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It’s because of her attitude and calling others out of their name.


I don't think it's about her body at all it's her as a person,shitty life decisions, neglect of her child, being a thief, scamming the list goes on and on. Ham Hawk just makes it easy to crack on her appearance due to the way she carries herself. If she was skinny with same lifestyle, personality ect...I would still talk about her ass and what a beast she is. She would just be a skinny low life trashcan instead of a chubby one. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 And hey if your super sensitive to this stuff, this sub is not for ya sis. ❤️🙏


This!!! 1000% this.


Typically I’d agree with you. But she is a bad person and so she’s fair game.


Plus, she tries to portray herself as a beautiful woman by using every filter out there.


98% of life is attitude. Looking at how she chooses to live hers as she publishes her hustling, scamming, thieving ways tells me all that I need to know about this dump of shit.


As a fellow big old bitch, I don't really mind the comments. I think they're hilarious. You think people don't make comments all the time about the pot calling the kettle black? That's society imo. I'm here for the lols, not to fix society.


Besides being mean, nasty and a bad mom... She's a catfish. That's why ppl discuss her body. She catfishes... What she looks like, her lifestyle.... She's all around horrible. Example... Her nails. Has nothing to do with body size. She portrays she's glamorous, but can't even use the correct nail size. A few days she'll be back to stubs (and I chew my fingernails... I know, gross). She's fake and a liar. ... Is it sinking yet?


She's plus sized and NASTY. Not a good combo. Same thing if she was skinny as hell and nasty, she'd still get body shamed.


Hey that was my comment! And yes she is a big ole bitch. Her whole persona, the way she treats people and lies, makes her one big bitch. There were so many times I sometimes wondered if we went too far with the jokes because I know Mandy sees them. But then she comes back talking shit. Piles of shit and lies. Instead of trying to prove anything to us, she needs to just go away. Stay off of social media.


I was also morbidly obese (currently losing for health reasons) and I don’t see that people are body shaming her, they’re just being real. Her extremities look swollen, she looks physically uncomfortable, her clothing does not fit. She can preach self love all she wants but I speak from experience when I say she’s eating herself into an early grave. The fact that she looks like a cross between Peter Griffin and Chris Farley is just reality. Her attitude makes her ugly and she’s a terrible person on so many levels.




Just sending you support on your journey. ❤️


Thanks love, I appreciate that. ❤️ I’m 80lbs down since August and feeling great. People knock GLP-1 drugs like Ozempic but it’s been a god send for me. I completely overhauled my diet and started moving more which lead to walking more and group fitness classes. Having my mobility back and not being out of breathe walking a block down the street is the best non-scale victory I could have hoped for.


Wow!!! You’re working hard! Great job. That’s fantastic. Heck yes!! Keep Up your hard work. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and soon you will look back and your starting point won’t be in the view at all. Seriously, from an internet stranger- you’re taking back your life and I’m proud of you.


Thank you for your kindness. I damn near cried reading that last comment, totally made my day. ❤️




Hard agree. If she wore clothes that fit and didn't filter all her photos to hell, she wouldn't get half the hate and ridicule.


People don’t shame her for her size. She is shamed for her disgusting attitude, disgusting behavior, and her entire fictional life. She shames others for their looks and this sub only calls her out for it. She shouldn’t throw rocks when she lives in a glass house, that our tax dollars pay for.


I mean, if she didn't eat such slop and think that her cooking makes her an influencer, I'd feel worse about commenting on her size


It seems like you are taking comments about manly on yourself and that is not what this sub is. If you take every mean thing said about plus size people personally you’re going to have a tough time on the internet. There are plenty of beautiful plus size people manly isn’t one of them


🤣🤣🤣🤣 not doing that AT ALL!!! I have lived long enough to know better.


I don’t like to comment on peoples weight and looks, I prefer to keep those comments to myself but I do hate though how Mandy has literally made several comments about Jessica’s looks and weight. She has shared videos before of other bbw saying that people don’t like them because of their weight, well if you feel that way then why are you doing it to someone else? It’s things like this that make her extremely unlikable. She just doesn’t get it


I’ve been plus size myself. She can be whatever size she wants. To me it’s more the fact she lies about her size. She photoshops herself. She photoshops her face. She’s not honest about anything. Then she acts like she’s “Money Bag Mandy” when she lives off the taxpayers and steals the rest. I’m over it.


they "can" be pretty. she COULD be pretty. but she isn't. She is shaped like a mucinex glob and her attitude and personality make me wanna drag her, not compliment her.


I’m not one to shame physical characteristics, regardless, what she has/does done is a choice. She literally had weight loss surgery, lost the weight, and then put it back on. She chooses the worst and most unhealthy food ever. She chooses to be inactive. She chooses her lifestyle. She chooses every facet of her life and they’re all terrible choices. So when you say people body shame and that’s not ok for people to do, for her, it is all a choice and maybe you shouldn’t snark on any of what she does bc her weight is no different than her slop plates. It’s all a choice.


When did she have weight loss surgery- I TOTALLY missed that.


Years ago. I’m sure someone has a better answer for you. Lol.


This is probably the most exciting development in my life this month and I’m *here for it*.


And gained it allllll back


😂😂 I feel honored to have delivered such a development.


I dont think people are shaming because of her body, I think it’s more so that she wears unflattering clothing. She wears things that obviously don’t fit


That too!


That is stolen…




Shes fishing for compliments with this post 😂


Ha!!!! Far from it...I don't need them.


Clearly. But YOU are beautiful and seem classy and know how to dress for your body type. Please don't compare yourself to this trash bag OR take offense to our shit talking on HER weight. Shes a low life cow and continues to put her daughter in danger. Again, don't compare yourself to this pos.


I make fun of her bad decisions, the lying, and her taste in men. I don’t judge someone on weight, but a person’s demeanor is fair game to me. I’d like to see Manly be a better person for the kid. We can’t choose our genetics, but we certainly can choose our spouse, and who is around our kid. We can also choose our dialect, and a child’s dialect. I don’t care if her kid becomes a trade show model or an investment banker, but give her the best chance at life with multiple opportunities. That should be her obligation to her child, and she should want better for that little girl than she has.


Seriously, that's what gets me the most. I don't understand how any parent looks around at their surroundings and situation and doesn't want better for their kids. I was an uneducated single mom with three kids, lived in a crappy trailer in a shit school district, and got no child support because the ex-husband was a bum. I looked around and figured education was the easiest way out for them. My kid who had two college degrees at 21 just told me that he was repeatedly told in college that it was weird he was there when he was the kid of a single mom. He said it in a way that was intended to make me feel proud, but it just broke my heart that it was surprising. I'm not trying to brag. I didn't do these things for myself when that would've made it a lot easier for my kids, but we have to acknowledge our shit and start somewhere to break these cycles. Also, getting them comfortable with therapy early helps. Parents can't solve everything, but there are tools we can give our kids to make things better. Her daughter deserves a brighter future, because all kids do. It should be that simple to parents, and I don't have sympathy when there's no effort.


I’m upvoting you because I can see why people Wouk’s downvote but I totally agree with you and have said this before.


As much as she tries to body shame other people and accuse other folks of being ugly (when tbh regardless of body size she’s not attractive at all) I don’t think it’s okay to stoop to her level.


Exactly!! She does that because of her own insecurities and unfortunately what she reads about herself online feeds that 🤷🏽‍♀️


Why tf are you being downvoted?!




Smdh. 😂


I agree with you op


First of all it’s, if you ask me, it’s not just bc people want to make fun of her body. It’s because she makes it so easy. She wears THE MOST unflattering clothes for her body and it’s easy to make fun of. She uses filters to make herself look prettier and skinnier than she is. And she posts two a days of her meals that are swimming in brown grease, cheese, bacon and sugar. So we can also infer than she’s just generally gross. She’s not a healthy big girl who has class and takes care of herself. It’s the overall presentation, not just the fact that she’s overweight.


Her meals are fuckin gross!!! I definitely agree. Everyone..EVERYONE appears to use filters (not me, but I'm old AF) so you can't fault her for that. There are people I work with and when I saw their social media I literally Saif, WTF because of their use of filters. Wearing unflattering clothes doesn't make it okay...let's be real, many people wear unflattering clothing, fat, skinny, midsized. Maybe it's the social worker in me or maybe it's the fat girl in me who always just wanted to fit in..who knows, but I stand on what I said. I would LOVE for her to have a whole ass makeover...mind, soul, body...thats not gonna happen.🤷🏽‍♀️ We all know she reads this sub, and the mean girl body shaming will do abso-fuckin-lutley nothing to get her to change any of her ratchet, ghetto, disgusting ways. If everyone wants her to do better, then focus on her actions, not her looks. I'm just saying..


I stand with you. The commenting on looks here is high school bullying. You got me at, the comments are feeding into her insecurities which provokes actions. It’s not a circus, it’s a life that includes a kid. Back off appearance comments.




We don't want her to change. We like laughing at the pig


It's not the fact that she uses filters,it's that she uses filters and LIES. She tries to make people believe that she really looks like that in real life. I'm a big girl,I never use filters, because I wanna be me even online. I'm secure in myself even though I'm big,Mandy lies her ass off to try and make people believe she really looks like her filtered self. That being said...you have a valid point. The thing is,she leaves herself open to body criticism because she lies about how she looks, and people are calling her out on it. She is hateful, and has threatened people,and has wished death upon peoples children. There are messages out there from her to someone else,saying she hopes their children gets AIDS and DIES. So, yeah people are going to go for her jugular, because she is a nasty,mean,lying bitch. Body shaming is not cool at all...but I think people do it to her because she is so awful and doesn't deserve any consideration when it comes to anything about her. I hope what I said made sense,and I hope I didn't sound disrespectful. What bothers me is the slut shaming on Kash. Yes, she's a sex worker. SEX WORK IS STILL WORK. And it's nobody's business what other women do with their bodies,or how they make their money.


With you on the Kash thing


Thank you 😊


You make complete sense..I respect your opinion.


I appreciate that, I respect yours as well 😌


I agree with other comments.. she does the same thing and criticizes other women’s bodies. I’m not one to ever attack women’s bodies as a cheap shot because I don’t like them. But I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again.. this POS faked a car wreck/miscarriage to start a gofundme and that’s why I would never feel bad snarking about anything about her. She is the lowest OF the low.


I'm a big girl myself,and I agree 💯 percent of what you just said.


There is nothing wrong with what you said, you will not a get a down vote from me, everyone is entitled to their own opinion; however, have you addressed Amanda for criticizing bigger women as well? Because despite her size, she has definitely called other women fat, ugly, bitches, slow, made threats to do physical harm, the list goes on.


She is obviously emotionally stunted. But no, I have not heard that and of i saw that i would address it (and im sure she would block me🤣). Again, I have to chalk that up to her own low self esteem. Let her call me that, and I would put her in her place real quick! But, it still doesn't make it ok here. For me, I see all the nasty ass comments about her weight and I'm like WTF...why is there a need to comment on her body...is everyone in this sub skinny...have the perfect body...no flaws??? Cause these comments are brutal!!!! Cankles, belly, chin, weight, fingers, toes, feet...( don't let me post my fred flintstones..) If she was "perfect" physically, she would still be a shit human being. THAT is the issue, not her body


I do agree that she's a trash human and trash mother aside from her looks and shape, and I don't do any of the body shaming, but she gets no passes for her trash behavior, threats toward Jessica, and calling others fat ugly bitches just because she may have low self-esteem or is potentially emotionally stunted. If she has low self-esteem, that should make her more empathetic to not call others fat and ugly, etc.  If she's mentally astute enough to constantly steal, always scam, and always come up with every fraudulent thing she can do to avoid working a legitimate job, then she is mentally astute enough to know better than to be using the n-word, threatening Jessica, trying to take Jessica's child, and calling Jessica and others fat and ugly. I get your point that it doesn't mean that people here need to do it too, I'm just saying that she gets no passes or justifications for her doing the same thing that caused people to start doing it back to her.


I respect your opinion and agree with a lot of it. I jist know thst when you are plus sized, and have a juvenile mindset, you throw unwarranted jabs at people who are just like you in an effort to make yourself feel better. Amanda is emotionally stunted clearly has some sort of disability, and has ultra low self esteem. It doesn't excuse her behavior, but she is operating on the level of a child.


I very much respect your opinion as well and I don't necessarily disagree with it. I just don't like excuses and justifications made for her. I know everyone here always says she's mentally disabled, and that may very well be, I just have a hard time reconciling that with the amount of brain-work she obviously has to put into all of her lying, stealing, and scamming. That requires a certain level of intellect to constantly fraud, which doesn't reconcile with my sensibilities that she's supposedly so dumb or stunted that the very behavior that is being chastised for here, is excusable for her because she's supposedly stunted. In a nutshell, if she's smart enough to constantly scam and steal, then she's smart enough to know better than to body shame others and call them names. I appreciate that you have been respectful during our dialog, thank you so much. 🙂


We are All entitled to our opinions and views. We don't have to agree, but just he respectful of others. Trust and believe, you can still have intellectual disabilities and have the capacity to scam. In my role working with children and family services for the last 20+ years, I have seen it ALL! She body shames because of her own insecurities about herself. Unfortunately, getting with someone who was on TV makes it sooooooooo much worse! I'm super curious to know how she was b4 Maurice. I know it's out there that she was still trash, but I wonder if the negativity towards others was of the same caliber. Nobody knew who you were until you got with him...Did that mini celebrity make you see yourself as better and cause you to demean others? Not to mention, she has a "bestie" who is thin, "pretty" and clearly has more then what she does...thats another self esteem stomper... 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ Thanks for your respectful convo..it can be rough in these Reddot streets🤣🤣 I appreciate you!




she literally called me fat and ugly.. so yeah , exactly!!!!


Exactly. I had you in mind when I was writing that. She's called you out of your name so many times, not to mention she's made several threats toward you as well. Has Maurice contacted you at all since this started? I hope so, to at least see his son while Amanda is out of the way for the time being. 


Nah. She filters herself into oblivion to look thinner and prettier, all the while being a lying, messy cunt who attacks the appearances of others all the damned time. All bets are off.


exactly!!!! she called ME fat and ugly lol


She definitely filters herself and lies out her ass, but it doesn't make the body shaming right. The whole Kardashian clan does the same dayum thing yet I guarantee you that some of these same people body shaming are worshipping their plastic asses.


she did that to her body. she spent a ton of surgery and STILL wont put in the work. Big backed bitch wants to be a big backed bitch. So I shall call it as I see it.




I made another comment on my thoughts. But honestly if you’re against body shaming, but all the other kinds of shaming are on the table.. I think this is more about you than it is about Mandy. I don’t think it’s fare to pass judgement bc people are body shaming but than participate when they shame her about where she lives or who she’s “married to” (amongst a plethora of other things we make fun of her for)


I agree ☝️. I’m not really trying to have a conversation about morals/ethics on a shaming snark page about a POS that has no morals or ethics, either. I also don’t go for low blows about bodies when it comes to people I don’t agree with in day to day life, but this is a snark page. The entire purpose is to shame someone who has done awful things A to Z and puts it on display, PROUDLY, for the entire world to see. Like someone else said, all bets are off.


This right here. Couldn't have said it better myself.


Are you really gonna compare her to the Kardashians? 🤣🤘