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I sleeved all of my cards. You can make them fit into the boxes even with inserts in everything except the big KS Exclusive heroes/villains boxes, where sleeved cards may create some overflow depending on your packing ingenuity.


I sleeved all cards we use for playing. As we play this game a lot it's really worth to spend the money.


Out of curiosity, what sort of sleeves do you use? I know the size but as someone who doesn’t really use them normally, I’m not sure what makes a “good” sleeve.


Sleeves can get expensive, but if you have specific heroes you want to play, that's a great start. I sleeve all of mine in the clear Cardguard premium card sleeves. You get 100 in a pack for $7 to $10 ea, depending on what deals you find. Dragonshield clear matte sleeves are probably better for feel, but they are typically $12 per 100 which can add up. Either way, a clear sleeve really shows off the character cards and art.


Dragon shield. But I buy them in my shop, who has a loyalty system. So I get them cheaper. Otherwise it would break the bank.


Sleeve Kings are great and cheap in bulk on Amazon.


We sleeve our game and like to use Sleeve King . Painting the rim is a what we have always done for all our games, so we picked a dark grey color to paint them all. For painting, we just try out different colors! We like to match the card art as best we can. I also like to have a picture handy of the character when I’m painting. I’m happy to share what colors we used for any of the miniatures we have painted!


Thanks 🙏 might take you up on that in future!


1. I sleeve all my cards. I use Gamegenic non-matte sleeves. I've backed all KS so I wanna procure my investment as much as I can. 2. I go all black, but I do not paint the very bottom just for the reference of hero/anti/ villain. It also saves some paint 3. I use CMON's KS website as a reference, but I also use Google image if I need to. My current set up: [https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2990326/miniature-storage-finally-found-the-best-way-to-st](https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2990326/miniature-storage-finally-found-the-best-way-to-st)


Nice 👌 I’m jealous of both collections (DMD is also on my wishlist) and the magnet idea is genius!


I do my best to reduce the set up time. This game could take a long time to set up because of the amount of content. Good luck with your collection! :)


1. I sleeved mine with Sleeve King, very affordable and great quality. I used the non-premium version of their sleeves. Mash/Ruffle shuffling will damage cards without sleeves, sleeved cards are really simple to mash shuffle. 2. Base rim color is up to you. If players pick by looking at models then colored rims could make the choices easier, or you could organize them into Hero / Anti-Hero / Villain. Otherwise you could do similar things with dividers for the cards if people pick characters from them instead. To paint the rim most people hold the brush parallel up and down to the rim, like this: RIM ---> /\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\\ \\\\ <---- Brush Tip This is similar to 'Edge Highlighting', I'm sure you can find videos on youtube as examples for 'painting rim of miniature base'. Doing it this way ensures your brush's hairs won't slip over the edge to the top side of the base. Some 'don't bother' to do color and use black for a more cohesive look. All black rims keeps the focus on the miniatures. I'm sure someone out there in the world paints the underside of the base, but they are crazy... lol :) 3. Can't really help you with color selection, most of it can be done by eye and close enough will never be scrutinized. One exception is probably the X-Men blue and yellow which you can likely google search for colors people use. 'marvel united x-men blue and yellow paint colors to use', I often slap a 'reddit' into my searches (specially when i'm looking for people's opinions).


I don’t understand sleeving all of MU. You shuffle your deck once per game. I only sleeved our most used heroes - maybe a dozen or so. I have one BCW 3200 box for Season 1 and 2. It’s huge. They fit unsleeved. It would take two of those if I sleeved all of that. MU is very different from games like Dominion or Marvel Champioms - where sleeving is a must.




Is there an easy way of identifying which colour paint to use if patching the cards, like a resource I’ve missed, or is it just through practice?


I sleeve the heroes and villains that leave home in my travle box. The ones we only playbat home and don't see heavy play I don't think it's worth sleeving. As others said, the decks in MU are small and don't get shuffled a lot, so I use the cheapest Ultra Pro sleeves.


We only sleeve games that require constant shuffling (mainly deck bullders) and honestly use cheap penny sleeves from Amazon. For painting, we just find colors that match or mix colors. My OCD won't allow me to deviate from the art too much. We started painting the rims black as that's what we have always done. The color doesn't matter much in this game once the characters are painted. For other games where you have a set of minis and need to identify yours or other players, I'll use acrylic paint to get close to the original color.


Sleeve heroes in blue and villains in red.


I don’t think sleeves are necessary. Shuffles are rare and not heavy or likely to damage. It just makes storage more inefficient and you can’t protect any other components from spills


1) I personally don't sleeve the cards, only because I'm worried about storage for all the boxes with the sleeves on. 2) Putting masking/painters tape around the base is an easy way to do it, but you could also paint the entire thing and just leave the bottom of the base the original color. 3) TBH it's just a lot of eyeballing from the artwork to the mini. At the end of the day, paint it how you want though! If you think of a better color combination or highlight, do it!