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There's a DC united gamefound campaign coming. Maybe see what that offers before making a decision


I'm a big DC fan, so I'm all over it, but for Marvel-only fans, I'm certain that there won't be any old MU expansions available as part of it. If CMON aren't even allowed to directly say that the two games are compatible (they are), there's zero chance they can include Marvel add-ons in a DC project.


Thanks for feedback


Are there going to be reprints of marvel stuff? To be honest I highly doubt as it is dc


Sinister 6 is great, but only the S3 promo box alone has way more content and replayability. The original Sinister 6 is used in the KS version of Maximum Carnage, but if you get it at retail then it doesn't have the mode that allows using the old villains from S6. If I was you, I would get the S3 stuff that is available to you and get whatever you are missing from S3 at retail later. Than if you think you need S6 or F4 later the prices should be a bit lower after the backers get the reprint copies.


Thank you :)


I would also like to get some feedback. I've acquired most of the expansions. Only missing Phoenix five, days of future past, horsemen of the apocalypse and first class. And most of the retail expansions except spider verse. Which ones should I prioritise getting? Since S3 Kickstarter is gone I can't back any of the new stuff... Sorry Op for commenting here, It wouldn't make sense making a new post. Thanks in advance to everyone.


I can't offer much advice on what to get since I haven't played a lot of it myself yet. But you can get season 3 stuff from retailers through pre-order. Its mostly only an option in the US/Canada, I'm sure there are other retailers that offer it outside that but I don't know. For US/Ca, 401 games has the best prices i've seen. You can currently get Season 3 Core + Stretch Goal box for $73 + Shipping (flat rate $15 to US or free if your order is over $200). Some of the pre orders there are for Retail Edition so just be sure you're not ordering the wrong thing. TheGameSteward is another place that does the kickstarter pre-orders but more expansive. Zulusgames is another, which actually still has Sinister Six still available. So could be better to pre-order and wait, like for example you could get Season 1 Promos second hand new for $180+.. or pre-order through 401 games for $127 + shipping (or free shipping if in CA or free in us if you add $73 to order.) As a side note, lots of people say great things about Sinister Six. Maximum Carnage is a new sinister 6 that will come to retail. But the kickstarter version of Maximum Carnage allows you to combine the two + boards for 8 other Spiderman Villains outside of those two boxes. For a total of 20 villains. Hope this helps, welcome to the addiction :) Edit: Spidergeddon is currently 30% off on amazon, its not time based but based on a set number of stock. 89% of the discounted stock has been claimed.


Meant to tag u/Majki246 in the post so you'd be alerted and see the same info... so doing it here :)


Thanks for information


Thanks for the information. I found a Romania store that has them for pre order but they only expect it for 2025. I got it a lot cheaper since shipping to Europe was a whopping 150€. So I got everything S3 if it arrives :') now only missing most of season 2. I'll check spider geddon as well, it's where they introduce equipment cards right?


Awesome, glad you found a place near you :) Just make sure you're being careful and that the store is legit, I've seen lots of shady ass sites and deals for board games. I haven't seen a clear timeline of delivery in the MU discord, estimates range from July to September. I got a lot of my stuff through Ebay because I am late to the party as well. Facebook marketplace is another option if you all use that in Europe, that's another one to be careful with. Either buyin person or only pay through Paypal **Goods and Services** for things shipped, you start the transaction as the buyer and be sure to list everything and its condition in case it needs to be disputed. Equipment was introduced in S3 Multiverse but yeah Spidergeddon has equipment for the characters in that box. You can see them [here](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/3133062/all-spider-geddon-information).


The store is located in Romania I was skeptical at first but saw alot of Reddit posts translated from Romanian to English and it really seems to be legit. They are also publishers for a big board game called Ark. I spoke to them and they expect it for 2025. Not sure if they are being pessimistic about the shipping.


Hey, can you share link with me please ?




Hey, no problem :). It is good to get some feedback, especially if you missed ks :(.


It's a pain man... Everything is 2x the value now. I'm going poor hope my car doesn't break.


I have Phoenix Five and I really enjoy it. Hope is a top 2 or 3 hero in the game and the gimmick of each of the Phoenix Five getting stronger as you progress makes things fun and thematic of the Avengers vs X-men story arc. Not for fans who feel that Cyclops Was Right!


Thanks for the help, I'll make sure to try to find it !


I would check out The Game Steward for a S3 base pledge. That’s a lot of value for $120 shipped. It’s only $50 more than you would have paid nine months ago. But once that pledge is sold out, eBay prices will go up!


Thanks. I know the site I bought s2 stretch goals with them recently


Well, nobody has anything from season 3 yet, so we couldn't possibly tell you what is better. But, although Sinister Six might be the best single box expansion in the game, I have a hard time believing that it would eclipse a stretch goal box. Generally the best play would be to get the stretchgoal box.


>Well, nobody has anything from season 3 yet, so we couldn't possibly tell you what is better. I thought spider Geddon was available at retail or do you just mean the multiverse box?


Spidergeddon is not technically Season 3. Season 3 refers to the kickstarter content available from Cmon during their Marvel United: Multiverse Kickstarter, and the retail versions that Spinmaster makes available of those kickstarter products. That is still in the factory and wrapping up production and assembly soon. Spidergeddon was not available at any time during the season 3 kickstarter. It was a retail only thing that Cmon designed and Spinmaster sold last year. Mechanically Spidergeddon is similar to the Season 3 stuff, but since it wasn't in the kickstarter I don't consider it a part of season 3. It's kind of it's own thing.


Ohhhh ok gotcha


Doesn't Blue Team already have PvP? Or is Civil War introducing direct PvP rather than a race to beat the villain?


Civil war is going to have direct PvP


Whatever you want. It's your money.


I would really consider some homebrew printing as that lets you reuse minis you already have in different modes. The rogues gallery for example gives you sinister six mode with s2 villains.