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I personally came to this game late and have missed out on all 3 of the previous Marvel kickstarters. I will personally be going all in on this one even though I am a little bit more of a Marvel fan. Still love me some DC though! I am really hoping for a Galactus sized Anti-Monitor. 🙂


“I predict a bad run” Also - I predict “3 million dollars” which is “not a bad turnout.” Is it going to be bad or is it going to not be bad? Is 3 million dollars not a successful crowdfunding campaign anymore?


Well, the word "bad" is relative and I just used it in two different ways. In the first use I meant a disappointing final number for the campaign. Of course in the business world if you don't make more money each time you do something, it's seen as a failure. If one campaign makes 5 million, then the next one should make at least 6. If it only makes 5 then it's a failure. So, if the last United Campaign made 5.7 Mil and this one makes 3, then that's a pretty bad failure in terms of numbers. in the second use I said 3 million bucks is 3 million bucks, some campaigns don't make a million, The word bad can be relative, most people know that.


Sure. “Bad” has different meanings when you’re writing a clickbait subject line vs when you’re actually forced to make a statement. Edit: Sorry - this was needlessly mean. I apologize.


We're good man.


I’m backing all in. I love all comics but prefer DC


Dog, if you think 3 mil is a bad turnout, you have no idea what you're talking about. Hell, only reason why X-Men got its big numbers was because it brought back all of S1. It probably wouldve been 3-4 mil without the S1 content. This Gamefound project is going to do well, all of CMON's Projects do well.


3 mill is not going to be a good turnout for this. Their last United Season did 5.7. For any company on Earth if they did another season an didn't get what they did on the last one or more it would be a failure, at least in the eyes of the businessmen. That's all I'm saying. I'm sure if they got 3 it wouldn't sink CMON and they would do fine. But, fine is not what they want. Like any other company they want to grow and have each project do more than the last, and not less.


Multiverse did 4.7, not 5.7. As a new line for a game system, 3-4 mil will do just fine. It shows interest in the game. If we expect each project to be bigger and bigger than the last, the expectations would be through the roof. And frankly, they know what they are doing. At 50+ projects, they know full well what to expect from them and I don't think one person on reddit saying its not going to do well will be the downfall of it.


X-Men United did so well because it allowed people who missed Marvel United to get everything they missed. That is why there were so many backers & why the pledge amount was greater. Simple as that.


Imagine writing something as unhinged as “they’re only going to raise 3 million dollars and that will be a disappointment”


If your past kickstarters did 3.1 million, 6 million, and 4.7 million, then going back down to 3 million would be a disappointment right? Companies don't do things just to do them. They do them to make money. And they don't want to make less money the next time they do something. They want to make more money. Anything less than an improvement in profit would be at least a disappointment.


Limitless, incessant growth is the attitude of slime mold and even slimier capitalists. That aside, why would they expect this to do as well as X-Men? Just like you said, it would be foolish to expect that same level of excitement and buy-in. Compare the numbers of Marvel Zombicide to DCeased. They -know- the difference, and have the results to show. So they are plotting this with those levels of expectation. It is not a disappointment to be expecting to make less money because you're selling silver plated medals instead of gold.


Well… I work for a company and I can tell you that this is false. Companies sell different products with different ROI targets all the time. My company sells low volume high complexity high QC items at a higher GP than high volume low QC items because making 15% profit off something that “keeps the pipeline filled” subsidizes your business in between the 40% GP items that really account for your growth. Companies want growth over time, not to constantly hope one product outsells the previous product sold. Every product will have its own sales forecast and targets.


Sure. But I’m just saying generally they want to make more money than they did in the past. No company says “I hope we make less than we did last time”, they always want to make more.  And yes it’s more complicated than that, but at a general level it is true. 


I don't think you'll be far off. We just have to look at what happened with Marvel Zombies vs. DCeased. People were still waiting on their Marvel Zombies content, DC isn't as popular in pop culture right now, there's so much zombicide in general that people are getting picky about which themes they want, and people felt burnt out on the shipping. End result was it just didn't perform anywhere near as well as Marvel Zombies. Now we have a similar situation where backers of Marvel United are still waiting on their pledges and here comes CMON with another DC iteration of it. Not great timing on their part imo. It doesn't help that there is a ton of Marvel United content so again we're faced with the question of do I even need more United. Hopefully they make it some new evolution of the game to have a draw for it. An issue with DCeased imo was when you make the comparison to Marvel, Marvel has the ability to play two different modes that DCeased was noticeably lacking. If there's no gameplay advantage to playing this over Marvel I don't see how they're going to convince me to pledge when I have season 3 on the way and more content than I will probably ever use and paint. If I'm not someone who buys every campaign I'm much more inclined to keep my money and wait for an entirely new project from them to back later instead. That being said I don't want to say it'll do badly. I have no idea of what their metric of good vs bad is and don't even want to guess. It may not break records but I'm sure it'll still sell well.


I would say that they expect every kickstarter to outperform the last. Just like any business would. If dc heroes doesn’t outperform united season 3, its a failure on at least some levels. 


Nah, it's not. S2 and S3 had the best things from S1 available and DHU will probably not be allowed to mix with MU. You should only compare DHU to MU S1.


I've seen multiple people say that one of the designers Has confirmed that DC Heroes United will be compatible with Marvel United


It will be compatible, but I think what they meant was that you likely won't see any previous Marvel United stuff being resold in the DC Heroes United campaign like they were in the S2 and S3 ones. Therefore it's bound to not take in as much because you won't have people paying hundreds on top to get all the old stuff too.


"It \[DC Heroes United\] will be compatible with other United games" is what Andrea said


True. I think it's more complex than that because if they saw the DC license as a failure for zombicide I don't know that we'd see them invest into a United project for it unless they were too deep into it to back out. They might be hedging their bets that other factors were at play with DCeased, but if the DC license doesn't push the envelope on sales after repeated attempts they may just close that book for awhile.


I would argue Marvel United backers were comic fans more than MCU fans. MCU fans maybe helped with the first season, then X-Men fans boosted the second season. But the obscurity of the third season tells me there are enough comic fans keeping the sales up (along with late comers). I would guess the DC campaign would be as successful as the season 3 campaign. If the fanbase of the trinity prove to be still going strong and just the popularity of the series in general puts this in front of more eyes, I can see it falling in between season 2 and 3. But I would think replicating season 2 success would be difficult.


I'm a DC fan who also really enjoys the MCU. I backed the first two MU projects. I ended up skipping the third MU project because as a non-comics reader, there were too many characters that I didn't know super well (and I also already had a LOT of stuff) As you can see, the third MU project did super-well without me and other casual MCU fans, so I agree with you that the project really tapped into the large base of Marvel comics fans.


A lot of people are in ultra FOMO mode after missing season 1, 2 and maybe even 3. A lot of them will go hard in on this. Some people prefer DC and will go hard on this. This is the 4th season and it implements everyhting they've learned so far. However I do agree with the first point. I'm waiting on a massive shipment from season 3 and its hard to see myself spend a ton before I even get what I already paid for. Though I'm still gonna pledge for the base box to get the stretch goals, then we'll see what add on boxes I may or may not get later


Point 1 I respectfully disagree with, CMON always have kickstarters waiting to be fulfilled before their next one launches, so I don’t think this will effect it I do agree that there is only so much a % of the fan base can have for the United range, but hopefully DC will bring in enough, It will be interesting to see, s3 I just did the base pledge as I went all in for s1 and s2 and I thought, surely I have enough now….. spoiler I don’t haha


Will Dc United do well? Yes. Will Dc Untied do as well as any Marvel United? No.


Yeah, it'll do better than Season 1. Probably not Xmen numbers, but it could approach Multiverse.


Huh. I just went back to check the numbers, and yeah season 1 of Marvel United did two million less than season three. For some reason I thought they were about the same.


As a DC fan, I agree that Marvel is way more popular now - I don't even bother to see some DC movies in the theatre because I know I will be disappointed. I agree DCHU will fund less than the past 3 MU projects. It is what it is. I'm super-excited but I know that now everyone is. That said, I do think that DCHU will fund more than the often-requested MU4 (full of deep-cut Marvel characters unknown to casual MCU fans) would have funded.


It says right on the preview page that the campaign will start in July. I expect S3 to fulfill in May, as that’s when second-hand sellers have it listed to arrive. As far as your prediction goes, I’d say it’s probably not far off. I’d guess DCHU will pull in about 4 million by the end of its Gamefound run.


I'm guessing that they expect us to start receiving in July, and this campaign has been scheduled to coincide with people posting excitedly about all their new stuff.


I think CMON are astute enough business folks to have tempered expectations for this project. Keep in mind that not EVERY project they launch they expect the numbers of Marvel Zombies. Even their licensed ones - their game of thrones game did just below 2M. I think the people who’ve wanted this game will back it and be happy and the people who didn’t, won’t. I actually did not get anything in the DCEASED pledge manager because they essentially confirmed this game and this is the DC game I’ve wanted for years. I’m going to go all in, get more chibi DC Minis than I will ever have time to paint, and be a happy camper :)


As someone with no strong feelings marvel vs DC, I'm kicking myself now for backing Multiverse - soooo many c listers. I might honsstly sell my pledge and just back DC. I only need one pledge worth of united content and I'd rather have the DC A-listers than the Marvel C-listers


I know this is an old post, but I'm in the exact same boat you're in and am contemplating the same thing. But if I do sell, it won't be everything; modular Sinister Six for example is still something I'm very excited about.


I'm the same with the sinister six- although I'm a bit less hyped now that I zoomed in on the visible segments and saw that almost every possible sinister 6 member is just some variation of "bam: do some damage." Kinda disappointing but oh well, still a cool novelty.


I think that many hardcore Marvel United fans, people that have most of the content, will feel your issue #3, too much content already, me included. The all-ins have too many minis and it's a serious storage problem. I was thinking about getting the DHU core box at retail but seeing those clunky minis for Batman and Superman, which do not fit my inserts, made me reconsider. I expect that the DHU campaign will be slightly superior mechanically than S3, which is way better than S1 and S2, which is a shame because many MU S1 heroes deserved better mechanics. If I had more storage, I would consider it and I will wait until I have S3 in hand to make my final judgment, but I expect that I will only pledge $1 by the end of the campaign if the content is looking insanely better than anything we had before. Otherwise it's a full skip.


I imagine this is a game that will have a solid campaign due to DC fans and MU diehards. However, I feel this game will be a slam dunk at retail. A core box with these characters feels like a hot seller.


I think DCeased suffered from a few things: No zombies mode Not compatible with Marvel Zombicide The amount of people I heard going "why wasn't this blackest night?" was significant during the campaign Things this is doing better already: Fully compatible with Marvel United. I expect a better run than Season 1, don't know how it'll match up to season 2.


Just a small thing, DCeased is actually compatible with the living heroes mode from Marvel Zombies: Xmen Resistance. Obviously not with the core Zombies mode though!


I didn't do Marvel Season 3 or DCeased, saving money for DC Heroes United. I am a DC and X-Men fan, and my kids love United. Although is was hard to pass on DCeased.


My group are a bunch of comic book nerds. We love MU but have never backed it on KS. We're already planning the division for DCU. That little hint they gave about the United line being possibly more than just Marvel and DC also kind of hyped us up more


I have a few of the season one and two MU and didn’t find out until after season 3 was over. Oh well I’ll build up slowly. While I love the MCU and most Marvel stuff, DC is still my favorite comics and animated stuff, even some of the CW stuff. I will be one of the ones going all in and am excited for it. I was a bit turned off of the zombicide DCeased I have two marvel zombies and that was enough for me I just didn’t like the game as much as I thought I would. Super happy I waited this out!


I don't wanna predict anything but I am totally not into DC. Only content I like from DC are the Batman ones. I only like Batman villains. And you are right, I already have too much stuff from 3 seasons of MU. I don't think I would want another one especially it's DC. Even if they put out a MU season 4, I don't think I will go all in. Will probably just pick 1 or 2 interesting expansions at this point.


I think you make some good points I think there are some things that could make this big. Even though the DC movies have been hit and miss, DC animated movies and shows have still been popular and Batman and Superman are still two of the biggest names in comics and will have a lot of draw. This being a proven highly rated game makes it an choice to pick up. Even though a lot of people may favor marvel I think most people like characters from both sides and people that may lean more marvel will still jump to get the A list DC characters when they might have passed on the MU 3 season. The chance to combine Marvel and DC is a very exciting prospect for me. With CMON's deal with gamefound they seem to be getting a good push this game is months out and is sitting on the front page of the site and I assume it will stay there pulling in more interest. Also being on gamefound people will have access to stretch pay which will make going in more accessible for a lot of people. All this things could really give this campaign a huge push.


1. Totally Agree. CMON should have waited. If you release the campaign after backers receive S3, there would be more hype. 2. In my perspective, DC fans are more loyal than Marvel. Would say Marvel United was that successful in part because of the MCU's boom, but some comic fans passed on the game because there weren’t into it. I don't think that is going to happen with DC, fans are going to give it a shot, look at the movies, they struggle, but they keep trying… And because of the expertise of the first three campaign, the improvement of the game (mechanics, minis), the DC is going to be the best one so far. 3. It gonna be the novelty and it's a new universe, so I don’t think people would be stopped by that. And if CMON makes it combatible with MU, the idea of having Batman against the Sinister Six of Spider-Man battling the Joker would create more hype. To sum up: it's not gonna be as successful as MU, but it’s gonna succeed.


Just wanted to add, because of the football team, I would have change the name. DC United is not gonna be friendly with looking it up online. Maybe DC Assemble or something else (eventhou when I hear the word assemble in a comicwise conversation, I think of Marvel)


There's no way to predict what CMON considers "bad" if this DC season 1 is considerably smaller in scope.  After DCeased I'm sure they have different expectations on what they need to do to run a successful campaign.


You’re leaving out important details that provide context. X-men did as well as it did because they offered the entire original campaign at the same price minus the corebox. There were many backers who had missed out on the initial campaign who went mega all-in and went uncanny and got the original all-in pledge as well. That boosted their X-men numbers.  You’re right that most people are big fans of MCU and not comic books which is why season 3 lost 5,000 backers compared to X-men. However I think they garnered good faith showing that with a third season that they could continue to push the boundaries of the game of a simple system. Third, a big factor for DCeased not doing as well is that when it was first announced people imagined that it would be similar to marvel zombies in that there would be both a zombie mode and survivor mode. When it became limited it dropped interest (reason I didn’t back).  Lastly, this is their first season with this IP and this is going to garner more money than say a season 4 of Marvel. This is the logical next step in the creative process. We are going to get big headlining heroes and villains, everything has been confirmed to be compatible with Marvel United so you can feasibly have a marvel vs dc mode or just have ridiculous team-ups going back to when we were kids playing with action figures. As mentioned before I am excited to see how they continue to push the boundaries of the game as they’ve shown they can do more than just copy paste heroes/villains and some level of uniqueness with heroes and make the villains really standalone between each other. Personally, I call this a bad take overall.


I'm sour on Cmon as a whole and the way the do business. If DC Heroes United also makes stuff available to buy from previous United games I might consider it, but I'm just done giving money to a company who's entire business model is based on FOMO. If you are going to tell people you have an amazing product but they only have a limited time to buying nm or it's gone forever, then dont be surprised when they say pass. This is coming from someone who was all in on Season 1 and 2 but had to stop at season 3 because I already ordered other kickstarters from cmon at that time and just couldnt justify spending even more money on board games.


I’m like you, missed season 3. So if I could get that as well here I would likely go all-in. I hate to admit that, but it’s the truth. Just cannot imagine they would be able to let DC and Marvel mix in the campaign, so doubting it will happen for getting Season 3.


I agree on the FOMO. I have a hard time recommending this game to people because most of the good stuff is not available on retail.


What does FOMO mean?


Fear of missing out


Fear of missing out


No I'm not going to back,I don't really care about DC at all. Honestly I'm trying to decide if I wanna still follow this sub or not,because I did not sign up for dc stuff and that's all it's become


Marvel United has been on my wish list since high praise from Dice Tower but the Marvel theme put me off as not a fan, but I’m very excited about this DC theme. Dice Tower are doing a preview in a couple of days.