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I'm so sad this is going to be the last season but I'm glad they're not going to try to milk the cash cow. Hopefully this will help shut everyone up who says we don't like strong female protags.


https://x.com/arcaneshow/status/1800545290241667414?t=l6rlYJWKkndJPRwbHzAwxQ From the show itself, this is just the last season focused on Vi/Jinx's story, but there will be more set in the universe


Yasuo and yone story please


Windshitters don't need more. Make a buddy-cop adventure with J4, Shyv, and Garen if they're going to insist, at least.


Makes me wonder how they're going to show stuff in places like Ionia or Targon without overwhelming the Arcane audience. They made Magic to be this mysterious thing that took 2 geniuses to make use of, whereas in the rest of the continent, it's basically the primary resource for most people. People using magic for daily mundane tasks like walking, kids being able to master it without issue, demons existing, the aspects, etc. Arcane has been so stingy with magic to ground their story.


Yone especially!


Noxian Swain orgin?


Woo hoo!


Was hoping this season would be different tale, but I'm not complaining. It's going to be a ride


The leauge universe is vast, so I think its good to not dwell too long on certain characters, and explore other parts of the world.


Bar Bar Jinx??


There is a chance too to make some live action series too. They have a live action department i think for riot ip i think?


Who wants that though? It can't ever look as good as this.


>Hopefully this will help shut everyone up who says we don't like strong female protags. Season one didn't. So idk why we should have that expectation for season two.


Nuh uh, hating any female character is a form of misogyny. /s


I do wonder if they plan to adapt other stories from LoL or if this was a one time deal.


Im hoping its just the last season for Jinx and co.  Im hoping my boy malzahar gets a show.......


I wish for an Arcane season dedicated to Veigar and his journey. In the current lore he was broken by Mordekaiser's enslavement so that could have some potential for dramatic story.


He is broken but not. Originally he was the only evil yordel and was a completely twisted thing. Actually messed up. Now he is the only Evil Yordel but he is only “evil” and fairly often if not all the time he is actually doing good things while being full 5th grader eeevil.


There’s so many other stories to tell in this universe. No way they are going to be able to wrap up the Noxus subplot this quickly, so we might get a Darius or Swain show


Better 2 good ones than many that gradually become worse and worse


> Hopefully this will help shut everyone up who says we don't like strong female protags. No it won't cause they're a bunch of circlejerkers and like to interpret stuff like this as examples of the "black friends argument", + the notion that TFuMers kinda pick their madonna-whores at random is also well known. Just work on not being circlejerkers yourselves and things should be fine lol


This is the first time in... what? Ten years? That I've been excited for a TV show. Also since Mel's mother says that the council is dead, that means GG Jayce?


Viktor is 100% alive, he has justification with the Hexcore and his arc isnt complete until he resembles his ingame version. The presumed injuries might even kickstart more extreme experimentation. Jayce is a tossup. The trailer does show Vis repaired gauntlet and Caits Hextech rifle, so unless there is another timeskip Jayce would have to be alive to make those. I think catching up with his tech would take a bit. Maybe he got lucky, maybe the fact that he was standing next to Viktor who is definitely alive matters. Or maybe they actually decide to kill a champion. That would be quite ballsy.


You are quite right, Jayce and Viktor would be the only ones able to construct Hextech weapons. I'm guessing Jayce is not dead but definitely in no conditions to fight so he helps how he can. My memory is fuzzy, was Viktor in the council room when they got asploded?


Yep, he was standing right next to Jayce. That might be how they explain how Jayce survives if he does, that whatever saved Viktor also saved Jayce. Or he simply had some Hextech shield device on him for safety, or they just got lucky with their location. Who knows, i will have faith in the writers for once that whatever the case it wont be that bad.


if they really killed mel i'm giving the writers massive props


I'm almost 100% Mel is toast (literally). I don't see her tanking a missile to the face and surviving. This ain't Ring of Power, yo.


I mean their is the fact that we both see Mel seeing the missile a few instants before impact and that we she the gold piece of perhaps armor glowing on her back.


Oooooh, good catch. Looks like its time for another Arcane rewatch!


We knew it's been coming for a while now, but seeing Warwick active and moving for the first time has me screaming. The Hunt. Is. *On!*


Was that Warwick we saw for a moment?


You mean vi and powders adoptive papy?


yeaah you can see him in the teaser too


It would be an extremely bold move of them to have killed Jayce and Mel for this season. I would respect the hell out of it though. I am very excited to see how Vi and Jinx react to Warwick, that’s gonna be some tasty drama right there.




Please don't fuck it up.


So did Mel go kaboom? Frfr? Cause I don’t see her in this trailer.


Well, she did tank a missile to the face...


Hyped. I watched Season 1 on a whim and with zero expectations. I was completely blown away. Doubt season 2 can live up to that but it looks decent at minimum!


Oh, they’re continuing with story from before instead of moving on to another set of champions, kinda hope they left Vi and jinx story hanging and bring in others.


Do we have a date?


Looks cool and opulent, except for the face animation which looks kinda crude.






Why is the audio so fucked?


Because you are listening to it on a toaster.


Weird, it sounds fine embedded here but like ass on the YouTube app. Guess it's a skill issue.




They said this season will concludethe story of Vi/Jinx and that they will explore other part of the lore after.




L opinion