 4 to tease Dark Avengers. the leaked plot of Thunderbolts says that The Thunderbolts are sent on a mission that is supposed to have them all be killed while doing the mission. The mission is to steal something from a vault and previous leaks said that Sentry is kept in a vault and The Thunderbolts are supposed to rescue him. My theory is that The Thunderbolts will then fail and all be killed while on their mission to steal Sentry from The Vault. Val will then send The Dark Avengers to do the job and they will succeed and eventually have Sentry join The Dark Avengers. Therefore the actual name of Thunderbolts* is Dark Avengers. Thunderbolts is a fake title to hide the fact that The Thunderbolts get killed so that is why the * symbol is at the end of Thunderbolts. Note: Norman Osborn is the Leader of The Dark Avengers.


The title of the post says he's not Osborn though


This is just a leak so that part could technically be wrong


He's so overexposed in this sort of role... he's basically just playing his The Boys character, his Mandalorian character or the breaking bad one.


Heā€™s just taking roles at this point cause he played the same character in Far Cry too. He needs to go full Matthew Mccounaghey and just reject anything that typecasts him


That's why I thought he would have been a great choice for Xavier. He'd be playing a good guy, but he's got that ability to turn on the simmering below the surface menace when he'd need to play to Xavier's more Machevellian / villainous characteristics.


Or, perhaps He just enjoys playing villains? Idk why people are stuck on this idea that he's being typecast out of his own wishes and all that. He is the one who ultimately accepts to do these roles. if he didnt want to be cast as a villain all the time he'd have rejected it by now. Its very likely he enjoys playing this kind of role. Reminds me of Christopher Lee, who's career mostly consisted of him playing villains. Something he loved to do.


Let's Gooo! I'm so here for this movie's comeback. ![gif](giphy|NWmBG0x6Yj5Be8bAMt|downsized)


I just hope that it's a role that doesn't fall into "Business Baddie" category. He always plays the more grounded Business Evil. Kinda hope whatever he's playing is either more in the cosmic or magic side of the MCU just so I'm not thinking of Gus Fring every time he's on screen.


If he plays some random CIA agent or senator or politician or some shit, it's over the MCU is done wrap it up


ā€œAntagonistic agent of chaosā€ so will the character be in the US government?


Hmm... Could he be the Void? It's always possible they might want to keep the Sentry=Void thing from audiences until a 3rd act surprise reveal. Like, the Thunderbolts are sent after Sentry, he seems fine and they decide to break him out cos they feel bad about killing this very pleasant dude But then this creepy evil darkness monster keeps showing up all over the place, etc etc big shock reveal. "Antagonistic agent of Chaos" sounds like it *could* be an interpretation of Void, albeit a less wholly malevolent one Since they've mentioned he'll be showing up again, I guess it depends if they've got longer term plans for Sentry


yes, a blac k man is the void hhaahahahahhaah


Count Luchino NefariašŸ˜‚


Ya they reworked the shit out of that movie lmao


Heā€™s gonna be Batman


Great actor, Seems like Esposito is going to be wasted sadly.


He's not anyone interesting. Gotcha.Ā  He's just watered down Gus Fring #4.


Oh my God, heā€™s going to appear as Heath Ledgerā€™s Joker!


Could he be playing Jake Fury / Scorpio, Nick Fury's brother? Maybe some unique take on the character? Definitely can be antagonistic and chaotic. Maybe Esposito voices a version of the character in a What If...? episode before or something like that.


lol @everyone who declared him as Doctor Doomā€¦and posted a clickbait video on Youtube Woof Woof


Theyā€™re gonna assume any middle aged guy involved in MCU discussions is gonna be Doom. My dad? Doom. Some guy in Pennsylvaniaā€™s urologist? Doom. The closest postal worker to you? Believe it or not, Doom.


I feel he's playingĀ  a version of James Jasper but it'd probably be a bit different.Ā  Reality-warping mutant, apparently beyond omega level. I think he's a Captain Britain villain.Ā He's a UK prime minister in the comics who has an anti-superhuman agenda.Ā  Ā The more "Mad" James Jasper uses his powers, the more insane he gets. Ā In Secret Invasion finale, if I recall correctly, someone shoot the UK prime minister.Ā  Ā BNW would be a fitting place to make cameo and lines up with Giancarlo saying the his character will make a cameo and he'll be in a show.Ā  Ā 3/4 weeks ago, reports came out suggesting a Captain Britain show is in development.Ā  It all lines up.


Mad Jim Jasper? Highly unlikely but it's such an inspired choice that I want to believe it.


With that level of stretching they should have cast you for Mr Fantastic. No hate, I'd love to see the Jasper's Warp storyline, but this is the most random guess I've seen yet.Ā 


ā€žantagonisticā€œ ![gif](giphy|HteV6g0QTNxp6|downsized)


It's happening! It's finally happening! We're finally getting the Paste-Pot Pete saga.


Bad guy in a suitā€¦ but he will deliver because he is mf Giancarlo Esposito




Stryker makes a lot of sense w/ the Adamantium bit. Also agent of chaos? It fits.


Mephisto fit so much the early storyline of wandavision, I really thought we were getting Master Pandemonium. There has been an example of an army of capt variants vs army of Mephisto variants. That would be awesome to revisit what could be done with Mephisto.


Giancarloā€™s recent comments about playing an original character (I think an original take on an existing Marvel character) and appearing in a series afterwards definitely helps narrow the guesses down cause the speculation wouldā€™ve been wild if we just heard heā€™s in Cap 4. I just hope his role is meaningful and memorable, especially as Giancarlo has turned down an MCU offer before (appearing in Loki) so he wasnā€™t just gonna take any role.


So this is the "original character" that gets a series he was talking abt? šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


What about Dario Agger? Or will they keep him for Thor? Roxxon could be behind-the-scenes funding the Thunderbolts..




It would be cool if they create a new character for him, it worked for Agent Coulson


I like Henry Gyrich


At this point Iā€™d kill to see him as a good guy.


He might be playing someone from Weapon X. Is the "Tiamut Island had Adamantium and is a central plot point" rumor still going strong? Maybe he's playing...John Sublime šŸ˜¬


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Bolivar Trask


Gus Fring confirmed.


Bolivar Trask here we go.


Chaos you say? Maybe heā€™s gonna portray Prophet or Lord Chaos.


He will play deadpool


Avengers Giancarlo Desposito Dynasty




Maybe its an original take on a Kang variant under a new name that won't be revealed until later on.




my theory is he is either playing William Stryker or henry gyrich


I appreciate that he said ā€œI did next to nothing as I feel like that adequately describes his job in most circumstances. No research, no thought, no concrete evidenceā€¦ just publish.